Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 690: Drops 675

Chapter 690 Drop 675 It turns out that you live opposite me

The general manager froze and nodded.

The window on the second floor of the room faces the lake outside. The scenery is beautiful and the light is bright. The furniture inside is mahogany. After entering, Lausanne lay directly on the bed and fell asleep.

Jun Ting walked over and bent over to help her take off her shoes.

Lausanne suddenly rolled into the bed.

"Don't mess around," Ning Junting reminded, "don't hold my baby princess."

"Your queen is hungry," Lausanne showed a small head. "I suddenly wanted something spicy."

"Spicy?" Nian Junting stood up. "Okay, I'll order it immediately."

He personally called the restaurant and asked for something spicy because it was not a meal and fast. The restaurant was not very well prepared. Finally he came over the bowl of noodles.

Ten minutes later, the doorbell rang outside.

Nian Junting opened the door of the room, and the waiter pushed the door of the dining station. "Mr. Nian, your crossing rice noodles arrived, and I also arranged a few special snacks for you in Yunnan."

"Come in," Nian Junting leaned over his side, the door of the opposite room suddenly opened, Yi Jingxi came out in a black suit, and the two eyes met. His handsome face instantly became cold and tense, a little cold.

"General Yi, it turns out that you live opposite me," Nian Junting said slightly, "how clever."

"The year can always be an antique in the film and television villa. What a coincidence," Yi Jingxi took the door behind him and looked uncontrollably into his room.

From his perspective, he could only see that the waiter was putting the same snack on the dining table, and there was a hot bowl of noodles crossing the bridge.

Nian Junting glanced back and laughed, "Lolo is hungry and wants to eat something, so let the restaurant bring a little."

Yi Jingxi sank in his heart, didn't he hear that the two men had broken up last time.

There was still a hint of hope in his heart.

Just why are you together again?

Hearing Lausanne's name, Yi Jingxi couldn't help but feel tight and breathless.

Want to see her, want to see her like crazy.

But I was afraid to see his affectionate appearance with Jun Ting.

"Don't she read?"

"Leave a leave," Nian Junting was petting and helpless, "No way, she now feels insecure without seeing me every day, woman, is too nervous a man, always sticky, afraid to lose me, this Taste, I'm afraid you won't understand. "

Yi Jingxi's face was iron gray for a moment.

He didn't understand. Lausanne had been entangled with him before.

At that time in order to make use of listening, he felt annoyed, but immersed in it.

The waiter set the snacks and pushed out the dining car. Nian Junting smiled again. "I will talk to President Yi when I eat at night. I will be with Luo Luo first, otherwise she is not happy. She has become more and more angry recently. "

He closed the door when he had finished speaking.

Yi Jingxi Yan looked at the closed door.

I can't wait to kick the door open.

But after breaking it apart.

Yi Jingxi felt that life was better than death.

In the room.

As soon as Junting Nian turned around, Lausanne sat up from his bed and stared at him meaningfully. "When will I stick to you? Will I feel insecure if I don't see you in a day?"

Ning Junting came across the bridge noodles without changing his face, and said, "You heard it wrong, I mean, I'm sticking to you, I can't feel secure if I don't see it in a day."

Lausanne: "..."

She started to talk nonsense again, when she was deaf.

Second more

(End of this chapter)

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