Grotto-Heaven For All: I Created The Supreme Immortal Domain

Chapter 177 \"Longevity Technique\" Comes To Your Doorstep

Chapter 177 "Longevity Technique" comes to your doorstep

Fang Yu calmed down and continued to listen to the gossip.

After a while.

Fang Yu once again heard a piece of news that was useful to him.

That is, last night, Yu Wenhuaji led his troops to surround the Shilong Dojo outside Yangzhou City.

If he remembers correctly, The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty revolves around the "Longevity Technique".

From this news, there are also many officers and soldiers in front of Yangzhou City Gate who are very strict in checking pedestrians and business travelers entering and leaving the city.

Fang Yu speculates that the plot of "The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty" has just begun.

In the original work, Shi Long obtained the "Longevity Technique". After Yang Guang found out about it, he sent Yu Wenhuaji to snatch it.

After Shilong escaped from Yu Wenhuaji's hands, he hid with his friend Tian Wen.

Unexpectedly, Tian Wenbao had evil intentions, killed Shi Long, and took "Longevity Technique" as his own.

Before Tian Wen could cover up the heat, "Longevity Technique" was stolen by Kou Zhong.

If the plot doesn't change.

Fang Yu is sure that "Longevity Technique" is either in Tian Wen's hands or in Kou Zhong's hands now.

Fang Yu couldn't help but sigh when he thought that Shi Long escaped from death and died in the hands of his most trusted friend Tian Wen.

The human heart is indeed the most unpredictable. For a secret book, Tian Wen did not hesitate to kill even his best friends!

Although this is Kyushu Continent, the characters in martial arts novels and even animations from previous lives can be found in Kyushu Continent.

The plot of The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty can only be used as a reference, not as a basis.

But Fang Yu is still ready to try his luck.

The message sent to him by Primordial Tree last time mentioned that things of luck and people of luck contain more power of the world than ordinary items and ordinary people.

Longevity Technique is a luck treasure.

Therefore, as long as "Longevity Technique" is still in Yangzhou City, he is bound to do it.

Moreover, it is said that "Longevity Technique" was written by Guangchengzi, the teacher of Emperor Xuanyuan in ancient times.

This legend may not be true.

But he was sure that "Longevity Technique" must surpass Fifth Grade's skills.

Fang Yu even felt that this Kyushu Continent was not as simple as the three-star Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm as the Grotto-Heaven Office said.

Fang Yu is not surprised that Grotto-Heaven can also make mistakes.

After all, this Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm has just appeared in the world for three days. In such a short period of time, it is reasonable for Grotto-Heaven to make mistakes.

At this time, several waiters came over with sumptuous meals, interrupting Fang Yu's thoughts.

After several waiters had put the food and drinks on the table, Fang Yu took out an ingot of gold and handed it to the leading waiter, and said calmly: "Is this ingot of gold enough to pay for the meal?"

The waiter said respectfully: "This young master doesn't need that much!"

Fang Yu said calmly: "Consider the rest as a tip for you, come on down!"

The waiter smiled brightly and said with a flattering face: "Thank you, Master!"

"Master, please use it slowly. I won't disturb your meal. I'll be on the side. If you need anything else, just tell me!"

After saying that, several waiters turned and left.

As soon as the waiter left, Fang Yu released his mental power to explore Yangzhou City.

He was going to search for the whereabouts of Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling to see if [Longevity Technique] was in their hands.


"It seems that I am lucky, "Longevity Technique" was delivered to my door!"

Suddenly discovering something, Fang Yu raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his mouth slightly upwards to outline an imperceptible smile.

Because he found two teenagers with arms around each other on the street outside the restaurant where he was.

The two young men were dressed simply, but they were both handsome and handsome.

One seems cynical on the surface, while the other is mature and stable.

He discovered that the cynical-looking young man had a piece of golden soft armor hidden close to his body.

The golden soft armor was engraved with dense text, as well as many annotations and seven human figures.

Those words were oracle bones because he had seen the shapes of oracle bones.

From the names the two teenagers called each other, he knew that they were the two main protagonists in The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty, Gao Zhong and Xu Ziling.

He was vaguely sure that the golden silk armor in Koo Zhong's arms was engraved with [Longevity Technique].

Just when Fang Yu used his spiritual power to look at Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling.

On the broad street outside the restaurant.

Kou Zhong glanced left and right, and whispered to Xu Ziling beside him: "Master Ling, there are so many fat sheep in Yangzhou City these days. We'd better find someone who is older, dressed in gorgeous clothes, alone, and full of worries." , even if it’s an old fool who doesn’t know who lost his wallet, he’ll do it!”

Xu Ziling rolled his eyes at Kou Zhong and said angrily: "Young Master Zhong, how could you not be a bastard who said you wanted to attack the old man? Later, when you saw the man who lost the money crying, you pretended to have found the money bag and returned it. This makes me get beaten up by that bastard, Boss Yan, every time I follow you!"

After a pause, he added: "You said the same thing just now, but you stole a piece of useless gold silk armor!"

Kou Zhong retorted: "Master Ling, you are still talking about me. I only want to return half to those old men every time. It is you, the bastard, who insists that I return the whole amount intact. Now you put all the blame on me." !”

Having said this, he grinned, showing two rows of neat white teeth: "Hey! But we Shuanglong Thieves also have their own ways, this is the real good man!"

Although the two of them complained about each other, they had a good relationship and neither really blamed the other.

After a pause, Kou Zhong patted the golden soft armor hidden close to his chest and said with determination: "Young Master Ling, you are wrong this time. I feel that this golden soft armor is a treasure. We Now we go to the pawn shop, and we’ll have a big meal at this [Shiweitian] restaurant later!”

At this moment, a vague voice came into the ears of the two of them: "You two come into the [Shiweitian] restaurant, and I'll treat you to a meal!"

Kou Zhong looked shocked, turned to look at Xu Ziling, swallowed subconsciously, and asked in a low voice: "Master Ling, did you hear me?"

Xu Ziling also looked shocked and nodded affirmatively.

The two immediately communicated with their eyes.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them reached a consensus.

That is, go in for an appointment.

Although they are not cultivators, they have heard many stories about cultivators.

They have heard that advanced practitioners can fly into the sky and transmit sounds into secrets.

If the other party can transmit the voice to them in the restaurant, he must be an advanced practitioner.


Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling followed the prompts in their minds and came to Fang Yu.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were shocked to see Fang Yu so young.

They didn't expect that the mysterious person who transmitted the message to them was so young.

Kou Zhong cupped his fists and asked, "Brother, were you the one who transmitted the message to us just now?"

Fang Yu nodded slightly: "Not bad!"

After a pause, he smiled and said: "You two, sit down, I'll treat you to dinner!"

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling looked at each other and sat down opposite Fang Yu.

The two of them looked at the steaming and fragrant food on the table in front of them and swallowed subconsciously.

"Brother, what do you want from me and Master Ling?"

Kou Zhong reluctantly moved his eyes away from the fragrant food, looked at Fang Yu sitting opposite, and asked with a smile.

Although he wanted to eat.

But if you show courtesy for nothing, you are either committing adultery or stealing.

He had to ask clearly before he dared to eat.

Fang Yu looked at Kou Zhong and directly stated his purpose: "I need the gold soft armor you hide in your arms. Please give me a price!"

Kou Zhong was shocked. He didn't expect that Fang Yu could find the gold silk soft price hidden in his arms.

He can actually see through it!

Could he be one of those old monsters with good looks mentioned by the storyteller?

"Brother, one thousand, one hundred taels of gold, do you think it's okay?"

Kou Zhong originally wanted to offer one thousand taels of gold, but he thought it was too high and immediately changed his offer.

He did not deny it, because since Fang Yu knew that the thing he hid in his arms was gold silk armor, there was no use denying it.

He was going to sell it, and he would sell it to anyone.

Fang Yu's cultivation was unfathomable, and he didn't even try to rob it, but instead opened his mouth to buy it from him, which greatly increased his affection for Fang Yu.

Therefore, he did not want to trick Fang Yu.

Fang Yu nodded slightly: "Okay!"

After saying that, he took out a bag from his arms and handed it to Kou Zhong, smiling: "There are a hundred taels of gold in it, count it!"

The gold was actually taken out of the space ring.

He spent a hundred taels of gold to buy "Longevity Technique" and he made a huge profit.

He asked Kou Zhong to set the price himself, but he was blind to gold and jade, so you can’t blame him!

Kou Zhong reached out and took the cloth bag from Fang Yu, opened it in front of him, and immediately saw ten shining gold ingots in the bag, which almost blinded him.

Kou Zhong's eyes were fiery. He had never seen so much gold.

Kou Zhong took a deep breath, quietly took out a piece of gold, put it in his mouth and took a bite.

I saw faint teeth marks on the gold.

It’s confirmed, it’s real gold.

Kou Zhong carefully took out the gold soft armor and handed it to Fang Yu, smiling: "Brother, this is what you need!"

Kou Zhong suddenly felt regretful.

He felt he had underpriced.

Although he regretted it, he did not go back on his words.

A mouthful of spit and a nail.

Yangzhou Shuanglong is very trustworthy.

Besides, he didn't dare to go back on his word.

Because Fang Yu is a cultivator, he is just an ordinary person and cannot afford to offend!

Fang Yu reached out and took the soft gold armor from Kou Zhong, without checking it, he put it into his arms.

In fact, it is stored in the space ring.

Keeping it in your arms is just to hide the existence of the space ring.

"Let's eat. If you need anything, you can just order it and I'll treat you!"

Fang Yu looked up at Kou Zhong and said with a smile.

Kou Zhong and Kou Zhong both clasped their fists at Fang Yu and said, "Thank you, brother!"

After the two of them knew that Fang Yu just wanted to buy something from them, they had no worries, picked up their chopsticks, and started devouring the food.

Fang Yu also picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

After a while.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling put down their chopsticks and burped several times.

Both of their bellies were swollen, like pregnant women who had been pregnant for several months.

It was obvious that both of them were full.

Thanks to the [Hanfengye Ziyu] boss for the 500-coin reward.

Thanks to [红线仙-EB] for your monthly vote.

Thank you [Wang Jie aqs] for your monthly vote.

Thank you [Anhao-Bd] for your monthly vote.

Thanks to [山水一色景] for your monthly ticket.

Thanks to [Bookworm001] for your monthly vote.

Thank you all for your subscriptions and recommendation votes.

(End of chapter)

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