The antique dealer contacted the security guard and told him what happened with some deletions and revisions. The security guard said they would come right away.

When the security captain smelled the strong smell of blood in the room, he realized that the problem was more serious than he thought. It turned out that two people had died before the antique dealer.

Is this cruise ship cursed? Tourists were pushed into the sea, and there were murders and storms, which made him want to resign.

Fortunately, it didn't take much effort to catch the murderer. I hope there won't be any more accidents in the future.

The security captain directed the security guards to take the murderer away and take photos for evidence.

Before leaving, a security guard noticed a small pool of blood under the wardrobe, so he opened it and said, "Captain, there is another body here!"

Security captain: These two murderers are so abominable. They actually killed three people. They must be strictly guarded.

"Confirm the identity of the deceased and contact the deceased's family."

Half an hour later, ignoring their nonsense, David and Benjamin said that they only killed two people. After investigating the scene and the way the deceased died, the deceased in the closet was indeed different from the other two. The other two were killed in the room, and neither was fatal.

The security captain felt a headache: What is going on?

At this time, the family of the third deceased came to the security room. He looked majestic, and his two mustaches on his mouth were already gray, but he looked very energetic:

"My name is Rintaro Iwai, I am a family member of the deceased. Where is my daughter's body?"

"Hello, Mr. Iwai, your daughter is still in that room. We did not move her position, but just checked her briefly." The security captain stood up, bowed slightly, and his attitude was very respectful.

"Take me to see, and, has the murderer been found?"

"The murderer who killed your daughter is not yet determined, and it may take some time to investigate."

The security captain said as he took him to the scene. When the old father saw his once carefree daughter now lying in the closet with a pale face, he held his crutches tightly in his hand. If the murderer was there, he would definitely smash the other's head without hesitation.

The 18th floor is the top floor of the cruise ship. It is almost completely open-air, with a helicopter landing pad and an open-air swimming pool. Watching the sea here is very different.

Suzuki Sonoko still has a little shadow about the sea, so she wears sunglasses and lies on a lounge chair to look at the handsome guy seriously. Mao Lilan sits next to her drinking juice, and next to her is Mao Li Kogoro, who is drinking beer and showing a wretched smile.

Kitagawa Anshu and Conan stand by the fence to watch the sea.

Rintaro Iwai came up to relax, he couldn't fall down, even if that was his most beloved daughter; he would not let the murderer go easily, because that was his most beloved daughter.

He saw a familiar figure, he had always seen it in the newspaper before, he came to the other side: "Excuse me, are you Maori Kogoro?"

Mouri Kogoro was frightened by the sudden appearance of Iwai Rintaro, and the beer in his hand almost fell to the ground:

"Yes, I am Maori Kogoro, may I ask who you are? What do you want to talk to me about?"

"My name is Iwai Rintaro, I run a company, my daughter was killed, I want to ask you to help find the murderer."

"What? Someone was killed? Don't worry, I will definitely find the murderer!" Maori Kogoro's expression was serious for only three seconds, and he boasted: "After all, I am the sleeping Kogoro."

Conan, who was more than ten meters away from them, heard the word "murder" with keen ears. He turned around suddenly and ran to Maori Kogoro, ready to follow him all the time.

Although Kitagawa Anshu didn't hear it, seeing Conan's reaction, something must have happened, follow!

"I believe in your ability, come with me." Iwai Rintaro took him downstairs to the crime scene. Mao Lilan wanted to follow, Suzuki Sonoko held her hand: "Xiaolan, let's not go, we can't help anyway, let's wait for them here, okay? I don't want to see the body now."

"Okay, then we'll stay here."

On the 17th floor, the security captain saw Iwai Rintaro coming over again, followed by three acquaintances, so he asked: "Mr. Iwai, what are you doing?"

"Who is this Mr. Mao Li Kogoro? I asked the detective to help me find the murderer of my daughter. "

The security captain finally remembered why the name Maori Kogoro sounded so familiar: "Are you... the famous detective, the sleeping Kogoro?"

Mauri Kogoro raised his chin and was about to respond, but when he heard the latter part, he staggered and looked speechless: "It's the sleeping Kogoro, not the sleeping Kogoro!"

"Ah, sorry, but there is not much difference between the two, don't mind, don't mind."

They are still talkingIn a moment, Conan and Kitagawa Anshu had already arrived at the room. The smell and the scene inside gave them the first impression: a serial murder case?

As if there was some special radar, Conan first looked at the dead person in the closet. Kitagawa Anshu originally wanted to observe the one under the bed first, but after looking at Conan, he came to his side.

The security personnel looked at each other in bewilderment. How could these two people, one big and one small, come in and start investigating? Should they stop them? Forget it, wait until the security captain comes.

The security captain was still talking at the door: "The murderers of two of the three dead have been found, and the murderer of Mr. Iwai's daughter is the only one left."

"They all died in the same room, could the murderers be different?" Maori Kogoro was full of doubts.

The security captain explained: "We originally suspected that it was killed by a murderer, but the two murderers did not admit to killing the third person, and the third person was killed in a very different way from the previous two victims. The first crime scene was not here, so we speculated that the murderer was most likely not them."

"Let me see what the truth is." Maori Kogoro said, and entered the room. When he saw Conan observing the corpse seriously, he stepped forward and gave Conan a popcorn.

"Ah! It hurts!" Conan ran away with his head covered. When he let go of his hand, a big lump suddenly appeared there, which was red and big, making Kitagawa Anshu want to touch and poke it.

"Really, the little kid just consciously went to play aside." Maori Kogoro looked at him with a squint, rubbing his slightly numb right hand with his left hand.

"Mr. Maori, he is still young, so don't be so rough with him. What if he gets his head hurt?" The security advised.

"This kid is just a stubborn person. He has to be taught a lesson. Now, the most important thing is the case. What clues do you have?"

"According to the surveillance video, apart from the surveillance video that the two murderers tampered with when they committed the crime and the surveillance video that just happened to be out of order, we have found three suspects. I have arranged for someone to invite them over." As soon as the voice fell, several security guards brought three young men dressed in luxurious clothes over. They were a fat man, a skinny man, and a handsome man.

The fat man had a big gold chain hanging around his neck, and his hands were full of jade rings, gem rings, and gold rings. He took big steps, with an expression of impatience and "I am the most luxurious in the world" on his face.

Although the skinny man was a little more low-key, introverted, and looked a little malnourished, he could still smell the smell of wealth on him.

The handsome man was not only handsome, but also had a good figure. Although his financial strength did not seem to be comparable to the other two, his matching was more tasteful.

"I say, you little security guards, how dare you let me waste my time to cooperate with your investigation? My girlfriends are still waiting for me." Pangdun picked his teeth and saw that his two front teeth were made of gold.

The security captain hurried over and smiled: "Sorry, sir, we'll take up some of your time and ask some questions."

"Tsk." Pangdun looked at him with his nose.

"Can you ask faster? My favorite movie is about to start." The voice of the skinny monkey next to him was very low. If he was not close, the security captain would not hear it.

"Okay, let's start now."

The security captain gave a look to the two security guards next to him. They understood and took out pens and small notebooks to record their answers later.

"Can I ask what you did after five o'clock this morning when you left the room? The surveillance showed that you did not go downstairs."

Pangdun: "I couldn't sleep so I went out to the observation deck for a stroll."

"You strolled around the observation deck for nearly an hour?" The security guard was suspicious, but his expression did not change.

Fatty snorted, his tone arrogant: "Why do you care how long I stroll? I just like to stroll. Is there a problem?"

"Why not? You have a big problem. You must have committed the crime. You asked Miss Iwai to go to the observation deck and then brutally killed her. Otherwise, how could you stay there alone for so long? The heavy rain didn't stop until midnight yesterday. What good scenery can you see on the observation deck at five in the morning? It must be pitch black everywhere."

Mouri Kogoro analyzed, with a look on his face that he was sure that he was the murderer. Fatty was angry:

"You slandered me out of thin air. I just wanted to stay there to relax. I just like that kind of environment. Is it okay? If you don't have evidence, shut up!"

"You are angry because you were found out." Maori Kogoro continued. Fatty rushed to him angrily:

"Shut up!"

However, Maori Kogoro would not let him succeed so easily. He just dodged to the side and resolved it.

The security captain and Iwai Rintaro became more suspicious of Fatty because of what Maori Kogoro said, so they didn't stop until they saw the two of them were about to fight.

The security captain said: "Don't get excited, we will have someone search the observation deck. By the way, I want to ask again if you have seen other people go to the observation deck?"

Around 5:30, the cleaning staff were arranged to clean all open-air public areas. If Pangdun said no, it means that he was lying before, and he didn't stay in the observation deck all the time.

"Ahem, I did see a few cleaners coming to clean, but they didn't see us." Pangdun thought of something and his expression eased a little.

"You? And why didn't they see it?" The security captain asked reasonably.

"You said it wrong, it was me. Of course, it was because I had to avoid them." His face was full of guilt.

"You let it slip, oh-I know, because you were holding Miss Iwai hostage at that time, so you had to avoid them, right?"

As soon as Maori Kogoro said this, everyone looked at Pangdun vigilantly.

"Sir, I hope you don't hide anything." The security captain said.

Fatty gritted his teeth: "I was hanging out with a girlfriend of mine, I don't know Miss Iwai."

"Then why are you hiding..." Maori Kogoro's voice gradually weakened, and then he looked at the skinny monkey and asked naturally and smoothly:

"So what did you do after five o'clock?"

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