The next day, the cowboy decided to come and help the savage to see what was going on.

After arriving at the scene, he first expressed sympathy for the savage, and then angrily said that he would also help the savage to avenge his family. The savage was very moved and praised him for being his good classmate.

"How is it? Did you figure out anything?" The savage was in a rather embarrassed state, and he looked very bleak standing there.

The cowboy couldn't bear to see his classmates like this, so he said: "You must believe in my golden finger, you will definitely know some truth, but don't worry about this for now, are you going to continue to live like this in the future? How can you bear to stay in the mountains all the time?"

"I still have to keep going, not to mention that I have an ambition to let the whole class ride on my wild boar, this kind of life away from the hustle and bustle of the world is not bad, I have already got used to it."

In a trance, the cowboy seemed to feel the detached breath on him, but:

"Get used to it? ! ! What if you go home in the future, what if you can't adapt to society?"

The wild man was stunned for two seconds, and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Believe me, when the time comes, I just need to log in to play games and order some takeout to adapt back immediately. For me, wilderness survival is like learning. It's a bit painful at the beginning, and I'm a little happy when I get better and make progress later, and then I can immediately go back on vacation. I'll leave it behind and go back to my life of playing shit."

"That's good, let's get back to the topic. Your house was blown up by a self-taught bomber to test the power of the bomb. It's estimated that he will use the bomb to do something in Beika Town soon. I will continue to follow Conan and the others. I will notify you when I meet the bomber, and then you can ask the priest to dig a hole and take revenge in any way you want."

"Okay, thank you."

Three days later, a park in Beika Town exploded in the middle of the night. The bomber left a message printed on paper at the scene:

Mr. Police, this bomb is one of the bombs I made carefully. The other bombs have been installed at a certain location. If you want to know their specific locations, prepare 1 billion in cash and place it at the nearest station at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. Note that the other bombs are equipped with timers, so it's best not to catch me.

In order to ensure the safety of the people, the police transferred 1 billion funds overnight. This is not a small amount. It takes a while to count them, so they have to race against time.

Of course, it was impossible to send all of this huge amount of money away, and the police stayed up all night in the conference room to think of a solution.

"Why don't we mix fake money and locators into the money, and send someone to arrest him after confirming the location of the bomb."

"No, if the bomber finds it in time, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Then to be on the safe side, we will let two plainclothes police officers who are good at tracking follow him and keep track of the bomber's movements in real time."


The morning news reported the explosion in the park. Because it mentioned that the bomber had not been found, the Junior Detective Team decided to come here to investigate. In order to avoid being stopped by Huiyuan Ai and Conan, they deliberately told them when they were about to arrive at the park and asked them if they wanted to investigate as well.

Ai Huihara said anxiously, "You guys are almost at the park?! Do you know it's still very dangerous there? What if the bomber is still nearby and he attacks you?"

Motota Kojima took the detective badge farther away and whispered to Ayumi and Mitsuhiko, "Sure enough, it's a good thing we didn't tell them earlier, otherwise we wouldn't have a chance to investigate the bomber."

Ayumi nodded, "Yes."

Mitsuhiko took the badge from Genta, "Ahuihara, it's okay, we'll be careful."

"This can't be avoided by being careful, don't take risks, come back."

The response to Huihara was silence, it seemed they were determined to investigate.

Ai Huihara quickly contacted Conan Edogawa, who said he would go there in person and told her not to worry.

Anju Kitagawa saw Conan carrying a skateboard out of the house, hurriedly changed his clothes and followed him. He watched the morning news and guessed that what the other party was going to do next was most likely related to the explosion in the park.

"Conan, where are you going?" Kitagawa Anshu caught up with Conan and asked directly.

"Yuanta and the others are going to investigate the bomber who caused the explosion in the park. I am worried, so I have to go there now."

"I'll go with you. I have nothing to do. If I accidentally encounter a bomber, I can help deal with him." Kitagawa Anshu thought that he would definitely encounter a bomber this time. The wild man finally waited for the time of revenge.

Conan was grateful for Kitagawa Anshu's heart: "Thank you, but I plan to ride a skateboard to go there, which is faster, and the skateboard has a limited load-bearing capacity, so you may have to take a car."

"It's okay, you go first, I'll be there soon."

[Doghead Detective (Cowboy): Wild ManAre you there? There is a high probability that Conan will meet the bomber today, so I will let you know first.

Wilderness Survival Player (Wild Man): Yes, I know, I am ready to beat him up, and I will go to the priest to wait now.

Prophet (Priest): Come on, just take this opportunity to come to my place to eat some good food, I will treat you well to make up for your injured heart.

Wilderness Survival Player (Wild Man): Great, thank you. 】

Not long after, Conan successfully found Genta and the others, and Yoshida Ayumi was a little surprised: "Conan, you are here!"

Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko avoided his sight with a guilty conscience, and Kojima Genta looked indifferent.

"Didn't I say not to act impulsively?" Conan touched his forehead helplessly, "Why are you like this again, aren't you afraid of encountering danger? And we will be very worried."

"But don't you always rush to the front of danger? Why can't we just want to investigate?" Genta asked back, he felt that Conan was a bit double-standard.

Yoshida Ayumi recalled many times when Conan was in danger to protect others, and she agreed: "Yes, Conan, you often leave us alone to face danger."

"Not only that, when you encounter a case, you also like to investigate alone." Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya said.

Faced with the accusations of the three people, Conan was speechless for a moment: What can he say? In his heart, he is a big brother and should protect them. After all, he can't let a group of children face danger. That would be too irresponsible.

"Hello, you are the other members of the Junior Detective Team. I heard Miss Xiaolan mention you." Kitagawa Anshu suddenly appeared behind everyone, scaring the other three except Conan.

"Sorry, I seem to have scared you suddenly. My name is Kitagawa Anshu, I am a detective, and I am glad to meet you."

Mitsuhiko calmed down: "Hello, my name is Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko, and I am glad to meet you."

Yoshida Ayumi and Kojima Genta greeted immediately.

"I heard from Conan that you are going to investigate the bomber. I wonder how you decided to investigate?"

"We originally planned to go to the park to take a look." Yoshida Ayumi said while looking at Conan's expression.

"That won't work at all, because after the explosion, the police will seal off the scene for a while, and they won't let us kids in to investigate." Conan said.

"Ah--what should we do? We've come here for nothing." Kojima Genta had never thought about this. "We really want to investigate."

He looked at Conan expectantly, hoping that Conan could provide a solution.

Yoshida Ayumi and Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko also used the same look.

Conan couldn't stand it, and compromised: "Then let's ask the people nearby what they know, and if there are no clues, we'll go back."

A group of kids are just curious and asking questions, so it shouldn't be a problem.

"Okay!" ×3

"Let's act together, so that it's not easy to miss important information." Conan added.

If you don't get left alone, the danger will be reduced by one level.

Kitagawa Anshu asked Conan if there was anything he could help with. Conan asked him to sit on a bench and see if there were any suspicious people around.

At 9:30, the Junior Detective Team found nothing. Everyone who was asked said that they were sleeping at the time and didn't realize something was wrong until the explosion sounded.

Kojima Motota was dejected: "Are we going to give up like this?"

"It should be. I guess only the police know more information, but if we ask them, they will definitely not tell us." Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko sighed.

"Isn't Brother Kitagawa a detective? If I ask him, will it work?" Yoshida Ayumi glanced at Kitagawa Anshu sitting on the bench, and this idea suddenly popped up in her mind. Kojima Motota's eyes lit up:

"Then let's go and ask Brother Kitagawa for help!"

The three of them hit it off and ran over excitedly. Conan didn't have time to say anything, so he had to follow.

"Did you find anything?" Kitagawa Anshu thought they had found some important clues, so he was so happy.

Encouraged by the eyes of the other two, Yoshida Ayumi answered: "Not yet, we would like to ask you to help ask the police..."

Kitagawa Anshu: ? ? ?

"I go ask the police? Will they tell me?"

"They should tell the detective. Every time Uncle Mori asks the police questions, they will answer."

"But Detective Mori is so famous and powerful, the police will of course tell him. I am still unknown now, and the few police officers I have met are not here. If I ask them, they will probably not tell me." Kitagawa Anshu explained patiently.

Kojima Genta asked sincerely: "Why is Brother Kitagawa not famous? Could it be that Brother Kitagawa is indifferent to fame and fortune and does not want to be famous?"

Conan heard this: Hey, hey, you really didn't mean it.Did you say that?

Kitagawa Anshu was silent. He felt like he was hit hard: Did he not want to? How could it be possible? If he could keep encountering cases, he would not only refresh his golden finger but also improve his reputation. After improving his reputation, people would entrust him to handle cases, and then the positive cycle would get better and better, instead of being the top 1 in investigating extramarital affairs in the women's circle like now.

"Why is everyone silent?" Kojima Motota scratched his head, not quite understanding.

Yoshida Ayumi and Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko pulled him aside:

"What you just said hurt Brother Kitagawa."

"Yes, Brother Kitagawa may not be famous because of his lack of strength. You sounded sarcastic when you said that."

"Go and apologize to him later, and encourage him by the way that he will definitely become famous as long as he works hard."

"Is this... like this?"

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