Kitagawa Anshu was having dinner with Maori Kogoro and others when he suddenly felt his phone vibrate twice. He opened it and found that someone had commissioned him on the software.

Could it be that he was looking for cats and dogs to investigate extramarital affairs again?

He thought that if it was still like this, he would just refuse it directly. After all, he was on a cruise ship now, and wouldn’t Conan’s murder case be more attractive than that?

He glanced at the commission description, probably asking him to help decipher the code, and then glanced at the commission amount expected by the other party, which was directly 10 times higher than the general commission.

It would be unforgivable not to accept this, and it wouldn’t take long.

Kitagawa Anshu pressed the accept button readily, and the other party sent a photo with the message ‘What is the hidden code above? ’

This... seems a little familiar? Frog Fun, isn’t this the experience voucher! Is the other party an ordinary person who is simply curious, or sake?

No matter who it is, the real code must not be sent directly to him, but I can't help but send my own interpretation information. What if he entrusts someone else? If he is an ordinary curious person, it's okay. If it is sake, he will find that the things have been taken away by someone pretending to be him.

Then, let's look at my god-level interpretation. It's a mule or a horse. We will know if it is a mule or a horse after a trick. If it is really sake, then they will prepare a big gift for the organization.

Conan swallowed a mouthful of sushi and turned to Beichuan Xingshu: "What good thing happened? Why are you laughing so strangely?"

"I received an interesting commission." Beichuan Xingshu said, his fingers quickly pressed the keys on the phone, and soon sent a message:

According to the slogans of each section on this experience voucher, I came to the following conclusions: The approximate location is in the theater on the Dream Cruise, specifically the fifth position from left to right on the fourth floor, and the time is the third day of the cruise.

The following is the analysis: In the game slogan, 'You will play the role of an agent... take away important objects. 'It is obvious that this is a hint that the location is on the cruise ship, and the person who gave the signal has something to give you here.

In the performance slogan, 'The theater is open every daytime, no matter when...', which indicates that the specific location is the theater and the time is daytime.

In the activity slogan, '...Can you connect to the third floor...', the third floor here refers to the third day on the cruise ship.

In the food slogan, '...From bottom to top, each restaurant has a different flavor, and it will feel different to eat in two restaurants together. 'I checked the layout of this cruise ship. The two restaurants from bottom to top are on the fourth and fifth floors respectively, which means that the specific location is the fifth position in the fourth row of the theater. From bottom to top corresponds to from left to right, and accurately refers to the fifth position from left to right.

Kitagawa Xingshu took another look at the message he sent, thinking that he was really good at interpretation, and he almost believed it was true.

The other party probably read the message and believed this interpretation method, and readily transferred the commission fee.

【Dog-headed Detective (Cowboy): Family, I just received a commission from someone who seems to be sake. He asked me to interpret the code on the cruise experience ticket. I interpreted it for him, the fifth position from left to right in the fourth row of the theater the day after tomorrow. I want to do something with it.

Man Codename Electric Eel (Prisoner): Should I pretend to be the trading partner and forge a trading item, and then pretend to trade it normally to him. When he goes back and hands it over to a superior, the superior opens it and finds out that he is GG? [Squinting smile]

Novel Creator (Novelist): Wow, what a good idea! Originally, under my operation, a wave of hatred was unilaterally drawn. Now both sides will have hatred. As long as they don't sit down and talk it over, they won't know that there is a misunderstanding.

Dog-headed Detective (Cowboy): So who will pretend to be the trading partner? I definitely can't do it, Conan will follow.

Novel Creator (Novelist): I am leaving tonight, because it is not safe for me to stay on the cruise ship for a long time with this look. It is not good to meet Youfeng (the real transaction partner of Sake) and Amuro Toru, and the little girl is not on the cruise ship, so she cannot change my appearance for me.

Then I heard that Sake is very powerful, so you should be careful.

Man Codename Electric Eel (Prisoner): I, the magician, will also leave tonight, let's see others.

Blind Teacher (Blind Girl): Forget it, if I am found to be wrong, Sake can beat me to death with one punch.

Uncommon High School Student (Adventurer): +1

Antique Collector (Antique Dealer): Although I really want to, the day after tomorrow is the last day of my fortune predicted by the priest. I am afraid that something unexpected will happen because of me, so I will not go.

Officer's Daughter (Red Butterfly): My bodyguard is so funny that he is like a follower, so I will give up directly.

Bounty Hunter (Mercenary): After a round, I found that I am the most suitable,I'll go. 】

On the other side, Qingjiu received a message from 'It's a Cow, Not a Boy'. After reading the other party's interpretation, he felt that it made sense. Why didn't he think of it? It was obviously quite simple.

No matter what, fortunately I was smart and found external help early, otherwise it would be bad to miss the transaction time. I can do this when I encounter such a thing in the future. In this way, I, Qingjiu, will still be a smart man!

He followed 'It's a Cow, Not a Boy' because the other party was not only fast, but also didn't ask too many questions, which was very much to his liking.

The storm outside the cruise ship has completely subsided, and everyone in the cockpit breathed a sigh of relief. They almost thought they were going to die. Some even edited a suicide note and sent it to their relatives on time. Now that the situation has improved, they quickly deleted the suicide note.

A peaceful night passed. Early the next day, the sun rose from the east. The sky was blue and cloudless. All outdoor venues were cleaned up. Many passengers were on the balcony or other places to enjoy the beautiful scenery and fresh air.

The antique dealer was going to take the elevator downstairs to try other styles of food. There were two men wearing masks in the elevator. They seemed to be playing small games on their mobile phones. In short, they didn't look up at the antique dealer.

The antique dealer walked in with confidence. However, as soon as the elevator closed, the air became visibly turbid. When the antique dealer realized that something was wrong, his body had already fallen limply.

"Hehe, this is the third one. The expressions of the first two before death are really exciting. I hope this one won't disappoint us."

"Thanks to your good idea, none of them are alert to us. It will be the same later. I will drag people and you move the photos on the surveillance."

The 17th floor, this floor is all high-end suites. The people staying in either stay in the room or go downstairs to play. There is no one in the corridor.

David helped the antique dealer to one of the rooms. The owner of this room was killed by them last night and is currently stuffed under the bed. Another unlucky guy was brought here and killed at around four o'clock this morning and is currently soaking in the bathtub.

The room smelled very bloody, and there were bloodstains in many places visible to the naked eye.

Benjamin also came in and said, "Kill this one and stop. Otherwise, if you are unlucky, it will be bad if you are discovered."

"You are right. It is better to be safe than sorry. We have been doing this for so long. We have not been discovered until now because of our caution."

David took out the rope and tied up the antique dealer. At the same time, he checked her cuffs and other places for sharp objects such as blades.

After confirming that she could not escape, David gave Benjamin a look and asked him to wake up the antique dealer.

Benjamin said OK and went to the bathroom to get a basin to collect water. During this time, the antique dealer who woke up when he was searched was asking for help from his classmates:

[Antique Collector (Antique Dealer): In the world of science, you really have to be cautious at all times. You don't know which seemingly normal people have already planned how to tie you up.

Look, I have stumbled before my time. Now I am tied up. I guess they will kill me soon. The smell of blood is really strong.

[Location] Come and help me, I don't know their strength yet, if I can't beat them, it's over.

Bounty Hunter (Mercenary): I'll be here soon, maybe less than two minutes.

Outer God (Dream Witch): I've added another bottle of materialization potion, wait, I'll scare them to death.

Antique Collector (Antique Dealer): Very good, I'm not worried now, three grams of oil. 】

While asking for help, the antique dealer bought a blade in the system mall. The blade was very sharp, and the rope broke with a slight scratch. She still maintained that posture and didn't move. When Benjamin came over with water to splash her, she suddenly stood up, and a stick appeared out of thin air in her hands behind her back, and she swung it forward with force.

Benjamin didn't expect her to wake up so quickly and break the rope. He looked at David in confusion: Were you lazy when searching?

David couldn't dodge in time, flew back a distance and fell to the ground. He felt that his coccyx was broken, and it hurt like hell at the moment.

This woman's strength was not simple. Benjamin's eyes were burning with fighting spirit. Let him see how far the other party could go. He was very strong. What could this broken wooden stick do to him?

He confidently stretched out his hand to grab the wooden stick to let her see his strength, but strangely, the next second after the wooden stick hit his palm, he fell back uncontrollably.

He looked up in disbelief, then stood up and looked at her vigilantly.


The door was opened, and the mercenary stood in front of the door. After he saw the situation clearly, he rushed up and fought with Benjamin. The two were evenly matched.

The antique dealer looked at David coldly. Just when David thought she was going to beat him to death with a stick, she suddenly stopped and her expression wasIt became unclear.

What happened? David was still confused, and suddenly, he felt that he was slapped once, twice, three times...

David's expression changed unpredictably: confused → angry → confused → scared

"Ah ...

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