Grotto-Heaven For All: I Created The Supreme Immortal Domain

Chapter 172 The Double Dragon World Of The Tang Dynasty?

Chapter 172 The Double Dragon World of the Tang Dynasty?

Fang Yu only felt dazed for a while.

The next moment, he was standing in a strange place.

"The first time I entered the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm, I was teleported directly into the forest. I didn't expect that I was still teleported into the forest the second time."

Fang Yu took a rough look at the unfamiliar environment around him, raised his eyebrows, and murmured softly: "It seems that the forest is destined to me!"

He found himself standing in a forest.

The surrounding ancient trees are towering, the trees are lush and the leaves are green and green.

The sun shines through the leaves, leaving many mottled light and shadows on the ground.

Fang Yu raised his head and glanced at the sky.

as expected.

Same as the first Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm.

The sky is filled with many holes of different sizes, and there is a crack connecting each hole.

It seems as if the sky of this Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm will shatter in the next moment.

Fang Yu withdrew his gaze from the sky and immediately used his mental power to investigate.

The most important thing now is to routinely understand the situation in the world of Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm.

Only by first understanding the world of Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm can we plan further.

He now has the "Spirit-Inducing Bottle", and his god-sister Qin Qingqing also told him the conditions for the birth of Dragon Vein.

A dragon vein has been born in the three-star Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm.

He already looks down on Spirit Vein a little bit now.

After a while.

Fang Yu withdrew his mental power and looked a little strange.

Because he found that in the southeast, about 15,000 meters away from him, two beautiful girls were fighting.

It's worth mentioning.

His current cultivation level is Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer, but his mental power is comparable to the Core Formation Realm Great Completion, and even the Infant Formation Realm Realm, and he can explore one hundred thousand meters.

One hundred thousand meters, that is to say, he can explore a radius of one hundred kilometers.

Fang Yu just discovered that there is a tall and towering city in the southwest, about fifty kilometers away from him.

That city was heavily guarded.

After thinking about it, Fang Yu flew towards the southeast direction of the two fighting women.

These two women are the people closest to him. He plans to learn about the situation in the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm world from these two women before making further plans.

Fang Yu's speed was as fast as lightning, like a streak of blue lightning, piercing the sky and flying away.

Leaving afterimages in the sky.

In less than five minutes, he flew more than 10,000 meters.

At this time, he was standing on the top of an ancient tree more than ten meters high.

There were two women fighting about a few dozen meters directly in front of him.

The two girls are similar in age and both look to be about sixteen years old.

One of the women was wearing a yellow dress.

The girl in yellow clothes has bare feet and wears two anklets. Each anklet has a small golden bell hanging on it. Her temperament is somewhat similar to that of Ji Mengfei.

The other woman was wearing a long white dress with a white veil on her face. Her temperament was cold and ethereal, like a fairy who did not eat the fireworks of the world.

One demon and one immortal.

Fang Yu could see through the two girls' cultivation at a glance that they were both Qi Gathering Realm Ninth Layer.

"It is worthy of being a three-star Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm, with Qi Gathering Realm Ninth Layer cultivation at such a young age."

Fang Yu sighed secretly.

He showed up in no hurry and became a crowd-pleaser.

At this time, the two girls were fighting inseparably.

The weapon used by the girl in yellow is two double-edged weapons, while the girl in white uses a long sword.

The girl in yellow's double-edged skills are superb, while the girl in white's sword skills are ethereal and hazy.

Although the girl in yellow's spiritual power is evil, the girl in white's spiritual power is powerful and righteous.

But Fang Yu could tell at a glance that their moves had some similarities, and they seemed to come from the same family.


After the two girls exchanged more than ten moves, they suddenly struck a palm, their bodies shook, and they all flew backwards.

"Girls, excuse me."

Seeing the two women separated, Fang Yu immediately spoke out.

As soon as he finished speaking, the two girls looked at Fang Yu with shock in their eyes.

The girl in yellow's beautiful eyes flashed, a bright smile appeared on her pretty face, and she asked with a smile: "May I ask the young master what your surname is?"

The voice is charming and enchanting, very beautiful.

Fang Yu stood on the top of the tree with his hands behind his hands. He was wearing a long green gown, and his temperament was as ethereal as a fairy: "Fang Yu, do you dare to ask the girl her name?"

The girl in yellow's beautiful eyes flashed and she smiled charmingly at Fang Yu, "It turns out to be Mr. Fang Yu, from the slave family Wanwan."


Fang Yu's eyes flashed, could this Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm be transformed into the Double Dragon World of the Tang Dynasty?

He remembered that in [The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty], the descendant of the Yin Kui Sect was named Wanwan.

According to the description in the book, Wanwan’s appearance is stunning, and she mainly likes to walk barefoot.

The girl in yellow clothes named Wanwan in front of him was also barefoot. The first thing he thought of was that this three-star level Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm was the world of [The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty].

Yes or no, just ask and you will know.

Fang Yu asked with a smile: "Miss Wanwan, may I ask what realm this place belongs to and which dynasty it belongs to?"

A trace of surprise flashed through Wanwan's beautiful eyes, with a charming smile on her face. She winked playfully at Fang Yu: "Master Fang Yu, you stand too high. I'm not used to talking to you like this!"

"Whatever you want to know, you can come down and have in-depth discussions with the slave family. As long as the slave family knows, you can tell you!"

Looking at the charming Wanwan, Fang Yu looked calm as usual.

Although Wanwan is charming and charming, but she is used to seeing Tang Xiyue and other women's looks in their prime, and her heart is still intact.

Among the people he knew, there were several women whose appearance was similar to that of Wanwan.

Tang Xiyue, Ji Mengfei, Qin Qingqing, Cai Yan and Ren Hongchang.

The tip of his toes touched the leaves under his feet, and he flew towards Wanwan, his clothes and sleeves flying, like an immortal descending into the world, and he landed steadily in front of Wanwan.

When the girl in white not far away saw this, her pupils suddenly shrank, and a trace of fear flashed in her eyes.

She knew very well that if Fang Yu wanted to help that little demon girl Wanwan, she would be doomed.

Wanwan's beautiful eyes glanced at Fang Yu, and asked with a smile: "Master Fang Yu, you must be the legendary Lord of the World, right?"

Fang Yu raised his eyebrows, "Oh! Why is Miss Wanwan so sure?"

From Wanwan's words, he could tell that she had never met the Lord of Grotto-Heaven.

But her tone was very certain, and he wanted to know why she was so sure that he was the Lord of Grotto-Heaven.

Wanwan smiled charmingly, "Master Fang Yu looks about the same age as the Nu family, but his cultivation level is unfathomable!"

Having said this, Wanwan stretched out her hand to pluck a few strands of black hair from her bangs, and continued: "Among the younger generation of our Sui Dynasty, the Nu family consider themselves quite talented!"

"Young Master is young, but your cultivation is so unfathomable. If you were from our Sui Dynasty, you would have already become famous all over the world!"

After a pause, he added: "Moreover, the young master just asked the slave family what the boundary is here. Obviously, the young master is not from our Sui Dynasty!"

"Young Master knows nothing about our world, he must be the legendary Lord of the World."

Hearing Wanwan's words, Fang Yu took a deep look at her.

From Wanwan's words, and the name of the city he had just used his mental power to detect, he had already determined that this Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm world should be the Double Dragon World of the Tang Dynasty.

He just found out that the city dozens of miles away from him was called Yangzhou City.

Thinking that this is the Double Dragon World of the Tang Dynasty, Fang Yu's mind became active, and he tried to recall the information about the Double Dragon World of the Tang Dynasty.

Wanwan mentioned the Great Sui Dynasty, which means that the Sui Dynasty has not been destroyed yet.

He remembered that in the world of Legend of Double Dragons of the Tang Dynasty, the most valuable books were the "Longevity Technique", "Heavenly Demon Strategy", "Cihang Sword Codex" and "Illustrated Book of the God of War".

"Longevity Technique" is in Yangzhou City. As long as he finds the protagonist of this world, he can easily get it.

"Heavenly Demon Strategy" is the supreme skill of the Demon Sect, and the "Heavenly Demon Dafa" of the Yinkui Sect is part of the "Heavenly Demon Strategy".

If he guessed correctly, the white girl with a white veil and a cold temperament not far away should be the successor of Cihang Jingzhai, Shi Fei Xuan.

As for the "Illustration of the God of War", it is in the Temple of War, but it is said that the Temple of War is in a different space and moves, making it difficult to find.

Many thoughts flashed through Fang Yu in an instant.

He asked with a smile: "Yes! I am exactly what you call the Lord of the World."

Wanwan had already guessed his identity, so there was no need for him to hide it.

After a pause, he asked with a smile: "Is Miss Wanwan the disciple of the Yin Queen Zhu Yuyan?"

The reason why he asked this question was to confirm that the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm he was in was the World of Legend of Double Dragons of the Tang Dynasty.

A trace of surprise flashed through Wanwan's beautiful eyes, and she asked curiously: "Master Fang Yu, do you actually know the name of your master?"

Has the master's name spread to the world of the Lord of the World?

Fang Yu fixed his gaze and replied with a smile: "That's right! Your master is famous in my world!"

Fang Yu added in his heart: It's just the world where I lived in my previous life.

He has determined that the world he is in now is the world of Double Dragons of the Tang Dynasty.

Wanwan stared at Fang Yu's eyes intently. Eyes are the windows to the soul. She felt that Fang Yu was not lying.

Wanwan was very happy in her heart, hehe, she didn't expect that the master was so famous, and her reputation would spread to the world where the Lord of the World is!

(End of chapter)

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