Grotto-Heaven For All: I Created The Supreme Immortal Domain

Chapter 181 Treasure Weapon Blueprints And Training Ground

Chapter 181 Treasure Weapon Blueprints and Training Ground

Kyushu Continent.

The twilight was dim, the setting sun was like blood, and the golden-rimmed setting sun on the sky was shining brightly, dyeing the sky into a dreamlike color.

Sui Dynasty, outside Yangzhou City.

In front of a quiet lake.

A beautiful woman wearing a long black dress stood with her hands behind her hands, looking coldly at the lake. The breeze was blowing, her clothes were fluttering, and her skirt was flying.

Behind the beautiful woman stands a girl in yellow.

The girl's appearance is incomparably beautiful, charming and enchanting, like an elf in the world.

The orange-red sunlight shines on the water, emitting a glowing light.

These two women were Zhu Yuyan, the head of the Yinkui Sect, one of the two sects of the Six Paths of the Sui Dynasty, and her direct disciple Wanwan.

Zhu Yuyan looked at the sparkling lake and asked without looking back: "Wan'er, are you sure that Fang Yu really transmitted the message to you just now?"

Wanwan, who was standing behind Zhu Yuyan, answered firmly: "Master, the disciple did hear correctly just now. Master Fang Yu sent a message to the disciple, asking us to wait for him here!"

Zhu Yuyan's eyes flashed with a look of shock, and she murmured in shock: "This place is more than a hundred kilometers away from Yangzhou City. With such a long distance, even if he is in the Core Formation realm, his mental power will not be able to explore such a distance, unless he is "

Speaking of this, Zhu Yuyan's voice stopped abruptly.

I heard from my precious apprentice before that Fang Yu can stand on his own feet.

Standing on nothing is the hallmark of Core Formation.

But even in the Core Formation state, mental power cannot be spread a hundred kilometers.

Moreover, her apprentice Wanwan also said that Fang Yu is about the same age as her apprentice.

There was one thing she didn't say just now, that is, unless Fang Yu was powerful above the Core Formation level.

But is this possible?

The Core Formation state around the age of sixteen had already shocked her, let alone the Core Formation state and above.

Unless Fang Yu is an old monster with good looks.

Wanwan asked curiously: "Master, from what you have seen, what kind of cultivation is Mr. Fang Yu?"

Zhu Yuyan said softly: "Judging from your description, he is able to stand on nothing, and he should be in the Core Formation realm. However, the mental power of the Core Formation realm cannot be extended for more than a hundred kilometers. This is also where I am confused!"

Speaking of this, Zhu Yuyan suddenly turned around and looked at the sky in the distance.

"he came!"

Hearing this, Wanwan also turned around.

They saw a cyan figure flying towards them in the distant sky.

The speed of the Daoist shadow was as fast as lightning.

When the figure was several hundred meters away from them.

The two of them also saw his true face.

It was a young man wearing a blue robe.

The young man is tall and handsome, with his hands behind his back, as if strolling in a courtyard. With every step he takes, he can cover a distance of several hundred meters.

Every time you take a step, a beautiful purple lotus will appear under your feet.

In the blink of an eye, the young man in green came to the two of them.

The visitor is none other than Fang Yu.

Zhu Yuyan looked Fang Yu up and down with her beautiful eyes.

Fang Yu is wearing a green robe, and her hair is tied with a green gilt crown with jade. Her face is as beautiful as a jade, and she is as handsome as an immortal. Her figure is tall and tall, and her temperament is noble and ethereal!

"What a beautiful young man who looks like an immortal!"

Zhu Yuyan secretly praised her, and had to admit that she had never seen such a handsome young man.

Zhu Yuyan is sure that even Yulang Jiang Feng, who was known as "the most beautiful man in the world" in the Ming Dynasty, may not be able to compare with Fang Yu.

Seeing Fang Yu Perfected Being, she also understood why her precious apprentice was attracted.

Such a man is indeed the most deadly poison in the world to a young girl who is just beginning to fall in love.

From Fang Yu's speed, she knew that Fang Yu's cultivation level must be Qi Condensation Realm or above.

As for Fang Yu's cultivation level, she didn't know.

Zhu Yuyan shook off the distracting thoughts in her mind, clasped her fists towards Fang Yu and said, "I am Wanwan's master Zhu Yuyan, but am I Master Fang Yu?"

Her voice was charming and sultry.

Fang Yu nodded slightly: "Not bad!"

Zhu Yuyan cupped her fists and said, "I've met Mr. Fang Yu!"

Fang Yu also clasped his fists and returned the salute: "I've seen the Yin Queen!"

When Zhu Yuyan looked at him just now, he was also looking at Zhu Yuyan secretly.

The skin on Zhu Yuyan's face is as fair and tender as a baby's, and time has not left any traces on her face.

If you just look at her appearance, horizontally or vertically, Zhu Yuyan doesn't look like an old woman in her 70s or 80s.

She looked a few years older than Wanwan beside her.

Zhu Yuyan's face was covered with a purple veil, and with the naked eye, he could only see most of her face.

But only the exposed part is already graceful and full of intoxicating charm.

A pair of beautiful eyebrows are slanted into the temples, and her eyes are as black as paint. They are full of energy and can make any man fall in love with her.

Coupled with her delicate and fair skin, which is like being carved from flawless white jade, it is very stunning.

In terms of beauty, she is not inferior to the peerless beauties, and her appearance is somewhat similar to Wanwan. If you didn't know better, you would have thought they were two sisters, or mother and daughter!

Fang Yu sighed inwardly: "She is indeed the most beautiful woman in the Demon Sect of the Sui Dynasty. She is good at cultivation, but an old woman in her seventies can take care of herself so well!"

Most of these ancient beauties are all natural, not those stitched monsters from previous lives.

Fang Yu looked at Zhu Yuyan, smiled and asked: "Queen Yin, you came to me, do you want to trade with me?"

Zhu Yuyan nodded slightly: "Not bad!"

In addition to coming here to trade with Fang Yu, she also came to see Fang Yu in person to confirm whether she would seek refuge with Fang Yu.

After all, it was a matter of great importance for her to surrender to Fang Yu, so of course she had to consider it carefully.

She needs to get to know Fang Yu as a person before she can make a decision.

The first impression Fang Yu gave her was not bad!

Moreover, from Fang Yu's childish face and energetic spirit, she was sure that Fang Yu was not an old monster with good looks.

After saying that, Zhu Yuyan turned to look at the apprentice beside her and called softly: "Wan'er!"

Wanwan understood, took off the yellow package from her shoulder, handed it to Fang Yu, and said pitifully: "Master Fang, these three treasures were found by our Yinkui sect who sacrificed many disciples and went through a lot of hard work. Can you?" You can’t trick us!”

Little witch, you look so good!

Fang Yu took a deep look at Wanwan but didn't reply. He knew that this little witch was just faking it.

He also heard the deep meaning in the words of this ever-changing little witch, more money!

He reached out to take the package and opened it in front of Master Zhu Yuyan and his apprentice.

There are three items in the package.

A drawing made of unknown leather, a palm-sized cyan architectural model, and a palm-sized piece of land as dark as ink.

Fang Yu immediately took the three items in his hand, and three pieces of information immediately appeared in his mind.

[Black Iron Armor Blueprint]

[Type]: Standard armor.

[Quality]: Treasure Weapon.

[Grade]: Low Grade.

[Requirement]: Black Iron x100.

[Introduction]: A good equipment blueprint, bound to the forging shop, which allows the forging shop to forge black iron armor in batches.

After reading the introduction of the blueprint, Fang Yu looked happy. He did not expect that the blueprint turned out to be the Low Grade Treasure Weapon armor blueprint.

It is worth mentioning that the so-called "standard weapons" are unified equipment that can be mass-produced in a prescribed format.

For example, the blue iron armor blueprint in his hand requires 10,000 kilograms of dark iron to forge one piece. The weight, color and quality of each forged dark iron armor are the same.

Of course, different situations may arise.

For example, Fang Yu's forge is of Mythical quality.

A Mythical quality forge has a probability of forging equipment with three attributes, so there will be differences.

Fang Yu secretly sighed in his heart: "It is indeed a High Level Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm. Any equipment blueprint is a Low Grade Treasure Weapon. It is true that risks and benefits coexist. The higher the risk, the greater the benefits!"

In Low Level Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm, the highest quality items are only rare quality.

High Level Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm, the first thing is its epic quality. No wonder the Lord of Grotto-Heaven of Great Xia Dynasty knows that High Level Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm is full of dangers, but he is attracted to High Level Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm. greedy!

It really is true that "people die for money and birds die for food"!

Although the Black Iron Armor blueprint is only Low Grade Treasure Weapon level, it is what he currently needs.

As long as it is forged, his and Tang Xiyue's success rate in surviving the catastrophe will be greatly increased.

The next thing that needs to be done is to collect black iron.

After calming down, Fang Yu checked the information in his mind again.

[training ground]

[Type]: Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure.

[Quality]: Epic.

[Grade]: First Grade.

[Function]: Training troops.

[Characteristics]: The First Grade training ground can accommodate thousands of soldiers training at the same time. When training inside, the understanding is +100%, the skill proficiency is +100%, the training speed is +100%, and the chance of realm breakthrough is +100%.

[Introduction]: The good Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure is an indispensable Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure for the Lord of Grotto-Heaven. With it, even a group of women can be trained into elite soldiers and generals.

Looking at the introduction of the [Military Training Ground], Fang Yu's eyes lit up.

He didn't expect it to be a military training ground, and it was a training ground of epic quality.

He heard his sister Qin Qingqing tell him about it at the military training ground.

It is said that there are not many Great Xia Dynasties, less than ten pieces, and the highest quality is only rare.

According to what my god sister Qin Qingqing said.

An ordinary quality training ground has only two characteristics: skill proficiency +50%, and training speed +50%.

A rare-quality training ground with three characteristics: skill proficiency +80%, training speed +80%, and realm breakthrough probability +50%.

And his epic-quality training ground has been doubled in size, and he also has an additional comprehension trait.

Comprehension seems to be of little use.

But it is very helpful for cultivation.

Because the higher the understanding, the stronger the ability to understand.

The training ground increases understanding, allowing soldiers to master, become familiar with, and become proficient in exercises and skills faster.

It can be said that understanding is a very practical attribute although it is not very obvious.

"The epic-quality training ground is so powerful. After adding the dark blue points of Primordial Tree"

Thinking of this, Fang Yu's eyes lit up, and he felt the urge to bind himself to the training ground immediately.

Forcibly suppressing the impulse in his heart, Fang Yu continued to check the information in his mind.

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(End of chapter)

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