‘It’s so touching, and the setting of blonde hair and black skin is also so touching, sssssss. ’

‘The love between the protagonists is so touching. Although the process is a bit tortuous, the ending is beautiful. ’

‘Looking forward to the author’s next book. ’

Mochizuki read through the three comments at a glance. Although there are few, it still makes her feel extremely satisfied. If it is not too late now, she even wants to write another article.

Early the next morning, Mochizuki was awakened by the system’s prompt sound.

[Task Detection: Task 1 is being detected... The task has been detected and the reward ‘Tool Man’ × 1 is now issued]

[Tool Man: All students can possess the Tool Man. If the Tool Man dies during the possession, it will be scrapped and cannot be used again. ]

[Doghead Detective (Cowboy): Well, I feel that the Tool Man can be used as a disposable consumable. Those high-risk tasks should be given priority to the Tool Man.

Bounty Hunter (Mercenary): Agree.

Spiritual counselor (first mate): +1

Biology graduate student (undertaker): Excuse me, my skills are all useless. How about resurrecting a person who is not satisfied?

Crispy hacker (cheerleader): You finally showed up. I have been coveting your resurrection skills for a long time. You should resurrect Hiroki Sawada first. I want to communicate with him.

Biology graduate student (undertaker): Well, it’s because I was just recruited by the Black Organization. I have been busy dealing with the contact person. From today on, I am an undercover member of the Black Organization’s research department. Stealing drug A is just around the corner!

Novel creator (novelist): I like Hiroki too, as well as Makoto Aso, Jinpei Matsuda and others. Undertaker, you will resurrect one person every month in the future!

Dog-headed detective (cowboy): Have you ever thought about a question? What if we resurrect them and they are exposed? What if we are caught and sliced ​​up...

Spiritual counselor (first mate): How difficult is that? I'll hypnotize them all temporarily, and then the little girl will change their appearance, and the cheerleaders will create fake identities, so that they can be used by us.

Teitan elementary school student (little girl): So evil, but I like it.

Crispy hacker (cheerleader): It's okay, as long as we don't have a conscience, our conscience won't hurt.


Mochizuki Moto, who was silently peeking at the screen, couldn't help but raise her mouth. If one day the original staff, such as Amuro Toru, found that her peers were not dead and were hypnotized to do tasks, it would be fun.

What she could think of, other classmates could probably think of, but they didn't say it, which shows that everyone has a bit of fun.

Poirot Cafe, there were almost no people at this time, and Enomoto Azusa also went out to buy vegetables, only two people, one big and one small, sat together to discuss.

"There's not even the information of the delivery person, how did the package get sent out? Or is there something wrong with the delivery person?"

Amuro Toru couldn't help but have a conspiracy theory. He had read the information in the USB drive, and the content inside surprised him. If it wasn't fake, it would be a strong evidence of guilt.

"I asked the delivery person, and he said he didn't know when the package appeared. He saw the information of the consignee, which was me, on it, so he sent it over.

What worries me more is why the other party gave such an important thing to a child like me."

Edogawa Conan didn't sleep well last night, and now he is even more haggard:

Is my identity exposed? First it was the detective, then Mochizuki Sue, and then this unknown person. They all seem to know something... Ah, damn, I should be more careful.

"This is also a point I can't figure out. I have asked someone to check it out. I believe we will soon know the authenticity of the USB flash drive and the source of the package. In short, you should pay more attention to the package in the future. If you find anything, come to me. It's best not to find a certain FBI."

Amuro Toru gritted his teeth when he mentioned the FBI.

"I know. By the way, let's check the deliveryman as well, just in case he is related." Edogawa Conan thought about it and decided to add him.

"I know."

In a basement somewhere, three people surrounded a coffin.

[Crispy Hacker (Cheerleader): I have prepared the identity information and a series of documents (●°u°●)​"

Spiritual Counselor (First Officer): My hypnosis is also ready.

Teitan Elementary School Student (Little Girl): All the disguise materials are ready!

Biology Graduate Student (Embarker): Very good, I will start remote operation, which is expected to take five minutes. 】

A faint blue light appeared on the upright coffin. Five minutes later, the coffin lid moved down and sank into the ground, revealing the boy inside. He slowly opened his eyes and walked out in confusion.

The first mate took the opportunity to put the pocket watch in front of Hiroki Sawada and shook it. After a moment, the boy's eyes became dull."You are a peripheral member of the 'Fifth Personality' and a good friend of the cheerleader. You always have endless topics to talk about in computers. The pain you once had disappeared in the past few years of getting along... Your current identity is Zetian You."

"Go to sleep."

Zetian You's body fell back, and the cheerleader hugged him:

"Little girl, disguise."

"Ok, leave it to me. Before that, you put him on the bed first. I can't reach him standing like this." The little girl now looks like a primary school student, and her height is also the shortest in the class.

"Haha, okay." The cheerleader signaled the first mate to help, and the two lifted Zetian You to a small bed.

Half an hour later...

"This look will probably last for three months. Remember to ask me to repair his disguise in advance." The little girl stretched. Disguise is too energy-consuming. As a primary school student, she doesn't have much energy.

"Well, then I'll take him away!" The cheerleader was quite excited.


In the jewelry store, Wang Yue Mo came here to buy some jewelry. Since she was rich now, she wanted to experience the happiness of the rich.

After trying on the new watch in the store, Wang Yue Mo was very satisfied. Just as she was about to buy it, a group of men in black with black hoods rushed in, closed the door smoothly, and shouted at the same time:

"Everyone squat down with your head in your hands! Otherwise, don't blame my bullets for being ruthless." The leading man pointed a gun at everyone, including Wang Yue Mo. The threatened people squatted down in unison, without even whispering. The store was quiet and only the breathing sounds could be heard one after another.

'It's okay, it's okay, it's just a robbery, it won't kill you. ' Wang Yue Mo lowered her head, not wanting the robber to target her.

"You, go collect the mobile phones." The man in black standing in the middle ordered another man in black. The man was quick and with the cooperation of the people, the mobile phones were collected in a few minutes.

However, ten minutes later, the men in black who were still packing heard the sound of sirens coming from far away.

"Who called the police?!" The man in black was obviously angry. He grabbed a young man who was shaking violently: "Is it you!"

"No, no, I didn't, I didn't call the police, it wasn't me, let me go, please..." The young man wailed, and then was knocked unconscious by the man in black with a knife.

"Boss, what should we do?"

"Go to plan B."

"Okay, got it."

The leader of the men in black looked at the hostages, and finally his eyes stopped on the relatively thin Mochizuki Moto: "She's it."

The two men in black immediately stepped forward and held Mochizuki Moto on the left and right.

[Novel Creator (Novelist): Don't play like this!!! Am I going to be the first person in the class to die? I don't want it...

Dog-headed Detective (Cowboy): What happened, what danger did you encounter?

Novel Creator (Novelist): I'm being held hostage. I'll probably have to be a hostage to help the robber escape soon.

Spiritual Counselor (First Officer): Try to change your luck sometime.

Dog-Headed Detective (Cowboy): Robber? You're not in the Beihua Jewelry Store, are you?

Novel Creator (Novelist): Yeah, how did you know?

Dog-Headed Detective (Cowboy): Conan and I found something wrong at the same time, and then we called the police. Now I'm outside the store...

Novel Creator (Novelist): Damn! 】

"Pay attention to the robbers in the store. It's still not too late to surrender! Please don't commit crimes again." Officer Megure advised with a loud speaker, but it was useless.

"Since the police are here, let's do something big." A robber smiled greedily.

"You go and negotiate." The leader of the robbers pointed to a man in black. The man nodded, then opened the door a crack and said loudly to the police outside:

"There are a total of ten hostages inside. If you want them all to be safe, then prepare 1 billion in cash and an off-road vehicle. The cash must be put in the trunk of the car in front of me. If you can't do it, we will kill a hostage every two minutes."

"Now, the countdown starts!"

"We will deliver the things, but 1 billion in cash is not a small amount, and we also need a certain amount of time..." Officer Megure tried to buy more time.

"I don't care how you do it, I will give you ten minutes at most. If I don't see the things, a hostage will die immediately."

After speaking, the man in black closed the door.

After observing the entire store, Conan Edogawa returned to the front of the door. He was a little anxious:

What should I do? There is no other way to get into the store. If I go in through the window, I will definitely be discovered. Besides, I don't know how many robbers are inside. Can I just watch them abscond with the money?

They will definitely leave one in the endHostages are to facilitate their escape, so if I go in, they should most likely choose me, a weak kid, as the last hostage.

After thinking about it, Edogawa Conan was about to climb over the window.

"Little boy, don't be naughty." Kitagawa Anshu pulled Edogawa Conan, "Some risks are not taken by children."

"What risks? I don't understand. Big brother, let me go. I want to play alone." Conan struggled.

"Don't think I don't know what you are thinking. Little kids should have the consciousness of being little kids." Kitagawa Anshu grabbed Edogawa Conan tighter.

[Doghead Detective (Cowboy): It's time to try my new skills. Don't panic for a while. I'll hook you from the robbers when you come out.

Novel Creator (Novelist): I'm not panicking anymore. I almost forgot that my "book" is also a life-saving weapon. If you can't hook it, let me know and I'll change positions with them so that you can save me.

Doghead Detective (Cowboy): It's settled. 】

No matter how anxious Conan was, Kitagawa Anshu was still calm.

Soon, the police prepared what the robbers wanted, and the robbers kept their promise and released nine hostages.

"Where is the other hostage?" asked Officer Megure.

"Mr. Officer, isn't it obvious? We will let her go after we escape to a safe place."

Five men in black surrounded Mochizuki Sue who was being carried away, with a gun against her head, and they slowly moved to the side of the off-road vehicle.

[Doghead Detective (Cowboy): They blocked you too tightly, I can't aim at you.

Novel Creator (Novelist): It's okay, I'll use my skills. 】

In the eyes of Mochizuki Sue, she used the "book" and exchanged positions with a man in black the next second, and then Kitagawa Anshu took the opportunity to throw a hook, which wrapped around her twice, and then she was brought to Kitagawa.

In the eyes of others, Mochizuki suddenly changed her momentum, broke free from the hold and grabbed the hand of the black-clad man with the gun, and the two switched positions. Beichuan Xingshu cooperated tacitly and took out a long rope with a hook from his clothes and threw it to Mochizuki, and finally successfully brought her to a safe area.


Everyone was shocked by this development.

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