The two asked around, but still didn't know the name of the research institute.

"The clues are broken again." Conan hasn't encountered such a difficult case for a long time.

Beichuan Xingshu seemed to have been thinking for a long time, and finally said: "Let's stop here, Conan, thank you for your help these two days..."

Conan interrupted him: "Hey! Since you asked me, how can I let it go?"

"I didn't say that you should stop investigating this case, but just don't focus on it for the time being. I will always pay attention to the news about her. If there is any clue, I will tell you immediately."

"Well... okay." Conan sighed. There is no way. There are too many research institutes in Japan, and there are even more unknown ones. If you investigate one by one, it will not only be time-consuming and labor-intensive, but also may not produce results. "Did you go to the Heshen Bar last night?"

Beichuan Xingshu was stunned and almost forgot about it. Then he made up a story: "I saw it. There is a secret passage in the bar leading to the underground. There is a large space there, like an underground trading place, but it is very empty and there is no one."

"Sure enough, the Heshen Bar is not simple. If it is an underground trading place, there should be more entrances and exits. Have you found other places to enter?" Conan was very interested.

"Yes, I came out from another exit, which is in the mountain next to the Black Forest Bar... But I don't recommend you to go. What if you run into bad guys?" Kitagawa Anshu looked thoughtful for him.

"Oh." I'll talk to Mr. Amuro when I get back. Conan thought, but Mr. Amuro asked for leave again today. Could it be about the Black Organization?

Amuro Toru did ask for leave for the Black Organization. Just this morning, he received a message from Gin notifying him to attend the organization's rally.

Gin, Vodka, Vermouth, Kil, Cook, Chianti, Cohen and him were present.

Others were fine, but Cook looked embarrassed and obviously went into the interrogation room.

Gin: "There are traces of rats in this mission."

"Before you notified me to investigate, I didn't know there was such a mission." Bourbon cleared himself of suspicion.

Gin didn't even look at Bourbon, and continued: "Only Boss and Cook knew about the mission." And the other peripheral members who might know had been killed by him.

Vermouth: "It seems that you and your partner, Cook, are the most suspicious. "

"I have been interrogated, and I am not the undercover. Besides, I grew up in the organization and it is impossible for me to betray the organization." Cook's voice was hoarse.

"It seems that there is something wrong with Boss. Being knocked down by a girl with a stick sounds ridiculous. He must want to take this opportunity to leave the organization." Chianti directly stated her guess.

Gin naturally suspected Boss, but he was the only one who was not checked for suspicion: "Whoever meets Boss in the future, kill him immediately." Even if he is not an undercover, if he is captured by the enemy and still alive, it means that he is most likely to betray.

"Don't worry, if I see him, I will definitely take him away with one shot." Chianti touched her sniper rifle and said.

"The underground trading place was finally cleared by the public security, and the assumption that the attacker was the public security cannot be ruled out." Vermouth took a step forward, "Of course, I personally tend to think that it was the attacker who told the public security."

In addition to Bourbon, the only one who knew the truth at the scene was Gin, who inferred it based on the information sent by Brandy.

"The biggest purpose of this rally is to find the organization behind the attacker. Since they have provoked us, they must pay the price!"

"Could it be a Yakuza organization?" Gil provided an idea.

Gin pondered for a moment and decided not to miss any possibility: "Starting today, check carefully, all possible Yakuza organizations must be checked."


After the rally, Amuro Toru returned to the Poirot Cafe, thinking while cleaning the table.

"Mr. Amuro, you're back! I have something to tell you." Edogawa Conan, who came downstairs to see if Amuro Toru had returned, pulled Amuro Toru to a corner where no one was.

"What's the matter?"

Conan told him everything he found suspicious and found out about Kitagawa Apricot Tree. After listening, Toru Amuro looked puzzled, and then lowered his voice:

"That place has been shut down." Even the people involved in the illegal transactions - the part captured in the video, have been arrested one after another and sent to prison. As for the others, they can't arrest them without evidence.

Toru Amuro did not think about leaving the public security people there to wait, but suddenly so many people were arrested, most of the people who wanted to trade would not come again. They are not stupid, so instead of waiting foolishly, it is better to retreat quickly and use the power where it is needed.

"Ah? I see." Conan was surprised that the police had already discovered the place, "The criminalsAre all the guilty people sent to prison?"

"Some of them are. This matter involves a lot, so I won't reveal more. If there is nothing else, I will go to work first." Amuro Toru returned to the back of the bar.

Conan chased him again: "You asked for leave yesterday afternoon and this morning. Is there something going on there?"

Amuro Toru helplessly held his forehead: "Don't be so curious."

"Tell me, Mr. Amuro, am I not your teammate?"

"Some things are better for children not to know for the time being." Amuro Toru was not shaken at all.

"But I want to tell you as soon as I know something, and I have made several trips to see if you are there. You see I have done this, just reveal some information to me." Conan clasped his hands together and pleaded.

"I really can't get away from you... The organization failed in its latest mission, and a code member is missing. "After saying this, Toru Amuro started to work.

Even Mr. Amuro said that his whereabouts were unknown, which meant that the police and the organization didn't know where that person was. Conan fell into deep thought.

It was a warm early summer day. In a house far away from the city, the first mate, the novelist and the antique dealer walked into the basement together.

Boss was imprisoned here. This house belonged to the antique dealer, so his food would be mainly provided by the antique dealer in the future.

The basement was not small, but had a bathroom, a bedroom and a living room. Boss's feet were chained, and he could just walk in three rooms, but not more.

At this time, he had woken up and sat upright on the sofa with empty eyes, because the first mate hypnotized him.

The interrogation began:



"Not a code name, real name?"


"How long have you been in the organization?"

"Five years."

"Where did you work before? "This sentence was just a casual question from the novelist, but he didn't expect to get a surprise.


Hiss——The three of them took a breath of cold air.

【Novel Creator (Novelist): I'm so funny, Bostmo is an undercover agent!!!

Spiritual Counselor (First Officer): I'm crying, people are really unlucky when they are unlucky, what should we do, should we continue to lock him up?

Antique Collector (Antique Dealer): How is that possible? But we can't send him back to the Black Organization directly, it's too dangerous for him, let's lock him up for a while, and then secretly send him to MI6 after the storm is over.

Prophet (Priest): Why bother so much, find a time to release him, he can go wherever he wants, it has nothing to do with us.

Antique Collector (Antique Dealer): I just felt guilty for interrupting his actions. Five years, how many five years can a person have? Now his efforts will be in vain. It's really a pity.

I Love Invention (Mechanic): If you are worried about him, antique dealer, you can take him to a safe place in person when you have time [wink and smile]

Prophet (Priest): Anyway, I will not object to your actions. As long as the mission can be completed and you can go home, you can do whatever you want.

Novel Creator (Novelist): Yoshi. 】

Novelist stepped back and let the antique dealer ask for information, while she started chatting with the first mate.

Novelist: "First mate, how many pocket watches do you have?"

The first mate waved his hand: "No, none. Repeated hypnosis consumes it very quickly, and the way to obtain it is a bit difficult."

"There are so many patients where you work. As long as you work hard to mediate them, you will definitely get more watches. "The novelist gave him a mouthful of chicken soup.

The first mate complained directly: "How can it be that simple? I have to mediate successfully to get a watch for one person, and those who have been temporarily mediated are not included at all."

"Ah, you have worked hard." The novelist thought about himself and gossiped: "I recently found a good way to brush the golden finger, which is limited to me. I found that as long as the novels I write are more explosive and bloody, the faster they pass the system detection. Do you think it is because the system is good?"

The first mate was shocked: "The system is such a system!!!"

"Not only that, my other golden finger, reading the original fan fiction, most of the recommended pages in my mind are the kind of forced love of maidens. I seriously suspect that the system is not serious."

The first mate thought: "The system cannot be judged by appearance. You have successfully broken my stereotype of the system. By the way, do you see any useful clues in the fan fiction? For example, about what may happen in the future. "

The novelist shook his head regretfully: "No, the future direction and cases of those fan fictions are basically what the authors think of themselves. The few that followed the original plot didn't include content later in the timeline. It would be much better if we traveled back to the beginning of the plot, but it's too late now. "

"Alas,Yes. "

"What are you two talking about? I've finished asking." The antique dealer looked like an ordinary girl, and it was hard to imagine that she was already 30 years old.

The novelist was distracted, she just had another inspiration: "Nothing, just talked about the system's preferences and so on, tell me your results first."

The antique dealer sat down and cleared his throat: "Let's start with his partner Cook. Cook has lived in the organization since he was a child. He has a very direct personality, is above average in physical skills, and is also okay in shooting. In short, he can do everything but is not proficient. He is a more useful tool in the organization. Because of his obedience and hard work, he got this code name a few years ago..."

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