The fisherwoman Meimei spent a pleasant night at the priest's place. The next day, she wanted to go out for a walk. The priest had nothing to do, so he went with her.

"Let's go to the Polo Cafe first. I want to check in, go go go! And the sushi restaurant where Jingguang is now, hahahaha, I want to go too."

"Aren't you afraid of meeting the elementary school students of the God of Death?"

"Since I have traveled through time, I must meet certain people and go to certain places, so that the trip will not be in vain!"

"That's right."

There are not many people in the Polo Cafe now, and the fisherwoman and the priest found a seat by the window to sit down.

Enomoto Azusa came over to ask what they wanted to eat. The fisherwoman ordered sandwiches and pasta, and the priest chose the same as her.

After a while, Amuro Toru brought the plates and brought over everything they ordered: "Please enjoy."

The fisherwoman's hands under the table tightly held the priest: Oh my god, I met the man in Ming Ke, I really want to take 365 photos of him as a souvenir.

The priest twitched his hand, but it didn't twitch. He sighed and waited for her to calm down.

Conan and his group walked into the store at this time, and the fisherwoman became even more excited:

[Unscientific Mermaid (Fisherwoman): I'm about to cry, I'm so touched, God has been kind to me, and I actually met them all at once. The characters I once liked appeared in front of me one by one, it's so cool.

Prophet (Priest): Relax, don't stare too hard, and behave normally when you encounter a case later. We are just ordinary people now.

Unscientific Mermaid (Fisherwoman): Okay, by the way, why is Cowboy not here? Didn't he say he would always follow Conan and the others?

Dog-headed Detective (Cowboy): Who knew they would leave while I was going to the bathroom? If I come to Poirot Cafe now, will Conan suspect me?

Unscientific Mermaid (Fisherwoman): I don't know, it depends on you. ]

"Dad, really, I asked you to buy vegetables a long time ago, but you drank too much again." Mao Lilan complained.

Maori Kogoro felt guilty, he actually didn't want to move: "Oh, I forgot, and we can eat here to make you less tired. Think about what to eat."

The three sat down and ordered something. During the meal, a table of people attracted their attention:

"Don't worry, I will pay you. I will pay you as soon as the company's funds are turned around. Don't keep asking." A pot-bellied man said, and the man sitting opposite him whose face could not be seen stood up:

"You have owed us three months of salary, and you always say that the funds can't be turned around, but I clearly saw that you have changed to a new car recently. You eat big fish and meat every day, but you invite us to such a small cafe. You don't want to pay us at all, right?"

"Don't say that, the car was given to me by my friend because I have been short of money recently. How can the food be big fish and meat? I also feel bad to invite you to dinner, and it's also true There is no money to ask. "The capable women gritted their teeth:" Boss, I really need this money. Can you get our salary first? I will give you up. "The man's expression was gloomy:" That's it again. You said this two months ago. I really want to be a fool? If you don't go on, I'll go first. "He got up. He suddenly yelled before leaving the seat:" Ah-- "Then he fell to the ground. Conan, Mao Ryo, and Amuro rushed over. Other guests were frightened or calm. 【Unscientific Mermaid (Fisherwoman): The deceased is indeed him, so annoying, and he offended three people at the same time, just enough to make up three options.

Prophet (Priest): Are you afraid of corpses?

Unscientific Mermaid (Fisherwoman): I'm not afraid as long as it's not bloody.

Prophet (Priest): That's good, let's see how the protagonists solve the case next. 】

Conan and Amuro Toru carefully observed the scene and looked for possible evidence. Maori Kogoro directly locked on the murderer:

"Sir, we just heard you say you were going to kill him, and he died within a minute after you said it. It's hard not to suspect you are the murderer."

The pot-covered man was in a very happy mood: "Suspect it if you want to, anyway, I'm not the murderer, it's good that he died, this kind of person should die earlier."

Maori Kogoro choked for a moment, he began to look for any evidence.

This case was not complicated. Conan and Amuro Toru soon found the evidence in the trash can. After asking the three suspects some questions, the murderer was revealed.

Amuro Toru directly said that the murderer was the woman in smart clothes. She injected potassium cyanide into the capsules, and then replaced the capsules that the deceased often ate when he was not paying attention. The evidence was the capsules in the trash can. The two capsules that should have been in the deceased's stomach were now in the trash can, and there would probably be fingerprints belonging to the murderer on them.

The murderer covered his face and cried: "My sister is seriously ill and in bed. She urgently needs money. I asked him for salary, but he refused to give it to me. He even said that if I sleep with him, he would give me the money... I couldn't stand it anymore, so I decided to kill him. As an assistant, I know that he has to take medicine every day, and occasionally he would ask me to help him get medicine. I think this is an opportunity, so I killed him in this way."

"But you are about to pay the price for killing him. What will happen to your sister in the future?"

"My sister died yesterday. Originally, I wanted to give him a chance, but he still had that attitude. I think I should let him go to hell even if I have to go to jail."

The police came soon and took the murderer away after learning the truth.

The fisherwoman had no appetite to eat anymore: "I hate people who delay wages. Everyone is willing to come to work for wages, but they still delay wages."

"I hate it too. Well, the case is over. Let's go somewhere else to relax." The priest felt the most pity about this case. There was no more.

The two left the Poirot Cafe.

For some reason, Conan felt familiar with the fisherwoman's back and her long hair.

Amuro Toru thought: It would be great if the people could have fewer disputes like this, and fewer murders.

The priest took the fisherwoman to eat sushi, then bought comics and game consoles, and finally went to the amusement park to experience the roller coaster.

After half a day, the fisherwoman was in a much better mood.

[Red Team Winning System: The system has been upgraded, details are as follows:

1. Tasks, the main task is still to help the red team defeat the black team, the number of related branch tasks will be greatly increased, according to the difficulty: simple, general, difficult, please decide whether to complete the task.

After completing the task, the reward is changed to "tokens", and the system will issue the number of tokens according to the difficulty of the task. The token is publicly owned, please decide together how to use it.

2. Sign in, each person can sign in once a day, and the things obtained by signing in can be shared or used by yourself. The sign-in items are random, of which 99% are tokens of different values.

3. Lottery: You can get a chance to draw a lottery once you complete a task. Each task of each difficulty level has a corresponding lottery pool. The higher the difficulty, the higher the value of the items in the prize pool.

4. System Mall: You can use tokens to buy goods in the system mall. There are many kinds of goods in the mall. The price is determined by its influence on the world. The greater the influence, the higher the price.

5. Organization: After detecting that everyone is united and successfully completes the first step of creating an organization, the system adds an organization section, which you can explore and use by yourself.

6. Brain channel: The original chat channel and small group chat are changed to: task channel, all-member channel, small group channel, and personal skill refresh channel.

The task channel will be issued by the system for various tasks and can only be used to view tasks.

The all-member channel is available for everyone to chat and discuss.

The small group channel is available for people who need to create a small group and invite people to chat and discuss.

The personal skill refresh channel mainly notifies everyone of the skills or props they have obtained.

The chat adds a camera function, which can take pictures of everything you see and transmit them to the brain channel. Each person can take three pictures per day, and they cannot be used in a superimposed manner.

7. System space, refresh or props purchased in the system mall can be placed in the system space, and cannot be put back after use.

If you die unfortunately, you will be sent to the system space, and then if you use the opportunity to redraw the identity card, you can return to the Conan world to continue to complete the task; if you do not use it or have no chance to use it, you must stay in the system space.

You cannot communicate with classmates in the system space, but to ensure your physical and mental health, you can watch the scenes of other classmates completing tasks, order food at will, and watch the animation and TV series of the original world.

8. Small black room, if you die deliberately, you will not be able to redraw your identity, and you will be locked in the small black room to study. Please refer to the study and life of the third year of high school in the small black room. There are no entertainment equipment, only study, examinations and exercise.

I hope you will work hard and complete the main task as soon as possible.

The man with the code name of electric eel (prisoner): Frog fun! There are many more tasks in the task channel at once, including those from Japan and the United States, and most students can participate in the tasks.

American tramp (night watchman): Have you signed in?? I signed in, but only got 1 token. Am I too unlucky?

Officer's Daughter (Red Butterfly): I'm better than you, I got 2 tokens. I just checked the system mall. It's normal to sell props, but they even sell skins! What will it be like to use skins?

I Love Inventions (Mechanic): There is an introduction under the skins. After using the skins, you will become exactly the same as the skins. Our current appearance is a random mixed version of the original appearance and the appearance of the fifth character. For those students whose original appearance accounts for a large proportion, using skins is equivalent to changing their appearance, and there are also ability bonuses.

Novel Creator (Novelist): I have a small question. If we become exactly the same, does that mean that some of us will become button eyes? Some are even more unscientific.

Unscientific Mermaid (Fisherwoman): I can imagine that scene, and I want to laugh a little. I just don't know how the natives will think about it at that time. Do they think this is an experiment or caused by magic?

Wilderness Survival Player (Wild Man): It’s too early to think about this now. Didn’t you see the long string of zeros on the tokens behind the skins? I reasonably suspect that the system created this just to trick us. 】

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