Grotto-Heaven For All: I Created The Supreme Immortal Domain

Chapter 182 The Yinkui Faction Takes Refuge

Chapter 182 The Yinkui faction takes refuge

[Smoky Crystal Spirit Field]

[Type]: Spirit Field.

[Quality]: Epic.

[Grade]: First Grade.

[Function]: Planting.

[Characteristics]: First Grade spiritual soil, growth speed +200%, yield +200%, medicinal properties +200%.

[Introduction]: The Spirit Field used by cultivators to plant Spirit Medicine, combined with the "Spirit Rain Technique", or watered with spiritual liquid, will have a better effect.

Fang Yu's eyes lit up again, another Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure of epic quality.

Fang Yu secretly sighed in his heart, it was indeed the High Level Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm.

No wonder the big forces in the Great Xia Dynasty look down on the Low Level Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm. The opportunities in the High Level Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm are indeed not comparable to those in the Low Level Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm.

Fang Yu looked up at Zhu Yuyan and said with a smile: "Zhu Zongzhu, these three things in my world are equivalent to one million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones. If you want to sell them, I will give them to you at a discount using heavenly materials and earthly treasures!"

Wanwan interrupted: "Master Fang Yu, what is the Grotto-Heaven sacred stone?"

Fang Yu explained with a smile: "The Grotto-Heaven Divine Stone is an energy crystal that contains pure energy. It is only useful for alien races and the Lord of the World. It is found on every alien race. It is the size of a pigeon egg and is black in color. .”

Zhu Yuyan nodded: "Okay!"

Seeing that Zhu Yuyan agreed, Fang Yu added: "I have two kinds of spiritual liquid here, one is healing Holy Medicine, and the other can increase cultivation, qualifications and lifespan. Each drop sells for 100,000 Grotto-Heaven sacred stones. You Which one is needed?”

Wanwan interjected again: "Master Fang Yu, we are so familiar with each other, can you make it cheaper?"

Fang Yu glanced at Wanwan who was charging at him and rolled his eyes, are we familiar?

It seems that he and Wanwan, a little witch, have only met twice.

If he hadn't been a good person, he would have killed someone long ago.

Fang Yu replied calmly, "Miss Wanwan, my spiritual liquid sells for 500,000 per drop in our world. I only charge you 100,000. The price is already very fair."

Wanwan curled her lips, she didn't believe Fang Yu's lies.

Because she doesn't understand Fang Yu's world at all, it's all Fang Yu's one-sided words, whatever Fang Yu says is what she says, and she has no evidence to prove that Fang Yu is lying.

Zhu Yuyan suddenly said: "Master Fang Yu, I want ten drops of Holy Medicine to heal the wound, and the rest will be replaced with another kind of spiritual fluid!"

Even if Fang Yu lied, there was nothing she could do.

Besides, Fang Yu's cultivation level is higher than that of their master and apprentice.

But Fang Yu didn't grab it by force, which is already very rare.

Fang Yu nodded, flipped his right hand, and two jade bottles appeared in his hand. He handed it to Zhu Yuyan and said with a smile: "Queen Yin, this is what you need. The three-color liquid is Holy Medicine for healing."

"Green liquid is a spiritual liquid that can increase lifespan, enhance cultivation, and improve qualifications."

"Each drop of these two weighs fifty grams!"

Each drop of Legendary quality "Life Spirit Liquid" weighs ten grams, but each drop of Mythical quality weighs fifty grams.

Hongmeng Spiritual Liquid is even more exaggerated, each drop weighs a hundred grams.

Fang Yu is not surprised by this either.

Take blood as an example. A drop of ordinary people's blood weighs a little more than one gram.

But the higher the cultivation level, the heavier the blood.

After cultivating to a certain level, a drop of blood can collapse a world.

Zhu Yuyan reached out and took the jade bottle from Fang Yu. When she opened it, she immediately saw two jade bottles.

One contains a three-color liquid and the other contains a green liquid.

She felt the strong breath of life from the green liquid.

She just took it in her hand and weighed it to roughly determine the weight.

Besides, the three items had no effect on them at all. She was very satisfied to be able to exchange for good items with Fang Yu.

Zhu Yuyan capped the jade bottle, put it in her arms, looked up at Fang Yu, and said with a smile: "Master Fang Yu, I heard that the master of your world has an inner world. Can you take us to have a look?"

Zhu Yuyan is not worried that Fang Yu will be detrimental to their master and apprentice.

Because if Fang Yu wanted to be disadvantageous to them, he wouldn't have used the spiritual liquid to trade with them.

She has met many people in her life, and she still has some ability to read people.

Although she had not known Fang Yu for a long time, Zhiwei knew that from Fang Yu's behavior just now, she knew that Fang Yu was not that capricious person.


Fang Yu smiled and waved his right hand, and a silver light door appeared in the open space beside him.

"This is the door to Grotto-Heaven, you can enter my world, you two, please!"

Fang Yu had a vague feeling that the Yinkui faction wanted to join him.

If the Yin Kui faction wanted to join him, he wouldn't mind accepting them.

According to Fang Yu's speculation, the lucky people in each world contain more power of the world than ordinary people.

Wanwan is a girl of great luck, and she contains more power of the world than ordinary people.

Master Zhu Yuyan was surprised when he saw Fang Yu summoning a silver light gate out of thin air.

After all, this was their first time seeing it.

Summon things out of thin air.

In a sense, this is already a magical method.

Master Zhu Yuyan and his apprentice looked at each other, and then stepped into the silver light door without hesitation.

Fang Yu also took steps to follow.

Just when he entered the silver light door, the light door slowly dissipated.

Master Zhu Yuyan and his apprentice felt dazed for a while.

The next moment, they arrived at a white jade city.

"The white jade capital in the sky, the five cities on the twelfth floor."

"The Immortal caressed my head and tied my hair to achieve immortality."

Zhu Yuyan looked at the unfamiliar environment and murmured softly: "The spiritual energy turns into mist, what a white jade city!"

The building in front of you is exquisite and elegant, and the ground is paved with white jade, emitting gleaming white light. The whole city is shrouded in clouds and mist, just like a real fairyland on earth.

Zhu Yuyan could tell at a glance that these clouds and mist were transformed by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Their Yinkui sect was stationed in the Grotto-Heaven, which was also famous in the Sui Dynasty.

But it was incomparable to the city in front of me.

When Zhu Yuyan wanted to come, this was the real Grotto-Heaven.

Living in a blessed place like Grotto-Heaven, even a pig can become a pig demon.

"This is Seoul. I collected more than 200,000 people in the previous world, and they all live here."

Fang Yu on the side opened his mouth to help Zhu Yuyan and his disciples introduce: "There are one hundred and fifty dragon veins under the ground in Seoul. The dragon veins are higher than the Spirit Vein. The dragon veins can continuously generate the spiritual energy of heaven and earth!"

Master Zhu Yuyan and his apprentice were shocked when they heard Fang Yu's words.

They naturally know about Spirit Vein, and any place with Spirit Vein is a blessed land of Grotto-Heaven.

For example, there is a Spirit Vein underneath their Yin Kui sect's station.

But there are 150 dragon veins under the city of Fang Yu, and they are higher level than the Spirit Vein.

At this moment, Zhu Yuyan became more determined in her inner thoughts.

Zhu Yuyan adjusted her mood, turned to look at Fang Yu, and asked with a smile: "Master Fang Yu, what do you think of our Sui Dynasty, good and evil?"

Fang Yu pondered for a moment and said calmly:

"In your Sui Dynasty, today, the so-called righteous path is headed by Cihang Jingzhai and Jingnian Zen, which are the two Great Saints in the Sui Jianghu!"

"The sect's philosophy of Cihang Jingzhai is correct. It pursues the natural way of heaven, but its behavior is biased against the ideal. In my opinion, since we pursue the natural way of heaven, we should no longer interfere with worldly affairs."

"Their approach is even more despicable. 'Selecting an emperor on behalf of heaven' is just a sect. How qualified are they to dare to choose an emperor on behalf of God? How qualified are they to make decisions for the people of the world?"

Fang Yu has no good impression of Cihang Jingzhai.

In his opinion, Cihang Jingzhai's sect philosophy was correct, pursuing the natural way of heaven and becoming a transcendent force.

Since the intention is to be detached, one cannot interfere too much with worldly affairs and treat all people in the world as toys.

Coming out of troubled times, they want to assist a wise king to unify the world. This is a good starting point, but they are too self-righteous and their slogans are too loud.

"Choose an emperor on behalf of nature"?

It's just a martial arts sect, why should we choose the emperor instead of God?

In particular, the incident involving the evil king Shi Zhixuan caused a generation of heroes to become insane. Now that they have become a bitch, they have to erect an archway, which is said to be "serving the devil with one's body."

After a pause, he continued: "Jing Nian Zen Sect is Buddhist Gate. Buddhist Gate pays attention to the 'purity of the six roots'. It is also transcendent, but they are not engaged in production and deceive the people of the world."

Wanwan cheered loudly: "Okay! Mr. Fang said it so well. The nuns from Cihang Jingzhai and the bald donkeys from Jingnian Zen Sect are all members of Buddhist Gate. The teachings of Buddhist Gate are empty of the four elements, but they are full of benevolence and righteousness. When it comes to morality, if you have failed to cultivate Buddhism, you have fallen deeply into the devil. 'Greed, anger, ignorance, pride, and suspicion' are all the five poisons!"

Hearing Fang Yu's views on Cihang Jingzhai and Jingnian Temple, she felt very relieved.

Zhu Yuyan's eyes lit up and she chuckled: "Young master Fang's views are indeed different. What our demon sect admires is true love and true nature, and we despise those hypocrites who talk about benevolence, righteousness, morality, and talk about Confucius, Mencius, and Buddhism!"

Speaking of this, Zhu Yuyan looked at Fang Yu with a look of expectation in her eyes: "I wonder what you think of my Demon Sect?"

Fang Yu glanced at Zhu Yuyan and said faintly: "Zhu Zongmen, you are right that your Demonic Sect's philosophy advocates true temperament. As cultivators, we should have no regrets in our hearts when we compete with people, the earth, and the sky. Whatever you want to do!”

"However, your demon sect is full of good and bad. It's okay to be happy and grudge, but the dark side in the hearts of most of the disciples is infinitely magnified. They act without rules and kill innocent people indiscriminately based on their cultivation!"

Fang Yu doesn't think he is a good person, and he doesn't want to be a holy mother, but he will not kill innocent people based on his cultivation!

Speaking of this, Fang Yu smiled:

"In my opinion, the so-called distinction between good and evil in your Sui Dynasty is only evaluated by secular people from a secular perspective. As the saying goes, there is also Demon Dao in the right way, and there is also the right way in Demon Dao."

Wanwan suddenly winked playfully: "Master Fang Yu, are you a demon?"


Fang Yu smiled: "I don't know either. I act according to my heart and have a clear conscience!"

Zhu Yuyan's eyes lit up: "What a sentence that makes you feel true to your heart!"

She found that Fang Yu’s behavior was similar to their holy sect’s philosophy.

Thinking of this, Zhu Yuyan looked at Fang Yu and smiled:

"Master Fang Yu, if I, the Yinkui sect, take refuge with you, how will you treat me?"

Fang Yu said with a smile: "I won't want anyone who kills innocent people and does all kinds of bad things. I will treat everyone else equally!"

"Any merit must be rewarded, and any fault must be punished!"

Zhu Yuyan was silent for a moment, bowed and saluted Fang Yu: "Greetings, my lord!"

If she were a human being, she would not be afraid of death.

But she is the leader of a sect, and she must consider the sect.

When aliens come, she must find a way for her disciples to survive.

After the conversation just now, Zhu Yuyan knew that Fang Yu was not the kind of hypocritical person who talks about benevolence and morality.

Wanwan on the side also saluted: "Greetings, my lord."

When Fang Yu heard Wanwan's title, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he turned to look at Wanwan, 'Young Master,' what the hell kind of title is this?

Seeing Fang Yu looking towards her, Wanwan winked playfully and winked at him.

Little goblin!

Fang Yu was speechless. This little witch Wanwan was bolder than Ji Mengfei.

Fang Yu didn't care about Wanwan, a little witch, and smiled: "No need to be polite!"

With a wave of his right hand, a soft force lifted Master and Disciple Zhu Yuyan up.

(End of chapter)

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