Grotto-Heaven For All: I Created The Supreme Immortal Domain

Chapter 178 Conquering The Double Dragons

Chapter 178 Conquering the Double Dragons

"What are your plans for the future?"

Fang Yu looked up at the overfed Kou and Zhong and asked with a smile.

Kou Zhong said without hesitation: "Brother Fang, I want to practice and then become a general and stand out!"

Those who take people have short hands and eat people with soft mouths.

Fang Yu invited Kou Zhong and two people to have a meal, which greatly increased their favorable impression of Fang Yu.

The two climbed up the pole and called Fang Yu "Brother Fang."

Fang Yu didn't think anything of it, it was just a title.

Besides, the feeling of being called "brother" by the two protagonists is also very good!

Xu Ziling: "Brother Fang, I am just like Mr. Zhong!"

Kou Zhong patted Xu Ziling on the shoulder, "Good brother!"

Looking at the affectionate Shuanglong, Fang Yu's eyes flashed.

Although the two of them are gangsters in Yangzhou City now, doing sneaky things.

But the two of them are not bad-hearted, they value love and justice, and they have big dreams.

Kou Zhong has a somewhat impulsive personality and is decisive in killing, while Xu Ziling is mature and steady, somewhat indecisive.

Their personalities can be said to complement each other.

Although the two of them have no cultivation level now, they are the protagonists and their qualifications are definitely not low.

And they are Sons of Fortune, with more of the power of the world in them than anyone else.

Therefore, Fang Yu wanted to take it for his own use.

Thinking of this, Fang Yu asked with a smile: "I can give you a chance to get ahead. Are you willing to follow me?"

Kou Zhong did not answer, but asked: "Brother Fang, who are you?"

Fang Yu said softly: "I am the Lord of the world, not from your world!"

After a pause, he continued: "Think it over for yourselves. If you are willing to follow me, I will not only teach you advanced cultivation methods, but also make you a general, allowing you to enjoy all the glory and wealth in the world."

Hearing Fang Yu's words, Shuangyong communicated with his eyes.

Fang Yu poured himself a cup of tea without disturbing Ssangyong.

Although Shuanglong is the protagonist, they are currently just gangsters and have not yet been exposed to cultivation.

Their vision is limited, and it is best to subdue them at this time.

He had read many novels in his previous life. Most of the protagonists in those novels were arrogant and proud. Such people would not surrender to others easily.

After a moment, Kou Zhong looked at Fang Yu and asked, "Brother Fang, can Mr. Ling and I take him with you?"

They both have great ambitions.

It's a pity that I never had the chance.

Now that they knew that Fang Yu was actually the Lord of the World in the storyteller's mouth, the two of them were moved.

They don't want to be a gangster all their life and be looked down upon.

The main reason is that they like Fang Yu.

Fang Yu smiled and said, "Yes, you can bring as many people as you want!"

"I'll wait for you at the inn next to the restaurant. You can just come to me when you arrive!"

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling looked happy. They stood up and saluted Fang Yu. They said in unison: "Brother Fang, let's go first. We'll find you later!"

After saying that, the two turned around and left.

Fang Yu also got up and walked out.

Soon he came to the inn next to the restaurant and opened a guest room by the window.

Fang Yu stood by the window with his hands behind his hands, secretly releasing his mental power to find out what Shuanglong was doing.

A moment later, Fang Yu found Shuangyong walking into a shop selling steamed buns.

Although the woman selling buns was plainly dressed, she was very pretty.

"Sister-in-law Zhen?"

"Seeing" Shuanglong's name for that woman, Fang Yu knew that she must be Wei Zhenzhen who was sold to Lao Feng as a concubine by her parents.

It can be said that without Wei Zhenzhen's help, Ssangyong would have starved to death long ago.

When he "saw" that Shuanglong was willing to use the hundred taels of gold traded from him to redeem Wei Zhenzhen's life.

Fang Yu nodded with satisfaction and immediately withdrew his mental power.


When he accepts his subordinates, the first thing he values ​​is character, followed by qualifications.

If Ssangyong was a villain who repaid kindness with hatred, he would not accept them no matter how highly qualified they were.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were willing to use all their wealth to redeem Wei Zhenzhen's life, and their character was recognized by him.

One hundred taels of gold is nothing to a rich person.

But Kou Zhong and Kou Zhong are just small gangsters now, and their vision is limited. One hundred taels of gold is already a huge sum of money for them.

Fang Yu turned around and walked to a chair aside to sit down. He turned to the right and the soft gold armor with "Longevity Technique" written on it appeared in his hand.

This golden silk armor is engraved with dense oracle bone inscriptions.

"Is it true that the "Longevity Technique" was made by Guang Chengzi, the master of the ancient Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, using oracle bone inscriptions, as recorded in the legend?"

Looking at the dense oracle bone inscriptions on the gold silk armor, Fang Yu raised his eyebrows.

He had only seen the shape of oracle bones, but he did not understand the oracle bones.

But it doesn't matter.

As long as he answers Earth Star and logs into Skynet to search, he can translate them all.

Besides, as long as he remembers the content of [Longevity Technique], Primordial Tree will help him integrate [Longevity Technique] into [Hongmeng Ten Thousand Dao Sutra] without him having to understand it at all.

Shaking his head, Fang Yu tried to recall things about "Longevity Technique".

According to legend, "Longevity Technique" is a Taoist treasure book. It is said that it was written in oracle bones by Guangchengzi, the teacher of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor in ancient times.

The book is made of black gold threads and does not get wet when immersed in water and does not burn when exposed to fire.

It is said that in ancient times, Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor once asked Su Nu for advice on Fang Zhongshu and health preservation, and Su Nu passed down to him "Su Nu Sutra" and "Longevity Technique".

"Longevity Technique" is written in oracle bones and is esoteric and difficult to understand. Many people have read "Longevity Technique".

Although many geniuses have read it, no one has ever been able to comprehend it and decipher the entire book.

"Longevity Technique" has a total of 7,400 glyphs, but only more than 3,000 glyphs have been deciphered.

Fang Yu saw that in addition to the internal strength of the "Longevity Technique", the Golden Silk Armor also had dense annotations.

He estimated that the annotations were translated by someone who had obtained the "Longevity Technique".

"These are the seven human figures."

Fang Yu saw seven human figures on the armor.

With his current state, he could see seven human figures at a glance, each representing an attribute.

Metal, wood, water, fire, earth, yin and yang.

The first five human figures in "Longevity Technique" correspond to the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

These five elements attributes are not the Innate five elements, but the acquired five elements.

The last two pictures correspond to the Yin and Yang attributes.

In other words, as long as you practice the "Longevity Technique", you can have seven attributes at the same time.

Fang Yu remembers that Kou Zhong cultivated to the sixth picture, which means that Kou Zhong cultivated the Yin attribute.

Xu Ziling cultivated into the seventh picture, which means that Xu Ziling cultivated the yang attribute.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling didn't understand. They felt one cold and one hot, thinking they were practicing water and fire.

In fact, there is not one water and one fire, but one yin and one yang.

It's just that they were groping and practicing on their own and only understood part of the essence.

The two of them did not really show the characteristics and power of Yin and Yang.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling have clearly passed the best age for cultivation.

But the two of them had not been practicing the "Longevity Technique" for long.

Without taking any of the heavenly materials and earthly treasures, his cultivation level has improved by leaps and bounds.

The most appropriate word for the two of them is that they are traveling a thousand miles a day!

It turns out that the two of them are yin and yang, and yin and yang complement each other!

Thinking of this, Fang Yu looked a little weird, Ssangyong is indeed true love!

Getting rid of the distracting thoughts in his mind, Fang Yu immediately communicated with the Grotto-Heaven mark and checked the level of "Longevity Technique".

In the blink of an eye, Fang Yu knew the level of "Longevity Technique", and he murmured in a low voice: "Seventh Grade Technique, not bad!"

While Longevity Technique isn't just Seventh Grade, Fang Yu didn't disappoint.


In some sense, immortals are just practitioners with strong cultivation.

For example, he is now a Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer and can already fly.

In the eyes of ordinary people, he is an "immortal".

For another example, in ancient times on the Kyushu Continent, those strong men of the Shattering Void Ascension were also "immortals".

He estimated that Emperor Xuanyuan's teacher must be a strong man who broke the void, not a real immortal.

Getting rid of the distracting thoughts in his mind, Fang Yu immediately wrote down the contents of [Longevity Technique].

After writing down the contents of the Longevity Technique, Fang Yu communicated with the Grotto-Heaven mark and escaped into the Grotto-Heaven.

After a while.

Fang Yu stepped out.

He just entered Grotto-Heaven and asked Primordial Tree to help him integrate [Longevity Technique] into [Hongmeng Ten Thousand Dao Sutra].

After integrating [Longevity Technique], [Hongmeng Wandao Jing] has not been upgraded and is still Seventh Grade.

Fang Yu didn't feel any pity for this either.

After all, the two techniques were of the same level. He estimated that he would need to fuse at least a few more techniques with the same level as the [Longevity Technique] before his [Hongmeng Ten Thousand Dao Sutra] could be upgraded.

[Longevity Technique] After the fusion, he also knew the meaning of those oracle bones.

Moreover, the golden soft armor did not directly shatter like the previous secret books.

The gold soft armor has not disappeared. In Fang Yu's opinion, it should be a problem with the material.


"Are Kou Zhong two here?!"

Suddenly discovering something, Fang Yu raised his eyebrows.

He found that Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were coming towards the inn where he was staying temporarily with Wei Zhenzhen, and immediately sent a message to them.

After a while.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling took Wei Zhenzhen into his room.

Kou Zhong looked at Fang Yu and said with a smile: "Brother Fang, Master Ling and I have decided to follow you from now on!"

After a pause, he asked again: "What shall we call you in the future?"

Before Fang Yu could answer, Xu Ziling said: "Of course I call you Lord, that's what the storyteller said."

Fang Yu smiled and said, "If you two are not used to calling me 'Lord', please continue to call me Brother Fang in private!"

It's just a title, Fang Yu doesn't really care.

Kou Zhong chuckled, "Okay! I'll listen to Brother Fang."

Seeing this, Fang Yu waved his right hand, and a silver light door appeared in the room.

"This door can enter my world, let's enter!"

Kou Zhong looked surprised and said: "The storyteller said that the Lord of the World owns a world. How amazing it is!"

Having said this, he looked at Wei Zhenzhen and Xu Ziling and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law Zhen, Master Ling, let's go in!"

After saying that, he took the lead and stepped into the gate of Grotto-Heaven.

Wei Zhenzhen and Xu Ziling bowed to Fang Yu, and then followed Kou Zhong into the gate of Grotto-Heaven.

Fang Yu also stepped forward and entered.

Just when he entered the Grotto-Heaven Gate, the Grotto-Heaven Gate slowly dissipated.

(End of chapter)

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