The next day, Mochizuki Moto changed into a dress and took a private car to the banquet. Her parents had not arrived yet, so she found a place in the corner to eat.

"It's you! We met at the Poirot Cafe yesterday. My name is Mao Lilan." Mao Lilan originally came with Suzuki Sonoko, but now Sonoko has something to do and has left temporarily, so she had to take Conan around the banquet.

When she met a familiar person, she couldn't help but greet him.

"Hello, big sister." Conan also greeted him.

"Hello, I remember you. My name is Mochizuki Motoko. I'm bored too. How about we sit together and eat?"

"Okay, sorry to bother you."

"It's okay."

On the other side, the classmates in the class were carrying out the task in full swing as planned.

[Crispy Hacker (Cheerleader): I have located the target's position. It's up to you next.

Bounty Hunter (Mercenary): Okay, I'm already in the toilet. If the target doesn't come to the toilet, you can send him a message to ask him to come over, and then threaten him with the dirty tricks you found.

Crispy Hacker (Cheerleader): Don't worry, if he doesn't come within an hour, you @ me.

Kind Lawyer (Lawyer): I used my skills to see Gin walking towards the banquet. Everyone, please be careful. In case he uses a bomb...

Bounty Hunter (Mercenary): Death God Elementary School Student is at the scene, and generally, 'ordinary people' will be fine, so don't worry.


In the toilet, two men squeezed into a single room, the mercenary and the first mate. Fortunately, this toilet was built quite large, otherwise it would be uncomfortable.

"Why hasn't the target come yet--" The mercenary was a little impatient waiting.

"Shh--" The first mate gave him a look.

[Spiritual Counselor (First Mate): If you have anything to say, communicate in the brain channel. Don't be discovered. We have to sneak into the village.

Bounty Hunter (Mercenary): Okay, I get it. I want to say that I have been living a miserable life recently. I worry every day whether I will be found by my enemies. But the fifth golden finger requires me to complete the bounty mission to unlock it... It is too hard for me.

Spiritual Counselor (First Officer): I will give you spiritual counseling after completing this mission. It is just right to contribute a mission to me.

Bounty Hunter (Mercenary): You are so nice. I am so touched. 】

"Da Da Da..."

Someone is coming.

The first officer looked through the gap and saw that he was a handsome guy with blond hair and dark skin. Yes, it was Amuro Toru. He was wearing a waiter's uniform and was obviously working here.

As if sensing something, Amuro Toru suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the first officer.

The first mate didn't know if his brain was split, but he lowered his voice affectionately:

"Baby~ Is it exciting~"

"You!" The mercenary was shocked, and the next moment, he whispered in a telepathic way: "Oh, don't do this--"

Sure enough, Amuro Toru, who heard that there were obviously two men doing unspeakable things in the last compartment, left here silently.

For the first time, he hated his brain so much that he was so fast, and he didn't want to know what happened at all!

[Bounty Hunter (Mercenary): He left, and my chastity was gone with him.

Spiritual Counselor (First Mate): Don't talk nonsense, didn't you act very happily just now? 】

The two of them stood or sat on the toilet next, and finally, Kuwata Ryuichi came, and he was lucky to come alone.

While there was no one, the mercenary used the wrist guard to flash behind the target, then knocked him out with a hand knife and dragged him into the compartment.

Three men in a compartment seemed to have a small space.

The first mate took off the pocket watch hanging around his neck and shook it in front of the target. After a while, the target opened his eyes, his eyes were dull.

[Bounty Hunter (Mercenary): Really good, he can be hypnotized even if his eyes are not open.

Psychological Counselor (First Mate): I just aimed my skill at him in a place where you can't see.

Bounty Hunter (Mercenary): So that's it!

Psychological Counselor (First Mate): Quick, turn on the shielding device.

Bounty Hunter (Mercenary): OK OK. 】

The mercenary took out a small gadget and pressed it, indicating that the first mate could ask questions.

"Where is the USB drive?" The first mate asked in a low voice.

"In Beihua Town XXXX," said Kuwata Ryu.

"Where exactly?"

"There is a secret compartment behind the bedside table in the bedroom. Just turn the decoration on the bedpost to open it." Kuwata Ryu had a blank expression.

"Okay, you need to go to the bathroom. Nothing happened just now. You woke up after going to the bathroom."

After that, the first mate and the mercenary went through the big hole in the wall that only their companions could see and went straight to where the priest lived.

"We have found the location. Let's just dig a hole." The first mate told the priest and Jack the address and the method to open the secret compartment.The priest dug a hole without hesitation. Jack activated the stealth function and went to get the USB flash drive with the shielding device. After a while, Jack came back.

"Now that we have the things, we need to find a way to send it to the red team."

【Rice Flower Worker (Jack): @Everyone, the first task is half completed. Now let's discuss who to send the USB flash drive to.

Novel Creator (Novelist): Why not put it in Conan's place? He is the protagonist, and it is the least likely to be detected if we secretly put it in his place.

Bounty Hunter (Mercenary): That's right. We can't even get close to people like Amuro Toru.

Spiritual Counselor (First Officer): Then let's plan it.

Novel Creator (Novelist): I'm next to Conan now. Do you need my help? Wait, damn, Kuwata Ryuichi was sniped! The people of the Black Organization acted so fast. Ugh, the corpse is so scary...]

The scene returns to Mochizuki. She was happily eating small cakes with Mao Lilan, chatting about novel themes from time to time, and then she heard Conan suddenly yelling:

"Get down! Someone is sniping!"

But it was too late, Kuwata Ryuichi was shot and taken away.

The people at the banquet screamed in fear, and their bodies had already found a good place to hide before their brains could react.

The whole banquet was in chaos.

Conan used his glasses to track the sniper in the opposite building, and he saw a silver-haired man in black. It was Gin!

He wanted to rush to the building immediately and knock Gin unconscious with an anesthetic needle, but he knew that this was impossible. No matter his current strength or the distance between the two sides, he could only watch Gin leave.

"The target is dead." Amuro Toru reported to Gin on the other side of the headset in a low voice.

According to him, Kuwata Ryuichi had done a lot of bad things, and it can be said that it was not a pity to die a hundred times, so this time he did not risk saving him.

"Retreat." Gin gave orders to other members participating in this operation, and at the same time, he pressed the button in his hand.


Kwata Ryuichi's villa was blown into ruins, and several nearby villas were also affected.

Ten minutes later, the people in the banquet began to tentatively stick their heads out, as if to confirm that they were safe. Some people stood up gracefully and sat on the stool, as if the person who just screamed in embarrassment was not them.

Edogawa Conan broke out in a cold sweat on his forehead. It was nothing else. Mochizuki looked at him as if he had discovered his secret.

My behavior just now attracted her attention? Yes, how could an ordinary child be so keen to detect a sniper attack? I acted too much. How to explain it? Damn, Xiaolan also had some doubts, and I couldn't delay it any longer.

"Just now I saw a red dot moving on the uncle. I thought it was a sniper so I shouted out loud. That's what they said on TV. I didn't expect that there would really be a bad guy sniping. It's so scary--"

Ran Maoli believed it. She hugged Conan Edogawa and comforted him: "It's okay. It's safe now."

"Yeah, don't be afraid~ But if you are a child, you should watch less TV like that in the future." Mochizuki said in an inexplicable tone, which scared Conan's heart.

"Yeah! I know." He replied in a coquettish tone.

After a while, the police came. Officer Megure noticed Toru Amuro at first sight, and Conan Edogawa at second sight.

"Brother Amuro, why did you come here to work?"

"Just a part-time job to make more money." Toru Amuro explained.

"Ah, then tell me what happened."

"Okay, it's like this..."

Officer Megure led people to investigate, but found nothing. He could only return empty-handed and recorded the incident in the file.

Suzuki Sonoko finally found the opportunity to come over. She trotted to Ran Maori, exchanged a few words of greeting, then looked at Mochizuki Sue and asked:

"Who is this?"

Without waiting for Ran Maori to introduce herself, Mochizuki Sue took the initiative to speak:

"My name is Mochizuki Sue, and I'm a novelist."

"Novelist?! Can I read your novel? I'm quite interested in this area." Suzuki Sonoko's eyes lit up when she talked about the field she cared about.

"Ah, I've only written one now. I'll tell you when I write a good work."


[Novel Creator (Novelist): I just achieved the achievement of 'Traveler must scare Xiao Ke'. It feels very fun and I want to do it again.

Rice Flower Worker (Jack): Woohoo, I want to try it once too.

Spiritual Counselor (First Mate): Have some conscience, don't scare him into a mental illness, especially you, novelist, didn't you say you are a newcomer? Are you willing to scare him?

Novel Writer (Novelist): Yes, oh my god, how could I do such a thing?No, I want to make amends. Please let me participate in the action of handing the USB flash drive to Conan!

Spiritual counselor (first officer): Don't think I don't know your little tricks. You just want to find an opportunity to contact you more! Don't even think about it. We have already discussed a solution.

Novel creator (novelist): Uncomfortable mushroom. 】

Mochizuki Moto was grumbling in his heart, but he looked calm on the surface. He smiled and said hello to Mao Lilan and others and left.

After returning home, she opened the document again. This time, she decided to write a sweet story:

One day, a natural karate beauty master suddenly found that she liked her childhood sweetheart. During the process of crushing on her, she noticed some details that she had never noticed before. It turned out that her childhood sweetheart also liked her... He confessed under the Big Ben, and he said: "Even if it is reasoning, it is difficult to understand the mind of the person you like."...

Yes, it was written based on the Shinran CP. In order to write this article well, she also read a lot of related fan fictions - this is another golden finger for her: you can read all the fan fictions of Mingke at any time, maybe you can find some useful clues from them, and even spoilers are not impossible.

It was not until late at night that this 10,000-word sweet article was finally finished. Without any hesitation, Mochizuki submitted it directly.

[Task Detector: Testing...Qualified, rewards have been issued, congratulations on getting a "book". ]

"Yoshi, two books!" Mochizuki felt that she had roughly grasped the preferences of the Detector.

Still on the same website, Mochizuki updated this article.

During this time, a small red dot caught her attention. It turned out that a reader liked or commented on the previous novel.

With a complex feeling of "my son has grown up", she clicked on the comment:

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