【Aura Painter (Painter): That's right, the skins are so expensive, which means the system doesn't want us to buy too many. Plus we have to buy other items, so we have even fewer tokens to buy skins. Maybe we won't be able to buy many until the final battle.

Idol Singer (Opera Singer): My excitement has subsided in an instant. I was just thinking about whether to collect all the skins [Laughing and crying]

Prophet (Priest): If you get a lot of tokens by completing the mission, you can consider buying some skins. Then we can vote together.

I Love Invention (Mechanic): Great!

Man with Codename Electric Eel (Prisoner): I suddenly have an idea. Isn't there a linked skin for the skin? If we wear the linked skin of Conan and walk in front of the real owner... Hey.

Bounty Hunter (Mercenary): No fun ideas allowed!

Pandora Thief (Magician): What an idea!

Perfume Maker (Perfumer): Then I cosplay as Shiho Miyano to seduce Gin?

Man with Codename Electric Eel (Prisoner): He said: Ah~ Shirley. Then a gunshot came.

Perfumer: Then I used perfume to recover, and he was so angry that he deformed [squinting and smiling]

Teitan Elementary School Student (Little Girl): Si Dao Pu! Si Dao Pu! Everyone, go to the upper right corner of the task channel, the organization section is there, there is a surprise inside! 】

The priest noticed this message, so he opened the organization channel:

First, there was a blank interface with a paragraph on it: This channel is used to assist you in building the organization, and the construction direction is determined by your previous discussions.

After this paragraph disappeared, there were four modules: base camp, base, wine cellar, and others.

Use your mind to open the base camp: At present, your intention is to build the Oritis Manor. Are you sure to use it as the image of the base camp? If you are sure, please select the construction address and construction time (Note 1: Different addresses have different prices). It is estimated that the construction will cost at least 1,000 tokens or 10 million yen (Note 2: Only the organization channel can use yen instead of tokens)

After confirming the construction address and construction time and the payment is successful, the system will start construction. If the site is in a deserted place, it is expected to be completed in one day; if the site is in a sparsely populated place, it is expected to be completed in one month; if the site is in an ordinary town, it is expected to be completed in two months, and so on. (Note 3: Construction includes various soft furnishings in the manor.)

The default image of the base and wine cellar is similar to what they discussed. You can add or change the settings. Just enter your ideas. The estimated cost of a base is 100 tokens or 1 million yen. The estimated cost of a wine cellar is related to the number of rooms and interrogation rooms set up in the wine cellar. The ordinary type (which can hold five bottles of wine) is about 150 tokens or 1.5 million yen.

(Note 4: In the eyes of the people in this world, all construction is normal construction and there is nothing unreasonable.)

After reading it, the priest felt that this was really worthwhile. If they were asked to find a construction team to build it themselves, not only would the design drawings be troublesome, the decoration would be troublesome, and it would cost a lot of money and take longer to wait.

The last module "Others" mainly consists of the organization's logo, detailed explanations of the code skills of members, and the recruitment of peripheral members, etc.

The logo of the organization: In the future, everyone's masks can be made one by one without the need for mechanics. After the design is completed, they can be purchased for one token. In addition, you can design and purchase organizational clothing, or other small items can be designed.

Detailed explanation of the code skills of members: This detailed explanation is more detailed and intuitive than what everyone has summarized, and it is very convenient to view.

Recruitment of peripheral members: You can enter the identity information of the recruited peripheral members here. In the future, even if all the tasks are done by peripheral members, you can still get tokens. The tokens belong to each student.

Although the identity of peripheral members is recognized by the system, they cannot enjoy a series of functions such as brain channels and cannot become formal members.

[Novel creator (novelist): What a surprise! I was still worried about how to restore the manor, but I didn't expect that the problem would be solved at once.

Wilderness survival player (savage): It just so happens that we want to build the manor deep in the mountains, and then we have 10 million yen. We can confirm the construction today and see the finished product tomorrow.

Unscientific mermaid (fisherwoman): I want to see how the system is built in one day. The system will not be generated directly out of thin air when there is no one around, right? Otherwise, how could it be built in one day, including the facilities inside.

Wilderness Survival Player (Wild Man): Then let's go and see it together.

Unscientific Mermaid (Fisherwoman): Priest, do you want to go and see it together?

Prophet (Priest): I can go with you.

Wilderness Survival Player (Wild Man): Okay, you will forget about me when you have someone else, right? [Macho Man Cries]

I Love Inventions (Mechanic): The novelists and I clearlyI will be back from the United States tomorrow. If it is completed, we must visit it!

Man with code name Electric Eel (Prisoner): I want to visit it too!


Prophet (Priest): Then I will confirm the construction of the manor today. Those of you who want to visit should discuss the time and visit it in batches. There are also base wine cellars. For the time being, five bases will be built, three in Japan and two in the United States. There will be one wine cellar in each place. Everyone choose a location.

Antique Collector (Antique Dealer): Let's build the wine cellar in Japan where those bottles of wine are locked. I think that location is very good. It is not easy to be discovered and it is convenient for us to go there.

Mysterious Man in the East (Susan): Let's move the wine cellar in the United States to another place. It doesn't feel safe. If other students in the United States have any places to recommend, please bring them up.

Stray Cat Rescuer (Apostle): I have a place that may be more suitable [positioning]. It is a stray cat rescue station. Except for some cat lovers who come to adopt cats, basically no one will come. I have to go to see it from time to time, and I can manage the wine cellar by the way.

Mysterious Man from the East (Susan): Not bad, let's set it there.

Courier (Postman): I just analyzed the map and think that Japan's base can be built at the following marked location [map with more than a dozen circles]

Good Lawyer (Lawyer): Wait, some of them look familiar! They seem to be consistent with the places I marked where Gin went and stayed for more than a day.

Rice Flower Worker (Jack): This shows that the postman found a good place! Even the Black Organization thinks it's good.

American Tramp (Night Watchman): Speaking of which, you won't abandon the one we built at the beginning when we have a base built by the system in the future, right?

Popular Actress (Madame Red): Don't worry, I won't.


The group chat was very lively, and the priest and the fisherwoman also returned from the amusement park in advance, preparing to pack up and go to the construction site of the manor.

On the way, the priest did not forget to look through the tasks one by one. The tasks in Japan and the United States were about 70% and 30% respectively. Although there were many tasks, most of them were simple, such as destroying a base of the organization, collecting evidence of a certain official's crime, preventing a transaction, etc.

She sorted the tasks according to the urgency and sent them to the brain channel, asking everyone to discuss how to do them, and then sent some of them to the organization software.

With two minds at the same time, the priest packed up her things, took a taxi and went to the foot of the mountain with the fisherwoman. It's not that they don't want to drive themselves, but they haven't learned it yet. Only a few people in the class took the time to learn to drive.

"It's great to be able to camp by the way. I haven't camped since I was a child." The fisherwoman was excited and looking forward to lying in the tent with her friends to chat, look at the stars in the sky, breathe fresh air, and cook a picnic by herself... There were too many things that attracted her.

"Me too, I used to envy children who could go camping." The priest's family conditions were not good. Although she went to a good school, she never participated in activities organized by the school. She didn't blame her parents because she knew they had given her the best.

The fisherwoman talked to the priest about her childhood, the things that impressed her most, and her plans for the future. She never stopped talking. The priest listened carefully and responded to her from time to time.

"You are finally here. The flowers I waited for have all withered." The wild man saw their figures in the distance and ran over to help them carry some heavier luggage.

"Sorry, we were too involved in the conversation and the speed was a bit slow." The fisherwoman put her hands together to apologize. The wild man turned his head uncomfortably: "It's okay, I didn't wait long. By the way! Do you want to try riding a wild boar? It saves time and effort, and it is very obedient."

"I want to, it's so cool! But we haven't ridden it before, will we fall off?"

"As long as it doesn't run, it's still very stable. Try it."


The wild man whistled, and the wild boar he usually rode came running. Because of its large body, the ground seemed to be shaking.

"Each of you try it. If there is no problem, I will take two out of the system space."

The priest signaled the fisherwoman to go first, and her hands were ready to catch the fisherwoman who might fall.

The wild boar was just as the wild man said, it walked steadily, and the fisherwoman soon felt relieved and bold. Two minutes later, the priest got on the boar. This feeling was very novel, and she kept smiling.

Finally, the three of them rode the wild boar to the destination. The priest confirmed the construction of the manor in his mind, and then a magical scene happened:

A large area of ​​trees in front disappeared out of thin air, and the ground became flat, and then a gray smoke enveloped the place, making it difficult to see the situation inside.

The fisherwoman and the wild man were stunned. The priest took three photos and sent them to the brain channel. Someone suggested recording them with a mobile phone, but there was no guarantee that they would be leaked to the protagonist in the future, so they passed it directly."Why does it feel so much like a game screen?" The Savage thought of some business games he had played before.

This scene was very different from what the Fisherwoman had imagined, so she complained: "The construction screen is not detailed enough, there is no sound effect, bad review!"

"Since we already know what's going on, let's start camping." The priest felt that way, took off the tent from the wild boar and started to set it up, and the Savage and the Fisherwoman came to help.

Two tents were set up, one for the Savage, one for the Priest and the Fisherwoman, and the three of them divided the work to deal with the ingredients.

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