Jiang Cheng smiled slightly and walked towards Shen Sining.

Half-jokingly: "Hey, beauty, do you have an appointment?"

Shen Sining, who was reading the information, was taken aback by Jiang Cheng's sudden words, and instantly became excited.

A pair of majestic shores on his chest instantly rose and fell, trembling and trembling.

Jiang Cheng who watched it was boiling with beast blood.

I don't know why, Jiang Cheng's clairvoyance eye actually worked automatically!

This is outrageous!

In less than a second, in Jiang Cheng's eyes, Shen Sining's clothes gradually faded, revealing a large area of ......

Jiang Cheng was stunned for an instant, his mouth was dry, and he was stupid to watch!

Si Ning didn't even wear ...... I

don't know why, the picture of Qian Duo condescending and swaying wildly last night suddenly appeared in his mind.

It's just that as soon as the picture turned, the original royal sister Qian Duo, who was originally infinitely tempted, suddenly became a pure and cute girl Shen Sining.

It's just that Shen Sining has faded away from his youth at this moment.

His eyes are blurred, tender as water, and his shyness is infinite

! He is crawling towards himself

! I

! Jiang Cheng secretly said guilty

! How could he suddenly have such strange thoughts? If his

heart is clear, the sky will not fall! If his heart is clear, the sky will not be shocked! If his heart is clear, the sky will not be shocked! If his heart is clear, the sky will not be


Jiang Cheng hurriedly recited "Ice Heart Formula" three times silently to look elsewhere.

As soon as he saw that it was Jiang Cheng, Shen Sining's pair of beautiful eyes instantly smiled into two crescents, and the corners of his mouth were lightly raised, hooking a pair of shallow pear vortices.

Extremely playful

! Jumped up and ran in front of Jiang Cheng, directly grabbed Jiang Cheng's arm with a ball, and grinned: "Brother Orange, it's you! Hehehehe! Are you going to come to see me

?" "Huh?" Jiang Cheng was already very popular, who knew that Shen Sining, a little girl, was so enthusiastic.

A pair of plump and squeezed his heart pierced

! If he hadn't given his boy body, Jiang

Cheng wouldn't have experienced that kind of beauty!

But ......

Alas! It's all tears when you say it

! Damn bad woman

! o Now he always wants to have something more to do with Shen Sining? It's so weird

! Damn!

Jiang Cheng couldn't help but secretly sip! What's

wrong with him

? When did you lower your head like this?

Shaking his head, he hurriedly pulled his arm out of the crack.(╥_╥)

showed a wry smile and coughed dryly: "Ahem! Si Ning! I'm here to buy a house!" "

Buy a house?" A touch of loss flashed in Shen Sining's eyes in an instant.

Jiang Cheng had a question mark in his head: "Si Ning, why did you wilt as soon as you said that you bought

a house?" What happened?" Shen Sining sighed, pouted and said: "Don't mention it! The team leader gave me a villa house, stipulating that I sell it within ten days, and if I don't achieve results, even if I don't pass the internship period, I will be fired, I'm annoying!"

"Villa?" Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows.

Isn't he just looking to buy a villa? Isn't

it good to help Shen Sining mention his performance by the way

? Then he smiled and said, "Isn't this just right?" Si Ning, I just want a villa, can you take me to see it? Maybe I'll just like it and buy it

?" "

Ah?" Shen Sining was obviously a little surprised, and then thought of something, his expression changed instantly, and his little head shook like a rattle, "No, no!" Brother Orange, this villa can't be sold to you!" Jiang

Cheng tilted his head, a little unclear.

Puzzled: "What? Si Ning, look down on your Brother

Orange's strength, rest assured, it's not bad money!" Shen Sining hurriedly explained: "No! Brother Orange, you misunderstood! It's not that it's almost money, it's this villa...... It's

not clean!" "It's not clean?" Jiang Cheng was a little dazed, not knowing what Shen Sining meant by being unclean.

Shen Sining looked left and right, and after making sure that no one was paying attention to her on the side, she whispered to Jiang Cheng and said: "It's this villa that is haunted! It's a murderous house!"

Jiang Cheng was happy when he heard it: "Si Ning, you're a bit of a!

Jiang Cheng looked at Shen Sining's troubled little appearance, and instantly became interested! Puzzled

: "Oh, what kind

of evil method?" Shen Sining said: "Brother Orange, you don't know, the three former owners of this villa have all died mysteriously within a year of living in

this villa!" "What? Such an evil door?" Jiang Cheng instantly tightened his chrysanthemum!

Whether this villa is a murderous mansion or not, this is enough for the evil family!

Shen Sining handed Jiang Cheng an A4 piece of paper at this time: "Brother Orange, take a look! This is the information of those three unlucky eggs!"

Jiang Cheng hurriedly took the information and looked at it carefully.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, when you look at it, it really startles him.

The first resident, staying in the villa for two months, when the toilet was squatting, suddenly drilled out of the toilet a five-step snake, and as a result, he was tragically bitten by the five-step snake, and the egg was poisoned to death!

The second resident, who stayed in the villa for four months, was rear-ended by a muck truck with failed brakes when he was driving at a red light, and even the car and people were directly squeezed into a pie!

The third resident was the most miserable, he stayed in the house for seven months, cheated on the junior, and after being discovered by the little nurse's wife, he stabbed him alive more than 300 times, and the knife avoided the vital point, and he died of blood loss

! The more Jiang Cheng looked at it, the more frightened he became, and a layer of cold sweat appeared on his head

! This is too evil!

"Si Ning, shouldn't this kind of murderous house not be sold? Why are people buying it one after another? Aren't they afraid of death?"

Regardless of whether it is evil or not, as long as

it is a house that has died, it is a murderous house, no matter how bad it is, how can it be unlucky? How can there still be so many people taking over the plate?

This is something that Jiang Cheng can't figure out

! "Brother Orange! Actually, this kind of thing is a murderous house, although it is said to be unlucky, but it is really cheap! This villa in Jinjiang Yipin, more than 500 square meters with a pool garden, according to the market price, will cost more than 25 million!"

"But after the death of a person, the price is directly reduced by half; when the second owner dies, the price is reduced by half; when the third owner has an accident, the price is only 1 million! No one wants it!"

Jiang Cheng bit his lip, this is also true!

Who doesn't want to pick up the big villa?

But you also have to have a life to enjoy?

Investment is even more impossible!

If this is known by the buyer

, in addition to smashing the hand, it will be smashing the hand! Who would be stupid enough to buy a murderous house?

Moreover, it is such a fierce murderous

house! However, this kind of house, Xinghai Group actually sold it in a grand manner, and it should have been seen in advance, and there is no major problem before daring to take it out and sell it!

Now that I think about it carefully, it seems that the death of these three owners has nothing to do with the villa.

The first two are considered to be unlucky, and the last one is that he has been punished for doing bad things by himself

! If there is a problem with Lai's villa, he will be biased

! Although Jiang Cheng also felt a little unlucky, but when he saw Shen Sining's sad face, he still wanted to go and

see if there was a problem with this house? Secretly thinking, I don't know if my pupil strength can see what the

problem is? If there is no problem, it seems that it is not impossible to pick up a leak at a low price!

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