Conan suddenly woke up from his semi-coma. If Kitagawa Anshu didn't intend to give him air, why did he touch his mouth? He struggled to open his eyes, and then he saw Kitagawa Anshu's face getting closer and closer, with an expression that seemed to be sacrificing his life for justice.

He quickly turned his head to the side, and Kitagawa Anshu, who felt his movement, opened his eyes in surprise, and then handed the oxygen cylinder to Conan, who took it and took a few deep breaths.

After recovering, he stared at Kitagawa Anshu in confusion, as if to say: Why didn't you take it out earlier if you had this thing?

Kitagawa Anshu pressed his hair with his left hand, tilted his head to one side, then turned back and said with his mouth: I forgot.

The two of them breathed in oxygen silently. Suddenly, Conan thought of something and looked anxious. Kitagawa Anshu tried to recognize his mouth shape: Mr. Amuro...

What happened to Mr. Amuro?

Who is Mr. Amuro?

Mr. Amuro, Amuro Toru, damn! Right! He and Matsuda are still trapped! Maybe he was really confused by the lack of oxygen, and he could forget such an important thing.

He looked around and successfully saw the two people through a not-so-small gap. They didn't look very good, and they closed their eyes and didn't move.

Kitagawa Anshu took out two small oxygen cylinders from his pocket and handed them to Conan, indicating that he should find a way to pass them to Amuro Toru and Matsuda.

Conan glanced at his pocket and was a little confused about why he brought oxygen cylinders, but the most urgent thing was to save people, so he put aside his doubts and started to find a way.

There happened to be a stick next to him, Conan picked it up and poked Matsuda Eiji through the gap, and the other party and Amuro Toru opened their eyes and looked over at the same time.

Conan raised the two small oxygen cylinders and shook them, and they immediately understood what Conan meant. Matsuda reached out his hand, and Conan also handed it over with force, and it was just a successful handover.

In the next few minutes, several people bit the oxygen cylinders and looked for ways to get out. Unfortunately, these tables and chairs happened to be stuck. If they wanted to get out, they had to either break some of them with brute force or have someone take the top ones that were stuck the most from the outside.

Originally, they wanted Conan to get out first, but the gaps were either not wide enough or not big enough. Conan tried to squeeze out, but got stuck.

[Unscientific Mermaid (Fisherwoman): I seem to have seen where you were buried, but since you bought an oxygen cylinder, I can retreat, you should be able to get out.

Dog-headed Detective (Cowboy): Don't go, we can't get out, and now we are helpless.

Unscientific Mermaid (Fisherwoman): Then give me 1 token, and I will buy a cloak that can cover my whole body.

Dog-headed Detective (Cowboy): Just 1 token, don't give it, I'm so poor now, I just spent 4 tokens to buy an oxygen cylinder.

Please, I want to save tokens to buy other things [tearful eyes]

Unscientific Mermaid (Fisherwoman): If you had participated in more tasks, the tokens used to divide would not have made you so poor. Alas, for the sake of friendship, I don't want it.

Dog-headed Detective (Cowboy): The boss is generous! 】

The Fisherwoman looked around in the system mall and found that the price of the cloak was 1 token, regardless of the style and workmanship specifications.

In order to look good, she chose a dark blue one with many incomprehensible dark patterns on it, which looked very advanced and mysterious.

The size was adjusted to the maximum, and there was also customization. She added a row of buttons, a hat and two long sleeves to the cloak, and now it has been completely transformed into an extra-long coat.

After getting it, it was damn suitable. It covered her fishtail in all directions at the bottom, and covered her head at the top so that only her mouth and neck could be seen.

Unfortunately, there was no mirror. After sighing for a second, she swam out from behind the cover, went to the place where several people were buried, and used a fork to split the obstacle.

Kitagawa Anshu found an angle to take a handsome photo of the fisherwoman and sent it to the fisherwoman to thank her for her generosity.

Conan saw that the fork was getting closer and closer to his head, and he even forgot to breathe oxygen temporarily: this fork was too hard and sharp, and it felt that he would be craniotomized if he just scratched his head lightly.

After the shock, he suddenly remembered that he had seen a woman in the fifth personality using a similar fork before. Could this person be her? After all, several people from the fifth personality also came to the cruise ship.

Amuro Toru and Matsuda Eiji didn't know who she was, but it was not difficult for her movements to make people see that she was saving them. If she was a rescuer on the ship, it would be impossible to wear such a cloak. Looking at her smooth movements, she didn't look like a middle school patient.

So it should be inconvenient for her to show up, and her identity is probably not simple.

Such a person, apart from a righteous man with a sensitive identity, would only come to rescue people because his companions were trapped. He (Amuro Toru) did not tell Vermouth and others that he went to the third floor to defuse the bomb, so he could not be a member of the Black Organization.

Amuro Toru looked at the pine tree on his body.Tian Yingji: Matsuda is now a member of the fifth personality. It is not ruled out that he revealed his whereabouts when defusing the bomb, so it is very likely that she is a member of the fifth personality.

Matsuda also guessed that she was probably related to the fifth personality, because Amuro Toru's expression did not seem to know that someone was coming to rescue him.

He did not contact other people to come here to defuse the bomb, so it was the man next to Conan (whom others called his name) who contacted the rescue. He might have contacted when defusing the bomb.

Speaking of defusing the bomb, Conan, this little kid, actually learned to defuse the bomb. Logically speaking, there would be no formal institution to teach such a young child to defuse the bomb, so is he, like the little girl who disguised himself, specially trained by the fifth personality to do the task?

In any case, Conan's relationship with the fifth personality is definitely not simple, otherwise how could the unknown man (Kitagawa Apricot Tree) go with him to find the bomb...

The four people had different thoughts, and they could get out in less than two minutes, but several of them did not move.

Conan and Matsuda Eiji were waiting for Kitagawa Anshu to go out first. After all, he was the foreign aid he called. As a code member of the enemy organization of the fifth personality, Amuro Toru must not go out first, so he did not move. Kitagawa Anshu did not think too much. Seeing the others' "alert" look, he went out first to let everyone confirm that the fisherwoman came to save them.

After the fisherwoman finished her good deed, she looked around and found no danger, so she left directly. In her eyes, she was leaving with nothing to show for her achievements and fame, and the BGM was automatically played in her mind.

However, she did not know that when she swam away, the few people who had not come out diagonally below her saw a roughly blue tail.

The dark blue cloak rose and fell with her swimming, revealing the tail reflecting various colors underneath.

Conan/Amuro Toru/Matsuda Eiji: I must be dazzled, I actually saw the tail... But no matter how many times I looked at it, it was indeed a tail! It didn't look fake at all... Could it be an illusion before death? In fact, this oxygen cylinder is also fake, and I am about to die... No, I have a feeling, this is not an illusion.

Could it be! She likes to cosplay as a mermaid! In fact, this is not impossible, after all, the overall level of second-year students in this country is relatively high.

This seems to be the most acceptable reason for everyone.

After swimming out for a distance, Beichuan Xingshu noticed that no one followed behind him. He was thinking that there was no need for everyone to be so vigilant, because the fisherwoman had already swam away and didn't come out.

Looking back, there were three faces with dull eyes and expressionless faces.

Beichuan Xingshu:? ? ? What happened? ? ?

He followed their line of sight and saw the fisherwoman getting farther and farther away. He thought: There is nothing wrong with this. Is it strange to save people and leave? And there is nothing special. But I have to say that the tail of the fisherwoman's skin is quite beautiful, colorful.

Wait, tail?

! ! !

Downtime... Restart successfully.

[Doghead Detective (Cowboy): Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ! ! ! Fisherwoman, your tail! Tail!

Unscientific Mermaid (Fisherwoman): Hmm? My tail is fine, what happened?

Dog-headed Detective (Cowboy): We can see your tail from our angle. [Tail photo] [Photo of Conan and the three people's expressions]

Unscientific Mermaid (Fisherwoman): Huh? Is it too late for me to swim forward with my tail now? [Dead expression]

Codename Electric Eel Man (Prisoner): What did I find! Cowboy, your second photo is good, I stole it.

Novel Creator (Novelist): I didn't expect that Conan and the others' three views would be shocked in the end. I agree with the prisoner, the picture has been stolen.

Dog-headed Detective (Cowboy): It's too late, their expressions have changed, and they look very serious now. I don't know what they are thinking.

Antique Collector (Antique Dealer): Fisherwoman, don't panic, they won't come to you in such a big sea in the future. Think positively, you have also achieved the achievement of "scaring" the protagonist, and "scared" three hot men at one time.

Unscientific Mermaid (Fisherwoman): I'm not panicking, I'm regretting. If I had known, I wouldn't have bought the cape. I could still be beautiful when I go out. Now the more I think about it, the more I feel that I look like a dark mermaid with dark magic wearing the cape, the kind that hides in the depths of the ocean and curses other mermaids with a chuckle. And I can save 1 token if I don't buy it. [Tearful eyes] [Breaking tears]

Dog-headed Detective (Cowboy): Actually, it's not as bad as you think. If it's a black cape, it might feel a bit like that, but yours is dark blue, which makes you look mysterious, noble, powerful, and... (omit n compliments)

Officer's Daughter (Red Butterfly): Fisherwoman, you easily achieved my new goal, great job! I forgot to say, my goal is: to shatter the three views of Toru Amuro and Jinpei Matsuda!Unscientific Mermaid (Fisherwoman): So touched, thank you for your comfort, but Hongdie, your goal is a bit out of place, you don't look like someone who would set such a goal [laughing and crying]

Officer's Daughter (Hongdie): Is there? It's okay, I followed the novelist's suggestion to get closer to the prisoner, this is my first step to get closer, set a goal that is not much different.

Antique Collector (Antique Dealer): What did you suggest, novelist! Get closer to the prisoner, he is a fun person!

Man Codename Electric Eel (Prisoner): Happy Star welcomes you, praise Happy↖(^ω^)↗

Novel Creator (Novelist): Playing ostrich, don't cue.】

Conan and the others finally came out, everyone swam out of the hole in the cruise ship, and then came out to the sea. At this time, the cruise ship had sunk almost two floors, and in a few minutes, the 6th floor would also sink.

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