Chapter 161 Prosperous Seoul

After a while.

Fang Yu carried the little girl to the [Devil-Slaying Legion] station and walked in.

In order to accompany his little girl, he did not teleport directly, but walked all the way from the Hongmeng Temple to the Demon Slayer Legion's station.

at this time

All the soldiers of the Demon-Slaying Legion were in the square of the station, and their armors had been replaced by uniform uniforms.

Those regular clothes were custom-made by Fang Yu from her god-sister Qin Qingqing.

The color is grey-green.

Since Fang Yu's soldiers are all ancients, the uniforms he customized are ancient Hanfu. Each uniform has the same purple tree pattern on the right chest.

There are two small golden characters below the pattern - Kill the Demon.

The soldiers of the Demon-Slaying Corps lined up neatly.

In front of the team, there was a long table and chairs.

There was a stack of brand new hundred-dollar bills stacked on the table.

Guo Jia, also wearing regular clothes, sat on the chair behind the table, while Zhao Yun stood to the right of Guo Jia, holding a roster in his hand.

"Zhao Feng!"


"Come up and claim your bonus!"


A burly man trotted up to Guo Jia from the team.

Guo Jia handed Zhao Feng ten stacks of hundred-yuan bills and said with a smile: "Zhao Feng, this is your 100,000-yuan bonus. Take it!"

Zhao Feng stretched out his hands, solemnly took the bonus from Guo Jia, and respectfully thanked him: "Thank you, Military Advisor Guo!"

Guo Jia quickly said: "If you want to thank me, thank my lord. This is what my lord asked me to send!"

After a pause, he continued: "Zhao Feng, your performance this time is very good. I hope you will continue to work hard and not let my lord down!"

Zhao Feng said very seriously: "Commander Guo, don't worry, I will definitely not let you down!"

Guo Jia nodded with satisfaction, then waved his hand, "Return to the team!"


Zhao Feng bowed respectfully, hugged ten wads of hundred-yuan bills, and ran back to the team with a happy expression.

"Zhao Niu!"


When Zhao Feng returned to the team, Zhao Yun began to read the next name.

Everyone whose name was read out looked happy and ran to Guo Jia to receive their bonus.

Every time Guo Jia gave them bonuses, he would patiently tell them that Fang Yu asked him to give them the bonuses, and smile and encourage them.

When Fang Yu was mentioned, all the soldiers looked grateful and their eyes were full of reverence.

All the soldiers' attention was focused on the 100-yuan Hongmeng coin on the table in front of Guo Jia, and no one noticed Fang Yu approaching at all.

As for Zhao Yun and Guo Jia, they all had their backs to Fang Yu, not to mention.

A sharp-eyed soldier suddenly whispered: "The lord and the little princess are here."

Although the soldier's voice was soft, no one spoke, and everyone had cultivation skills.

So, they all heard it.

As soon as these words came out, all the soldiers looked away from the pile of money in front of Guo Jia, looking for Fang Yu.

Zhao Yun, Guo Jia and others also noticed the strangeness of the soldiers and turned around one after another.

Not far away, I saw a handsome young man walking towards here holding a little girl carved in pink and jade.

It was Fang Yu and Xiao Nannan.

When Fang Yu saw Guo Jia and the others coming to greet him, he quickly stopped him: "You are busy with your business, don't worry about us!"

Guo Jia and Zhao Yun, the top leaders of the Demon-Slaying Corps, bowed respectfully to Fang Yu: "Here!"

Seeing Guo Jia and the others continuing to distribute bonuses to the soldiers of the Demon-Slaying Legion, Fang Yu stood directly on the spot and did not come closer.

They would be nervous if he came any closer.

Because he is the master, and Guo Jia and others are ministers.

In front of him, Guo Jia and others paid great attention to appearance and etiquette.

Fang Yu knew that due to the difference in status, it was impossible for Zhao Yun and others to become his friends.

In the eyes of Zhao Yun and others, he is the lord, he is the king, and they are ministers. While they respect him, they also fear him.

Even if he was very kind, they couldn't be his friends.

The same is true in the real world. Even on Earth Star, everyone can become the Lord of Grotto-Heaven.

But there is also a gap between the Grotto-Heaven Lord.

Like the average Grotto-Heaven Lord, it's hard to be friends with a genius.

Except for Xiao Yan, who is familiar with him, other Grotto-Heaven masters will be in awe when they see him.

This is the strong, and the strong are often lonely.

Take Master Jiujie and Taoist Master Xuan Qingzi as an example. At the beginning, they might have regarded him as an equal friend.

But after he knocked Qin Wudao off the altar, their attitudes towards him changed and they were in awe of him.

There are not many people who really haven't changed. One is Ji Mengfei and the other is the quirky Li Ying'er.

In addition to them, there are five others, Xiao Yan, Mr. Li Xing, the unattractive Tan Jun, his god-sister Qin Qingqing and the big lolita Su Qingyin who always likes to tease him.

Of course, Tang Xiyue and her family do not count.

After Guo Jia paid out the bonus, he stood up and said loudly to all the soldiers: "My lord Rende, I will give you seven days' leave. You can all go back to visit your relatives!"

Hearing Guo Jia's words, all the soldiers looked happy and cheered in unison: "My lord is eternal, eternal!"

Fang Yu smiled and immediately used his mind to transfer all the cheering soldiers to Seoul.

Only Guo Jia and Zhao Yun were left.

Guo Jia and Zhao Yun looked at each other, walked up to Fang Yu, and saluted him respectfully.


Fang Yu waved his hand, "Zilong, Fengxiao, you don't have to salute me in private from now on. I don't like these red tapes!"

Guo Jia said: "Lord, do you have a way to connect Hongmeng Holy City and Seoul? Otherwise, you need to do it yourself every time, which is too troublesome!"

Fang Yu heard this, his eyes flashed, and he said with a smile: "Let's wait until we go to the High Level Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm in the future. The High Level Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm has a method to build a teleportation array."

"Although I can move a mountain to temporarily serve as a road, but doing so will destroy the environment here."

After hearing Fang Yu's words, Guo Jia said nothing more.

"Fengxiao, Zilong, are you going to Seoul?"

Fang Yu said with a smile: "If you want to go, I will send you there now. You haven't had a good rest during this period, so take advantage of this holiday to have a good rest for a few days."

"I will enter the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm in a while, and I will be very busy then."

Zhao Yun and Zhao Yun looked at each other and said in unison: "Then I'll bother you, Lord!"

Fang Yu immediately moved the two of them to the Seoul City Lord's Mansion.

"Nanny, how about my brother taking you shopping?"

After sending Guo Jia and Guo Jia away, Fang Yu looked at the little girl in his arms and said with a smile: "Whatever you like to eat, my brother will buy it for you."

The little girl's eyes lit up, "Okay!"

Fang Yu hugged the little girl and came to one of the cities in Seoul in an instant.

In order to prevent being recognized, Fang Yu directly used the power of Grotto-Heaven to cover him and his little girl.

In this case, when other people see them, they will only regard them as two common people.

The wide streets are bustling with traffic and bustling.

Many merchants have already settled in the rows of shops on both sides of the street.

It is worth mentioning that these shops are rented to ordinary people and they have to pay rent every year.

Fang Yu didn't care. He directly acted as the storekeeper and handed it over to Xun Yu and others.

"Selling sesame cakes, freshly baked sesame cakes!"

"Selling candied haws on a stick, sour and sweet candied haws on a stick!"

On the streets, various hawking sounds came and went.

The little girl pointed her little finger at an old man selling candied haws on a stick not far away, and said to Fang Yu: "Brother, I want to eat candied haws on a stick!"

As if he thought of something, he added: "Brother, I only want one string. Sister Xiyue said that eating too much sugar will cause tooth decay!"

Looking at the little girl with a confused look on her face, Fang Yu rubbed her little head and said, "If Nannan likes to eat, you can eat as much as you want. You won't get cavities!"

He did not tell Tang Xiyue the identity of the little girl.

So Tang Xiyue only regarded the little girl as an ordinary little girl.

Although Tang Xiyue loved her little girl very much, when she was taking care of her, for the sake of her health, she would not let her eat.

It's not that Tang Xiyue is reluctant to part with it, but that she is worried that the little girl will suffer from bad health.

After saying that, Fang Yu carried the little girl to the old man selling candied haws, and asked with a smile: "Old man, how do you sell candied haws?"

The old man grinned, revealing two rows of big yellow teeth: "Sir, one dollar per string!"

"How many strings do you have here in total? I want them all!"

"Seventy-eight strings in total."

Fang Yu directly took out a hundred-dollar bill and handed it to the old man, "Old man, there's no need to look for it. I'll just use the rest to buy you this haystack. What do you think?"

The old man waved his hands repeatedly, "Sir, the haystack is worthless, I'll give it to you for free."

Fang Yu interrupted the old man, "Old man, it's settled!"

After saying that, he reached out and took the haystack from the old man's hand and left directly.

He printed the Hongmeng coins, which were just a pile of waste paper, and he didn't take them seriously at all.

However, Fang Yu was still very happy to see the people in his Grotto-Heaven being so honest.

After walking far away, Fang Yu took off two bunches of candied haws and handed them to the little girl, "Nanny, here they are!"

The little girl smiled sweetly, "Thank you, brother!"

Then he handed one of the bunches of candied haws to Fang Yu, "Brother, you eat it too!"

Fang Yu said with a smile: "My brother can't spare any money, so I can feed him one, okay?"

After hearing this, the little girl handed the candied haws to Fang Yu's mouth. Fang Yu opened his mouth and ate one.

Seeing this, the little girl also started eating with relish.

Next, Fang Yu walked around Seoul holding her little girl in her arms.

No matter what the little girl wants to eat, he buys it for her, spreading his silvery laughter along the way.

Before I knew it, an hour passed.

In this hour, Fang Yu took her little girl to visit the entire Seoul.

The aura of heaven and earth in Seoul has turned into mist, making it look like a fairy city.

Seoul is very lively, with people living and working in peace and contentment, and innocent children playing and laughing.

Sizuofang City is bustling with traffic.

There are many people in the epic-quality [Grain Reincarnation House] occupying the pit for cultivation.

During this period, Fang Yu also met Xun Yu and others who were visiting privately incognito, but unfortunately they did not recognize him at all.

Fang Yu didn't greet them either.

Looking at the prosperous Seoul, Fang Yu nodded with satisfaction.

Xun Yu is worthy of being called "the talented king". He handed over the management of Seoul to him without any entrustment.

Thanks to book friend [140318000805839] for your monthly ticket.

Thanks to [Chaos Star] for your monthly vote.

Thank you for your monthly vote [Since ancient times, pig’s feet have always been stupid].

Thank you [chiman] for your monthly vote.

Thanks for the big monthly ticket [Piao Xiang Feng Liu 4].

Thanks to [Northeast Specialty Dawei Squid Grilled Cold Noodles] for your monthly ticket.

Thanks to book friend [20181215003336314] for your monthly vote.

Thanks to [The Unsatisfied Star] for your monthly vote.

(End of chapter)

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