"Do you have your own thoughts?" The little girl looked at Bart curiously and asked softly.

Bart blinked, pointed to his mouth, made a cross with both hands, then nodded and shook his head.

The little girl thought for a moment, a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes: "You mean... you can't speak, and then you only have a little thought?" She speculated.

Bart nodded in affirmation.

The little girl's face immediately showed excitement, her eyes lit up, and she asked tentatively: "Then... can I touch your ears?"

Bart hesitated and shook his head gently, but after a while, it seemed to make up its mind and nodded with difficulty.

Seeing this, the little girl immediately became excited, instantly turned into a wolf, and couldn't wait to reach out to touch Bart's ears.

On the streets of Washington, the United States, the night watchman found a place where no one was and released the mini photographer. This follower had white hair and blue eyes, holding a sword in his hand, and looked gentlemanly and cute.

The night watchman coughed twice:

"You will be wandering the streets with me in the future, but don't worry, if I have a bite to eat, you will have a bite. I will set you to invisible mode at ordinary times, so don't run around everywhere. You are so small, if you get lost, it will be difficult for me to find you."

"It seems that followers will not get lost, emmm, anyway, don't stay too far away from me, playing with swords in front of me can also entertain me."

"Then I will give you a new name, Xiaofu, oh no, that's not nice, Xiaoyue, Yueyue is also fine, Xiaoyue, Yueyue."

The night watchman talked a lot regardless of whether Xiaoyue could understand or not. In his eyes, Xiaoyue will be his family in the future. As the head of the family, he has to set family rules.

Xiaoyue turned his sword to make sword flowers, and the night watchman nodded: "That's it, it's beautiful and I like it, and show me a few more moves."

Xiaoyue didn't move, quietly watched him blink, then threw the sword aside and jumped around next to the night watchman.

"I see, you want to play with me, right? Come on, follow my gestures and jump! Why don't you jump? You don't understand me, do you? Xiaoyue - why did you turn your back?!"

In Sainsland, the Dream Witch walked in the crowd. No one could see her. Even her classmates could barely see her outline. She herself couldn't see her appearance in the mirror.

In front of her was a native believer named Darren. Darren was an aboriginal who had been following her since she crossed over. The aboriginal was created by the system. As long as he was not fatal, Darren could slowly recover.

The Dream Witch could control all her actions, but she couldn't be too far away from her, otherwise she would enter standby mode: whatever she was doing in the last second of being controlled, she would continue to do it.

As for other believers, the Dream Witch planned to wait until she arrived in Japan to summon them. At that time, while spreading faith in Japan, she would control up to five believers to do tasks at the same time.

Just thinking about it makes her feel that the future is bright. She happily controlled Darren to check in and board the plane. The plane was full, and the dream witch simply came to the restaurant and sat down:

Japan, here I come, tremble! The era of my dream witch is coming! Hahahahiahia, cough, I can't do this. I gave myself a new personality that is aloof. I can't be a funny girl like in my previous life. I can't insult such a great identity.

She suddenly remembered that Darren's facial expression was still controlled by her. If the neurotic expression just now was seen by others, wouldn't they think Darren was sick? Sorry, Darren, I accidentally ruined your image, Amen.

In the cabin, the man sitting next to Darren swallowed silently. He just saw Darren's face with an exaggerated smile, and then the next second he suddenly had no expression. He was really afraid that she was a lunatic and that she would suddenly attack and hurt people.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly all the way.

Darren and the Dream Witch got off the plane. The priest was waiting for them outside the airport. She stood in a place with obvious signs. From a distance, she saw a red outline in the crowd, which looked like a person but not a person.

When the two parties met, Darren's expression became lively. What was aloof or not? When she saw an old acquaintance, she directly threw it out of her mind. The Dream Witch used her body to express her thoughts:

"It's been a long time since we last met. Summer vacation is not this long. I am alone in a foreign country. If I can't still contact you, I will be in pain."

"It will be fine in the future. Look, we meet again. I arranged a place for you to stay. It's near my house. We can visit each other when we are free."

The priest tried to touch the real body of the Dream Witch with his hand, and as expected, he went through her directly. If the Dream Witch could not only take some small things, many tasks would be just a sprinkle of water for her.

The Dream Witch walked around the priest twice, and suddenly put her hand on the priest from behind.On the priest's shoulder, the priest didn't feel anything, but the dream witch could clearly feel her warmth.

"Let's go back first and plan what you will do in the future."


On the way back, Darren and the priest sat in the taxi in silence, and the dream witch and the priest chatted in the brain channel.


The prophet (priest): Just refreshed two tasks, I looked at it, one of them is more difficult and the time is tight, just two days later, you can participate if you are interested.

Outer God (Dream Witch): It's the cruise ship one, I want to participate, it's time to show real skills!

The prophet (priest): The spirit is good, very energetic, and we must keep it up in the future. Let's go to the big group to discuss the task. 】

At the Maori Detective Agency, Maori Kogoro picked out the "7-day cruise" from a pile of experience coupons. After reading the introduction, he stuck out his tongue and laughed:

"Hahaha, good boy, you did a good job. Let's go on a cruise the day after tomorrow!"

Conan, who was rubbed on the head by him, showed a helpless expression: Can you stop rubbing my head, uncle.

Maori Ran took the experience coupon from him curiously. The big words on the experience coupon were particularly eye-catching: performance, activities, games, and food.

There was a small line of introduction under each of these big words. For example, under the game, it was: You will play the role of an agent, find the person who will pick you up on the cruise ship, and take away the important items in the other party's hands.

It looked very interesting, and Maori Ran was looking forward to it, but a trial coupon could only be used by three people at most, and she wanted to invite Sonoko to join.

Seeing that Ran Maori was a little disappointed, Conan asked her what was wrong. After listening to her explanation, Conan smiled and said:

"Brother Beichuan also has this experience ticket. Maybe we can ask him if he can bring Sister Sonoko with him."

Ran Maori's expression became tangled. She was too embarrassed to ask.

"I'll go ask, Xiaolan, wait for me for a while."

Kyoshu Kitagawa was diving in the brain channel, watching a few people with more ideas in the class discussing the task. The location of this task looked familiar. He found the one about the cruise ship from a pile of experience tickets. Comparing the addresses, they were really the same.

Conan also has a cruise experience ticket. Will he go there too?

"Knock, knock, knock--" There was a knock on the door. Kyoshu Kitagawa went to open the door. It was Conan Edogawa outside. He explained his purpose. Kyoshu Kitagawa thought that his classmates were going to go through the sacrificial cave or spend money to go on the cruise ship, so they didn't need experience tickets, so he agreed to him.

Conan thanked him and then smoothly changed the topic:

"Does your organization have no missions recently?"

"Why do you think so?" Beichuan Xingshu was puzzled.

"You have been with us almost all the time during this period, and you have no chance to do missions. Your mission is not related to me, right?" Conan asked the key point, his eyes staring at Beichuan Xingshu, afraid of missing anything.

Beichuan Xingshu thought that there was no mission related to Conan, he just wanted to rub his physique, his expression was very frank, and his tone was helpless:

"That's not the case, I simply prefer to stay with you, as for the mission, there are missions every day, but I am more lazy and rarely participate."

I guess my mission in two days will try to delay you again, I hope you can cooperate, considering our relationship as partners.

Conan didn't see any signs of him lying, so this was probably true. For a moment, he actually hoped that Kitagawa Anshu could be more diligent and become a senior member of the Fifth Personality. Then, even if he had a closer cooperation with the Fifth Personality, he might be able to get a lot of information if he tried hard.

He felt that Kitagawa Anshu was not a senior member based on his sixth sense and the conclusion he came to after getting along with him.

"Oh, that's it. By the way, I forgot to ask you about the friend named Yanagiko that you asked me to find before. Is she also a member of the Fifth Personality? Is she really missing?"

Looking at Kitagawa Anshu's touching memory, he had forgotten about it. Now that Conan said this, he remembered that he seemed to want to give Conan the idea that Yanagiko was forced to join the Black Organization, so that Conan would find a way to "revolt" Yanagiko and cooperate with her when he met her in the future.

But now he has cooperated with Conan, who knows the fifth personality and his true identity, so there is no need to go through so much trouble. But if he tells the truth, how can he explain why he asked Conan to find Yanagi before?

Got it!

"She is indeed a member of our fifth personality, and she is really missing. We can't contact her. I asked you to help find her for other purposes."

"You want me not to discover the secrets under the Heisen Bar too early.""That's right, and we suspect that she is currently in the Black Organization, but after so long, we have not found any clues about her." Reason to attack the Black Organization +1.

Kitagawa Anshu's expression was lonely. He turned his head and raised his mouth for a second when Conan was not paying attention. It was really easy to laugh when acting.

"I will help you find her!" Conan said firmly. Sooner or later, he will join forces with Mr. Amuro and Mr. Akai to destroy the organization, and then he will definitely find Yanagiko.

"Thank you."

Yanagiko, who was forced to disappear, successfully took over as the team leader today and became a small leader of the research team. This is all due to her hard work. The evidence is that she has two dark circles under her eyes.

She has been "promoted", so it is just around the corner to be commissioned to study Drug A. By then, she can quietly leave the Black Organization with relevant information and sleep all day long.

What a bright future.

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