Chapter 185 Fang Yu’s Thoughts

the other side.

In Seoul, Dongcheng District, in the hall of an exquisite attic.

Zhu Yuyan sat on the first seat.

The four elders of the Yinkui sect and the four Great Monsters under Zhu Yuyan sat on her right side.

Sitting on the left side of Zhu Yuyan were her two direct disciples, Wanwan and Bai Qing'er.

Zhu Yuyan glanced at the four elders with her sharp eyes and said softly: "Uncle Master, three elders, what do you think of the world of Saint Emperor?"

Zhu Yuyan was mainly worried that Pi Shouxuan and the other four would cause trouble. She was not worried about the other disciples as she was keeping them in check.

Pi Shouxuan said with emotion: "Sect Master, it is not an exaggeration to say that the world of Saint Emperor is the Immortal World. The spiritual energy of the heaven and earth here is extremely abundant and has turned into mist. By cultivating here, our strength will definitely increase dramatically!"

"Sect Master, I heard that this Han city is not the place with the most abundant aura of heaven and earth. According to the city lord Xun Yu, in the world of Saint Emperor, the place with the most abundant aura of heaven and earth is Hongmeng Holy City. That city is in this world. The top of the steep purple sacred mountain in the center!”

Elder Yun and the other three also expressed their opinions.

Zhu Yuyan nodded, her face suddenly extremely serious, "Four elders, you may not think that Saint Emperor is young, but he is decisive in killing. I hope you can restrain yourselves and the disciples below and don't let them get into trouble!"

As soon as these words came out, Pi Shou Xuan and the other four people felt shuddered and nodded solemnly.

After finally arriving in the "Immortal World", they didn't dare to make a mistake and let Fang Yu catch the pigtails to scare the monkeys.

As soon as Zhu Yuyan finished speaking, she and Wanwan suddenly disappeared.

Pi Shouxuan and others were shocked.

At this moment, a voice like thunder exploded in the ears of Pi Shouxuan and others: "Don't panic, I am transferring them to Hongmeng Holy City."

Hearing this familiar voice, Pi Shouxuan and others calmed down.

While they were shocked, they were also a little envious.

They were shocked by Fang Yu's unpredictable methods and were even more in awe of Fang Yu.

I envy Master and Disciple Zhu Yuyan for being favored by Saint Emperor.

Especially Bai Qing'er, she has been secretly competing with her senior sister Wanwan. Now that she sees senior sister Wanwan being favored by Fang Yu, she is envious and a little jealous at the same time.

Within the Hongmeng Temple.

Two daoist figures appeared out of thin air in the empty hall. They were Zhu Yuyan and Wanwan master and apprentice.

Master Zhu Yuyan and his disciples were shocked. When they saw Fang Yu sitting in the first seat, the two women calmed down.

They knew that Fang Yu must have transferred them here.

The two women quickly saluted Fang Yu: "Greetings to Saint Emperor!"

Fang Yu waved his hand, "No need to be polite!"

Then he pointed to the seventh and eighth positions on the right and said to master and disciple Zhu Yuyan: "You guys sit in those two positions!"

The reason why master and apprentice Zhu Yuyan was allowed to sit in those two seats was because the other seats were reserved for Guo Jia and others.

Although Zhu Yuyan's master and apprentice's cultivation is higher than that of Guo Jia and others, Guo Jia and others have been following him for the longest time.

Fang Yu didn't want to make them think too much and chill their hearts because of some details.

Master Zhu Yuyan nodded, walked to the position pointed by Fang Yu and sat down.

As soon as Zhu Yuyan sat down, she asked: "Lord Saint Emperor, I wonder what's the matter with you summoning my master and apprentice?"

Fang Yu said with a smile: "Let's wait until everyone is here!"

Zhu Yuyan didn't ask any more questions and waited silently.

Wanwan looked at the hall curiously. She sensed that the aura of heaven and earth in this place was stronger than that in Seoul.

Zhu Yuyan also felt it.

Not only that, she also sensed that the aura of heaven and earth here was higher than that in Seoul.

"It is indeed the place where Saint Emperor lives!"

Zhu Yuyan sighed secretly in her heart.

This main hall is more noble and luxurious than Yang Guang's Jinluan Palace. It is simply not a building on earth.

After a while.

Guo Jia, Zhao Yun, Xi Zhicai and others walked into the hall.

Except for Xi Zhicai, everyone else was a little surprised when they saw Master and Disciple Zhu Yuyan.

Seeing everyone preparing to salute, Fang Yu began to say: "No need to salute, everyone please sit down!"

After hearing Fang Yu's words, Guo Jia and others did not salute again, and each walked to their seats and sat down.

Guo Jia sits in the first position to the right of Fang Yu.

Zhao Yun is sitting in the first position on the left.

This is Fang Yu's acquiescence. If one day he wants to establish a country, Guo Jia will be the first civilian official, and Zhao Yun will be the first military attache.

After Zhao Yun and others were seated, Fang Yu immediately introduced master and apprentice Zhu Yuyan to them.

Except for the cold Xi Zhicai, everyone else greeted master and apprentice Zhu Yuyan warmly.

Master and apprentice Zhu Yuyan also responded enthusiastically.

After the two parties greeted each other, Fang Yu glanced at everyone in the hall and immediately told the situation in Jiuzhou Continent.

After finishing speaking, he paused and then said: "The most important thing at the moment is to extract the Spirit Vein underground in the Great Sui Dynasty. If you have any good suggestions, you can feel free to speak!"

It is worth mentioning that Tang Xiyue gave him the spirit bottle she had on her body, and he now has two spirit bottles.

Xi Zhicai was the first to stand up and said: "Lord, Zhicai, please let me take twenty-seven demon generals to Luoyang City. I will definitely get the dragon veins for you!"

Fang Yu raised his eyebrows, looked at Xi Zhicai, smiled and asked, "Zhicai, what are you going to do?"

Xi Zhicai's face was cold and his voice was cold, "Zhicai plans to have a 'friendly' negotiation with Yang Guang first. If he is willing to give up Luoyang, then I will let him go!"

"If he refuses to give in, then I will attack by force!"

Fang Yu asked again: "What do you plan to do with the people of Luoyang City?"

Xi Zhicai: "Just like my lord did in our world before, let them migrate away!"

Hearing Xi Zhicai's answer, Fang Yu breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Xi Zhicai still had kind thoughts.

Guo Jia and others were also relieved. They were worried that Xi Zhicai was too murderous and could not control himself.

Guo Jia: "My lord, I admire the method of comrades. Now with our strength, we can completely sweep the Sui Dynasty. There is no need to use other methods!"

Zhao Yun: "Lord, I also approve of the talented people's approach!"

Others agreed with Xi Zhicai's method.

As for Master and Disciple Zhu Yuyan, he did not say anything.

Seeing that everyone agreed with Xi Zhicai's method, Fang Yu looked at Xi Zhicai and smiled: "Zhicai, I agree with your method!"

At this point, the conversation changed, "However, before attacking Luoyang City, I have to do something big!"

Xi Zhicai asked respectfully: "Master, please tell me!"

Fang Yu smiled and said, "Before you attack Luoyang City, I want you to let Li Xiao and other demons subdue all the Demon Races that descended on the Sui Dynasty, and then take them to Luoyang City!"

After a pause, he continued: "However, you have to ask Li Xiao and the others to restrain those Demon Races, if they dare to kill innocent people and devour human blood essence!"

"Kill without mercy!"

Fang Yu knew from Li Xiao and other demons that within the Demon Race, there was a strict hierarchy.

Although Li Xiao and other demons have been transformed into Immortal-killing Demon Soldiers, they are still demons in essence!

Letting Li Xiao and other demons take action to subdue the Demon Race that descended on the territory of the Sui Dynasty is like using anti-aircraft cannons to fight mosquitoes, overkill and underutilizing.

With the strength of Li Xiao and other demons, even if they encounter a demon general in the Core Formation realm of Great Completion, they can kill them.

By subduing all the Demon Races that descended on the territory of the Sui Dynasty, he would not only get the demon soldiers to expand the [Zhu Xian Legion], but he could also get the Grotto-Heaven sacred stones on them. This was the best of both worlds.

Suddenly something occurred to him, and Fang Yu's eyes lit up. He could ask Xi Zhicai to rob Cihang Jingzhai and Jingnian Zen Sect of the two forces' cultivation secrets and heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

He casually took away the Spirit Vein from beneath their sect.

He was sure that there must be a Spirit Vein beneath the Cihang Jingzhai and Jingnian Zen sects.

What Demon Race did, do what I, Fang Yu, did!

Besides, he didn't have the slightest fondness for the group of nuns from Cihang Jingzhai and the group of monks from Jingnian Zen Sect.

He learned from Zhu Yuyan that the Jing Nian Zen Sect was a city richer than the Sui Dynasty royal family.

They have never engaged in production, so where do they get the money?

It must have been tricked from the common people. This is to lie on the common people and suck their blood.

Thinking of this, without waiting for Xi Zhicai to answer, Fang Yu said again: "Zhicai, after extracting the dragon veins under Luoyang City, you can stop by Jing Nian Zen Sect and Cihang Jingzhai and collect all the resources of their sects. Take them all!”

"If they persist in resisting..."

Speaking of this, Fang Yu paused and continued: "Then abolish their cultivation!"

Abolition of the practices of Cihang Jingzhai and Jingnian Zen, Fang Yu thinks, is to help them and save them from the "six impure roots", "greed", "anger", "ignorance", "arrogance" and "suspiciousness" , all five poisons are present, and cannot calm down to practice Buddhism.

Xi Zhicai respectfully accepted the order: "Here!"

Master and disciple Zhu Yuyan felt a little gloating after hearing Fang Yu's words, because they knew that Cihang Jingzhai and Jingnian Zen Sect were coming to an end.

Fang Yu dispatched a total of twenty-seven Core Formation realm demon generals this time. The two sects were no match for them.

Fang Yu had people abolish their cultivation, which could be said to be more uncomfortable than killing them.

With a thought in Fang Yu's mind, Li Xiao and other twenty-seven demon generals were all moved into the main hall by him.

As soon as they appeared in the main hall, Li Xiao and other demons all knelt down on one knee and saluted Fang Yu, who was sitting at the head: "Greetings, my lord!"

Fang Yu waved his hand and said calmly: "Get up!"

After the demons got up, he continued: "I now give you an important task. You assist the legion commander Xi Zhicai to conquer all the Demon Races that have descended on the territory of the Sui Dynasty!"

"After this matter is completed, I will discuss the merits and reward you!"

"If it fails, I will severely punish you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Xiao and other demons quickly promised: "Master, don't worry, we will definitely complete the mission you assigned!"

Fang Yu nodded, waved his right hand, and shot the spirit bottle towards Li Xiao.

Li Xiao quickly reached out and grabbed the spirit bottle flying toward him.

At this moment, Fang Yu's voice sounded again, "Li Xiao, after this is completed, I will promote you to the deputy commander of the [Zhu Xian Legion]. I hope you will not disappoint me!"

Li Xiao looked happy, "Thank you, Master, Li Xiao will never let you down!"

The other demon generals looked at Li Xiao with envy in their eyes.

Fang Yu waved his right hand, and the Grotto-Heaven Gate instantly appeared in the empty hall.

"You go ahead!"


Xi Zhicai left with a group of demon generals.

(End of chapter)

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