Chapter 26 Fang Yu’s decision

Tang Xiyue came to Fang Yu and looked at Fang Yu's flawless profile. The sun was shining on him and his whole body seemed to be glowing. She was stunned for a moment.

She didn't expect that in just a few days, the boy would grow to this point.

Although his strength is lower than hers, his combat power has far surpassed hers.

Fang Yu turned to look at the extremely beautiful girl next to him, feeling a little dazed. It must be said that the girl was very charming when she calmed down.

Shaking off the tortured thoughts in his heart, he waved his hand in front of her eyes, smiled and joked: "Xiyue, you are so fascinated by it, are you coveting my beauty in my golden age?"

At this point, he even exclaimed a little exaggeratedly: "Okay! I treat you as a brother, but you treat me as a Taoist companion!"

"Bah! You're so beautiful, I don't like you. Stop being so sentimental."

Tang Xiyue blushed and spat softly.

Although she really wanted to treat Fang Yu as a Taoist monk, she would not admit it.

I'm a bit thin-skinned, but I'm more worried that Fang Yu doesn't have that idea, and I don't know how to get along with Fang Yu after breaking the window paper.

Tang Xiyue, who was a little shy, reached out and grabbed Fang Yu's ears, staring at Fang Yu's eyes with her beautiful eyes, "Xiao Yu'er, do you think now that I can't beat you, you can tease me unscrupulously? Yes Bar?"

"It's okay, how dare I tease you, Miss Tang."

Fang Yu said with a sneer, feeling a little guilty when Tang Xiyue stared at him like this.

Tang Xiyue's beautiful eyes flashed, "I don't dare, does that mean you have something in mind?"

Fang Yu shook his head quickly: "No, absolutely not!"

Fang Yu has already experienced Tang Xiyue's power. If she is not satisfied, she will definitely beat him.

Although Tang Xiyue has a carefree personality, Fang Yu knows that she is also a witch and has endless ways of teasing people.

For more than ten years, he has been frightened by this girl.

Seeing Tang Xiyue and Fang Yu flirting, Xiao Yan and others not far away looked at them and paid no attention to them.

Yes, in the eyes of Xiao Yan and others, Tang Xiyue and Fang Yu were just flirting.

They all know that Tang Xiyue is interested in Fang Yu, but Fang Yu is too slow to notice.

"Hmph! Next time you dare to tease me, I will beat you up!"

Tang Xiyue felt a little disappointed when he heard Fang Yu's words. He raised his fist at him and grinned, showing two cute tiger teeth.

He let go of Fang Yu's ears and said with a serious face: "Xiao Yu'er, you can take half of the loot this time."

"Xiyue, there are so many of you here, and you also discovered this valley, I"

Fang Yu shook his head and refused. Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Tang Xiyue's decisive words: "That's it, you are not allowed to refute!"

Fang Yu nodded helplessly: "Okay!"

A faint smile appeared on Tang Xiyue's pretty face, and she immediately asked people to clean the battlefield and count the loot.

"Brother Fang, you are so lucky to be able to recruit such brave talents."

Xiao Yan walked up to Fang Yu, glanced at Dian Wei, who was standing behind Fang Yu like a loyal guard, and said with some envy.

He saw Dian Wei's performance just now. Even the demonic soldiers of the Body Tempering Realm Seventh Layer could not stop Dian Wei's axe, and Dian Wei's realm was only the Body Tempering Realm First Layer, which meant that Dian Wei had the lowest qualifications. All are Seventh Grade.

There are only a few peerless geniuses with Seventh Grade qualifications, even in his Xiao family.

It would be a lie to say that I am not envious of my subordinates with Seventh Grade qualifications.

Although he was envious, there was no trace of jealousy in Xiao Yan's heart.

First, Fang Yu is his recognized friend, so he will naturally not be jealous of Fang Yu.

Second, he is not a jealous person. Instead of being jealous of others, he should work hard to improve himself.

Fang Yu smiled and said: "Brother Xiao, every Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm should have some peerless geniuses. Maybe you will meet them in the future."

Xiao Yan smiled, of course he knew what Fang Yu said, but the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm was not small, and it was difficult to meet such a talent.

"Brother Fang, Sister Yue, you can chat and I won't disturb you."

After Xiao Yan finished speaking, he picked up the Demon Race leader's trophies and turned around to walk towards the others. He didn't want to keep this place as a light bulb.

Although he guessed that Fang Yu's skills were higher than Fourth Grade, he did not ask rashly.

He originally wanted to compete with Fang Yu before, but now he has no intention of competing.

What people fear most is not being able to see themselves clearly.

In this battle, he found that Fang Yu crushed him in both strength and speed. Even though he knew he would lose, he had no tendency to be abused.

Of course, Xiao Yan not only did not feel frustrated that Fang Yu was better than him, but instead ignited a stronger fighting spirit.

After meeting Fang Yu, he discovered the gap between himself and the peerless monster, and discovered his own shortcomings. Fang Yu's power gave him stronger motivation.

"Xiao Yu'er, your speed and swordsmanship just now surpassed the Fourth Grade technique. It seems that you have already mastered that technique."

After Xiao Yan walked away, Tang Xiyue whispered.

"Well, Extreme Profundities Sutra contains four martial arts, one mental technique, one sword technique, one boxing technique and one light technique, all of which are Fifth Grade!"

Fang Yu responded in a low voice that she was not surprised that Tang Xiyue guessed that he had obtained the "Extreme Profundities Sutra" because she knew that he obtained the "Extreme Profundities Sutra" from the Grotto-Heaven Office.

Tang Xiyue's eyes sparkled and she smiled: "Xiao Yu'er, you are the first person in the Great Xia Dynasty to practice the "Extreme Profundities Sutra". I think only you can match that idiot Wang Teng's catchphrase. 'If heaven had not given birth to you Fang Yu, the Great Xia would have been like a long night forever'!"

Tang Xiyue was very happy. The stronger Fang Yu was, the happier she was.

People in the family have always been critical of her relationship with Fang Yu, especially after they learned that she "lent" a Third Grade Grotto-Heaven Divine Seed to Fang Yu.

If she hadn't stopped her, the family would have come looking for Fang Yu. This time she even made a bet with her grandfather...

Now that she knows Fang Yu is so strong, she knows that the family will not use Fang Yu's cultivation as an excuse to stop them.

"Xiyue, Great Xia has a population of more than one billion, and there are many geniuses. I dare not claim to be the first person."

Fang Yu said humbly that his family knew his situation, what kind of genius he was, he was just lucky enough to get Goldfinger.

He still has this kind of self-awareness, and he is not the kind of person who even deceives himself.

However, with his current qualifications, there seems to be nothing wrong with being called "the number one person in Great Xia"!

"Xiao Yu'er, my family elders also know that the "Extreme Profundities Sutra" includes mental skills, sword skills, boxing skills and body skills. Great Xia's senior officials must also know it, but none of them have practiced it."

"Extreme Profundities Sutra is something you can do from Grotto-Heaven. If they know your current strength, they will definitely think that you have already practiced "Extreme Profundities Sutra". The value of the four Fifth Grade exercises is too great. Grotto-Heaven can do it." I will definitely negotiate with you, after all, Great Xia Dynasty doesn’t have the Fifth Grade technique yet.”

"It is said that the top management of Great Xia originally took out the "Extreme Profundities Sutra" as a reward in the hope that someone would master it, and then exchange the training methods from those who mastered it."

Speaking of this, Tang Xiyue asked: "What are you going to do?"

Fang Yu immediately informed Tang Xiyue of his decision: "After I go out, I plan to hand over the cultivation method of "Extreme Profundities Sutra" to Grotto-Heaven. After all, no eggs will be left intact after the nest is overturned. If there is no Great Xia army guarding the border, , we will not have a stable life."

"Besides, I originally obtained the "Extreme Profundities Sutra" from Grotto-Heaven. Telling them how to practice it can be regarded as reciprocating the favor!"

What he saw and heard just now deeply touched him.

There are no eggs left behind when the nest is overturned. He knows that if one day the aliens break through the border of Great Xia Dynasty, the same brutal and inhumane scene will also be staged within the territory of Great Xia Dynasty.

Although the Lord of Grotto-Heaven can escape into the Grotto-Heaven, the aliens can also sense the Grotto-Heaven wall and break the Grotto-Heaven wall from the outside to invade the Grotto-Heaven of the Lord of Grotto-Heaven.

His parents in this life were both soldiers, and they had a great influence on him.

He knew very well that without the troops of the Great Xia Dynasty guarding the border, where would his stable life be?

Therefore, Fang Yu plans to hand over the practice method of "Extreme Profundities Sutra" to Qin Qingqing after he goes out.

"Xiao Yu'er, you have a good idea!"

Tang Xiyue agreed with Fang Yu's approach.

Then he added: "But my suggestion is that you don't give it to them for free. The Grotto-Heaven Office controls all the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm in the Great Xia Dynasty. They have many Grotto-Heaven Divine Stones and Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure. You can Trade with them."

"Of course, they won't let you suffer."

Fang Yu nodded slightly.

Everyone has selfish motives, and he is no exception.

Therefore, he wouldn't mind if he could get some benefits along the way.

"Xiyue, I will tell you the cultivation method of "Extreme Profundities Sutra" now, so that you can repay the favor of your Third Grade Grotto-Heaven Divine Seed last time."

Fang Yu looked at Tang Xiyue and said with a smile.

"Who cares? Humph!"

Tang Xiyue's pretty face suddenly turned frosty, and she said angrily: "I don't want it. Your "Extreme Profundities Sutra" is much more precious than my Third Grade Grotto-Heaven Divine Seed. I can't afford it."

Fang Yu was stunned when he saw the girl getting angry for no reason.

Based on his relationship with Tang Xiyue, there are only four Fifth Grade exercises, which are not worth mentioning at all.

The reason why he said that was because he was worried that Tang Xiyue thought "Extreme Profundities Sutra" was too precious and would not accept it.

He also knew that Tang Xiyue said Grotto-Heaven Divine Seed was "lent" to him last time because he was worried that he would not accept it.

However, he clearly "repaid" Tang Xiyue as he said last time, but she was actually angry.

Thinking of this, Fang Yu looked at the girl with a strange look, "Does this girl really want to treat me as a Taoist monk?"

"Sister Yue, the battlefield has been cleaned!"

Right here, a voice came from a distance.

"Hmph! Let's divide the spoils first."

Tang Xiyue snorted at Fang Yu and dragged him towards several people dozens of meters away.

Dian Wei, who remained silent, quickly followed Fang Yu.

First update, please recommend and collect!

(End of chapter)

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