A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

It was a sunny day, and Maori Kogoro and his group went to the place where Maori Ran won the three-day free travel ticket for the mountain villa.

When they arrived at the villa, they happened to meet Mochizuki Sue who came to relax.

"It's you, Xiaolan, we meet again." Mochizuki Sue excitedly stepped forward to greet her. Meeting the protagonist group meant that the next trip would be more exciting, and she liked such excitement.

"Oh, Xiaolan, you still know such a beautiful woman, haha, hello, lady, I am Maori Kogoro, the famous detective Sleeping Kogoro. Hahaha, I think you must have heard of me, hahaha..."

Maori Kogoro's expression changed from lustful to serious in just a few seconds, and then smiled with his mouth wide open. Mochizuki Sue was amazed. This is exactly the same as in the anime!

"Dad——" Maori Ran stretched out his fist, Maori Kogoro's smile froze, and then coughed twice to return to normal.

"Hello, Detective Maori, I have read the newspapers reporting your case and have heard of your name for a long time. My name is Mochizuki Sue, and I am a novelist." Mochizuki Sue said politely.

"Hello, hello. If I have the chance in the future, I will definitely read your masterpiece." Maori Kogoro wanted to shake hands with Mochizuki Sue, but Mochizuki Sue pretended not to see it and followed the topic: "It's not like reading, what I write is relatively superficial."

"No, no, Miss Mochizuki looks like a great writer, how can she not write well."

Mochizuki Sue laughed twice, as if she was pleased by this. In fact, she has been carefully observing the other party, trying to see if she can see any traces of disguise. After all, people in the previous life had a heated argument over whether Maori Kogoro was really stupid or pretending to be stupid.

"Sister Mochizuki, are you here alone?" Maori Ran interrupted the topic at the right time.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"Do you want to join us? It will be more lively with more people." Maori Ran suggested.

Mochizuki Moto naturally agreed. She thought that if she got to know the protagonists better, maybe her safety factor would be higher.

The four of them entered the villa together. After registering their check-in information, they placed their luggage in the room, and then gathered in the lobby to play nearby.

The villa was picturesque, with green trees and a breeze blowing, bringing bursts of flower fragrance. While enjoying the beautiful scenery, everyone exchanged experiences and stories with each other. Of course, it was mainly Maori Kogoro who was talking. Mochizuki Moto pretended to be interested in listening, while Maori Ran and Conan were wandering in the sky.

However, this peace and tranquility did not last long.

The next morning, a loud scream woke up the travelers who were still sleeping.

Conan jumped out of bed reflexively, sorted out his clothes casually, and hurried to the direction of the screamer.

Maori Kogoro and Maori Ran were a little slower, but they soon caught up.

Mochizuki Moto, the slowest one: No, are you all so fast? Does it take no time to wash, put on shoes and clothes?

In order to catch up with her reasoning, she also tried her best and forced herself to finish these within two minutes.

The one who screamed was the front desk lady of the villa, Asada Music. She knelt on the ground, her face pale, and pointed at the warehouse in front of her: "Dead... dead..."

Conan went directly into the warehouse, and then a pungent smell choked him to cough a few times. He looked closely and saw a corpse lying on the ground. The corpse had a distorted face and wide eyes, as if he had experienced great pain before death. There was a big hole on his head, which looked like it was hit by a blunt instrument, and it was repeatedly hit in one place several times.

Mao Lilan and the others also arrived. Although the corpse was a bit scary, Mao Lilan, who had been baptized by so many strange corpses, was able to calmly call the police.

Mao Li Kogoro also went in to look for clues.

The debris in the warehouse looked very messy, and there were some messy footprints on the ground. It was initially estimated that there had been a fight here. There seemed to be bloodstains wiped on the wall, and the window was broken. In addition, the dead man was holding a piece of cloth tightly in his hand.

A simple reasoning emerged in Conan's mind, but to confirm the murderer, he still needed a suspect and some evidence.

The manager of the villa and Mochizuki arrived at the same time. The moment they saw the dead man, both of them almost vomited.

"Hello, are you Detective Maori? I am the manager of the villa, Mitsui Changshou." The manager asked Maori Kogoro with expectation in his eyes.

"Yes, it's me."

"Great, with you here, we will definitely solve the case quickly." The manager was relieved and provided a clue: "I brought the check-in information form. As long as I check the key number, I can know which guest it is. By the way, does the dead man have a key?"

"Yes! The number is 5488." Conan took the key from the dead man's clothes bag.He took out a key from the house.

How could a child touch a corpse? ! ! The manager was shocked, but when he saw that Maori Kogoro and Maori Ran were not surprised, he convinced himself that maybe it was a genius child, the apprentice who followed the sleeping Kogoro?

"Let me see who it is." Maori Kogoro took the information sheet and began to check the check-in information:

"Ah, I found it. The deceased is called Watanabe Shota. He checked in yesterday morning. Mr. Mitsui, do you remember the scene when he checked in?" Maori Kogoro asked.

Mitsui Nagatoshi shook his head: "I wasn't at the front desk at that time, but Asada should remember."

Before Maori Kogoro asked who Asada was, Asada Music stood up from the ground:

"Hello, Maori Detective, my name is Asada Music, I work at the front desk at the villa. I roughly remember the scene at that time."

"Then please tell me."

"He didn't come alone at that time. There were three people with him, two men and one woman. They rented a room each. The information is below Mr. Watanabe."

"Then they went out to play together yesterday afternoon, and then I was a little sleepy at night. I only vaguely saw one person coming back around eight o'clock."

It seems that the suspect is probably among the three people, Conan thought.

Half an hour later, the three friends of the deceased arrived.

They are Kobayashi Erika, Otomo Shinichi, and Kikuchi Kamiyo.

The three of them immediately declared their innocence:

"We went out with Watanabe Shota yesterday afternoon and wandered around the villa. As it was getting darker, I didn't dare to stay outside, so I came back early. I came back around 6:30, and I stayed in the room until this morning." Kobayashi Erika said.

Then, Otomo Shinichi also told his whereabouts. He came back around 8 o'clock. Because one of his legs had been amputated, he was afraid of falling on the road, so he said goodbye to the remaining two people and came back alone with a flashlight.

Kikuchi Shangyang's forehead was covered with cold sweat: "Although I stayed with Shota the latest, I'm really not the murderer. We separated at nine o'clock. At that time, he was still fine. He also said that he wanted to be alone for a while and asked me to come back first."

"Don't quibble. The murderer is you, Kikuchi Shangyang. You took advantage of the fact that only the two of you were there and asked Watanabe Shota to meet in the warehouse, ready to kill him. Unexpectedly, you failed to hit him and met with strong resistance from Watanabe. You fought, and he gradually lost the upper hand because of his injury. Then you took the opportunity to attack his head again until he was killed. Am I right?"

Mouri Kogoro was full of confidence, and Kikuchi Shangyang's face turned red and white:

"You said I was the murderer, so where is the murder weapon? Where is the evidence?"

"After you killed Watanabe Shota, you were afraid of being seen because of the blood on your body, so you broke the window and went to the cliff over there, throwing the bloody clothes and murder weapon down."

Kikuchi Shangyang was stunned for two seconds before speaking: "You mean there is no evidence, and then You just guessed that I was the murderer? ! ! "

"As long as the police come, they will send people to the bottom of the cliff to find the evidence. You'd better not struggle. Killing is killing. This is a crime that cannot be erased."

"I'm not the murderer. Why should I struggle? And your guess is also wrong. Watanabe has learned fighting. How can I beat him? Otomo Shinichi can help me testify for this. After all, they met in the fighting field."

Kikuchi Shangyang's words attracted the attention of Conan who was trying to get the other two people to talk. He pulled Kikuchi Shangyang's trousers and asked:

"Did Mr. Otomo have a conflict with Mr. Watanabe?"

Kikuchi thought about it and hesitated:

"I don't know if it counts. Otomo Shinichi's leg was amputated because of Watanabe's mistake, but Otomo did not blame Watanabe. On the contrary, his relationship with him is still so good."

Very good, now there is a motive. Conan ran to the door of the warehouse and shot Maori Kogoro unconscious through the gap.

Maori Kogoro staggered back a few steps and then sat on the ground in front of the warehouse door in a handsome posture, with his back against the door.

"Actually, the reasoning I just said was just a test. The murderer was not Mr. Kikuchi, but Otomo Shinichi!"

"How could it be me! I came back early yesterday and never went out afterwards. How could I have killed him?"

Otomo Shinichi looked incredulous.

"Don't worry, listen to my reasoning first. Although you came back once at eight o'clock, I think when you saw Kikuchi coming back, you found a reason to invite Watanabe to the warehouse. You climbed out of the room through the window, so no one could see you go out."

Otomo Shinichi interrupted him: "What evidence do you have to prove that I wasHow did you get out like this?"

"Of course it's footprints. I just asked Conan to look under your window. There are two rows of footprints, one deep and one shallow. I guess no one else's footprints would be like this except you who have a prosthetic limb."

"So what if it's my footprints? It doesn't mean I'm the murderer." Otomo Shinichi continued to quibble.

"You met in the warehouse. You didn't hesitate and attacked Watanabe's head with the murder weapon. Then, as I just reasoned in front of Kikuchi, you only threw your clothes to the edge of the cliff, and didn't throw away the murder weapon."

Under Otomo Shinichi's pale face, the next sentence completely broke his luck.

"The murder weapon is your prosthesis. As long as you take it for testing, you can find blood stains on it, even if you have washed it many times."

Otomo Shinichi knelt on the ground, covering his face and crying.

"Why did you kill him? Aren't you and Watanabe good friends? "Kobayashi Erika shed tears, the person she secretly loved turned out to be the murderer.

"What good friend! It's just acting, you don't know, he broke my leg on purpose in that match, because he was afraid that I would take away his chance of promotion! Maybe he didn't expect that I could beat him with just one leg this time."

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