One day later, the several forces involved in the mission to seize the aging cell regeneration agent have completed their review.

Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB):

Alexander beat his chest in grief and anger. He never thought that everyone would be attacked before the mission, and the key is that they don't even know who attacked them.

"Have the two people captured in the surveillance been investigated?" Alexander was referring to a woman who tied up a member and threw him into the alley and a man who knocked out a car of members.

The member in charge of the investigation bowed his head: "No, they seemed to appear out of thin air. I didn't even investigate their previous life records."

"They should have disguised themselves." A member guessed, and the others nodded.

The member who was knocked unconscious by the forward asked: "What about the man who knocked me unconscious? Is there any problem with him?"

"His resume is innocent, and the reason he said is true. It should be just an accident."

"But during the investigation, I found one thing. There has been a homeless man appearing before the man who pretended to be a homeless man and knocked us unconscious."

This sentence made everyone excited: Is there a breakthrough?

"After analysis, he is indeed just an ordinary homeless man."

Alexander held his forehead: "Don't talk nonsense, did you find anything useful?"

"Well, there was someone from DGSE who snatched the potion from us at the auction. In addition, there were people from MI6 at the scene. The two bottles of potion we found were fake potions made by them."

"It's not the two organizations that got the potion." Alexander analyzed, "The people sent by DGSE and MI6 to steal the potion fainted, because they didn't get the potion and didn't know what happened, so the task leaders of the two organizations decided to take people to the scene in person..."

"I asked the staff who kept the key, and he said that it was the auctioneer who took the key. After opening the safe, a man whose face could not be seen clearly took the potion. Then two more people came over. They were in the same group as the auctioneer. One of them fought with the man. As for the follow-up, I don't know because he was knocked unconscious by someone who threatened him with a gun." A member reported the clues he found, and another member added:

"The auctioneer was a fake, and the real auctioneer was caught by the police in the toilet of the restaurant next door Found it in the institute."

Everyone integrated the known information and came to the conclusion: "The people who obstructed their mission are most likely from the same organization as the 'auctioneer'. After all, they all 'disguised themselves'. As for the unknown man who stole the potion, he should be an agent sent by another organization. It is estimated that the potion he got was lost in the end."

"The people in that organization not only have people who can disguise themselves, but also train animals. They are probably not small fry. Which country are they from?"

British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6):

The leading man was annoyed and ashamed: "This time Not only did the mission fail, but we also lost face. Although we each found opportunities to avoid their questioning after being rescued by the US police, this matter was not covered up in the eyes of other intelligence organizations. "

"It's all the fault of the person who installed the bomb. If there was no bomb, maybe we would have a chance to get the senescent cell regeneration agent."

Hearing what the member in front of him said, the man was furious: "How dare you say that? You two obviously have the best chance. You are so close to the medicine, and you failed. You don't even know how you fainted!"

The two members lowered their heads.

France's Directorate-General for External Security (DGSE):

"I am also responsible for the failure of this mission. It's my fault for not being able to think more comprehensively." The mission leader covered his eyes with his hands.

Antoine stood up: "It's all our fault. If we had been more careful, we might not have fainted, and we wouldn't have been completely blind to what happened next."

"Yeah, we prepared for so long, but we failed so easily. We were lazy. It's all our fault. We failed everyone's trust." Pierre blamed himself.

The person in charge shook his head: "The good news now is that the FSB and MI6 people didn't get the real aging cell regeneration agent. The people above shouldn't make things difficult for us."

"Boss, so this is why you asked us to stop snatching the medicine and leave directly after the police came?"

"Yes, after seeing the traces of Antoine and the others being searched, I realized that the real medicine had been taken away. One of the bottles of medicine in their hands was our disguise, and the other bottle came from another force."

Germany's Federal Intelligence Service (BND):

Everyone looked left and right, no one spoke, and finally, the man who led the group spoke: "It seems that everyone doesn't remember what happened. No drug components were detected in our bodies., so who could it be, and how did they knock us all out at once? "

"Could it be the FBI? After all, we are on their territory, and they are the only ones who can know our movements."

"Could it be that they have developed some new type of drug? It's really abominable that they secretly researched this kind of thing."

Black Organization:

Vermouth has recovered a lot after treatment, but his face is still a little pale. Gin caressed Beretta, as if he wanted to shoot it, and Lemon Liqueur and Yamazaki Whiskey silently reduced their presence.

"Shadow and Riesling are gone. Which one is this? Will we be the next one?" Vermouth's eyes moved to Lemon Liqueur and Yamazaki Whiskey.

"We don't know why we suddenly became so unlucky. Maybe the people in the fifth personality did some mysterious rituals..." Lemon Liqueur believes in mysterious things. After hearing that Gin and Vodka suddenly encountered a lot of bad luck, he became more determined.

"Oh? Then what do you think the mysterious ritual they did is? "

Lemon Liqueur thought she thought so too, so he began to talk about his own views:

"Maybe they made some evil spells and stuck them on us when we were not prepared, or buried puppets with our identity information and cast evil spells through sorcery. I think this is more likely. Doesn't the fifth personality have puppets? They should be very knowledgeable in this area..."

Gin couldn't listen anymore and looked at him with murderous eyes. Lemon Liqueur's voice became weaker and weaker, and then he closed his mouth.

Kil stood in the corner silently with the idea of ​​speaking less and making fewer mistakes; Amuro Toru hesitated for a while and said:

"Maybe we should discuss how to deal with the fifth personality next."

Gin nodded to signal him to continue,

"According to our current understanding of them, they will control robots and puppets to participate in the battle. Robots have weaknesses and cannot move after being hit. We can summarize their weaknesses; as for puppets, maybe we can try fire attacks. "

"And the bird you mentioned that can resist bullets, although it is a little unbelievable, I believe you are not joking. The way I think of to deal with it is to attack fiercely. Even if a bird is modified, there is always a limit to what it can do."

Vermouth praised: "Well said."

"That's what I think, what about you?" Amuro Toru looked around at the people present, and Gil swallowed his saliva and said:

"I saw the woman using the stick yesterday. She is very strong and can knock people back several steps, but I noticed that she has a flaw, that is, she will pause for one or two seconds after each hit. We can seize this opportunity."

After that, she continued to pack mushrooms.

Vermouth took a sip of wine: "Then let me talk about the person with strong fighting ability. To deal with her, just fighting alone will not give us any benefits. If we meet her next time, if possible, try to use dirty tricks. "

"Can you tell me what kind of dirty tricks it is? I'm curious. "Amuro Toru asked.

"It's not difficult to make some hidden weapons. Just apply some poison on them, and one hit will be fatal."

Yamazaki Whiskey put his hands behind his back, his nails digging into the flesh: These guys are so insidious. Sooner or later, he will put them all in jail, especially this Bourbon, who doesn't look like a good guy.

Vodka listened to their discussion, looking very serious on the surface, but crying in his heart: When will it end? If it doesn't end, he will miss the support of his idol Mia. T_T

He hasn't been to the United States for a long time. He will go back to Japan in a while. If he misses it today, he may not have the chance in the future.


In the next few days, Maori and his group had a pleasant and smooth journey. They didn't encounter any cases, which made them a little uncomfortable.

It's time to go back to Japan. Everyone bought plane tickets. Conan still had to go with Agasa Hiroshi Kogoro Maori expressed doubts about this, and Dr. Agasa found a reason to fool him.

The novelist, the mechanic and the antique dealer decided to continue to travel in the United States for a while, because they wanted to hang out in the places where their classmates worked and meet classmates who were very different from before; the forward and the adventurer avoided the plane Conan was going to take and returned to Japan a day later than them.

The priest invited some classmates to a secret meeting in a small group in the brain channel to discuss what to pay attention to in future actions and how to make full use of the golden fingers of each classmate.

She had a hunch that the Black Organization must have thought about how to deal with them in the future. She had a strong desire for control and didn't want things to go beyond expectations.

In the basement, Shadow woke up and found himself locked up.He planned to starve himself to death because he felt it was an insult to him, but he failed after only one day.

It was because the people in the fifth personality were too much of a bully. When they saw that he didn't cooperate with eating, they took turns to scare him, and he was so scared that he was in a trance:

There are no ghosts in the world! No, there are ghosts... No! Yes, I saw them all...

But fortunately, he had a strong psychological quality and his classmates knew their limits. He was back to normal after a day or two. In his opinion, the people in the fifth personality used some high technology or hypnotized him directly to scare him like that.

There was definitely no real ghost! Absolutely.

Riesling, who was next to him, didn't have any special thoughts. He was locked up, so he was locked up. He was tired of the life of fighting and killing, and it was not bad to be able to live by reading books every day. The key point was that the food provided by his captors was really good, well received.

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