"You may be passionate, but he must not really die. I will ask Fool Gold how long it will take to arrive." The mercenary sent a message to Fool Gold, who said there were still three minutes.

Then the mercenary said to the headset:

"Vodka, turn right at the intersection ahead. We have found a helper for you. It will be here in about three minutes."

Vodka was shocked when he heard this, and infinite hope appeared in his eyes. Three minutes, hold on for another three minutes. With help, he would not have to face Gin alone.

He gritted his teeth, looked at the fork in the road ahead, and turned to the right with a drift. Gin was chasing him closely.

On another road parallel to this road, Fool Gold stopped the car, estimated the speed of the two cars on the opposite side, and threw a pickaxe at a part of the mountain. He did not seem to use much force, but the pickaxe flew over two hundred meters and hit the place he aimed at accurately.

His pickaxe can be thrown up to 600 meters, equivalent to 656 yards, which is more powerful than ordinary snipers.

In his eyes, the part of the mountain hit by the pick extended fifteen meters from both sides and was shrouded in purple halo, which meant that an unstable area had been formed there. Fool Gold recovered the pick, and the pick flew back automatically and unscientifically.

Vodka's car arrived nearby, and Fool Gold raised the pick again and threw it after Vodka was about to drive out.

"Boom boom--" The sound of the mountain collapse came into the ears of Gin and Vodka. Vodka's face turned pale instantly. He thought the mountain next to him was about to collapse: He was not going to die here, was he? Why hadn't the helpers come yet? !

Gin's position was in the front half of the mountain collapse area. If he continued to move forward, he might be hit by rocks. As a last resort, he turned in another direction and drove back.

Large pieces of rocks rolled down, completely isolating Gin and Vodka. Vodka was surprised that it turned out that God was helping him.

"Next, drive straight ahead to the next intersection. Our people are waiting for you there."

"Where's my helper?"

"He caused the collapse just now."

Hearing this, Vodka felt a strong fear of the zoo and the fifth personality. The collapse of the mountain could not be seen as man-made. What methods did they use?

Vodka was worried, absent-minded, and uneasy. It was the pain in his legs that made him come back to his senses and concentrate on driving.

[Man with code name Electric Eel (Prisoner): The tenth mission is completed. We can have a ten-shot. This time I want to designate Fool's Gold for the lottery. His luck is too good. Even if there is only a guaranteed minimum, he can probably guarantee good things.

Ordinary college student (Lucky guy): I second the motion. Please let him draw.

Unscientific Mermaid (Fisherwoman): +1. Even if he draws a dish, I can praise him for his good drawing.

Chairman of the Mining Industry (Fool's Gold): I am so touched. You trust me so much.

Novel Creator (Novelist): It's a pity that only a few people knew about your good luck at the beginning. If those few people hadn't told me, otherwise you would have won the first few draws.

Bounty Hunter (Mercenary): Yes, yes [pointing and gesturing]

Prophet (Priest): Since everyone wants Fool Gold to draw the lottery, then I'll trouble Fool Gold.

Mining Chairman (Fool Gold): OK, leave it to me.

Task Checker: Congratulations to Fool Gold for winning 'Rare Follower [Mini Photographer]', 'Undertaker Linked Skin [Toru Amuro]', 'Top Swordsmanship Template', 'Rare Follower [Little Bart]', 'Rare Follower [Mini Cipher Machine]', 'Collection Furniture [Fallen Throne]', 'Pocket Watch × 5', 'Fisherwoman Limited Gold [Silent Halberd]', 'Tokens 100,000', 'Rare Follower [Sophisticated Mr. Sherlock]'

Man Codenamed Electric Eel (Prisoner): Damn it? Damn it? ! Damn! Damn!

I Love Inventions (Mechanic): This is my first time to experience the perspective of the European Emperor. I am so happy.

Unscientific Mermaid (Fisherwoman): Halberd of Silence? ! Limited Gold [Shock]!!! That is worth 1.5 million tokens. At our (check-in) speed, we need to save tokens for 20 years to buy it. Fool's Gold, I declare, now! You! Are - my God!!!

Biology Graduate (Embarker): Linked skin, one day I will drive the linked skin to revive in front of Amuro Toru and others, and I will feel so uncomfortable. That scene, wow.

French Duke (Photographer): I won't fight for anything else, can you leave this mini photographer follower to me?

Puppet Maker (Puppet Master): I want it too, it's really cute.

I Love Inventions (Mechanic): Me too.

Rising Star of the Demolition Team (Gardener): I want the sophisticated Mr. Sherlock [rubbing his hands]

Novel Creator (Novelist): I want that cipher machine [rubbing his hands]

Crispy Hacker (Cheerleader): I want a cipher machine too [rubbing his hands]

Spiritual Counselor(First Mate): I just need a pocket watch. This pocket watch is so expensive in the system mall.

Outer God (Dream Witch): I want Little Bart.

American Tramp (Night Watcher): It's rare to see you pop up. How is your faith spreading?

Outer God (Dream Witch): People in several towns in Saienslan now believe in me. The believers I can summon are enough for me to squander for a while. I plan to go to Japan to participate in the mission.

Cult Leader (Lord in Yellow): How did you do it in less than three months?

Outer God (Dream Witch): After all, I can enter their dreams (up to a thousand people's dreams in one night). If only one person dreams of me, he may not think anything, but when everyone around him dreams of me, they will discuss me, and my thoughts will be mentioned repeatedly by them, and then, those who agree with my thoughts will believe in me.

Cult Leader (Lord in Yellow): Maybe I can try to create some unscientific things to increase the number of believers.

American tramp (Night Watcher): Back to the topic, I also want a cipher machine.

Mysterious man in the East (Susan): 100,000 tokens will be confiscated, the fallen throne will be placed in the manor, the skin and pocket watch will be given to the corresponding classmates, and the rest will depend on luck. Fool Gold will @, and whoever he @s will be given. Agree to deduct 1.

Novel creator (Novelist): 1, but I feel that this is unfair to Fool Gold. It’s all thanks to him that he has so many good things. Otherwise, Fool Gold will choose one he likes, and we will draw the rest?

Mining Chairman (Fool Gold): I don’t lack tokens. I usually sign in a lot. I prefer Morgana as a follower, but it’s a pity that I didn’t draw it. In short, these are average for me, you can just draw them.

I love inventions (Mechanic): 1, the boss is generous!

Bounty Hunter (Mercenary): 1, the boss is generous!

American tramp (Night Watcher): 1, the boss is generous!

The man codenamed Electric Eel (Prisoner): +1, breaking the formation.

Spiritual counselor (first mate): Fork the upstairs out!

Mining chairman (Fool's Gold): Then I'll randomly @, who will get the mini photographer? @ American tramp (night watchman)

American tramp (night watchman): Wow, although it's not a cipher machine, I'm satisfied with having a follower. 】

The prisoner got the top swordsmanship template, the little girl got Little Bart, the adventurer got the mini cipher machine, and the mercenary got the sophisticated Mr. Sherlock.

The prisoner has not yet separated from the mercenary. He looked at the little follower who appeared next to the mercenary's head with curiosity. The white owl wearing a small hat and holding a pipe is very cute. Although its eyes are button eyes with a black horizontal bar on a yellow background and a red cross on a black background, it does not look scary.

"Why does it feel like it's in a different style from ours? It's a bit like a 3D anime style." The prisoner curiously reached out to take off its hat, "I don't know if it can be taken off."

The mercenary took a few steps back: "Take your hand back, don't be curious about these things, didn't you load the top swordsmanship template, why don't you try it?"

The prisoner sighed in disappointment, and then a sword appeared in his hand out of thin air. The system introduced that the material of this sword is high-carbon steel, which can conduct electricity.

Conduct electricity? The system doesn't need to say this for no reason, so...

The prisoner tried to electrify the sword, then put it on a branch, increased the current, and the branch began to smoke.

He moved the sword away and made a few cool moves. The mercenary could see the light blue arc on the sword.

"You actually electrified the sword! If your opponent's sword is not an insulator, you'll be unlucky to meet a guy like you who has top-notch swordsmanship and can secretly discharge electricity."

The prisoner raised his chin: "My opponent can't be a good person. Isn't it better to let them suffer a little more?"

"That's right."

The elegant Mr. Sherlock flew around behind the mercenary's head, and the prisoner couldn't help but pay attention to it again:

"What are you going to call it in the future, an owl?"

"Let's call it Mr. Xiaoxia, which is more friendly than an owl and can highlight its difference. I remember that it is good at archaeological research, and I look forward to it being effective one day."

Mr. Xiaoxia called twice and seemed to be very satisfied with the name.

It was quite happy here, but the adventurer's side was a little chaotic.

Because the cipher machine has legs, it runs around everywhere when it appears in the adventurer's house. The adventurer chases it, but always falls short of catching up.

Looking at the cipher machine, the adventurer had a hallucination of the naughty child. Fortunately, it didn't destroy his things, otherwise the adventurer would have to repair the machine. In the game, repairing the machine is just a matter of patting and hitting. It probably wouldn't like it.

The cipher machine seemed to sense the breath of danger, stopped and stood on the bedside table, shaking towards the adventurer, as if acting like a spoiled child.

The little girlIn the bedroom of the girl's house, little Bart was jumping on the bookcase, surrounded by three glowing red bats, looking a little evil.

But its cuteness made the little girl's heart beat. Its hair and eyebrows were white, one eye was covered by gauze, and it was wearing a black tuxedo with a red shirt inside, a white bow tie at the collar, and a black cape behind it. The exposed fangs and animal claws and ears made its image more cute than cool.

The little girl tentatively picked up little Bart, and little Bart did not dodge. Its expression was still cool, and its ears trembled from time to time.

The little girl felt that her blood tank was empty. If she sucked it crazily and touched its ears and feet crazily, would it affect its feelings for her? Would it hide from her from now on? Oh my god, she really wanted to do this.

Does it have thoughts? The little girl suddenly thought of this question.

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