[Red Team Winning System: Mission 4: Money Transaction

Prevent the Black Organization from successfully trading and obtaining money

Clues: ① One day later: Near 42-bandi, 3-chome, Beika-cho, 1 billion

② Three days later: Near 21-bandi, 500 million

③ Three days later: Near 66-bandi, 6-chome, Beika-cho, 1.5 billion

I Love Invention (Mechanic): The mission is here, and it’s all about preventing money transactions? Could it be that the Black Organization is a little short of money recently?

Biology Graduate Student (Embarker): I know this! They are going to increase the recruitment of researchers recently, and this requires a lot of funds, so the activities have been a little more frequent in the past few days.

Crispy Hacker (Cheerleader): Indeed, although this money is not much for the Black Organization, it will still hurt if it is gone. Moreover, we can charge this money into our organization to improve the lives of peripheral members and classmates who are not very rich.

Prophet (Priest): I agree with what the cheerleader said. Besides, I think that in the future, as long as we find the transaction information of the Black Organization, we can intercept it. The more weapons and funds we have, the better.

Gravekeeper (Gravekeeper): Wow, then this will not make the Black Organization angry to death. What should they do if they come to find us on purpose?

Prophet (Priest): We must be more careful when we go on missions in the future. We should disguise ourselves if possible and try to use voice changers throughout the process.

In addition, we discuss more important tasks in the brain channel, and other optional tasks that require the participation of external members will be discussed on the eleventh.

Since we are going to fight the Black Organization, instead of being cautious and hiding, it is better to be bold and rush directly. Even if we get bloody, we must destroy them as soon as possible.

Novel Creator (Novelist): Priest is generous! I will raise the banner for you! ! !

I Love Invention (Mechanic): Come on everyone, we will definitely win. As long as one of us can hold on to the finale, everyone can go home. We don't need to be timid, it's the Black Organization that should be trembling!

Gravekeeper (Gravekeeper): Frog, this is too passionate, I can't wait to have a fight with Vodka!

Novel Creator (Novelist): Why not be bolder and have a fight with Gin [sideways smile]


Miura Keimitsu couldn't rest, so he went out to look for a job after a day off. He felt that his cooking skills should be good, so he applied for the chef position. The manager tasted his dishes and let him join the job on the spot.

Buzz buzz——

The phone vibrated twice, most likely there was some news from the organization:

[Task (to be received): At 6:30 this afternoon, in the alley next to 42-block, Beika-cho 3-chome, stop the Black Organization's transaction and seize 1 billion in cash

Currently, there are three people who have received the task. If you accept the task, you can enter the temporary task exchange group. 〕

Miura Keimitsu thought about it. Today is his first day at work. He only needs to stay here for half a day before he can go back. The work and the task do not conflict, and the task does not seem difficult. He might as well accept this task.

Click to accept, and the interface will jump into a chat interface. There are currently four people in the group chat.

Honda Yamatake: The detailed information of this task is as follows, let's take a look:

Black Organization Participants in the transaction: Cook and three peripheral members

Cook: [Photo × 1] Grew up in the organization since childhood, above average physical skills, OK shooting, high flexibility, difficult index: ★★ (total five ★)

Three peripheral members: strong, but average physical skills, difficult index: ★

Transaction object: A president who likes to embezzle, poor physical skills, difficult index: none

Transaction location: There is no surveillance around, you can feel free to start.

Task suggestion: The money must be obtained, and Cook should be captured as much as possible.

Novelist: I understand. Let's discuss how to start. I'll go first. I suggest shooting first and try to injure Cook's thigh to hinder his movement. It depends on what you think about the rest.

Honda Yamaga: This suggestion is okay. The difficulty of the mission will be greatly reduced if you injure Cook. You can just rob him later. Don't think it's too difficult.

Mechanic: I agree. When the time comes, we will send a strong one to chase Cook. When the money is in hand, the rest will go to support.

In addition to the mechanic, another code member appeared. What is the ability of the novelist? And the one called Honda Yamaga should be a peripheral member like him. Skipping this question for the time being, Miura Kagemitsu thinks about the mission.

He thinks it's not appropriate to do so, but the other three are planning to do so, so he can't object, so he sends a message:

Miura Kagemitsu: My gun skills are okay. I can injure Cook and then chase him.

Novelist: That's great, I'll stay and fight the remaining three people, the mechanic will go get the money and then retreat immediately, and I'll go support Miura Keimitsu.

He seems a bit absent-mindedAfter waiting until 4pm, Miura Kagemitsu met two other people in a small alley. They were both women, probably the novelist and the mechanic.

Miura Kagemitsu didn't see any familiar faces, and the mechanic's appearance had changed again. He guessed that they had all changed their appearance.

Maybe he had always been in a disguised state, otherwise why would he feel strange in the mirror, but he had no plans to remove the disguise for the time being, and he would wait until his memory was restored.

"Honda didn't come, so the three of us can act." The novelist had an ordinary face this time, the kind that would not be noticed in the crowd.

"Miura, this is your gun." The mechanic took out a pistol from his windbreaker pocket and handed it to Miura Kagemitsu. Because he was going to hunt down Cook, the mechanic didn't have a sniper rifle, which had a long range and was difficult to deal with.

Miura Kagemitsu took the pistol and nodded in thanks.

Then the mechanic took out three more masks, one for each person: "This is the organization mask we designed. Wear it when you come into direct contact with the members of the Black Organization. It doesn't matter if you accidentally drop it. You can apply for it again every time you are on a mission."

"This mask has tracking, positioning, voice changing and other functions. Try to cherish it." The mechanic added that she made it by hand.

"I understand." Miura Jingguang solemnly took the mask. The mask was black with some white patterns on it, a bit like an amusement park, and there was a strange mark on the forehead. He observed the other two masks. They all had that mark, but the patterns were different. One looked like a church and the other looked like a town.

He was confused, but he didn't ask. He was just an outside member and couldn't go beyond the rules.

"Then let's go ahead and find a place to hide." The novelist said, and then combed his hair, "Don't leave anything that can prove your identity, whether it's hair, fingerprints, saliva or other things, be careful and save yourself."

At six o'clock, the transaction time was getting closer and closer. Miura Jingguang moved his numb legs slightly. His physical fitness was not as good as before. He had to exercise more every day in the future and try to recover to his pre-coma state as soon as possible.

Around 6:25, a man with a big belly and a wretched face walked into the alley with a big suitcase, and then looked around as if waiting for someone.

Miura Jingguang prolonged his breathing and reduced his sense of existence in life. Five minutes later, the four men appeared on time. Miura Jingguang recognized Cook at a glance. He aimed at Cook's right leg and shot without hesitation.

Cook was not that sharp after all, and the success of the mission in the past half a month had temporarily made him let down his guard, so it was no surprise that the bullet shot into his leg. He was shocked and took a step back, and then he felt a sharp pain:

"Protect me and find cover!" He shouted angrily, but the three peripheral members were not very loyal to the organization, and they did not want to or dare to gamble their lives, so they scattered and fled, leaving Cook to retreat with pain.

After seeing Cook being shot, the president ran away, not even caring about the money.

Three masked men came out from the corner with clear goals. One took the money, one was alert to see if anyone around turned back, and the other went to chase Cook who had not escaped far.

In just five minutes, the mechanic put the money on the car. During this period, no one came back to grab the money. Before the novelist went to support, Miura Kagemitsu had already come with the unconscious Cook.

"This mission went a little too smoothly. Let's leave first."

Cook was stuffed into the trunk, and then the car drove to the vicinity of the hospital where the doctor worked. The doctor took the opportunity to come out and gave him another anesthetic, and then gave him a medical injection. The bullet was squirmed out by the flesh, and only a small wound was left on his leg.

At night, Cook was sent to the underground prison of the villa and became a neighbor of Chianti.

At this time, he had woken up, and there was no pain in his legs. It was bandaged well. It was probably treated during the time when he fainted.

Cook's face was blue and red, and the surrounding environment told him that he was finished. Even if he escaped, he would most likely die. This was not just a failure of the mission.

"Cook! You're awake." Chianti's spirit seemed okay. Her cell was opposite him, and the two could easily see each other through the iron bars.

"Why are you here too? ! ! That's right, I must have been kidnapped by the damn Fifth Personality. Damn it, I should have been more careful... No, I must escape!" Cook was annoyed and determined.

Finally, someone was there to keep her company, and Chianti was in a better mood: "It's not that easy. I've been here for two days. The surroundings are like a solid wall. I can't escape at all. And if I'm found and try to escape, terrible things will happen.Waiting for you. "Instead of thinking about those unrealistic things, it is better to read more books...

As if to confirm what she said, a group of puppets walked to Cook's cell:

"I heard that you want to escape from prison? Hehe, we will supervise you." Under Chianti's sympathetic eyes, the puppets twisted their bodies and then got into Cook's cell through the narrow gap of the railings, "This time we will follow you for a day, and next time it will be three days..."

"It's nice to live with you, hehe."

Cook rolled his eyes and fainted directly.

Long before Cook was caught, the Black Organization received the information that his mission failed and he was caught.

"There are three of them, all wearing masks! I still remember some of the patterns on the masks, don't kill me!!!" A peripheral member who participated in the mission burst into tears, "And I reported it as soon as possible, I was not disloyal to the organization. ”

“Why did I hear from the other two that you left Cook and ran away early in the morning? You are a group of cowards. There are only three people on the other side, and you also have three people. Why didn’t you cover Cook? ”

“They have guns, and we are not equipped with guns except Master Cook... We didn’t mean it! Next time, next time, it will never happen again!” The man begged, and the interrogator took out a pen and paper:

“Draw the pattern you see.”

Thinking that he had passed this level, the man burst into laughter: “Okay, okay, Master, I will draw it now.”

Five minutes later,

“Master, I have drawn it.”


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