"Brother Orange, forget it! I'd rather believe it than not, I feel bad luck for such a house! I can't cheat you!"

Shen Sining said solemnly.

She was quite disgusted that the team leader took out this kind of problematic house for sale.


of whether there is a problem with the house or not, the mysterious death of the three owners is a fact.

This kind of thing, either don't say it, as long as you tell the truth, it is impossible for anyone to buy this house.

Who will try their own lives in order to pick up the leak?

Then in order to give away this hot potato, they can only use the means of deception or concealment to be a murderous house.

But this is what Shen Sining dislikes the most.

If the problem is not in the house itself, it is better to say, if you cheat, you will be cheated, and if you deal with this tricky villa, whether it is a sale, or a buyer who picks up the leakage, everyone is happy.

But the worst thing is.

If it is really a problem with the house itself, then you use deception and deception to sell the house, isn't that harmful?

What is the difference between this and intentional homicide?

Shen Sining is already thinking about whether to tell his family that this villa should not be put up for sale!

Looking at Shen Sining's serious appearance, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but smile.

Shen Sining, this little girl, although she usually has a clear brain circuit, she is very kind.

If it were other sales, he would have been able to pit one by one

, what kind of murderous house is not a murderous house! Anyway, he doesn't live there, what does it matter to him whether he dies or not

? When his performance is up to standard and his bonus is in hand, who cares if others live or die?

Think about it, Shen Sining is really different from other rich daughters he knows!

Gu Zhixia, who has suffered great changes in his family, is intellectually gentle and mature!

Murong Xue was a cold and glamorous iceberg beauty when she was fine, but in fact, she was very thoughtful, and she had the businessman spirit of his parents!

As for Chu Yanran, he didn't have any special feelings, and his first impression was that he was confident and generous, and he had the courage of a strong woman.

Only Shen Sining gave him the feeling of being simple, kind and innocent.

This is something that a normal rich daughter does not have.

It's just that why did it create a character like Shen Sining, Jiang Cheng feels that it should have something to do with her family

! However, Jiang Cheng also has no habit of snooping on people's privacy!

Everyone is born a different individual.

They are all unique beings in the vast universe.

If everybody becomes labeled, the poor should be submissive, and the rich should be unkind to the rich!

Then what is so wonderful about this world?

Thinking back to reality.

"It's okay, Si Ning, you just take me to see it, and then decide whether to buy it or not after reading it!

He also wanted to move his parents' ashes from the cemetery of his hometown! After all, he didn't plan to go back to his relatives in his hometown anymore, and he went back to visit his parents' graves every year, and he felt disgusted when he had to face those relatives! It was better to move his parents' graves


In the future, he didn't have to look at the faces of those relatives

! He thought about it, if the villa was really unfavorable to the living and could not live in it, it would always be fine for the dead, right?

He would put an urn for his parents and set up a filial piety hall!

Let his parents experience the feeling of living in a big villa.

Anyway, it's only one million, and it's not expensive

!" Shen Sining was a little stunned for a moment, there was really such an operation!

She had heard of it, because of the sky-high cemetery in the city, some people from big cities would go to the town to buy commercial houses, especially for the dead elders to store urns and set up mourning halls.

She didn't believe it when she heard it before, but she didn't expect it to be true

! After a long time, she sighed: "Okay then! Brother Orange, I'll go get the spare key, you wait for me."

Jiang Cheng nodded, looking at the hot little girl and couldn't help but be a little funny.

I really don't understand, Shen Sining, this girl, obviously has so much money in the family, and she has to come to work.

Do rich people really like to have fun with the people?

After a while, Shen Sining was already carrying a key and ran over like a happy person.

Then your magnificent scene really made Jiang Cheng dizzy to look at! I

couldn't help but sigh, if anyone is this little girl's husband, he will die happily

! Hehehehe!

Jiang Cheng hurriedly retracted his gaze, and Shen Sining had already run all the way to him.

"Let's go, Brother Orange!" As

soon as the words fell, Shen Sining grabbed Jiang Cheng's arm as if no one was around, and walked towards the door by himself.

The handsome man and beautiful woman instantly attracted the attention of many people.

Of course, most people are lamenting how compatible Jiang Cheng and Shen Sining are.

But there are also many people whispering, chewing on the root of their tongues, and some words are even a little unbearable.

"Oh! See? This is still in front of the people, just pulling and pulling with the customer, if this is the queen, it is estimated that you would have found a hotel to open a room, right?"

"That's it, you can be so bottomless if you look good? I despise this kind of unscrupulous woman for the sake of performance

!" "Hehe! Don't be sour, if you have Shen Sining's appearance and scale, you can also bill with one leg!"

"Alas! If I had that looks, that 36E, why would I still be a fart real estate agent? Wouldn't it be nice to be a junior directly to a rich person


?" Most of the people who said this were Shen Sining's colleagues.

Hu Lili, who was standing on the side, saw the villa key in Shen Sining's hand.

The corners of his mouth couldn't help but raise a little arc.

Hu Lili said: "Did you see the villa key in Shen Sining's hand?"

someone quickly reacted.

"Damn! She really dares to sell that kind of murderous house! The team leader just wanted to deliberately make it difficult for her and let her get out, she took it seriously, hahaha! Sure enough, she has no brains

!" "Who made her unclear with Director Bai and rob a man with Team Leader Liu, she deserves it!"

"Seeing that little brother, do you believe that I can make that little brother slap Shen Sining's slut with a word?"

Many sales on the side scoffed at him and expressed their disbelief.

Hu Lili smiled evilly and ran towards Jiang Cheng quickly.

Jiang Cheng and the others were about to leave the hall of the sales building, when suddenly a saleswoman wearing a professional suit, with an average figure and appearance, but with heavy makeup, suddenly jumped out and blocked the way of the two.

Jiang Cheng and Shen Sining were both stunned.

"Sister Lili, are you okay?" Although

Shen Sining didn't like this Hu Lili who usually chewed the root of her tongue, she still asked with a smile out of politeness.

Who knew that Hu Lili ignored Shen Sining, but showed a self-righteous smile to Jiang Cheng on the side.

"Little brother, I think you're going to see Villa No. 13 of Jinjiang Yipin, right? I advise you not to go and see it! I'll tell you the truth! That Villa No. 13 is a murderous house, and three owners have changed, and all three masters have died tragically, and besides, how miserable and miserable the death is!"

"Oh! Thank you! You are such a good person!" Jiang Cheng was stunned for a moment, and then smiled faintly.

Unexpectedly, the sales heart of Xinghai Real Estate is quite good!

I didn't deliberately hide the fact of the murderous house for the sake of performance.

The quality is quite high!

I didn't want to pay much attention to Hu Lili, Jiang Cheng went around directly from the side.

This move instantly stunned Hu Lili!

She thought that Jiang Cheng hadn't heard clearly, so she hurriedly chased after her.

He emphasized in an accentuated tone: "Alas, sir, didn't you hear what I just said? Shen Sining wants to push your No. 13 Jinjiang Yipin Villa, it is a murderous house, the three former owners all died tragically, she is not at ease, she is simply unconscionable to sell the property for the sake of performance, you can't be fooled by her!"

Jiang Cheng frowned.

But I didn't care.

Although these words were deliberately aimed at Shen Sining, they were also kind reminders to him

!"Thank you! I know all this!"

After speaking, he walked straight out of the hall.

It wasn't until Jiang Cheng and Shen Sining disappeared from view that Hu Lili came back to her senses from the stunned moment just now.

"Hahaha! Lili, why are people stupid

? Didn't you say that you could make that little brother slap Shen Sining with a word? Why are your words not good?" "Okay! Don't be smart! Peony flowers are also merry to death, don't you just want to blow up the murderous house to that little brother? How do you know that the little brother is not willing to be fooled? Do you think that people care about the million? They really came to buy a house?"

"What do you mean?".

"Do you see what kind of car people drive? Mercedes-Benz big G, the landing price is more than 4 million, people will be greedy to buy a murderous house? Let me tell you! Buying a house is fake, sleeping Shen Si Ning is real!"


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