Chapter 27 Spirit Vein

"You must be my brother-in-law. My name is Li Ying'er. I am Sister Xiyue's cousin. Nice to meet you!"

As soon as Fang Yu and Tang Xiyue came to the pile of items, one of the girls, who looked like he was about the same age, walked up to him and said familiarly.

The girl is wearing a long cyan dress, has a petite figure, a round face, and two small dimples on her face when she smiles. She is very cute.

Fang Yu was stunned for a moment when the girl called him brother-in-law.

"Li Ying'er, your skin is itchy, why are you yelling?"

Tang Xiyue blushed, quietly let go of Fang Yu's hand, and stared at the girl, a little angry with embarrassment.

"Xiao Yu'er, don't get me wrong, this girl is used to speaking without restraint."

After giving Li Ying'er a "hard" look, Tang Xiyue quickly explained to Fang Yu, her eyes a little dodgy.

"I didn't... misunderstand."

Fang Yu took a deep look at the concealing Tang Xiyue, and he felt that this girl just wanted to be his Taoist companion.

Li Ying'er pursed her lips and muttered: "What? I'm helping you, but you obviously..."

Tang Xiyue's beautiful eyes suddenly looked towards her, with a "murderous" look, and said in a bad tone: "Ying'er, what are you muttering about?"

"Hehe, cousin, I'm saying you look beautiful today."

Li Yinger rolled her eyes and said with a smile.

Tang Xiyue glared at her and asked, "Can you please report how much we gained this time?"

Li Ying'er put away her smile and said with a serious face: "Cousin, this time we got a total of 38,000 Grotto-Heaven sacred stones, three pieces of Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure, and forty-six weapons."

Tang Xiyue nodded and looked back at Fang Yu, "Xiao Yu'er, you take 19,000 Grotto-Heaven Divine Stones, two Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasures, and twenty-three weapons!"

After hearing Tang Xiyue's words, no one else objected, because they all saw Fang Yu's performance just now.

It can be said that Fang Yu alone can beat them all.

"I only want the Grotto-Heaven Divine Stone, but I don't want the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure."

Fang Yu said, and before Tang Xiyue could speak, he added: "Xiyue, this is the decision. If you don't agree, I won't give it up."

He is not the kind of person who is greedy. This valley was originally discovered by Tang Xiyue and the others. He crossed the line and took 19,000 Grotto-Heaven sacred stones, which was a huge advantage.

"Okay, I'll distribute it as you say!"

Tang Xiyue naturally understood Fang Yu's character and knew that he was right to the point, so he didn't try to persuade him.

Seeing that Tang Xiyue agreed, Fang Yu took away 19,000 Grotto-Heaven sacred stones, and Tang Xiyue also put away all the remaining things.

"Xiyue, what are you going to do with those three girls?"

Fang Yu asked, pointing to the three girls they had rescued not far away.

Tang Xiyue's eyes fell on the three girls, "These three people should have been captured by the Blood Fiend Demon Race and sacrificed to the demon god."

Having said this, he looked at Fang Yu, "Do you want to take them into your Grotto-Heaven?"

Although these three girls are beautiful, they are all ordinary people. Even if they are trained as soldiers, their potential will not be high.

Fang Yu nodded slightly, "Well, my Grotto-Heaven needs manpower. If you don't want it, then I will accept it."

"Brother Fang, we want it!"

Before Tang Xiyue could answer, Li Ying'er behind her stuck out her little head, looked at Fang Yu with her big eyes, and said with a smile.

Fang Yu nodded slightly, "Since you want it, I'll give it to you."

He estimated that all the relatives of those three girls had been killed by the Blood Fiend Demon Race.

"Xiao Yu'er, where are you going next?"

Tang Xiyue glared at Li Ying'er who winked at her, looked at Fang Yu, and asked with a smile.

"I heard that there are some great talents in Yingchuan County, Yuzhou, in this world of Grotto-Heaven, and they are ready to try their luck. What about you?"

Fang Yu did not hide his whereabouts.

"We plan to go to Youzhou first. It is said that some people saw dozens of divine lights falling on the boundary of Youzhou."

Tang Xiyue said.

After saying that, Tang Xiyue suddenly looked at Fang Yu with a smile.

Seeing Tang Xiyue's smile, Fang Yu's heart suddenly skipped a beat, and a bad premonition arose in his heart.

Because usually when Tang Xiyue smiled like this at him, he was either being abused or on the way to being abused.

This is a conditioned reflex.

"Ahem, Xiyue, don't look at me like this, I'm a little flustered!"

Fang Yu coughed twice. Anyone who has been bullied for more than ten years will have a shadow in his heart.

Tang Xiyue rolled her eyes at Fang Yu and said, "I'm not a tiger. Why are you panicking? You look like a bear."

Yes, you are not a tiger, but you are a tigress!

Of course, Fang Yu only thought about this in his heart. He didn't dare to say it in front of Tang Xiyue, because he knew that if he said it, Tang Xiyue would get angry with him.

Not only Fang Yu, Xiao Yan and others also had the same idea as Fang Yu.

"I wanted to tell you before, but Wang Teng interfered with it."

Tang Xiyue said with a serious face: "We entered the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm this time mainly for the Spirit Vein."

"Xiyue, you said there is Spirit Vein in the One-Star Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm?"

Fang Yu asked in surprise.

He naturally knows that Spirit Vein is the product of the gathering of spiritual energy.

When Grotto-Heaven was first opened, most people's Grotto-Heaven spiritual energy was not very high. If you can obtain Spirit Vein, you can increase the concentration of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in Grotto-Heaven.

Even if the Spirit Vein is placed in the Grotto-Heaven, over time, Spirit Stone veins will be born near the Spirit Vein.

Spirit Stone contains pure spiritual energy, which can be directly absorbed and refined to improve cultivation.

Although he knew about Spirit Vein, he did not know that there was Spirit Vein in the one-star Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm, nor did he know how to collect Spirit Vein.

According to the information he learned, it seems that only high-level Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm can produce Spirit Vein.


Tang Xiyue nodded slightly: "Although the country has announced the matter of Spirit Vein, it has not specified it nor how to collect it."

“Only families or individuals who have contributed to the country will know the specific information and collection methods of Spirit Vein.”

After hearing what Tang Xiyue said, Fang Yu felt that it was understandable.

The importance of Spirit Vein to the Lord of Grotto-Heaven is self-evident. If he were a high-level national official, he would not tell others easily.

Tang Xiyue's voice continued, "According to high-level officials in the country, there will be Spirit Vein underground in every dynasty capital in the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm. If you want to collect Spirit Vein, you must have a 'Spirit Bottle'."

"Take this Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm as an example. There is a Han Dynasty in this Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm. The capital of the Han Dynasty is Luoyang, which means there is a Spirit Vein underground in Luoyang City."

"As for how many there are, I don't know the specific number, but it is said that there are either three or four one-star Grotto-Heaven Secret Realms."

"If we go to extract the Spirit Vein, we will definitely clash with the defenders of Luoyang City."

"After all, the capital of a dynasty will definitely be guarded by a large army. Especially after the great change of heaven and earth, the number of troops guarding the capital will definitely be more than before the great change. If we extract their Spirit Vein, the luck of the dynasty will collapse, and the capital will also collapse. The Lord of the Dynasty will definitely not agree!”

Hearing Tang Xiyue's words, Fang Yu's eyes were extremely hot.

Even he couldn't be calm when he heard that the one-star Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm also had Spirit Vein, because the value of Spirit Vein was much higher than the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure and High Level Cultivation Technique.

"Xiyue, let's go to Luoyang now. If other forces get there first, the gains will outweigh the losses."

Fang Yu couldn't wait. No one would like to have too much of a good thing.

If he gets Spirit Vein, and after adding points from Deep Blue, I wonder what level his Grotto-Heaven aura concentration can reach?

Tang Xiyue rolled her eyes at Fang Yu, "What are you in a hurry for?"

"A total of seven major forces entered the Secret Realm this time, but only three of them knew the specific information about the Spirit Vein and owned the 'Spirit Bottle'."

"One is our side, the other is the Wang family, and the last one is the 'Penguin Consortium'. I estimate that the Wang family and the 'Penguin Consortium' will first find other forces to join forces, because one force alone cannot take Luoyang City at all."

"It is said that this Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm has thirteen states and a large area. When entering the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm, you will be teleported immediately. Even if there are helicopters on the way, it will take several days to find other forces. After all, Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm Secret Realm cannot use the communicator."

"Besides, the one-star Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm must stay for seven days before leaving. Even if they have found other forces to join forces, they will not take action at this time."

"Because if we start now, if the other two forces know about it, they will definitely conduct a blanket search for this Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm."

"Although you can hide in Grotto-Heaven, if you hide in Grotto-Heaven, when other Grotto-Heaven masters approach, you can sense the other's Grotto-Heaven wall."

"Once you are surrounded, hiding in Grotto-Heaven is undoubtedly a turtle in the urn."

"So I conclude that it will take at least five days in this world before any force can't help but take action, and the first force to take action should be a coalition of three forces."

"Two forces cannot take this piece of cake together. Although the alliance of four forces is the safest, if there are only three Spirit Veins, there will definitely be internal strife due to uneven distribution!"

"So, it is most appropriate for the three forces to unite."

"If we go to extract the Spirit Vein now, even if we capture Luoyang City, we will still suffer heavy losses, and we will be hunted down by the other two forces afterwards. After all, there are only three forces with the 'Spirit Vein', so it is easy We can find out who did it."

"If Wang Teng runs away, he will definitely find other forces to join forces."

"With Wang Teng's character, after he joins forces with other forces, he will definitely be the first to take action."

"Although Concubine Ji Meng is cautious, as long as we resist taking action, she will not watch the Spirit Vein being taken away by Wang Teng. In order to cause unnecessary casualties, I decided that after the Wang family and the 'Penguin Consortium' decide the winner, we Be a fisherman in the back."

Fang Yu nodded.

Just now he knew that there was a Spirit Vein in Luoyang City, so the first thing he thought of was to strike first.

Tang Xiyue's words calmed him down.

There are four major elements in cultivation: Dharma, wealth, companionship, and land.

The land here refers to the blessed land of Grotto-Heaven, which is full of spiritual energy.

The Spirit Vein can evolve into the Grotto-Heaven.

It can be seen from this.

There is no doubt about the preciousness of Spirit Vein!

The major forces in the Great Xia Dynasty may usually unite their front for the sake of national justice, but everyone has their own small thoughts.

Spirit Vein is so precious that everyone wants it for themselves!

Second update, please recommend and collect!

(End of chapter)

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