After a day of rest at home, Kitagawa Anshu made some Chinese food and prepared to visit the Maori family and see if they had any plans for the next few days.

"Conan went camping?!" Kitagawa Anshu was surprised. Is he so energetic? He just came back from the United States two days ago, and he is going on a long trip again?

"Yes, he and other members of the Junior Detective Team had agreed long before going to the United States... Thank you for sending us these foods, they look delicious."

"It doesn't matter, I just made more. I'm still bored at home now. If you want to go somewhere to play in the future, you can take me with you." Kitagawa Anshu smiled.

Mao Lilan thought of Suzuki Sonoko's invitation, so she said: "In a week, the Suzuki Group will hold a banquet in a luxurious manor to celebrate the "Crystal of Creation". If you are interested, you can go with us. I heard that the gem is very beautiful, and there is a certain probability that Kaito Kid will steal the gem. As a detective, you should be a little interested in Kaito."

Kitagawa Xingshu's eyes lit up: "Really? In fact, I have always wanted to see Kaito Kid in person. Will it be too much trouble for you if I go with you?"

Ma Lilan shook her head: "It won't be a trouble, but it is not certain whether Kaito Kid will really come. After all, we haven't received the notice letter yet."


The summer sun shines warmly on the earth, and Dr. Agasa takes the members of the Junior Detective Team to the mountains and forests in the suburbs to prepare for camping.

As soon as Kojima Genta arrived at the campsite, he couldn't wait to pour out the snacks in his backpack: "I brought a lot of snacks this time, everyone has a share!"

Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko held a book about natural sciences and carefully compared the surrounding plants to explain some interesting knowledge to Ayumi and Genta, looking like a little adult.

Yoshida Ayumi wore a cute sportswear, holding a bunch of wild flowers in her hand, smiling brightly: "If we put these flowers next to our tent, it will be very beautiful!"

Conan is still in that familiar suit: "Although the environment around here is good, everyone still needs to pay attention to safety."

"I went to look nearby and there is a river. If you want to play, be careful and try to stay on the shore." Huiyuan Ai added lightly, but the content is very concerned about everyone.

"Got it!" x3

Everyone worked together and quickly set up the tent. At this time, another group of people came here. They were two men and two women, carrying large backpacks and holding camping equipment in their hands, talking and laughing as they walked towards this side.

Dr. Agasa took a few children to greet them:

"Hello, it's a great fortune to meet here. I hope you can take care of each other in the future."

The four stopped, and one of the men with glasses and thick eyebrows and big eyes responded: "Hello, it seems that everyone likes the environment here. I'm glad to meet you."

The thin man next to him continued: "Haha, hello, after meeting you, I feel that the next camping will be very interesting."

"Yes, I look forward to the good times ahead." The big-eyed lady with long hair smiled, "Please take care of me."

The last short-haired woman also nodded, looking more cold.

The young detectives also greeted each other, and then the two groups separated. Kojima Genta and Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko took Conan to the river to play. Conan was worried about them, so he followed them.

Haibara Ai chose to stay and help Dr. Agasa make a fire and barbecue. Yoshida Ayumi thought about it and still wanted to play with everyone, so she said goodbye to Haibara Ai and caught up with Conan and the others.

"Ai, I can do it here by myself, why don't you go and play with them." Dr. Agasa suggested, and Haibara Ai shook her head:

"I don't want to play that kind of childish game, I might get splashed with water."

Over there, Kojima Genta pointed to the river and said:

"Mitsuhiko, do you think there are fish in this river? If there are, is it possible for us to catch eels and make eel rice to eat, hehe."

Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko tested the depth of the water with a stick:

"The water is quite deep, there may be eels."

" Then we..."

"No, it's very dangerous. We have to be careful just standing on the shore, not to mention going into the water." Conan interrupted Genta's thoughts and pointed out the dangers:

"The water flow in the deeper river may be more turbulent, making it difficult for people to control their bodies and be washed away by the water flow; there may be obstacles such as stones, branches, and silt at the bottom of the river. It is easy to collide and get injured, or even get trapped when playing in it. This is just a common problem. Maybe there are unknown creatures. "

Ayumi's focus is a bit strange: "Unknown creatures? Is there a water monster??"

Just as Conan was about to answer, two shadows in the distance attracted his attention. They looked a bit like two people, one of whom was still soaking in the water: Is someone dumping a body?

Conan thought subconsciously, then left a sentence and ran over there: "I'll go over there and take a look, you guys be careful!"

However, Yuantai and Mitsuhiko looked at each other, and the three of them nodded in unison:

"He must have discovered something again!"

"We can't let him investigate alone!"

"Let's follow him!"

The two shadows were the savage and the fisherwoman.

The savage was holding a rabbit leg in his hand, gnawing on the meat while chatting with the fisherwoman:

"It's great to have you with me now. I'm going crazy staying in the mountains alone."

The fisherwoman held the rabbit legs in both hands and took a bite each:

"Yeah, your barbecue skills are really good. I'll come again next time... Actually, I'm pretty miserable. I woke up in the deep sea. It took me so long to swim over here. Every day I eat either fish or crabs. I'm almost used to being a mermaid. ”

The Savage looked at the Fisherwoman's tail: "I have to say that this tail is really pleasing to the eye, but it's too unscientific. If some scientists find it, you will be miserable."

"Yeah, so sad..." The Fisherwoman looked sad and took a big bite of meat.

The Savage thought of something and asked her: "Have you tried to get on land? What if it can become a leg?"

"Well, the introduction didn't mention it, and I didn't dare to go out of the water to avoid people, so I don't know yet. How about I try it?"

The Savage nodded, the Fisherwoman ate the last bite of meat, and then climbed ashore. After a while, her tail was warm:

"I feel like I'm going to change!" The Fisherwoman was excited.

The Savage walked around her: "It's true, I can see the outline of the legs! "

Due to living in the mountains for a long time, the savages are particularly sensitive to some sounds. He heard the sound of something running over not far away. It should not be big, but there is more than one.

He looked over with sharp eyes, and then:

"Oh my god! Why is Conan here? Your legs haven't changed yet, hide quickly! "The savage urged, fearing that the fisherwoman would not react in time, he also helped push her with his hands. The fisherwoman paddled into the water and then swam far away in the deep water.

The savage summoned the wild boar, turned over handsomely and rode away with the boar.

Conan's perspective:

As he got closer and closer to them, he was more and more sure that there were two people. Among them, the long-haired woman climbed out of the water, her legs seemed to be wrapped by something, and the other walked around her.

Is he admiring her despair? Damn bad guy, his heart is too vicious.

The man glanced at Conan: He saw me?!

Conan's heartbeat accelerated, and he hesitated whether to go. After all, he didn't know the man's strength, and maybe he would fall into his hands, but his body kept running forward.

The man took action, and he pushed the woman into the river!

Conan was anxious:!!! No, I have to be faster Point! Her legs were wrapped up, and it would be dangerous to fall into the water!

A wild boar appeared out of nowhere and stopped in front of the man, and then the man rode on it, and the boar carried him away quickly.

Conan was puzzled, shocked, and worried.

He finally arrived at the place where the woman fell into the water. The grass was wet, and there was a pile of bones scattered beside it. Conan recognized it at a glance. It belonged to the rabbit:

Do you have to eat to celebrate before killing? Pleasure crime or something? Bad, too bad.

But it doesn't matter. The woman has been in the water for a while. It will be dangerous if she is not rescued.

Conan warmed up to prevent cramps, then took off his coat and jumped into the river.

Yuanta and others who came happened to see this scene. Yuanta said:

"Okay, you don't let us go into the water to play, but you secretly go into the water alone. This is too unkind."

"Ah, Conan, how could you do this. "Ayumi was a little bit unconvinced that this was what Conan would do.

After observing the surrounding situation for a while, Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya reasoned:

"I think Conan probably didn't want to go into the water to play, but found someone who fell into the water and wanted to save him. Look, there are a lot of water marks here, and there are bones. It looks like a person accidentally fell into the water while playing in the water after eating barbecue by the water."

"It seems so, then let's go down and save him!" Yuantai felt his blood boiling. He had already imagined the scene where the person gratefully invited him to eat eel rice after he saved the person.

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya disagreed: "But our strength is very small, it is difficult to save an adult, and we may even lose our own lives. The teacher said that the best way at this time is to ask adults for help."

"But Conan has already jumped in. What if he encounters any danger? Didn't he say that there may be obstacles at the bottom of the water and the water flow is relatively turbulent. What if he gets into trouble?" Ayumi said anxiouslyTears filled her eyes, she was afraid that Conan would be gone.

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya was also very anxious. He was thinking about how to deal with it. If he left Genta and Ayumi here to watch, they might not be able to help but go into the water, so: "Ayumi, Genta, you go find Dr. Agasa, I'll watch here, hurry up!"

The two of them had already regarded him as the backbone, and after responding with a "OK", they hurried to find Dr. Agasa.

Mitsuhiko prayed in his heart, and Conan, who was prayed for, looked for people while avoiding the water plants below: No, there is no one here, where did she go? Was she washed away by the current when she was struggling?

After confirming that there was no one in this area, he swam to find the next area.

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