The painter cursed in his heart, who knew his plan? He was just taking precautions, and it just happened that he was well prepared. No one told him that this would happen.

"I just saw that there were more murders in Beihua Town, and I didn't want my exhibition to encounter such a thing, so I sent that kind of message. Besides, I installed surveillance cameras everywhere except the toilet, not just in the place where you want to do it. I really don't know your plan. Put down the knife. I can pretend that this didn't happen, and then give you a sum of money, and you can change your job, so you don't have to worry about me making things difficult for you."

"I won't believe you! Now that you know I want to kill people, I won't let you live."

The painter hurriedly asked the cowboy how long it would take to arrive. Just after sending the message, there was a knock on the door.

"Excuse me, what happened inside?"

"Someone wants to kill someone! Come and save me!" The painter shouted loudly, and the security guard rushed to his side, raised his knife and fell, and when he was just one centimeter away from stabbing the painter's neck, a rope wrapped around the painter and took him to the door.

Kitagawa Anshu was panting, almost, almost too late, fortunately the door was not locked.

Conan saw that the security guard was coming to kill again, so he kicked the football to knock him unconscious. The two staff members who came up later saw Conan and Kitagawa Anshu standing in front of the painter's exclusive room, and tied the painter with a rope, and raised their police sticks vigilantly:

"What are you doing?! Let him go!"

The painter finally came to his senses in the breath of safety. He was almost killed. Thank the cowboy, thank Conan, and thank the priest who provided him with a method.

"Call the police quickly, the security guard in charge of monitoring wants to kill me, and they just saved me."

The two staff members understood what was going on. One called the police and the other went to see the security guard in the room. After confirming that he was unconscious, the staff took the knife away and found a rope to tie him up.

The painter held the hands of Kitagawa Anshu and Edogawa Conan respectively:

"Thank you so much, I will give you some experience coupons, amusement park, seven-day cruise, luxury restaurant... I have a lot here, all given to me by others, and I just don't need them, I hope you don't mind."

"We just did a little favor, you are too polite."

"But you saved my life, please accept it, and if you have any paintings you like, you can take them away."

After the painter said this, he seemed to realize that Conan was an acquaintance, and he was surprised:

"Oh, it's you, this is the third time we meet."

"Yes, I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence. My name is Edogawa Conan, big brother, just call me Conan."

"My name is Maeno Yuma, nice to meet you, do you want to visit my exhibition? I can introduce you."

Kitagawa Anshu winked at him: Have you forgotten that we don't know each other, why don't you wait for me to introduce myself?

Maeno Yuma: Oh, you can introduce yourself now, don't worry about so many details.

"My name is Kitagawa Anshu, I'm a detective. Viewing the exhibition is part of our plan today. It would be an honor if you could take us to the exhibition."

"Then let's go down now." Maeno Yuma walked in front of the two people, and then said to the staff, "You two, wait here for the police to come, I will come over to explain what happened."

"Yes." ×2

Maeno Yuma felt that there would be no more cases in the future. After all, he had experienced it once at the exhibition, and the probability of two cases happening in one place in one day was not high.

As he thought, there was no case here until Conan was sent away, and Maeno Yuma's heart, which was shrouded in haze, was completely relieved.

[Aura Painter (Painter): I also finished the murder copy of Death God Elementary School Conan, and I am a little proud.

Sculptor (Sculptor): Be glad that you are not dead, and pray with me that Conan will not come again.

Aura Painter (Painter): I gave him and Cowboy a lot of experience coupons, just to let them take Maori Kogoro and others to other places to play. According to Maori Kogoro's personality, he will not miss it if he can go to places that are usually very expensive for free.

Dog-headed Detective (Cowboy): Oh my god, you are so quick-witted. I thought you didn't want to waste these coupons, but good job, I can follow them all the way for a while.

Prophet (Priest): After what happened today, I believe everyone can understand that Conan's physique may put our lives in danger. For your own safety, everyone should pay attention to his movements.

Dog-headed Detective (Cowboy): Then I will be responsible for telling everyone Conan's itinerary. 】

In Gin's safe house,

Gin sat on the sofa smoking, and swiped the screen of his mobile phone with his left hand to check the message:

The man who robbed VodkaThe man is a member of the zoo codenamed Electric Eel. The zoo's purpose is to find a gem called Pandora, and most of their actions revolve around this. It is not known whether the kidnapping of Vodka was a personal act of Electric Eel or the zoo has other purposes.

A new message was sent at this time:

Found Vodka's trace, he is bombing the organization's research institute [Location] [Photo]

Gin put out his cigarette, then got up and went out, got on the Porsche and stepped on the accelerator to the maximum.

On the other side, Vodka worked hard to throw bombs into the organization's research institute. Seven or eight members of the organization hid behind a solid wall. They didn't dare to show their heads at all, and all sent messages for help in fear.

The mercenaries and prisoners secretly got the information when the attention of the organization members was attracted by Vodka. They knew that they couldn't fight, so they notified Vodka to retreat quickly.

As soon as Vodka walked a few steps away from the research institute, two hiding members of the organization quickly stood up and shot at him. Vodka threw two more bombs as a warning, but because of the distance, they were not hurt.

This made the remaining members of the organization arrogant, and they also joined the team that fired cold guns. Vodka had to hide behind the bunker, and the two sides were deadlocked.

The mercenaries in the distance saw the situation here through the telescope, and their sense of uneasiness became stronger and stronger. If this continued, it would definitely be more and more disadvantageous to them, or more precisely, Vodka.

The prisoner looked at the two roads around the institute. There were no cars on one road, and a black car was approaching from afar on the other road at a very fast speed.

"Someone is coming, the car looks familiar, the license plate number is 4368, it seems to be Gin's car!"

The prisoner only knew a few common cars in the original world, such as Volkswagen, Wuling Hongguang, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Land Rover, and didn't know the others, so he didn't realize it was Gin's car until he saw this familiar license plate number.

"What?!" The mercenary's heart was lifted up, and he quickly contacted Vodka again,

"Vodka, listen, this is a test for you. If you pass it, we will consider letting you join. If not, then you will either be killed, or we will save your life out of conscience, and then you will be locked up for life."

That being said, even if Vodka survived, he would only join the organization for a dozen days at most, and if he stopped hypnotizing, he would have to be locked up until he recovered his memory and could continue to be a peripheral member of the fifth personality.

"Gin is expected to be near your location in five minutes. Try to escape. We will watch your actions."

"By the way, it's a bit difficult to face Gin. Let's reduce the difficulty for you. Run to the southeast. There is a modified car there. You have been driving for so many years. It shouldn't be a problem to get rid of Gin."

"Good luck."

A drop of cold sweat broke out on Vodka's forehead. He was afraid and awed by Gin in his heart. As an undercover, he had this mentality, which was obviously problematic. He also wanted to be bolder, but it was useless.

If he faced Gin head-on, he would definitely not be able to hold on for long. He couldn't waste time. Vodka ran wildly to the southeast, not caring about the cold guns fired by the organization members. These things were not as scary as Gin.

Fortunately, he was not hit by a single shot when he ran out of range, but his mind was completely on Gin and he didn't care about these at all.

He keenly heard the sound of a car approaching from far away, and the sound was infinitely magnified in his mind, as if Gin had already driven behind him and was now looking at him expressionlessly as he ran for his life without knowing his own abilities.

He finally couldn't stand it anymore, and looked back. There was no car at all, and the sound of the car also became smaller in his mind. Gin was still some distance away from him, and he still had a chance.

Driven by adrenaline, Vodka broke his limit speed again, and finally, he saw the hope of survival - a white Mazda.


Three gunshots came from behind, Vodka was shot in the leg, and two more shots were just avoided because he fell uncontrollably.

Vodka saw Gin in the Porsche, one of his hands stretched out of the window, and was about to shoot him again.

The Mazda was less than fifty meters ahead, and Vodka gritted his teeth and ran over in pain.

He didn't run in a straight line, but ran to the left and then to the right irregularly. Sometimes he turned to the left but ran to the right.

In fact, this was the right way to run. Gin's shots didn't hit him. He finally reached the car door, opened the door with his left hand, sat in, closed the door and drove in one go.

He could no longer feel the pain in his legs. Most of his senses were focused on the road ahead. He built a model in his mind to analyze which direction would give him a higher chance of survival.

Not long after driving out, Vodka was surprised to findNow this car is very well modified, and its speed and performance are directly superior to Porsche. Although not much, in "racing", a slight difference can change the outcome.

God bless him, Vodka's fear has dropped by one third, and the remaining two thirds are afraid that Gin will shoot and hit the wheels or other important parts of Mazda.

In order to avoid a dismal ending, he is doing two things at once, paying attention to the road conditions ahead while watching Gin's movements through the rearview mirror.

As soon as he found that Gin was about to shoot, Vodka showed off his driving skills in various ways, and resolutely prevented Gin from aiming at the car.

The mercenaries and prisoners were all stunned to watch these scenes. Is Vodka so awesome? It seems that there is no need to call for external aid.

"It feels like watching a hot-blooded animation, and the name of the animation has been thought of, it is called "Brother, let's race!""

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