Grotto-Heaven For All: I Created The Supreme Immortal Domain

Chapter 95 Golden Armored Warrior Taoist Palace

Chapter 95 Golden Armored Warriors Taoist Palace

At the same time, Linjiang Grotto-Heaven is in the treasure house.

"A sneeze, a sneeze!"

Fang Yu, who was picking out the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure, suddenly raised his head and bent down and sneezed twice.

Tang Xiyue and Qin Qingqing, who were chatting not far away, both looked at him.

Tang Xiyue asked with concern: "Xiao Yu'er, do you have a cold?"

Qin Qingqing turned to look at Tang Xiyue beside her, and joked with a smile: "Sister Xiyue, I think you are concerned but confused. With my brother's current cultivation level, he can already withstand the cold and heat!"

After a pause, he added: "It's impossible for him to catch a cold, and the air here is very fresh, without a trace of odor or foreign matter, and you won't sneeze if you absorb the air here!"

"When a practitioner reaches a certain level of cultivation, if someone talks about or misses him, he will feel it in some mysterious way."

"'One thought, two scoldings, three murmurings', he just sneezed twice in a row, I guess someone is scolding him now!"

Tang Xiyue's face turned cold and she said coldly: "Humph! It must be someone from the Wang family or Qin Family who is scolding him!"

Fang Yu sniffed and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Could it be that the unruly old man is jealous of my good looks and wants to continue sending treasures to my door?"

Fang Yu agreed with her god sister's words.

With his current state, he would never catch a cold.

The air in the Grotto-Heaven Treasure House is also very fresh, and you won't suddenly sneeze if you absorb the air here.

After cultivators reach a certain level of cultivation, they will have a vague sense of upcoming dangers, which usually manifests as sudden uneasiness, panic, etc.

He knew very well that both the old Wang family in the imperial capital and the Qin family in the imperial capital hated him to the core.

He killed the seven Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer masters of Lao Wang's family in the imperial capital, and directly beat Lao Wang's family to half a disability.

The people of Lao Wang's family must hate him deeply now.

The same goes for the Qin Family. After all, he severely damaged the Qin Family's vitality this time.

Fang Yu vaguely felt that Qin Wudao was scolding him.

After all, with Qin Wudao's arrogance and repeated defeats at his hands, it would be strange not to hate him.

I just don't know what Qin Wudao's character is like, whether he will be as angry as Qin Yu and vomit blood.

Although Marshal Li Xing said that Her Majesty the Queen had warned the Qin Family, he knew that the Qin Family would never give up!

It's worth mentioning.

When he was at Tang Xiyue's house just now, the old marshal Li Xin asked him to delete the posts posted on Tianwang.

The old marshal Li Xing told him that he asked him to delete the post because he was worried that he would be remembered by other countries.

In addition to the Great Xia Dynasty, there are more than a hundred countries on Earth Star.

Although the overall strength of the Great Xia Dynasty is the strongest in Earth Star, under normal circumstances, other countries would not dare to take advantage of the Great Xia Dynasty's beard.

But if the benefits are enough, they will definitely take risks.

After all, ‘Man perishes for wealth, and birds perish for food’.

Old Marshal Li Xing also told him that if other countries knew about the efficacy of "Life Spirit Liquid", they would definitely take risks.

Therefore, the old marshal asked him to delete the post. Anyway, the purpose of his post had been achieved.

Not only that, the old marshal also used official means to delete all the posts that others forwarded him.

Concerns about Marshal Li Xing.

In fact, he had already considered it when he decided to send the video out.

He knew that once he posted, his name would not only be known by the forces of Great Xia Dynasty, but would even spread abroad.

Because after he posted the post, his story was also exposed.

[The first person in the history of Great Xia Dynasty to master the Fifth Grade technique. ]

[The youngest recipient of the ‘Guardian Medal’ of the Great Xia Dynasty. ]

With these two items alone, he is now a well-known star in Great Xia Dynasty.

Fang Yu estimates that his current reputation is not much worse than that of Qin Wudao, the "No. 1 in Great Xia", or even better.

After all, no matter how good Qin Wudao is, he has not mastered the Fifth Grade technique "Extreme Profundities Sutra".

No matter how awesome he is, he still hasn't received the "Guardian Medal".

Of course, Qin Wudao's current reputation has been completely ruined by him.

Qin Wudao's persona in front of others is that of a humble, polite, gentle and modest gentleman.

Secretly, he was threatening him.

Cong Qin Wudao's performance.

Anyone who is not a fool knows that Qin Wudao's appearance as an outsider is disguised. He is a complete hypocrite!

He had a vague feeling that the spies lurking in the Great Xia Dynasty might have passed his information to the forces behind them.

He was even sure that there must be traitors in the Great Xia Dynasty who betrayed their motherland.

After all, the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds.

He does know that after the alien race comes to the world, let alone traitors, they are human beings - traitors, and there are also those on Earth Star.

As far as he knows.

Over the years, several small foreign countries have been captured by foreigners. In order to save their lives, they have surrendered to the foreigners and become traitors!

Of course, in the thirty years after the great changes in the world, some countries were destroyed by alien races and turned into the dust of history.

Although he knew this, he was not worried.

He has never been merciless to anyone who dared to distract him.

In his opinion, anyone who wants to kill him is just a group of boys giving away treasures.

Shaking away the thoughts in his mind, he refocused his attention on the dazzling array of Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasures placed on the shelves.

At this moment, there were footsteps behind him, and then two fragrant winds came.

Qin Qingqing and Tang Xiyue walked to his side.

"Brother, have you not thought about what to choose?"

Qin Qingqing looked at Fang Yu and asked with a smile.

Fang Yu nodded slightly: "Yeah!"

Difficulty choosing!

Just like what his god-sister Qin Qingqing said, he didn’t know what type of Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure to choose.

Because there are many types of Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure in the treasure house.

Palace, toilet, bathhouse, forge, tailor shop, Spirit Field...

Therefore, Fang Yu didn't know what to choose.

Qin Qingqing looked at Fang Yu with her beautiful eyes and suggested: "Brother, you have no power and you fight alone every time. My sister suggests that you choose the Battle Tower!"

Tang Xiyue, who was standing on the right side of Fang Yu, also said: "Xiao Yu'er, I have the same idea as Sister Qingqing, and I also recommend that you choose [War Tower]."

"The warriors are the most powerful force in the hands of the Lord of Grotto-Heaven."

"Besides, there are already over 200,000 people in your Grotto-Heaven."

"If they are the civilian Lords of Grotto-Heaven, they don't have enough training resources themselves, and they don't have the resources to train soldiers at all!"

"Even if those big families have resources, they will only consider training their own people first, rather than training soldiers."

"But you are different. You have resources, and your talents are very powerful. No matter how hard the soldiers practice, they will never surpass him in cultivation. Even if they have different intentions, you still have the strength to suppress them!"

"Besides, the people you accept in the One-Star Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm are very loyal to you!"

"You have the life spirit fluid. It won't take long for you to cultivate a Transcendent Level soldier!"

Fang Yu had already exposed the [Life Spirit Liquid] matter, and she said it directly in front of Qin Qingqing.

And she also knew that Fang Yu could strengthen the qualities of Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure.

If Fang Yu can strengthen the warrior tower to legendary or mythical quality, he will definitely be able to cultivate an invincible warrior.


Fang Yu smiled and nodded.

Although he has nine pieces of War Soldier Tower, except for the [Magic Soldier Tower] and three rare quality [Buddha Soldier Tower], the others are of ordinary quality.

He is not considering the magic soldiers now.

As for the Buddhist soldiers, he was a handsome young man leading a group of bald men, and he always felt a little uncomfortable.

Fang Yu recalled things about Zhan Bing in his mind.

The Lord of Grotto-Heaven wants to raise warriors.

It doesn't mean that if you pass on a skill to them, your subordinates will become soldiers directly!

If you want to train warriors, you must have a warrior tower, and let your subordinates enter the warrior tower and change their professions to become corresponding warriors.

There are many types of warrior towers, such as Taoist tower, Yin soldier tower, demon soldier tower... and the demon soldier tower he got before.

When he was selecting the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure just now, he saw several warrior towers!

Golden Armored Warrior Taoist Tower.

Netherworld Ghost Soldier Tower.

The Demon-Conquering Buddha Soldier Pagoda.

Fang Yu turned to look at Qin Qingqing and asked with a smile: "Sister Qingqing, what is the highest quality warrior tower in this treasure house?"

My god-sister is the director. She may not remember all the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasures, but she definitely knows what the best war tower is.

Instead of wasting time looking for it yourself, it would be better to ask your god sister directly.

Qin Qingqing replied with a smile, "The highest quality is a rare quality golden armor warrior tower!"

Then he said: "If you want that piece, I'll get it to you right now!"

Fang Yu said with a smile: "Okay, I want that one!"

He was not surprised that Grotto-Heaven held a treasure house where the highest quality was the rare quality.

The good stuff must be used by yourself.

After all, everyone wants to keep good things for themselves.

Qin Qingqing walked towards the other shelf with her long legs.

In less than a moment, she walked up to Fang Yu holding a palm-sized, half-meter-high cyan small tower and handed it to him.

Fang Yu took the small green tower, and another piece of information suddenly appeared in his mind.

[Golden Armor Warrior Taoist Tower]

[Type]: Taoist tower.

[Quality]: Rare.

[Grade]: First Grade.

[Introduction]: A good warrior tower that allows people to change their profession into a golden armored warrior.

I don’t know to what level the quality of the Golden Armored Warrior Tower can be improved after using Primordial Tree’s dark blue points.

Fang Yu thought to himself, and then put the [Golden Armored Warrior Taoist Tower] into the space ring worn on his index finger.

Looking at Qin Qingqing, "Sister, I have already chosen, let's go!"

Qin Qingqing nodded and walked out with Fang Yu and Tang Xiyue.

Although there are a lot of Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasures in the Grotto-Heaven treasure house, Fang Yu is not very interested.

Because there are only low-quality ones in the treasure house.

He killed eight big fat sheep last night, plus one small fat sheep, revealing twelve dragon veins and a rare quality heaven and earth spiritual object.

He can take out any dragon vein in exchange for one-tenth of the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure in the treasure house.

He estimated that he had obtained all the good things from Lao Wang's family in the imperial capital, and it had become his heritage.

After he completely digests the Wang family's background, he will probably no longer be afraid of any force!

Third update!

(End of chapter)

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