Grotto-Heaven For All: I Created The Supreme Immortal Domain

Chapter 171 Entering The Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm Again

Chapter 171 Entering the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm Again

outside world.

A beautiful middle-aged woman wearing a long white dress with her hair in a bun, still charming, tall, elegant, and somewhat similar in appearance to Tang Xiyue walked into Fang Yu holding two little girls carved in pink and jade. villa.

The two little girls were holding colorful lollipops in their left hands and licking them.

These three people were Tang Xiyue's mother Li Yuening, her cousin Tang Lingyun, and their little girl.

Just when they entered the living room, they saw Fang Yu and Tang Xiyue suddenly appear.

Seeing Fang Yu, Xiaonan and Tang Lingyun's eyes lit up, they broke free from Li Yuening's hand, and ran towards Fang Yu on their short legs: "Brother, brother-in-law!"

Fang Yu let go of Tang Xiyue's hand, bent down to pick up the two little ones, and then sat on the sofa.

Tang Xiyue helped Tang's mother pour a cup of tea.

"Nanny, did you have fun today?"

Fang Yu looked at the little girl sitting on his left lap and said softly.

The little girl smiled sweetly: "Happy!"

"Brother, my aunt took my sister Lingyun and me to the mall to buy clothes today. We also went to the amusement park and the zoo. There are many big tigers in the zoo."

Seeing the sweet smile on the little girl's face, Fang Yu raised the corner of her mouth slightly.

At this moment, Tang Lingyun, who was sitting on his right leg, pouted her lips and said quickly: "Brother-in-law, what about me? What about me?"

Seeing that Tang Lingyun was jealous at such a young age, Fang Yu laughed dumbly and asked softly: "Lingyun, did you have fun today?"

Tang Lingyun narrowed her eyes slightly and said in a sweet voice: "I'm happy, my eldest aunt took my sister Nannan and I to the mall to buy things today. Not only did we go to the amusement park and the zoo, but we also went to eat fried chicken."

After a pause, he then said: "Brother-in-law, do you know? Sister Nannan is so powerful. Those big tigers are so afraid of sister Nannan that they don't even dare to yell at sister Nannan!"

Seeing Tang Lingyun telling the story vividly, Fang Yu smiled.

The senses of animals are very sensitive. He knew that those animals must have sensed something to be afraid of the little girl.

You must know that the little girl is the Dao Fruit of the ruthless Great Emperor. Even the "Supreme Dog" Black Sovereign dare not yell at her.

After dinner, Tang Xiyue's mother left, but Tang Lingyun stayed.

Fang Yu also likes Tang Xiyue, his quirky little cousin.

Besides, she and the little girl were about the same age, and he was originally worried that the little girl couldn't make friends of the same age.

It was just right for Tang Lingyun to accompany her.

After the two little girls were tired from playing, they went back to their room to sleep.

Fang Yu and Tang Xiyue were sitting in the living room chatting.

Tang Xiyue, who was lying in Fang Yu's arms, broke through and asked: "Xiao Yu'er, when do you plan to go to Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm?"

Fang Yu said softly: "Tomorrow, I am going to find the Treasure Weapon blueprints this time and make a set of Treasure Weapons for the two of us to prepare for the catastrophe!"

Tang Xiyue's beautiful eyes flashed, and she said seriously: "Xiao Yu'er, I won't go with you this time. I want to stay and sell you the 'Life Spirit Liquid'."

Although she wanted to go treasure hunting with Fang Yu, she couldn't bear to be separated from him.

However, you need to stay in Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm for at least seven days before you can come out.

In seven days, seven tons of life essence liquid were sold less. Now the life essence liquid is Fifth Grade, and one drop is sold for 1,000 pieces.

Seven tons means 700 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones.

Moreover, Fang Yu gave her a batch of Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure a few days ago, all of which are of legendary quality.

She also has two legendary quality Spirit Well type Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasures.

One is for healing the [Taiyin Holy Spring], and the other is for improving the qualifications [The Spiritual Spring of Creation].

Like [Sacred Spring of Life], they can gather a ton every day.

She planned to put the two spiritual liquids on the shelves together after Fang Yu left.

Fang Yu needs too many Grotto-Heaven sacred stones to upgrade Grotto-Heaven, and she wants him.

Fang Yu nodded slightly: "Okay!"

He knew that Tang Xiyue wanted to help him, but he did not refuse.

As for Tang Xiyue's safety, he has no worries.

Because with Tang Xiyue's current cultivation level, he can easily kill Core Formation realm.

Even if others knew that he had entered the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm, if they wanted to take the opportunity to deal with Tang Xiyue, they would still send treasures to his door.

Fang Yu said softly: "Xiyue, let's go to bed early?"

Tang Xiyue blushed and said softly: "It's up to you tonight!"

Fang Yu directly picked up Tang Xiyue and walked to the bedroom.

Perhaps because he knew that he would be separated from his lover for a short time tomorrow, Tang Xiyue was very crazy and proactive tonight.

After sparring with Fang Yu for several hours, he finally fell asleep.

Early next morning.

Fang Yu was woken up by his biological clock. He turned to look at Tang Xiyue, who was still sleeping soundly. He climbed up carefully and walked into the bathroom.

After washing up, he changed into a set of blue robes that Tang Xiyue carefully prepared for him and walked out of the bedroom.

Coming to the kitchen, Fang Yu started to get busy.

Half an hour later, he walked out of the kitchen carrying a large pot of lean meat porridge.

"elder brother."


As soon as Fang Yu walked out of the kitchen, he saw his little girl and Tang Lingyun walking towards him hand in hand.

"Nanny, Lingyun, go tell your sister Xiyue to wake up for breakfast!"

Seeing the big eyes of the two little girls staring directly at the fragrant cauldron in his hand, Fang Yu suddenly felt dumbfounded. They were really two foodies.


The two little ones reluctantly looked away from the big pot in Fang Yu's hand, turned around and ran towards Fang Yu's bedroom.

Fang Yu shook his head and walked into the restaurant carrying a big pot.

After a while, Tang Xiyue, wearing a pink nightgown, walked into the restaurant with her two little girls and Tang Lingyun.

Seeing that Tang Xiyue had already combed the hair of the little girl and Tang Lingyun, Fang Yu smiled knowingly, immediately opened the lid of the pot and served porridge to the three beauties, one large, two small and three young.

After eating breakfast, Fang Yu said to Tang Xiyue: "Xiyue, can I take the little girl with me this time?"

The little girl has a special identity, so he keeps her here. He is worried that her identity will be exposed unintentionally, which will bring trouble to Tang Xiyue.

Tang Xiyue smiled and nodded: "Okay!"

She knew that the little girl liked to stick to Fang Yu. If she didn't see Fang Yu for a few days, the little girl would definitely be sad.

"Nanny, my brother is leaving for a few days. Do you want to go with him or stay with your sister Xiyue?"

Fang Yu looked at the little girl and asked with a smile, if she wanted to stay at home, he would respect her opinion.

Little Nannan's big eyes glanced back and forth at Fang Yu and Tang Xiyue, and finally looked at Fang Yu, and said with a sweet smile: "Brother, Nannan will leave with you."

Tang Lingyun, who was sitting next to her little girl, said quickly: "Brother-in-law, I want to go with you too."

Tang Xiyue glared at her, "No nonsense, your brother-in-law is doing business, how can he have time to take care of you!"

Tang Lingyun pursed her lips and suddenly became unhappy, "Sister, you are so mean to me, why can my sister Nannan go with her brother-in-law, but Lingyun can't?"

Looking at Tang Lingyun who was about to cry, Fang Yu shook his head helplessly, looked at Tang Xiyue, and said with a smile: "Xiyue, let Lingyun go to my Grotto-Heaven to accompany her. There are no children in Grotto-Heaven to accompany her, she is quite lonely. of."

Tang Xiyue thought for a while, nodded slightly, then turned to look at Tang Lingyun, and warned: "It's okay to let you go, but you are not allowed to cause trouble to your brother-in-law, you know?"

Tang Lingyun's little head nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "Sister, don't worry, Lingyun will listen to my brother-in-law and promise not to cause any trouble to him!"

Fang Yu immediately took Xiao Nannan and Tang Lingyun into Grotto-Heaven, and sealed off the area of ​​the three sacred springs.

He was worried that Tang Lingyun, that clever little ghost, might accidentally eat the three sacred springs.

The lowest level of the three sacred springs is Fourth Grade. Tang Lingyun has just started practicing, so it is not something she can bear.

Fang Yu looked at Tang Xiyue and said softly: "Xiyue, I'm leaving!"

Tang Xiyue nodded slightly and whispered: "Xiao Yu'er, please pay attention to your own safety, I will wait for you to go back!"

She already knew that Fang Yu only planned to enter the three-star level Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm this time, so she was not too worried about his safety.

Because she knew that with Fang Yu's current cultivation level, he could already sweep the three-star Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm.

Fang Yu stood up and walked to Tang Xiyue, held her head in both hands, leaned over and kissed her red lips.

After a while, Fang Yu let go of Tang Xiyue and whispered in her ear: "Xiyue, wait for me to come back!"

After saying that, Fang Yu turned and left.

Tang Xiyue looked at Fang Yu's back with eyes full of reluctance, "Xiao Yu'er, I'm waiting for you to come back!"

More than an hour later.

Fang Yu drove to a huge valley west of Riverside City.

As soon as he got out of the car, he saw two people walking towards him.

The visitors were none other than Xiao Yan and Tan Jun.

"Brother Yu."

After Fang Yu put the maglev sports car into the Grotto-Heaven, he turned around and looked at Xiao Yan and Xiao Yan, smiling: "Xiao Yan, Xiao Jun."

Fang Yu looked at Tan Jun and asked with a smile: "Xiaojun, are you going too?"

Xiao Yan was going to the Samsung Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm. She had already told him the day before yesterday.

It is worth mentioning that both Xiao Yan and Tan Jun bought a large amount of Fifth Grade "Life Spirit Liquid" from Tang Xiyue, and they have now broken through to the Qi Condensation Realm.

Xiao Yan is now Qi Condensation Realm Fifth Layer, and Tan Jun is Qi Condensation Realm Fourth Layer.

The reason why the two of them obtained so many Grotto-Heaven sacred stones was because they were helping him and Tang Xiyue sell life liquid.

I have to say that Xiao Yan has a very good character.

When Tang Xiyue found him for cooperation, he immediately thought of Tan Jun and pulled him to make a fortune together.

Tan Jun smiled and replied: "My grandfather asked me and you to enter the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm to experience it."

After a pause, he said again: "Brother Yu, are you going to join us this time, or are you going to hunt for treasure separately?"

Fang Yu smiled and said: "Let's separate. We both have helicopters. The target is very big. It is easy to find each other."

Xiao Yan and the two nodded.

"let's go!"

Fang Yu nodded to the two of them, and the three of them walked side by side toward the depths of the valley.

This Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm just appeared three days ago.

After the Grotto-Heaven Office found out that this was only a three-star Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm, it was opened to the public today.

The three-star Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm, without the cultivation of Qi Condensation Realm, would not dare to enter.

In the past, there were less than fifty Qi Condensation Realms in Riverside City.

But since Tang Xiyue helped him sell the "Life Spirit Liquid", the number of Qi Condensation Realms in Riverside City has increased sharply, and there are already more than 500.

The new Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm is here, and Riverside City’s Qi Condensation Realm is basically here.

There are even some people who come from other places.

However, they have now entered the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm.

Fang Yu and the other three soon arrived deep in the valley.

There was a silver light door not far from them.

There are two burly soldiers guarding the light gate.

Fang Yu looked at one of the strong men and greeted with a smile: "Brother Wu, you are here!"

This strong man is none other than Wu Anguo from the Weird Five.

Wu Anguo greeted Fang Yu enthusiastically, "Brother Fang Yu."

The two chatted for a while, and Fang Yu learned from Wu Anguo that his sister had personally led people into the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm to hunt for treasure. After saying goodbye to Wu Anguo, he stepped into the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm.

(End of chapter)

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