Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1461: That ’s it for Apple. Seeing that all children are brothers and sisters,

Chapter 1461 Little Apple Is This, Seeing All Children Are Brothers and Sisters

Yan Yan pouted.

Yan Jin immediately kissed her little face, "Guy Yan, Xiao Yan will come back with you tomorrow and bring you a lot of delicious food."

Yan Yan pouted and smashed her mouth, and everyone smiled. She shyly turned into Yan Suhuai's smirk, and it looked like she was spoiled.

Yan Su looked up and sighed, she really convinced her mother and brother.

After a meal, Lausanne drove Jiang Yongning to Yan Suna in a car, and she and Yan Su went back to school to continue the exam.

After 5:30 in the afternoon, Lausanne sent Yan Su back and picked Yan Jin downstairs to his home.

On the way, she knocked sideways, "Xiao Jin, have you seen your sister's boyfriend, how is it?"

"Good cooking skills," Yan Jin crooked her head and looked at Lausanne, thinking that Moliuxi's sister, Guazi, didn't look very smart, but fortunately, for a boy like him, she liked a beautiful young lady, Looks good, I'm still watching the rest. "

"How is your sister," Lausanne asked.

"For the time being ... OK," Yan Jin shrugged helplessly. "Sister Sang Sang, I don't know if you ask too much. I'm just a kid still in kindergarten."

"It's also ..." Lausanne quietly whispered that your IQ has far exceeded that of the kindergarten children, okay, "What Xiao Jin likes to eat, I will make it for you in the evening."

"Sister Sang Sang, would you cook, too?" Yan Jin's eyes were watery. "I want to eat chicken wings, toothpick beef, pizza, lobster and the like."

"No problem, I'll do it. I just want to eat crayfish too," Lausanne hurriedly called Wu butler and asked him to go back to the grocery market to buy some crayfish.

"Sister Sang Sang is the best," Yan Jin got up and kissed her.

Lausanne almost lost his heart.

After returning home, Little Apple ran over with awkwardly wearing little shorts. Although the limbs of the little guy were fat and chubby, fortunately, the facial features were beautiful and the skin was white.

Only when he saw his mother co-pilot down, Jin Jin froze.

"Come on, little apple. Let me introduce you. This is Uncle Yan Jin," Lausanne said.

"Hi, hello," Yan Jin shook his small hand.

Little Apple blinked Wuliang's eyes, and said milkily, "Brother ..."

"No, I'm uncle," Yan Jin shook her head.

Little Apple shook his head, stubbornly: "brother."

Yan Jin: "..."

This kid can't chat normally.

Lausanne apologized, "Sorry, that's the case with Little Apple. Seeing that all children are brothers and sisters."


Yan Jin couldn't understand why a gentle and cute sister like Sang Sang gave birth to such a son who likes to take advantage of others.

"Forget it, sister, I will let my brother," Yan Jin said politely.

"Xiao Jin is very sensible," Lausanne touched his head.

Little Apple immediately muttered her little mouth, brought her little head over and let her touch it.

The son was too jealous, and Lausanne had to touch it. "Little apple, can you take Xiao Jin to play, you can play puzzles and hide and seek together."

Little Apple nodded. After all, they were all boys, and there were few children that he usually contacted. He took Yan Jin's hand and went to the backyard to see Xiao Sisheng's puppy.

Lausanne was afraid that the two children would catch the puppy indiscriminately, and quickly followed to stare. Yan Jin turned back and said to her, "Sister, don't worry, I must look at him and not let Little Apple touch the dog."

Third more. There are two more bursts.

(End of this chapter)

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