Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1155: Go comfort my brother.

Chapter 1155: Come Comfort My Brother

Nian Eryi secretly came up and said in Nian Xi's ear, "Your boyfriend really worked hard to please your grandma, and even WeChat pretended not to work."

Nian Xi looked at her helplessly. "He really doesn't use it. When I knew him, he didn't even have a cell phone."

"No," Nian Erzhang was surprised. "There are still people who don't use mobile phones these days. It's rare that you have picked up treasures. Nowadays, men only know that they are holding mobile phones to play, either talking or playing games. Jun Lei, just holding more mobile phones, his girlfriend broke up with him. "

"Mom, just say a few words. People who don't know think I'm screaming. I was watching international news."

"Oh, you are really wide, even the international community."

At this time, people in the restaurant started serving.

Murong Cheng greeted Lausanne and Ning Junting to come and sit here. Lausanne came first. After giving the apple to Lausanne, Ning Jun held his glass and toasted at the table.

Nian Xi asked queerly: "What happened to my brother, I just didn't talk."

"I don't know," Lausanne said blankly. "He asked me a question, saying whether he was young or Jiang Yongning was young, and then angry."

Nian Xi blinked, "Can you tell me how you answered?"

Lausanne said: "I just said Jiang Yongning was so younger than him. There is nothing to care about this. It was originally, I don't know what he was thinking."

Nian Xi: "..."

This is definitely the most heartbreaking thing my brother has heard today.

She coughed and patted Lausanne's shoulder. "Actually Jiang Yongning and my brother are both thirty."

Lausanne was stunned and stuttered for a long time: "Really ... I can't see it."

"Come and comfort my brother, I'll help you with the little apple," Nian Xi volunteered to hold the little apple.

"Oh, yes, trouble you," Lausanne hurriedly walked towards the direction of the annual average.

Jiang Yanning, after seeing Nian Xi holding a baby in his hand, leaned over and looked at his face carefully. Before, he didn't feel anything about the child, but maybe this child and Nian Xi have a little bit of similarity, He is very kind.

Little Apple also looked at him with **** eyes.

Jiang Mining also scowled at the small apple, and the two eyes were wide and small, but they were not silent.

Nian Xi ate for a while and saw that they were still watching like this, a little speechless, "What do you two see and see with your eyes?"

"I think he wants to talk to me," Jiang Mining softly and softly reached out, "you hold him for me, you eat first."

"Will you hug," Nian Xi didn't believe him.

"I'm going to hold it sooner or later, I can practice," Jiang Mining thought about it, and deserved to answer.

"Yes, yes, it is time for him to practice," Nian Junlei immediately retorted, "like us Xixi, she will definitely not be the kind of good wife and mother in the future, and rough hands."

"You shut up," Nian Xi wanted to take a piece of meat to plug his mouth.

Why does her brother have this kind of cheap talk, it feels that she can grow up healthily to this day is not easy.

"It's okay, I'll take the child in the future," Jiang Yanning said smartly. "As long as Xixi is in charge, she'll be happy."

"Oh, look at what this says, your mouth is so sweet," Grandma Young blossomed.

Young Qingyun said coldly: "Young people, the most important thing is to practice and take action. No matter how sweet your mouth is, you can only move your lips."

Second more. .

(End of this chapter)

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