The staff and security guards on this floor followed the main group upstairs. They obviously forgot that there were still a few people going to the toilet. Of course, it might be just selective forgetfulness.

After a while, Anshu Kitagawa looked at the time: Damn! There are only ten minutes left. Conan and the others are still working diligently to defuse the bomb. They have no intention of coming down for a while. I must do something to protect myself.

Oh, why did I almost forget the scales? I have been given a piece of the professor's legacy. Wearing it will at least prevent me from being killed by the bomb at a tricky angle.


His cell phone rang. It was Ran Maoli calling. Anshu Kitagawa answered the call.

"Hello, Brother Kitagawa, it's almost twenty minutes. Is Conan still not ready? We are already on the 6th floor."

"Ah, it's like this. The two of us and Mr. Amuro are looking for something. You should get off the cruise ship first. We will meet you then." Anshu Kitagawa said.

"Okay, I got it. Sorry for bothering you. Goodbye."


Because the structure of the bombs is the same, except that it takes a little longer to dismantle the first one, the ones behind are getting faster and faster. At this time, Matsuda has already dismantled the eighth one. In his opinion, the bomb in the most critical part here has been dealt with.

However, the power of this bomb is definitely not weak, so he can only try his best to dismantle more.

As for the other side, he saw Amuro Toru taking tools, and the bomb dismantling should be ok. Their progress should be similar.

There are a few more dangerous ones in the middle. He looked up and saw that the little boy had actually dismantled the fourth one. Judging from the current appearance of the first three bombs, they were indeed dismantled. Is he a genius child?

Time passed by minute by minute, and he continued to dismantle the bombs with concentration.

There are three minutes left, and he will retreat after dismantling one more.

In the last minute, Matsuda Eiji slid down from the pillar directly. Conan was still a little short of dismantling the one he was dismantling. He planned to dismantle it before coming down. Amuro Toru only had two and a half minutes left to dismantle the eighth bomb. For safety reasons, he came to Matsuda in advance.

The two met up, and Amuro Toru saw Conan was still dismantling the bomb, so he said: "Conan, time is running out, come down quickly!"

"Okay - I'll be done soon, you guys stay away from here first." Conan cut another line, thinking that if the scissors could be a little thinner, he would have dismantled the bomb long ago, but there was nothing he could do in this situation, it was good to have tools.

By the way, I seem to have overlooked one thing. Although the tools that Kitagawa Anshu collected at the beginning looked quite mixed, they seemed to be professional bomb disposal tools. No one on the cruise ship knew how to dismantle bombs, so what were these tools for?

And it took him less than three minutes to get them. Excluding at least one minute for the round trip, how did he quickly gain the trust of the staff and find these tools with the staff in the remaining two minutes?

But if they were not obtained from the staff, where did these tools come from? Could it be that there are members of the fifth personality working on this cruise ship, and because they are very vigilant, they are always ready with these tools?

I'll try to ask Kitagawa Anshu later, maybe he can tell me.

Conan kept thinking in his mind and moving his hands. Two of the three people standing not far away had already thought about taking Conan away.

Matsuda Eiji and Amuro Toru took a step at the same time. If they didn't take this kid away, there would be no chance later.

Kitagawa Anshu firmly believed that Conan would definitely defuse the bomb in the last ten seconds or so and then escape as soon as possible, but that would make him look useless, so: "Gentlemen, I believe Conan can do it. You should stand farther away first. I will successfully bring him here in a while. I promise I can do it."

Matsuda Eiji turned around, and Kitagawa Anshu mouthed to him: "Fifth Personality".

Matsuda stopped and stopped moving forward. Amuro Toru was a little confused as to why Matsuda believed Kitagawa Anshu. Although he promised, reality is always full of expectations. It would be bad if something happened.

Amuro Toru remembered that in a previous robbery, Kitagawa Anshu used a rope to tie up Mochizuki Sue who was held hostage by the gangster. Is he going to use that trick next?

It seems possible.

After cutting the last line, Conan breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at the countdown. Fifteen seconds!

He didn't care about the tools and wanted to hurry down, but his feet suddenly slipped and half of his body was hanging in the air. At this time, Kitagawa Anshu used the hooking method to put Conan in a rope, and then pulled Conan to his shoulder. He carried Conan and ran away while saying: "Let's go!"

Matsuda Eiji and Amuro Toru, who had subconsciously run over to save Conan, watched this scene nervously, and then quickly ran away. Just a few steps away, the bomb exploded.

Amuro Toru threw himself on Matsuda Eiji, and Kitagawa Anshu protected Conan under himself.Fire and various fragments of the explosion flew everywhere. Amuro Toru groaned. Matsuda Eiji, who realized that he was protected, turned over and pressed Amuro Toru under him. Then Amuro Toru secretly tried to turn over again, but he couldn't do it after his back was injured, so he failed.

The seats on the upper layer fell down with a bang, hitting Kitagawa Anshu several times. Although he kept saying that he was fine, Conan knew that he was just comforting himself.

Conan looked at Kitagawa Anshu with emotion. He was really kind.


There was a hole in a place, and seawater poured in from the outside at a fast speed. In addition, a large area next to the hole had obvious cracks. It was estimated that it would be washed away by water in a short time, because this layer was below the water level and there was water pressure outside.

The speed of the water level rise suddenly accelerated. It was likely that there was a larger gap on the other side. Although the explosion stopped, several people were buried by a pile of things and could not leave for the time being.

On the 6th floor, Maori Kogoro successfully got off the cruise ship. He was the last one to get off the cruise ship except for the staff on the lower floors. There were about a thousand people queuing up on the upper floors.

The sudden explosion and violent shaking made many people panic. Some of them pushed the people in front of them and squeezed forward, fearing that they would be left behind.

The security guards tried to maintain order, but it didn't work. The shaking became more and more violent, and even the cruise ship sank a little.

"I will give 10,000 yen to anyone who gives me a seat! No, 100,000! I mean what I say!" Pangdun really didn't want to queue up so long. Who knew if he could escape in a while? He just wanted to get off the cruise ship quickly. As for the promise of 100,000 per person, it was just a verbal promise. It was up to him whether to give it or not.

But unlike what he expected, no one paid attention to him. Everyone stuck together, fearing that someone would suddenly cut in line.

"Two hundred thousand yen! I'll give two hundred thousand yen to anyone who gives me a seat!" Fatty shouted again, and this time someone responded to him, but what he said was:

"Shut up! You're talking as if we're short of money. Two hundred thousand is just to send off beggars. I tell you, there's no poor person here. Even if you bid one million, no one will be interested. Our lives are much more valuable than that."

Fattty's face turned red and white, and he wanted to refute the other party, but when he realized that the watch on the other party's hand was more expensive than the whole body of his body, he shut up.

He looked away, and a man in cleaning work clothes broke into his sight. He reached out and grabbed the man's collar, and said arrogantly:

"How dare you stand in front of us? You're just a cheap life, so stay at the back!"

He pulled the man over and wanted to stand a little ahead, but he was a step too late. A man next to him who looked about the same as him quickly filled in.

Fatty cursed angrily, not noticing the madness in the eyes of the man being dragged over. He was the bomber, and he had a powerful bomb on him. He came with the intention of dying with Fatty this time.

He was worried that Fatty would escape by luck, so he had been waiting on the floor where Fatty was, and then deliberately lined up near Fatty.

Now we need to be patient for a while. The bomb below may not be placed in the key place, so the cruise ship sinks so slowly. In this case, let's wait a little longer, and send Fatty and these people to the west with a bang when their hope is the greatest!

Most of the crew members who are still trying their best to control the cruise ship at the top level are scared. If they survive successfully and no tourists are in danger, then this will be a perfect resume, which will be of great help to their future work, but if GG, then there will be nothing.

They try to comfort themselves in their hearts that at the current sinking speed, they still have a chance.

Hundreds of people on lifeboats and life rafts near the cruise ship looked at the cruise ship with lingering fear. Most of them were glad that they escaped danger in advance.

In a life raft, Mao Lilan and the other two looked very worried. They had not seen Conan and the others come out until now. Mao Lilan called Conan, Kitagawa Anshu and Amuro Toru in turn, but no one answered.

"What should I do? They didn't answer the phone."

"Maybe they didn't hear the phone. It's okay. They will be fine. Maybe they will come out in a while." Suzuki Sonoko said, and at the same time thought in her heart: Conan, Mr. Amuro, I believe you will be out of danger!

"Yes, they will definitely be fine." Mao Lilan held the phone tightly.

Mao Li Kogoro complained: "This kid, if he didn't go to the toilet at the critical moment, maybe there wouldn't be so many things. If you encounter this situation again in the future, let him pull the trouser pocket and don't let him run around."

On the third floor of the cruise ship, as the sea water submerged them, they were increasingly unable to use their strength to get out of theout from the intricate tables, stools and rocks.

Conan looked like he was about to faint, what to do? Should he be given air?

There was no problem with giving him air, but the problem was that he was rolling his eyes, and he would faint if there was no fresh air.

Oh - how could I almost forget about the system mall! Wouldn't it be better to just buy a small oxygen cylinder?

He pretended to dig in his pocket, and then took out two small oxygen cylinders as long as his palm, the oxygen in them would at least last until the fisherwoman came to rescue them.

Speaking of the fisherwoman, she came in from the big hole on the other side and was looking for them now.

Conan felt that his mind was constantly confused, maybe he was really going to die this time, he felt guilty for involving Kitagawa Xingshu and the others, if they didn't wait for him, they wouldn't be facing such a scene.

The sea water was cold, and Conan's body was almost numb, and he only vaguely felt something touching his mouth.

Wait! Could it be? !

After a while, no warm gas came in, and he fainted with relief.

Kitagawa Anshu was already mad, he used the oxygen cylinder to push Conan's mouth twice, but the other party not only did not breathe, but also fainted directly.

Conan, why don't you open your eyes and take a look!!! This is an oxygen cylinder! Breathe it!

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