"I'm sorry, Brother Kitagawa! You have to believe in yourself. You will definitely become famous as long as you work hard!"

Kojima Motota encouraged loudly, and Kitagawa Anshu said: I feel like I have been hurt twice.

"Those two people seem a little strange." Conan noticed that two people dragged two oversized suitcases towards the station.

Kojima Motota was puzzled: "What's strange?"

"Their expressions are wrong, they seem to be alert to something, and their eyes are always observing the surrounding situation." Kitagawa Anshu observed for a while, and Conan added:

"Their walking posture and some small habits that are inadvertently revealed are very much like those that have been deliberately trained."

"They should be police officers." Conan and Kitagawa Anshu said at the same time.

Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko guessed: "Are they carrying out a mission, such as giving money to the criminals to redeem people?"

"How much money can be put in such a big box?" Kojima Motota was more concerned about this issue.

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya calculated in his mind for a while and roughly concluded: "If it is filled with banknotes of the largest denomination of 10,000 yen, it can probably hold 1 billion yen."

Kitagawa Anshu was lost in thought for a while, then smiled slightly: "We will know what they are going to do if we watch them for a while."

In just a few minutes, Conan found that several people were not quite right: they would secretly look at the two people from time to time, and when someone passed by them, their movements would pause for a while, and their expressions would suddenly become alert.

They should also be police officers. Who are they alert to? Is it... the bomber?

Not long after, a black car stopped in front of the two people, and a man wearing a black peaked cap and a black mask got out of the car. He was also dressed in black.

The man said something to the two people, and the two put the suitcases in the trunk and the back seat respectively.

Then, the man drove away.

[Dog-headed detective (cowboy): The bomber left with hundreds of millions of dollars in cash [squinting smile]

Arms dealer (Bang Bang): This is extra money.

Rice flower worker (Jack): I'll come to the priest's place too, and help move the money later [squinting smile]

Wild survival contestant (savage): Anyway, I'll focus on plowing people, and the rest is up to you.

Dog-headed detective (cowboy): I asked Sawada You and others to check the itinerary of the car driven by the bomber, and we can start when he arrives at the destination. ]

Just as Conan was about to chase him on his skateboard, he saw Kitagawa Anshu sending a message calmly, and his mind flashed, and his eyes lit up: "Brother Kitagawa, are you contacting your hacker friend to ask him to check the route of this car later?"

Kitagawa Anshu paused: "Uh, yes."

"That's great!"

"Will this work?" Yoshida Ayumi asked hesitantly.

"The hacker friend of Brother Beichuan is very powerful, so it should be no problem for him to check this."

Conan said, and at the same time noticed that some of the strange people followed the black car in various ways.

Sawada You sent the location of the car to Beichuan Xingshu in real time, and after a while, Beichuan Xingshu took Conan and the others to pass these locations by a long way.

Conan originally thought that he and Beichuan could go together, but Yuantai and the others insisted on following. Several people asked and guaranteed, and Conan reluctantly agreed:

"Let's make it clear first, you can't act on your own, otherwise I will never trust you again."

At the priest's house, the savage ate and drank with an open appetite, and kept praising the priest's good craftsmanship. The priest was happy to be praised, so he specially prepared some things that might be useful for him, filling two suitcases.

The Savage was dumbfounded: "No, sister, I'm going to the wilderness to survive, not to camp."

Priest: "Of course I know, listen to me tell you their uses one by one, first of all, flashlights, knives, compasses and other useful things must be prepared; secondly, lighters, you can't always drill wood to make fire, it's so troublesome when it rains; then portable water filters, can make the water you drink cleaner, these days drinking river water directly is not clean... Finally, first aid kits, although I don't want you to get hurt, but I don't want you to get hurt and not be able to deal with it."

The Savage fell into self-doubt: It sounds so reasonable, how did I get by without these things before? It seems that I often feel inconvenient, but most of the time I just grit my teeth and get through it.

Hey, I'm awesome.

"Duoduoduo——" There was a knock at the door, and through the cat's eye, I saw that it was Jack, and the priest opened the door.

"What are you doing? Wow, the food is pretty good, I want to eat too!" Jack came over and sat down, snatched the bowl from the savage and started to eat, "I haven't eaten this morning, I'm starving."

Savage: "Are you polite? You snatched my bowl, wuwuwu, the priest bullied me wuwuwu..."

Jack picked up a chopstick of food and stuffed it into his mouth: "NowYou actually complained, you always let me do whatever I wanted."

"Bullshit - I tolerated you because I felt sorry for you, but you actually thought so. I regret it. I regret it so much."

"Come on, both of you, finish eating quickly, we have things to do later." The priest took a sip of health tea.

The bomber noticed someone following his car, so he stopped the car by a phone booth and called the police:

"If they follow me again, I will detonate a bomb immediately. ”

The effect was good. Soon he found that the followers were no longer in his sight. After several detours, he confirmed that no one was following him, and the bomber arrived at the final location.

He dragged the suitcase full of cash into the house with great effort, then took off the fake license plate, removed other disguises on the car, and rolled up the baseball cap, mask and other things to burn.

After doing all this, he told the police the location of the bomb by phone, then pulled out the disposable phone card and broke it and threw it away.

What he didn't expect was that a man appeared in the living room at some point.

His hair was messy, his clothes were torn and old, and he was riding a wild boar with sharp teeth.

The bomber's legs were shaking a little, and he felt very bad.

The wild man clamped the wild boar's abdomen with his legs. The wild boar snorted twice, and its eyes locked fiercely on the bomber. It moved forward and then accelerated suddenly.



The bomber was knocked away for a distance, and the wild man controlled the wild boar to retreat, and then sprinted again.





The invisible Jack knew how miserable the bomber's situation was when he heard the sound. He did not look away and pushed the suitcase away.

[Dog-headed Detective (Cowboy): Wild man, are you ready? I'm going to bring Conan and the others here.

Wilderness Survival Player (Wild Man): Oh, it's almost done, I'll retreat now.

Rice Flower Worker (Jack): The money has been taken away.

Dog-headed Detective (Cowboy): OK.]

The wild man gave the bomber the last heavy blow. The bomber's face hit the wall, and three teeth fell out. He slid to the ground in a daze, and he didn't even scream.

"Tsk, who told you to make bombs for no reason and blow up the house I worked so hard to build? This is retribution! "

The savage left in high spirits.

A few minutes later, Kitagawa Xingshu and others arrived here by taxi. They came to the back of the house quietly, and then Conan asked: "Brother Kitagawa, you keep an eye on them here, I will go to the window to see what's going on inside."

Kitagawa Xingshu nodded, and Conan quietly looked at the situation in the room: a man fell to the ground, his face was covered in blood.


"Someone's dead, call the police! "Conan said, because the window could not be opened, he went around to the front door to open it and go in.

Yuanta and the others were very excited and wanted to go and see, but were stopped by Kitagawa Anshu.

[Dog-headed Detective (Cowboy): @Wild Survival Player (Wild Man): Did you use too much force to kill the bomber?

Wild Survival Player (Wild Man): Impossible! He was injured at most, not seriously, I still know my limits.

Dog-headed Detective (Cowboy): That must be Conan's misunderstanding.

Wild Survival Player (Wild Man): This is the second time, he misunderstood my people for the second time, why?

Rice Flower Worker (Jack): Because you are 'kind'.]

Kitagawa Anshu called the police:

"Hey, Officer Megure, I seem to have found a dead person here..."

Conan ran to the bomber, and his first reaction was to confirm the way he died, but the bomber suddenly groaned faintly, and Conan took several steps back.

"Save me! Save me! A man riding a wild boar hit me, and I was almost killed by him!"

The bomber cried and didn't care that the person in front of him was a child. He struggled to get up and hug Conan's legs.

When Conan heard about the wild boar, he quickly thought of the murderer he met while camping that day. The local police had not found him and the deceased yet: Is there a chance to find him this time?

"What does he look like and what kind of clothes does he wear?"

The bomber described that the features were the same as the man Conan saw. Conan then asked: "Which direction did he go?"

"I didn't pay attention."

Conan was lost for a while, and suddenly remembered that the person in front of him might be the bomber. He kept his expression unchanged and continued to ask questions to divert the other party's attention:

"Why do you think he did this to you?"

"He said I blew up his house, but I only blew up... a place where a wild man lived. "When the bomber said the second word 'bomb', the sound behind it became weaker and weaker. He looked around and saw no one else. Then he looked at Conan with a terrifying look:

"Little friend, if you want to blame someone, blame yourself for hearing something you shouldn't have heard."

Conan was held by the legs and couldn't move. He quickly raised his hand to knock the bomber unconscious.The bomber was trying to get a hold of the bomber, but the other party stopped him with his hand:

"Don't worry, it won't hurt. You'll just be killed by the sudden explosion of the gas tank. You won't feel anything soon."

The sound of the rope breaking through the air was heard, and Conan was caught and flew towards Kitagawa Apricot Tree. The bomber didn't react during the whole process.

When he realized the current situation, Officer Megure also came to the door: "Where is the deceased?"

Conan hurriedly said: "Officer Megure, this person is the bomber! He told me in person, and I also saw him take two oversized suitcases from someone else."

"It seems that you are the bomber who blew up the park, Sato, Takagi, handcuff him!"

The bomber thought that the two boxes of money were still here, and knew that it was useless for him to quibble, so he stared at Conan viciously.

Conan told Officer Megure about the wild man, and Officer Megure said that he would interrogate the bomber about his information later.

One hour later, in the interrogation room:

"Where did you hide the money? Tell the truth, stop lying!"

"I really don't know. Not long after I returned, I was bumped around by the pig rider, so I had no time to hide the money. Besides, if I really hid the money, I would never admit that I was the bomber."

"You're lying! According to what you said before, there were only two of you, and the pig rider didn't take the suitcase when he left. There's no other way for the money to be hidden except by you. Tell me, where is it?"

"I really don't know."


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