Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1460: Sister, I was blinded by your beauty

Chapter 1460 Sister, I Am Blindfolded By Your Beauty

"Mom, what kind of thing are you going to do with the rotten sesame seeds?" Yan Su rubbed her eyebrows. "Will you eat your meal?"

Jiang Peiying turned her eyes white, and smiled at Lausanne again, "Because I rarely met Susu's friends. After high school, you are the first."

"Understand," Lausanne nodded. "Susu is very good. It is a friend of mine who is very good. At the beginning, my family was in trouble, and it was almost the most embarrassing moment in my life. When I am a friend, I always stand by my side. I always remember that the most difficult time was that Su was with me. I don't think there are many good friends, just one who is most sincere.

Jiang Peiying nodded and was very satisfied with Lausanne. She is a little girl with a lot of affection, not the kind of person who has two sides and three swords. "Su Su said that it wouldn't be today if your husband helped her recommend her to a music company."

"Because he sees Su Su quite help me," Lausanne smiled a little bit, after all, Jun Ting was completely in revenge for Ye Chuen, "But to put it plainly, you must rely on Su Su himself. If you do n’t have the strength to enter the music company, it ’s nothing. . "

Jiang Peiying fed Yan Yan for dinner, pretending to ask casually: "Is it your only one?"

"There is a younger brother, my younger brother has a school with us, it is a few years, director's department."

Yan Jin, who was immersed in the food, became more and more miserable and looked up. "Mum ... wow ..."

Before the words were finished, Jiang Peiying stepped on them.

"Xiao Jin, what's wrong?" Lausanne asked with concern.

"No, sister, I've just been blinded by your beauty," Yan Jin muttered resentfully.


Lausanne froze for a moment, and laughed, "Susu, your brother is so humorous and cute, I really want to take him to my house for a few days, just because Little Apple has a companion."

"Okay, sister, when you look so cute, your nephew must be cute too. I like my nephew the most," Yan Jin blurted out.

He now understands. Anyway, this person is the sister of Molucy. If he went to their house, what should he be called? Deep into the tiger's hole?

Lausanne froze, and by age, Little Apple really called his uncle.

But Susu, the younger brother, reacted really fast, almost like a precocious variety.

Lausanne nodded, "Okay, okay, follow me after school ..."

"Xiao Jin, can you stand up to Yan Yan?" Yan Su couldn't sit still anymore, reminding her with a smile, she couldn't stand her mother and brother.

Yan Yan seemed to understand, holding Yan Jin's arm and not letting go, his mouth was "wowa la", but unfortunately no one could understand.

"Well ... Yan Yan is going to play together," Lausanne said, "Yan Yan is my daughter anyway."

"Daughter?" Jiang Peiying didn't respond.

"Yes, Susu is the godmother of my little apple, so I must be the godmother of Yan Yan," Lausanne said of course, "Isn't this agreed when I gave birth to a child?"

"That's right," Yan Su nodded. "But Yan Yan can't do it. She is still young, after all, she's too strange to go to your house and cry at night."

Lausanne thinks about it too, but it's not easy to let her mother pass by immediately, Jiang Peiying won't agree.

"Looks like I'll go," Yan Jin said, swinging her short legs. "I'll be back all night. Although it's fun to play with Yan Yan every day, sometimes I want to play with my nephew."

(End of this chapter)

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