Chapter 186 Zhu Yuyan’s choice

Looking at Xi Zhicai's back, Fang Yu's eyes flickered.

It's not bad to have such a group of demon soldiers. He can leave some things that are inconvenient for him to do to them.

He personally led the people of the [Devil-Slaying Legion] to do the matter of "eliminating demons and defending the Way".

Although Fang Yu doesn't care about his reputation.

But sometimes, a good reputation can bring a lot of convenience.

For example, if he slayed demons in the Sui Dynasty, after his deeds spread, it would be much easier to recruit people.

This is also the reason why those so-called noble and upright people like to package their own sect.

Take the Yinkui Sect and Cihang Jingzhai of the Sui Dynasty as examples.

Cihang Jingzhai's methods are obviously more sinister than those of the Yin Kui Sect.

Why can Cihang Jingzhai become the Sacred Land that everyone yearns for, but the Yinkui Sect has become a devil's cave that everyone hates and fears like a tiger?

That's because the Yinkui faction doesn't know how to package themselves, and their slogans aren't loud enough!

Fang Yu is not worried about finding Xi Zhicai and the others because he has a mysterious connection with them.

Unless they enter the Grotto-Heaven world of another Grotto-Heaven Lord, or leave this Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm.

if not……

As long as they are still in this Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm, he can sense their specific location.

In addition to changing jobs and becoming the Immortal Killing Demon Soldier, Li Xiao and other demons are affected by the [Zhu Xian Demon Soldier Tower], and their hearts will be subtly loyal to him!

Not to mention that it would be impossible for Li Xiao and the other demons to leave, even if they could leave.

Fang Yu believes that Li Xiao and other demons are reluctant to leave because they have not yet obtained the follow-up skills of "The Demonic Sutra of Killing Immortals".


Without him, could they find a good training environment like the [Zhuxian Demon Weapon Tower]?

You must know that his [Zhuxian Demon Weapon Tower] contains the Heavenly Demon Qi that even the Demon God covets.

Fang Yu had many thoughts flashing through his mind.

"My lord, Yun please order me to bring the soldiers of the [Devil-Slaying Legion] out of your world for training!"

Zhao Yun stood up and said respectfully to Fang Yu.

Zhao Yun's words interrupted Fang Yu's thinking. He looked at Zhao Yun and refused without hesitation: "Zilong, the current soldiers of the [Demon Slaying Legion] are only Qi Gathering Realm cultivation, and there are many Core Formation realm experts in this world! "

"There are even existences beyond Core Formation."

"Although all the soldiers of the [Devil-Slaying Legion] can fight across levels, if you encounter the Core Formation realm, I'm afraid you won't be able to defeat it!"

"When you all break through to the Qi Condensation Realm, I will let you lead your troops out for training!"

Every one of Demon Dao soldiers is precious, and Fang Yu will feel bad if he sacrifices even one.

Although each of them is a peerless genius, they are not the protagonist, and they do not have the physique of the protagonist to turn danger into disaster!

Therefore, to be on the safe side, he rejected Zhao Yun's request.

Zhao Yun's heart trembled, and he said with a look of shame on his face: "My lord, you were more thoughtful, it was Yun who was reckless!"

"Please, my lord, punish me!"

Fang Yu smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, it's not your fault. After all, your starting point is right. You want the soldiers of the [Devil-Slaying Legion] to grow up quickly!"

Zhao Yun clasped his fists: "Thank you, Lord, for your forgiveness!"

After saying that, Zhao Yun sat down.

Zhu Yuyan's beautiful eyes flashed when she heard the conversation between Fang Yu and Zhao Yun.

She was shocked again. What kind of existence is a legion that can challenge beyond the ranks?

The more she gets to know Fang Yu, the more she feels that Fang Yu is unfathomable!

At the same time, I am also grateful for my wise decision!

Fang Yu turned to look at Dian Wei and said with a smile: "Evil, you should take the [Hongmeng Holy Guards] to the [Devil-Slaying Legion]'s station to practice now. There is a martial arts field there, which can allow the soldiers to break through the cultivation in a short time. To master and master skills!”

Dian Wei stood up and took the order and left: "Here!"

Then Fang Yu sent Guo Jia, Huang Zhong and others to practice, leaving him and Master Zhu Yuyan alone in the hall.

"Queen Yin, my [Zhuxian Demon Weapon Tower] allows people to change their profession and become Zhuxian Demon Weapon!"

Fang Yu looked at Zhu Yuyan and said with a smile: "After you change your profession and become the Demon Soldier of Killing Immortals, your physique will change into Demon Race's supreme body, Heavenly Demon Dao Body. Heavenly Demon Dao Body is the most yin and evil. If it grows up, it can kill immortals and destroy gods." !”

"Not only that, after you change your job and become a Demon Soldier of Zhuxian, you can also obtain Demon Dao's supreme skill "Zhuxian Demon Sutra". That skill also includes supporting skills!"

Hearing this, Zhu Yuyan's eyes shone and she quickly asked: "Master, if I change my profession and become the Immortal Killing Demon Soldier, can I complete my... Dao Foundation?"

When the word "Dao Foundation" was mentioned, Zhu Yuyan blushed a little. She was sure that Fang Yu must know why her Dao Foundation was damaged.

You are an old woman in your seventies, why are you blushing?

When Fang Yu saw this, he was a little speechless, but he still answered firmly: "Okay!"

If he remembered correctly, Zhu Yuyan practiced the core part of "Heavenly Demon Strategy" - "Heavenly Demon Dafa".

"Heavenly Demon Dafa" has a fatal flaw, that is, you cannot lose your virginity before the Great Accomplishment.

Zhu Yuyan lost her virginity to the evil king Shi Zhixuan when she was young, and the Dao Foundation was destroyed.

If there were no adventures, her "Heavenly Demon Dafa" would not be able to achieve Great Accomplishment for the rest of her life and could only stop at the seventeenth level.

After a pause, he continued: "Although humans can change their profession to [Slaying Immortal Demonic Soldiers], I must remind you!"

"When a human becomes a Demon Soldier, his emotions and desires will become indifferent!"

"Have you seen Xi Zhicai?"

Zhu Yuyan nodded: "I saw it!"

Fang Yu continued: "Xi Zhicai is a human who changed his profession and became the Demon Soldier of Zhuxian. He used to be optimistic and cheerful, but now he has become extremely cold!"

What Fang Yu said just now was not because he wanted Zhu Yuyan to transfer, but because he wanted those people from her Yinkui sect with bad records to transfer.

If it were another human race, Fang Yu would not do that.

However, the Yinkui sect is a demonic sect with mixed good and bad, and most of them are ruthless people.

He didn't worry about cultivating those people, so he might as well use them as waste and transfer them to become the Immortal-killing Demonic Soldiers.

Besides, he won't force them, it's up to them to choose.

Fang Yu believes that those people will be willing to change their jobs after knowing the power of the Zhuxian Demon Soldier.

In Fang Yu's heart, there is no difference at all between Wen Caiting and others of the Yinkui sect and demons such as Li Xiao.

After hearing Fang Yu's words, Zhu Yuyan fell silent.

Next to Zhu Yuyan, Wanwan, who was originally excited, gave up her thoughts in an instant after hearing about the sequelae of being transferred to the [Demon Killing Demon Soldier].

Although the Immortal Killing Demon Soldier was very powerful and met her requirements, the price was too high.

She didn't want to become cold and ruthless and lose her emotions for the sake of strength.

In Wanwan's mind, without the seven emotions and six desires, a lot of fun would be lost.

After a moment, Zhu Yuyan looked up at Fang Yu and said with determination: "My lord, Yuyan wants to change her profession to become a [Destroying Immortal Demon Soldier], please my lord to make it happen!"

Wanwan's expression changed drastically, and before Fang Yu could answer, she objected, "Master, Wan'er doesn't want you to change jobs!"

Zhu Yuyan turned to look at Wanwan, her sharp eyes softening at this moment. She stretched out her hand to rub Wanwan's head and whispered:

"Wan'er, you heard my teacher say that you have always been my teacher's pride. My teacher originally wanted you to inherit the position of head of the Yin Kui Sect!"

"But I didn't expect that a foreign race would suddenly come to the world!"

"Weishi Dao Foundation has been destroyed and we will never be able to break through in our lifetime. Now I finally have a chance to break through. You should be happy for me!"

"Besides, after I change my profession and become the Demonic Soldier of Killing Immortals, I won't die. I just become indifferent to feelings!"

Zhu Yuyan has been indifferent in front of others all these years, and she will only show her gentle side in front of Wanwan.

Because she regards Wanwan as her biological daughter.

She has a biological daughter, but that daughter was born to Yue Shan in revenge for Shi Zhixuan's betrayal.

In her heart, that was her stain, and she never wanted to admit it.

Therefore, she doesn't mind changing her profession to become the Immortal-killing Demon Soldier.

In fact, there is another important reason, that is, she wants to forget Shi Zhixuan.

Although she hated Shi Zhixuan deeply, she hated Shi Zhixuan for abandoning her for Bi Xiuxin.

But without love, where can the hate come from?

Deep down in her heart, she still loved Shi Zhixuan, but she just didn't want to admit it.

Wanwan still didn't want to give up, "But, master, are you willing to let Wan'er go?"

Zhu Yuyan said seriously: "Wan'er, I have made up my mind to become my teacher, you don't need to persuade me anymore!"

Speaking of this, Zhu Yuyan turned to Fang Yu on the high platform and said, "Please, my lord, take Yuyan to change jobs!"

Fang Yu used the power of Grotto-Heaven to wrap Master and Disciple Zhu Yuyan, and took the two of them to the edge of the [Heavenly Demon Holy Pond] in the [Zhuxian Demon Soldier Tower] in an instant.

Fang Yu pointed at the Heavenly Demon Holy Pool and said to Zhu Yuyan: "Queen Yin, this is the [Heavenly Demon Holy Pool]. As long as you enter it and survive, you can successfully transfer to become the Killing Immortal Demon Soldier!"

Zhu Yuyan jumped directly into the Heavenly Demon holy pool without any hesitation.


Suddenly, water splashed everywhere.

Seeing her master blinking, he was wrapped in a bloody cocoon of light. Wanwan's eyes were filled with disappointment, "Master..."

Looking at the lost Wanwan, Fang Yu couldn't help but comfort her: "Little witch, changing her job to become the Immortal Killing Demon Soldier is not a bad thing for your master. I guess she wants to forget Shi Zhixuan!"

He remembered that in the original work, Zhu Yuyan wanted to die with Shi Zhixuan because she used "Burn Together" on Shi Zhixuan. In the end, Shi Zhixuan did not die, but she did!

Wanwan turned to look at Fang Yu with some confusion in her eyes, "But my master obviously hates Shi Zhixuan deeply?"

"You are still young and don't understand the relationship between men and women. Have you ever heard the saying 'deep love means deep hatred'?"

Fang Yu pretended to be unpredictable and said: "Without love, where does hatred come from? I guess your master must still love Shi Zhixuan in his heart. Otherwise, how could she hate him so much?"

After saying that, Fang Yu walked out of [Zhu Xian Demon Soldier Tower] with his hands behind his back.

"Hmph! You are about the same age as me, and you seem to understand emotions very well!"

Wanwan looked at Fang Yu's back, curled her lips, and quickly followed him.

Although the spiritual power she cultivated was the power of evil, she still felt very uncomfortable staying here.

(End of chapter)

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