Because he completed the task, Miura Keimitsu received a considerable bonus. Although he was not short of money, he still worked in the hotel.

"Xiaolan, are you sure this coupon is used here?" Maori Kogoro looked at the slightly dilapidated hotel in front of him and asked in confusion. This store looked very different from his imagination. In his opinion, the coupon, which was the first reward, should be issued by a big hotel.

Maori Ran looked at the address of the coupon carefully again: "It is indeed here, it's okay, Dad, although it doesn't look as good as imagined, it may taste very nice. Anyway, it's not far from home, and there are coupons, so we don't lose at all."

"That's right, ahem, let's go in and take a look." Maori Kogoro opened the door first, Maori Ran followed him, and finally Edogawa Conan, who was concentrating on reading the information on his mobile phone.

"Hello, what would you like to eat?" The boss smiled enthusiastically. Since the chefs were poached a week ago, his business has been getting worse and worse. There is only one new chef, but it is enough to deal with so few customers at present.

Maori Kogoro looked left and right, but didn't see the menu: "Excuse me, where is the menu?"

The boss slapped his head in annoyance: "Oh! I forgot, I'm so sorry, because there is only one chef currently, and the dishes he can cook have not been counted, so..."

"Ah-what should we do? Wouldn't we come here in vain, and this coupon will expire soon." Maori Kogoro regretted it very much. He should not have come earlier. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

"Coupon! It turns out that the last coupon of our store is here with you! How about this, to compensate you, I will give you a free meal today. I will call the chef and tell him what you want to eat. His cooking skills are pretty good."

The boss's words made Maori Kogoro's eyes light up instantly: "That's great."

Mauri Ran smiled awkwardly, and Conan was still thinking about the message sent by Amuro Toru.

After a while, a handsome man came from the back kitchen: "Hello, my name is Miura Keimitsu, I am the chef here, I can cook some common dishes, what do you want to eat?"

"Then I want a curry rice and a bottle... a bottle of drink." Maori Kogoro originally wanted to ask for a bottle of wine, but Maori Ran's glare threatened him and he had to change it to a drink.

Mao Lilan thought for a while and asked tentatively: "Can I eat sushi?"

"Of course." Miura Keimitsu nodded, "What do you want to eat, kid?"

"Me? I'll just eat curry rice like Uncle Mao Li."

Half an hour later, Mao Li Kogoro regretted it: "If I knew he was such a good cook, I would have ordered more. It's so delicious. The taste is different from what we usually eat. I don't feel sick no matter how much I eat."

"Yes, the sushi here not only looks delicious, but also tastes great. How about we come here to eat when we have the chance in the future? It's best to bring mom along." Mao Lilan ate three sushi in a row, and slowed down her chewing speed to taste more.

"I have no objection to eating here, but forget about bringing her." Mao Li Kogoro pouted and continued to eat.

Conan was also amazed by this curry rice. He originally thought that it was just better priced and tasted the same as other restaurants. But after taking a bite, he realized that curry rice could be made like this. It can be said that it is better than many restaurants.

After the three of them finished eating, they packed up with satisfaction and said goodbye to the boss. Just as they disappeared, a man ran past Maori Kogoro and almost knocked Maori Kogoro down.

"Hey! Don't you look at the road when you walk? Don't you see anyone?" Maori Kogoro cursed, and Edogawa Conan suddenly said: "Uncle, I saw a bloody knife in that man's hand!" Maori Kogoro was stunned: "Are you sure you didn't see it wrong?" Conan nodded seriously, and Maori Ran's voice trembled a little: "Do you think he could have... killed someone?" "Let's call the police first. No matter what the truth is, since he may be a murderer, we can't let him escape under our noses." Maori Kogoro turned on his mobile phone to call the police. "Inspector Megure, I was just..."

"What? You said someone was just found dead at home, near us? Okay, I'll be there right away."

Mouri Kogoro hung up the phone: "Ran, take Conan back first, there is a case waiting for my sleeping Kogoro to solve."

"No, uncle, I want to go too, and I also saw someone who seems to be the murderer, so I can go as a witness." Conan certainly couldn't help but solve the case when he encountered it, so he used a cheesy tone again.Begging Maori Kogoro.

"I'll go too, Dad. I saw that man too." Maori Ran thought that Conan always ran around the crime scene, and was afraid that something might happen to him, such as being killed by the murderer. She could protect him by watching him.

"Oh, really, go, go, let's go together, kid, don't make trouble for me later."

"I know, uncle."

After turning two streets, they saw the police parked in front of an office building.

When Megure Jusan saw Maori Kogoro coming, he felt like he saw a relative, so he trotted over eagerly: "Brother Maori, you're finally here!" This time I didn't see you at the crime scene, it must be a good luck.

He didn't say the rest of the words, but just thought to himself: "Conan Xiaolan, you are here too."

The two greeted Officer Megure: "Hello, Officer Megure."

"Well, let me tell you about the current situation first. The deceased worked here and was found dead at his workstation just fifteen minutes ago. The cause of death was massive blood loss and the murderer stabbed his heart with a knife."

"After asking his colleagues, we learned that he was not popular. Three people had a grudge against him. I think the murderer should be one of those three people, but they all happened to take leave today and are on their way here."

"So the person who bumped into me is likely to be the murderer. He must have something to hide if he ran so eagerly." Maori Kogoro carefully recalled the characteristics of the man.

Conan couldn't help asking, "Officer Megure, when did you notify them to come?"

Officer Megure answered without thinking, "I notified them one minute before you arrived. At that time, they all said they were at home."

"Let's go to the scene first. Maybe you will find some new clues, Brother Maori." Officer Megure suggested, and then the four of them came to the office where the deceased fell. Maori Ran stood silently at the door without looking at the body, and only focused on Conan.

As soon as he entered, he came to the body, looking at this and that, and then observing the things on the desk. Just when he was about to pick up something, Maori Kogoro punched him on the head, and a big bag immediately bulged up.

"You little brat, don't mess around with the things at the scene."

"Dad! Don't always hit Conan's head like this."

Two voices sounded at the same time, and Conan didn't know who to look at for a while. In the end, he still looked at Maori Ran first and said that he was fine, and then apologized to Maori Kogoro and said that he would not do it next time.

After roughly understanding the criminal's modus operandi and how he left the office building without being photographed, the three suspects finally arrived.

Two men and one woman, the woman is very petite. Although she is the one who hates the deceased the most among the three, the possibility of her committing the crime is too low, and she is completely different from the man who bumped into Maori Kogoro, so she can be ruled out as a suspect for the time being.

Both men are colleagues of the deceased, and their offices are next to the deceased. Their suspicions are equally high.

One of them is very polite. He first complimented the detectives and the police, and then told them in detail what he had been doing in the previous hour. His reasons are very sufficient and there are no loopholes. At least almost everyone present thinks so.

The other one was more irritable: "Although I hate him, it doesn't mean that I am the murderer, right? Can you clear my suspicion quickly? I have things waiting for me at home!"

"Sorry, sir, please calm down. We also want to eliminate your suspicion quickly. As long as you cooperate with us, now tell us what you have been doing in the past hour."

Inspector Megure was gentle and did not treat him differently because he was more suspicious.

However, the man blushed and didn't say anything. Maori Kogoro thought about it, and then said with certainty:

"The murderer is you! Because you were busy killing people at that time, you don't know how to explain it. Don't struggle. I have seen through you."

The man immediately retorted after hearing it: "I am not the murderer, don't slander me! I was doing other things during that time, but it was inconvenient to say it."

Just when Maori Kogoro and the man were fighting each other, Conan saw the evidence on a balcony next door. He smiled confidently and turned back to the balcony.

"Ah——" Maori Kogoro unconsciously uttered a low "ah". Then he staggered back a few steps and sat on a chair that came out of nowhere.

"Everything I just said was just to confuse the real murderer. First of all, let's talk about the murderer's method of committing the crime. The reason why the murderer was not captured by the surveillance camera was that he did not enter the deceased's office through the door, but from the balcony outside. If you just go and take a look, you will find that climbing over the balcony is a very simple thing, and if you want to avoid attracting the attention of other colleagues,We can only search the two rooms next to this office."

"Ms. Shimizu, whose office is opposite, can be ruled out as a suspect. Then, I asked Conan to look at the balconies on both sides and found some strange marks on one of the balconies. I think it was left by the murderer when he used a rope to go down from the balcony..."

As soon as the decisive evidence came out, the murderer cried, knelt, and confessed, which made everyone sigh and lament that the deceased was really asking for death.

After successfully solving the case, the three of them walked home. Amuro Toru of Poirot Cafe was just going out to buy some ingredients.

"Mr. Maori, Xiaolan, Conan, you just came back?"

"Yes, I just solved another case. Let me tell you... (Omitted 800 words of self-praise) That's it, the criminal pleaded guilty and was executed."

"Mr. Maori is worthy of it. "Amuro Toru still had an admiring smile on his face.

"No way, haha, who told me to be so good hahahaha... Oh, by the way, we found a delicious restaurant today, I'll take you to try it next time." Maori Kogoro recommended, "It's just a few blocks away, very close, the name of the restaurant is a delicious restaurant, although it's a bit old, but the new chef inside is very skilled."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Miura's dishes are delicious." Maori Ran also praised.

Conan nodded: "It's really good."

"Then I must go there to try it when I have time."

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