Chapter 94 Qin Wudao’s decision

Just when Fang Yu picked the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure.

Riverside City, eastern suburbs.

In a magnificent manor.

In a large hall, an old man was playing chess with a handsome young man.

The handsome young man is Xiao Yan.

The old man opposite Xiao Yan was wearing a blue Confucian shirt, with silver hair, elegant temperament, and a bookish air all over his body, like a scholar who had read many poems and books.

The old man is Xiao Yan's biological grandfather and the current head of the Xiao family, Xiao Wenjie.


Xiao Yan moved the [cannon] on the chessboard to the center line, looked up at his grandfather, and said with a smile: "Grandpa, in hindsight, you lost!"

Xiao Wenjie looked away from the chessboard on the coffee table, looked up at his grandson, and scolded with a smile: "You stupid boy, don't you know how to let grandpa win for once?"

Xiao Yan smiled and said: "Grandpa, you said it yourself and you can't give in, otherwise I'm looking down on you!"

Xiao Wenjie was not angry and asked: "You just said that your Grandpa Li Min suddenly vomited blood when he looked at Fang Xiaozi's face in the Tang family?"

Xiao Yan nodded, "Yeah! At that time, Grandpa Li Min told Brother Fang that he vomited blood because he saw something he shouldn't have seen."

Xiao Wenjie said quietly: "This old guy didn't tell me just now. It seems he was worried that I would laugh at him!"

"I have long advised him not to look at others with his own eyes. Since ancient times, few people who try to spy on the secrets of heaven have a good death. He will be lonely and helpless all his life, which is the price of spying on the secrets of heaven. But he But he didn’t listen!”

"It's okay now, we finally encountered a tough problem!"

Xiao Yan's eyes lit up, "Grandpa, you mean that Grandpa Li Min can't see through Brother Fang!"

Xiao Wenjie said seriously: "Of course he can't see through it. If he can see through it, he won't be counterattacked by the secret!"

After a pause, he stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Yan'er, it's your luck that you can make friends with that little guy. You should get along well with him in the future!"

"He is a person with great luck. Since ancient times, anyone who has great luck will benefit immensely from those who are friends with them!"

"When Xiyue girl was just born, your Grandpa Li Min once gave her a fortune-telling, saying that after she survived a life-or-death disaster when she was a child, she will become a mother who will be the most noble in the world!"

"Xiyue was rescued by him when she was three years old, and the hexagram came true!"

"Originally, I thought that the words he said, 'Mother embodies the world and has boundless dignity' should be attributed to Wang Teng, but now it seems that it should be attributed to that little guy!"

At this point, Youyou said: "Just now your Grandpa Li Min called me to tell me that the fate of you and Ying'er has become blurry!"

"The unknown means infinite possibilities!"

"You and Ying'er have only gotten to know him during this period, which means that your two fates must have been affected by him!"

"If you really make friends with him, you can go further in the future!"

Xiao Yan said very seriously: "Grandpa, don't worry, he is the only person of the same age that my grandson admires. I also sincerely make friends with Brother Fang, and there will be no crooked thoughts!"

Xiao Wenjie nodded with satisfaction, "Grandpa is really happy that you think so!"

"Go down and practice!"

Xiao Yan stood up and bowed respectfully, "Grandpa, I'm going to practice!"

Looking at his grandson's leaving figure, Xiao Wenjie's eyes flashed with shock, and he murmured softly: "Bow down to me in the heavens, and be honored by the whole world!"

"Old man Li actually gave him such a high evaluation. I really hope I have the opportunity to see that scene!"

the other side.

"Penguin Consortium" Great Summer, in the general manager's office.

Ji Mengfei, who was wearing a red cheongsam, looked at the virtual light screen in front of her and smiled.

"Giggles, I didn't expect brother Fang Yu's mouth to be so poisonous. Even an old fox like Qin Yu was told that he vomited blood!"

After Ji Mengfei returned from Fang Yu's home, she escaped into her own Grotto-Heaven and took the Third Grade Life Spirit Liquid bought from Fang Yu to impact the Qi Condensation Realm.

She had just broken through and came out of seclusion, so she saw Fang Yu's post.

She didn't expect that Fang Yu could break Qin Yu, an old fox, and even record the video and post it on Skynet.

"Miss, he posted the video of Qin Yu threatening him on Skynet. This time the Qin Family will be severely punished by him!"

"Qin Yu, that old fox, has been fucked, and the Qin Family's military power has been taken back by Her Majesty the Queen!"

Liu Yingying, who was behind Ji Mengfei, reported respectfully, "Not only that, even the Qin Family's [Da Qin Enterprise] has also been hit hard!"

"The Qin Family is really struggling right now, and they have a bad reputation. They can be said to be street rats, and everyone wants to beat them up!"

Liu Yingying felt a little lucky. Fortunately, the young lady was very smart and chose to befriend Fang Yu.

Otherwise, [Penguin Consortium] simply cannot withstand Fang Yu’s revenge.

She witnessed with her own eyes last night that Fang Yu killed the seven Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer masters from the Royal Family of the Imperial Capital with one sword.

Not even a day has passed, and the Qin Family has been severely damaged again.

A gentleman's revenge is never too late.

But Fang Yu takes revenge from morning to night.

"The Qin Family has used methods such as moral kidnapping and righteous coercion to steal many things from other Grotto-Heaven owners over the years."

There was a hint of sarcasm on Ji Mengfei's lips, "If it were anyone else, even if the video was posted on Skynet, they would still be able to delete it!"

"But they underestimated Fang Yu. Fang Yu has a 'Guardian Medal' in his hand, and his posts cannot be deleted by Qin Family!"

"Even, I guess they didn't expect Fang Yu to record videos!"

"Qin Yu, that old fox, definitely didn't expect that brother Fang Yu would be so talkative and talk about breaking his defense!"

After a pause, Ji Mengfei's beautiful eyes flashed with wisdom: "I guess Sister Yuehuang is behind this incident!"

"After all, Sister Yuehuang has been dissatisfied with the Qin Family for a long time. She didn't touch them before because she was afraid that they would jump over the wall and cause civil strife!"

"With her intelligence, she will definitely take the opportunity to add fuel to the fire and put the Qin Family on the forefront and put it on the fire!"

At this point, something suddenly occurred to him, and a hint of sarcasm flashed across his lips, "I guess the moral kidnapping trick was the work of Qin Wudao!"

"First he threatened, then he used 'borrowing a knife to kill'. When 'borrowing a knife to kill' failed, he used 'moral kidnapping'. After three attempts, brother Fang Yu cracked it!"

"Especially the last time, it was a waste of money and the Qin Family suffered heavy losses!"

"Haha, Qin Wudao, I don't believe you can still be calm and composed now!"

at the same time.

In the Qin Family's manor in the imperial capital.

In a luxurious room, "crackling" sounds came one after another.

Outside the door, a man with silver hair frowned slightly when he heard the noise coming from the room.

This silver-haired old man is Qin Jian.

At this time, Qin Jian's tall figure was much rickets, as if he had suddenly aged by more than ten years.

"Bang bang!"

Qin Jie reached out and knocked lightly on the door.

The next moment, a deep roar came out, "Get out, get out of here!"

Qin Jie frowned and said in a deep voice, "It's me!"

Qin Jie's voice fell, and the sound in the room suddenly stopped.

Footsteps sounded, and then the room was opened.

A handsome young man wearing a purple robe, with a gloomy face and bloodshot eyes came into his eyes.

It was Qin Wudao.

Qin Jie looked at his grandson in front of him, with a look of disappointment in his eyes, "Dao'er, grandpa is very disappointed in you this time!"

Qin Wudao's body trembled suddenly, and he lowered his head in shame, "Grandpa, I overestimated myself and caused heavy losses to the family. If you scold me and punish me, I will admit it!"

Qin Jie shook his head, "This matter is not entirely your responsibility, I am also responsible. If I hadn't agreed with your method..."

The sound stopped suddenly.

After a pause, he changed the subject and said, "I'm not disappointed in you because of your methods. What I'm disappointed in is that your character is so vulnerable!"

"Failure is not terrible!"

"The scary thing is that you don't even have the courage to accept failure!"

Qin Jie looked at his grandson in front of him with complicated eyes.

This grandson has always been his pride. He has trained him vigorously over the years just to train him as his successor.

His grandson's performance over the years has not disappointed him, and even far exceeded his expectations.

Although the method to deal with Fang Yu was proposed by Sun Tzu.

But it was only executed after his approval.

It can be said that he has an unshirkable responsibility for the current consequences.

Moreover, Sun Tzu's three methods are all the best, but the people who implement them are pig-headed.

My younger brother, Qin Yu, is simply a loser, and his true colors are revealed in just a few words.

His grandson underestimated Fang Yu, and they also underestimated Fang Yu.

Qin Jian knew that his grandson Qin Wudao had been very smooth in his life and had never encountered a single setback.

Originally, he thought that his grandson had a good character, but he didn't expect that after successive defeats at the hands of Fang Yu, he didn't even have the courage to accept defeat.

This was the reason for his disappointment.

When Qin Wudao heard this, his body trembled slightly, and the anger in his eyes was suppressed by him, and his eyes became deeper.

If you look carefully, you will find that Qin Wudao has a more sinister look in his eyes than usual.

Qin Wudao bowed slightly to his grandfather and said, "Grandpa, thank you for your teaching. My grandson knows!"

Qin Jie reached out and patted his shoulder, and said in a deep voice: "Dao'er, grandpa hopes you can get up where you fell!"

"Although that little beast is very talented, sophisticated, cunning and cunning, his character is also very mature!"

"But according to the information Lu Hongliang revealed to you, he only broke through to the Qi Condensation Realm five days ago."

"And you are now a Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer, and you have the highest Ninth Grade qualification. You are only one step away from the Core Formation realm. Even the aliens in the middle stage of Core Formation are no match for you!"

"Grandpa, I guess he is no match for you yet!"

"Our Qin Family's 'Guardian Medal' has been taken back by the little queen, plus he took the initiative to expose the 'Life Spirit Liquid'."

"If we go all out to assassinate him now, even if we win in the end, my Qin Family will be wiped out!"

"Because he has the 'Guardian Medal', it would be treason for us to touch him. The little queen and other families will definitely take the opportunity to take action against us."

"However, if we give him time to continue to grow, it will be a disaster for our Qin Family."

"So, grandpa wants you to challenge him and kill him in an upright way. Are you willing?"

Qin Wudao's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness, and he said solemnly: "Grandpa, my grandson is willing!"

"He is the first person to let his grandson try and fail, and he also caused such misery to our Qin Family!"

"If he doesn't die, my grandson's thoughts will not be clear!"

"You are right. Since you can't deal with him using other means, then my grandson will use upright means to kill him!"

After a pause, he added: "Grandpa, my grandson has decided to challenge him to life and death!"

"Since he used public opinion to deal with our Qin Family, my grandson will retaliate in kind this time. I plan to use public opinion to force him to accept my grandson's life and death challenge!"

Qin Jian's eyes lingered on his grandson for a few breaths, and he nodded slightly, "Okay! Grandpa will go down and make arrangements for you!"

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Qin Wudao's eyes were full of coldness, and he murmured softly: "Fang Yu, I admit that I underestimated you before, but in front of me, you are still an ant!"

"You succeeded in irritating me this time. I want to be serious. Even if you master "Extreme Profundities Sutra", so what. I want to kill you openly and openly. I want to tell everyone that I, Qin Wudao, am the Great Xia Dynasty's No. 1 What a genius!”

Second update.

Please recommend and collect!

(End of chapter)

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