Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1156: Sang Sang, my brother is getting worse and worse by you now

Chapter 1156 Sang Sang, my brother is getting worse by you now

Jiang Yanning nodded. "What Dad learned is."

Looking at that pure and innocent face, Qingyun wanted to vomit blood, "Say, don't call me Dad."

"Okay, uncle."

Jiang Mining continued to nod his head honestly.

Looking at his well-behaved appearance, the young grandma was distressed. She turned her head and scolded her son. "Qing Yun, be polite to my future granddaughter. Look at how polite you are. Do n’t rely on others to be honest. Just bullying, you are relying on the old to sell the old. "

Young Qingyun murmured, "Who really depends on the old and sells the old."

"Who are you talking about?" Grandma Young glanced over her eyes.

"No, Mom eats vegetables," Ning Qingyun hurriedly prepared food for her.


On the other side, after being toasted by the annual average, he was dragged into the corridor by Lausanne.

"Why," said the average young man, cold, "I'm busy, let me tell you something."

"Look at you stingy," Lausanne hugged his arms and fluttered coquettishly. "I was wrong, because I don't know Jiang Yaning's true age. I always thought he was younger than you."

"It's your own look at me and his appearance," said the average young Ting Yin Yang, "you all think so, but I don't care about others, after all, I am not a careful person, but you ... Lolo, you make me very Disappointed."

"Jun Ting, you misunderstood. Jiang Yanning does seem to be in his early twenties, but it seems too green. To be honest, I don't appreciate his appearance. Without your tall and mighty, there is no mature man in you. The taste of the average man is when he is most mature and attractive when he is in his 30s, "Lausanne said immediately." Like you, it is just right, Jiang Yongning, you still need to hone, and wait for him to become you one day. A mature man is really a good man. "

Junting Lips, "I see. To put it plainly, you just think he's too immature, right?"

"... Yes," Lausanne said arrogantly, "but Jun Ting, you just listen to this kind of words, don't say it in front of others, after all, it is Nian Xi boyfriend."

"I know," Nian Junting brushed a ray of hair out of her ears, complaining in joy and tone, "you tell me long ago that I won't be angry."

Lausanne was ashamed, and his lips were slumped. "Don't you just leave without turning your head back, can't you drag it?"

"I can't stay calm because I'm stimulated," Nian Junting held her firmly in his arms, and then bowed her head and kissed her.

People were coming and going in the corridor. Lausanne was not very embarrassed, and pushed him inside. "Let ’s go, go to eat and starve to death."

The two returned to their seats, and the child was still holding Nian Xi. Jiang Yongning was helping him get the snail meat, and then passed the Jiwei shrimp. She immediately peeled the shrimp seriously, and she was even picked by the fish.

Lausanne looked with so much emotion that Jun Ting helped her, but he had never been so careful.

"Xi Xi, give me the little apple," Lausanne picked it up.

Nian Xi whispered, "Are you all right?"

Lausanne nodded.

Nian Xi glanced at the elation of his elder brother and said, "Sang Sang, my elder brother is getting worse and worse by you now."

"It's not good," Lausanne chuckled. "No other woman can stand him."

As soon as Nian Xi was surprised, she felt so reasonable.

"Well, what's this?" Suddenly, Junting Ting found that his little Apple was wearing a small watch.

Third more

(End of this chapter)

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