"Excuse me, are you the queen of the sea?" Suzuki Sonoko turned her eyes away for fear of offending her, and turned back to look at her face from time to time.

After the fisherwoman changed into this skin, she could not speak. When she heard this question, she thought Suzuki Sonoko was a little cute, so she turned around to show her friendliness.

But Suzuki Sonoko thought she was responding to her words, so her eyes lit up, and she sighed in her heart that she was so lucky to meet the queen of the sea. It turned out that mermaids were real. I guess the first person who proposed mermaids must have seen real mermaids.

She fantasized in her heart and observed her current situation at the same time. There was a bubble covering her, which should be the reason why she could breathe. Although it was a bit fantasy, Suzuki Sonoko felt well accepted.

The fisherwoman swam in one direction, and the bubble followed closely behind her. The seabed was dark, and the fisherwoman seemed to be glowing, which was very eye-catching.

Suzuki Sonoko put her hands on the bubble and felt this wonderful situation.

She had many questions to ask the fisherwoman, but unfortunately their languages ​​were not mutually intelligible. To be more precise, Suzuki Sonoko unilaterally did not understand the fisherwoman's language.

In her opinion, mermaids must have their own language, because the fisherwoman just answered her question with actions. She must have considered that she could not understand her words, so she did so. It was really thoughtful.

Suzuki Sonoko was moved. She would remember this scene for the rest of her life. She would be the fisherwoman's number one fan in the future. She would go back to make up for the knowledge about mermaids.

The fisherwoman took her to a small island. The island was bare and not big, as if it could be flooded by sea water at any time.

Suzuki Sonoko understood what the fisherwoman meant, so she prepared to climb up. As soon as her hand touched the land, the bubble broke. The icy feeling came again, and she curled up into a ball.

The fisherwoman came out of the sea and floated on the sea. The suitcase was surrounded by another bubble, and it was currently five meters below her.

She thought for a while and felt that she couldn't delay for too long, so she took out the trident and raised it upwards. Storms rose in front, behind and to the right of the cruise ship in the distance. The wind howled and set off huge waves. The waves rose higher and higher. The cruise ship had to change direction and headed towards the direction of the fisherwoman.

Suzuki Sonoko was stunned: So handsome, so handsome!

The fisherwoman jumped into the water and never appeared again.

Inside the cruise ship, in the priest's room,

The priest, the prisoner, the novelist, and the blind girl all felt a noticeable shaking. The prisoner was the first to look out the viewing window. He noticed the huge waves in front of the cruise ship at a glance:

"Could it be the fisherwoman? This power is too strong!"

"There are also some behind, most likely she did it. Look, is there an island over there? Didn't she say she wanted to put Suzuki Sonoko on the island? She caused a storm, probably to change the direction of the cruise ship to the island.

In this kind of weather, if Suzuki Sonoko had stayed there waiting for the rescue team to find her, her body would have been cold." The novelist made a telescope with his hands and looked into the distance,

"I thought her ability would be enhanced in heavy rain, but I didn't expect it to be so strong."

The prisoner beat his chest and stamped his feet: "Ah - what a pity, I didn't see her 'casting'."

The classmates were very calm, but the other passengers were panicked. Suddenly, storms arose in three directions. This was very scary. They prayed that there would be no more storms in the last safe direction.

Mao Lilan fainted directly: heavy rain, falling into the sea, storm, Sonoko...

Conan and Mao Li Kogoro also looked bad. Although the chance was slim, they still hoped that Suzuki Sonoko could live longer. Although it was raining so hard and the waves were so big, what if she was lucky enough to be washed to a shore?

At 4:05, the security captain received a call: "What? The figure of a suspected missing person appeared on an uninhabited island? Okay, we will start the rescue immediately."

Ma Li Kogoro hurried over and pulled the collar of the security captain anxiously and asked: "You said Suzuki Sonoko might be on the island? Go to rescue quickly, I want to go too!"

The security captain pulled Mao Li Kogoro's hand away: "Mr. Mao Li, don't be excited, we are going to rescue, but for your safety, you should try to stand back a little later."

After that, he arranged for other security personnel to take rescue tools, put on life jackets, and everyone set off.

After some twists and turns, Suzuki Sonoko was successfully rescued. After feeling the warm air, she sneezed several times in a row. Conan gave her a blanket, and Kitagawa Anshu brought her a bowl of ginger tea that he had just asked the chef to make.

Suzuki Sonoko thanked everyone and asked, "Where is Xiaolan?"

Xiaolan and I have such a good relationship, but now there is no trace of her. Is she in danger too? Suzuki Sonoko's already pale face turned even paler.

"Sister Xiaolan fainted, nowHe hasn't woken up yet." Conan explained, Suzuki Sonoko breathed a sigh of relief, and then said,

"I still remember the murderer who murdered me. Now I'll tell you, you must catch him!"

She looked at the security guard with a blazing fire in her eyes.

Captain of security: "I just received information that the suspected murderer has been found. It's a good time for you to go over and identify him."

"Ah? Oh, okay." Suzuki Sonoko also recovered at this time, got up and followed the security. When they arrived at the door of another studio, they could hear the man's sophistry inside the door:

"I said I didn't take any woman into the sea. Why did you lock me up here? There is no evidence. Be careful, I will complain to you!"

The door was opened, and the man looked over. When his eyes fell on Suzuki Sonoko, he jumped up from his position: "Ghost, ghost? ! ! "

"It was him who murdered me! "Suzuki Sonoko pointed at him and shouted. The security guards looked at each other and tried to hold him down.

But the man twisted his body, dodged the security guard's hand, and rushed to the door. With a move of his hand, a blade appeared at his fingertips. He wanted to take a hostage and drag him outside when the weather got better, and then ask the cruise staff to prepare a lifeboat for him to leave.

However, imagination is beautiful, and reality is very skinny.

Mouri Kogoro pushed Suzuki Sonoko away, staring at him sharply, and then when the two were close enough, he quickly grabbed his hand and threw him over his shoulder. The man climbed up in less than two seconds.

Before he could make the next move, a can flew towards his face. He failed to dodge in time, and a big bag bulged on his forehead. But he was tenacious and did not faint.

He knew that nothing good would happen if he stayed here for another second. , so he turned to the stairs, intending to blend into the crowd. He had just run less than ten steps when he felt his waist being caught. The next second, he returned to his original position, and five people who reacted quickly pressed him to the ground.

The murderer was solved, and Suzuki Sonoko wanted to go see Mao Li Ran.

In Mao Li Ran's room, Mao Li Ran seemed to hear someone talking beside her in a daze. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Suzuki Sonoko's big smiling face.

She was stunned for a long time, then hugged Suzuki Sonoko and cried: "Sonoko, I just had a terrible nightmare. I almost, almost thought I would never see you again..."

Mao Li Kogoro and others didn't want to disturb the two, so they quietly left the room.

Suzuki Sonoko patted Mao Li Ran's back soothingly: "Although it was not a dream, I am still fine, and now I am in front of you."

"Isn't it a dream? "Ran Maori still couldn't believe it, but no matter whether it was true or not, her Sonoko was still there.

Suzuki Sonoko told her the general process of being rescued, and when she saw that she had recovered, she said mysteriously: "Ran, I will tell you a secret, and I will only tell you."

"Well, you tell me, I won't tell anyone." Maori Ran promised.

"After I fell into the sea today, I met the queen of the sea, a mermaid. She is very beautiful and handsome. It was she who saved me to the deserted island. Those storms were also her work. She wanted the people on the cruise ship to notice me and come to save me. "

Suzuki Sonoko's face was full of admiration and gratitude. She described the appearance of the fisherwoman in detail.

Ran Maori's expression stiffened. She slowly pinched her arm with her hand. Fortunately, she was conscious. This was not a dream nor a fantasy. But why did Yuanzi say that? It couldn't be that she really met a mermaid? How could there be mermaids in the world?

Suzuki Sonoko saw her doubtful expression, raised her hand and put up four fingers: "I swear this is true, it is definitely not something imaginary. Xiaolan, you have to believe me!"

Ran Maori: There are really mermaids in the world?! It's over, I want to see them.

In a room on the 6th floor, Toru Amuro, Vermouth and Gil gathered together to review: "This time, several new members of the fifth personality appeared. Among them, the one who snatched the suitcase from my hand is code-named Novelist. Her ability is not yet known, but her strength and reaction are not bad. "

Toru Amuro didn't intend to talk about the ghost encounter, and as long as the other two didn't mention it, he would just pass by Eiji Matsuda.

"The man with the sword didn't mean to hurt us, but his sword should be equipped with a discharge device, and the electricity is quite strong, which can paralyze people for at least several minutes."

Kil said that after she fell to the ground, she saw a woman suddenly fly behind a member of the organization and knock him out, but maybe it was just her eyes, so she didn't say it.

Vermouth nodded: "Yes, there is also a man wearing a mask. His flashlight may be specially made. I noticed that the people who were illuminated by his flashlight seemed to be in a daze.Ming's state, I have to prepare goggles in advance in case I have to face him. "

"The last two men seem to have good skills. "Her attention was mainly focused on Amuro Toru, so she didn't see the specific methods of the mercenary and the magician. She wanted everyone to focus on discussing other people, and it would be best if Amuro Toru didn't mention Conan's anesthetic needle.

The three people had different thoughts. If they ignored the failure of this mission, the atmosphere would be okay.

On the 5th floor, Sake was about to give up. A day had passed, and there was no progress in his mission. He thought he must have guessed wrong, and the things he was asked to take might not be the important items in the hands of the agent game contact.

So what information is hidden in this experience voucher? Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration: Why not find a detective online to help him take a look?

Find an ordinary detective who is not very famous and has relatively decent abilities. The other party will definitely not think of what secrets are hidden under this information. He is really a genius!

Think of it and do it. Sake found a detective nicknamed "It's a cow, not a boy" on the relevant platform. The other party has only received less than 20 commissions. Although he doesn't know what the commissions are, the consistent praise shows that his ability is definitely good. It's him!

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