Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 689: Drops 674

Chapter 689 Drop 674 Chapter General Yi Chang, they have already moved in at noon

The first time I became a father, I realized that pregnancy was such a pain.

"Lolo, it's hard for you," he lowered his head and kissed her hair. "I will treat you and your baby well in the future."

"Just know it," Lausanne vomited for the first time today. He took a bite on his thigh and got up, his face paled slightly under the lamp. "I thought I wouldn't have vomiting, who knows ... .... "

Junting Tiao also frowned. "You can eat so much. If you have morning sickness, it's a little troublesome."

"Yes, if I go to the cafeteria for dinner in the future, I will vomit when I smell the smell of the dish, and it will certainly not take long for me to become pregnant," Lausanne was frustrated, and it is not a glorious thing to be pregnant at university.

Fortunately, I will be a senior in the next semester. Seniors are usually internships outside.

Nian Junting thoughtfully touched her head. "Don't go to the cafeteria for dinner afterwards. I'll find someone to cook in your apartment and leave after cooking, so that it won't bother you to learn, how you see it. "

"Um ... okay," Lausanne lied in his arms.

For the next meal, Lausanne didn't smell the shiitake mushrooms and did not vomit again.

She thought it was just nauseating the shiitake mushrooms, but within two days she started nauseating all over celery and cauliflower.

So that three days later, Lausanne followed the average annual flight on Yunnan's plane and everyone was stingy.

Movie Village is a little far from Kunming. After the plane arrived in Kunming, it was picked up by car again, a three-hour drive on the road.

When Lausanne saw the film and television villa, everyone was exhausted.

However, the car drove all the way into the film and television villa, which occupied a large area, including bamboo forests, lakes, villages and various ancient buildings, but there were not many film crews.

This is the first time Lausanne has been here, and it's quite surprising.

Yi Jingxi's film and television villa is quite well-built, no less than Hengdian in Hangzhou. No wonder it is easy to be surprised that in just two years, it can have a significant influence in the film and television industry.

Lu Kang also laughed: "In the beginning, I just wanted to buy the shares, but I didn't come to inspect it. Mr. Nian, I didn't expect this film and television villa to be quite good. I heard that the period drama and the period costume drama are suitable for shooting here, and the environment is beautiful. . "

"Indeed," Jun Ting also bowed his head. "If Yi Jingxi is not of bad character, he would be a talent in the mall."

Lausanne couldn't help but said, "Don't forget that, if he didn't take my dad's company, can he have today?"

"Well, our dad's company will get it back sooner or later," Nian Junting grabbed her fingertip and took a bite. ,

Lausanne is funny, but he has become more and more skilled with Xu Daoxuan's father.

But she was really happy that he was so familiar.

In fact, in this age, let alone married fathers will help their father-in-law.

"You just have to keep your baby well," Nian Junting darted her into her arms. "Have a good rest, and I'll call you."

"Lausanne closed her eyes for a while. About ten minutes later, the car stopped at the door of a hotel with its mountains and green water on its back.


To the destination hotel, the general manager personally greeted him, "General Manager, you are here. Please, the room will be arranged for you on the second floor."

Annual average Ting took over the room card, and the general manager went on to say, "Everyone, Mr. Yi has already moved in at noon."

"The hotel arranged for me to have something to deliver over. Don't use shiitake mushrooms, celery, cauliflower, or garlic," the annual average Ting explained.

First more

(End of this chapter)

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