"Si Ning, your colleague is quite kind?" Jiang Cheng said half-jokingly.

Shen Sining pouted and rolled her eyes and said, "Brother Orange, don't tease me! She is called kind? She didn't want me to sell the house, she deliberately mischievous, and wanted to leave me as a whole!"

Jiang Cheng seemed to hear that Shen Sining's work was not going well.

smiled and said: "To be honest, Si Ning, your family should be quite rich, why do you have to torture yourself by doing such a job with no future?"

Shen Sining was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect Jiang Cheng to guess it.

His expression seemed a little lonely: "Brother Orange, do you know everything

?" "Hehe! You can see it if you are a normal person, right?" Si Ning, you live too freely, no poor person has a salary of 4,000 a month, and will spend 3,000 yuan to rent a house, and they will spend every penny carefully

!" "No poor person will be cheeky and deliberately rub food everywhere, showing that they are embarrassed, because they can't afford to lose that person!" A gentleman is not subject to food, to feed himself, and to have something to eat is the last dignity of the poor!"

Listening to Jiang Cheng's words, Shen Sining thought for a moment and exhaled a deep breath of turbidity.

After a long time, he said softly: "Brother Orange, you don't know, I grew up, everything has been arranged by the family, just like a canary in a cage, don't worry about anything, everything is the best!

Do you know how painful it is for everyone to surround you and flatter you in the eyes of those so-called friends?

I don't like that kind of life, I just want to be an ordinary person and live plainly, I want to have sincere friends, is this also wrong?"

Jiang Cheng's mind was a little complicated, he didn't expect that Shen Sining would still have such distress! Looking at Shen

Sining's lonely expression, Jiang Cheng smiled faintly.

"Si Ning, you're wrong!"

"Am I wrong?" Shen Sining looked straight at Jiang Cheng, a little stunned.

"Si Ning, have you ever thought about whether the friend you got in exchange for concealing your identity is really sincere?" Jiang Cheng asked rhetorically.

"Isn't it? They don't know that I'm rich and still treat me well, isn't this sincere?" Shen Sining blinked.

"Si Ning, you hide your identity, do you think

you treat people sincerely?" "I ......

" "You can't even treat yourself sincerely, how can the friends you make treat you sincerely?"

Shen Sining bit her lip, her expression was complicated!

She had never thought about this question.

Now that Jiang Cheng has been provoked like this, he is instantly speechless and unable to refute

it! Jiang Cheng continued: "Never try to test human nature! Because even if you hide your identity and make friends who are sincere, do you think they will really maintain the same state of mind as before after they know your true identity? Will they really still regard you as a friend like the people around them? They will even have thoughts that you can't understand even when you die!" Shen

Sining's eyes burned: " Then what should I do?"

Jiang Cheng smiled faintly: "Of course you are the truest version of yourself! If you wear a mask all the time, no matter whether others wear a mask or not, there will always be a mask between you

!" Shen Sining pouted and smiled bleakly: "I understand! But Brother Orange, am I destined to inherit hundreds of millions of family assets? Life is too boring!"

Looking at Shen Sining's aggrieved appearance, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

"What is there to be ashamed of inheriting hundreds of millions of family businesses? Do you know how many people have been born in a poor family, have suffered all the hardships of life, have longed to get rid of poverty all their lives, and in order to live, even if their hearts are higher than the sky and their ambitions are high, they are locked to their feet by the shackles of reality, and they are mediocre all their lives, and they are more tired than dogs!"

"Since God let you be born in a rich family, this is your blessing! Why do you desperately push it away? What you have when you are born is probably the goal that others have been striving for all their lives, shouldn't you cherish everything you have more?"

Shen Sining seriously flashed in an instant: "Hahaha...... I understand Brother Orange! I have decided, from tomorrow, I will go back to inherit hundreds of millions of family properties!"

You listen to it, do people say it?

Jiang Cheng :°‧º·( ° ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·°Although the old heart was iron

, Jiang Cheng was still happy for Shen Sining

! She was a simple girl, why did she have to live so tired!

Wouldn't it be nice to accept everything calmly?

The two chatted while walking, and the atmosphere was relaxed and happy.

After crossing an artificial lake, the two arrived in front of Villa 13 in a short time.

Jiang Cheng looked at the luxurious villa in front of him, which covered an area of five hundred square meters, and was also stunned.

Rockeries, swimming pools, bamboo forests, there are mountains and rivers, what kind of murderous mansion, it's a treasure of feng shui!

One million, when you buy a cemetery,

it's worth it!" "Si Ning? This is the murderous mansion? It's really only one million?" Jiang Chenghu wondered.


!" "Don't say anything, sign the contract

!" "Brother Orange, do you want to be so hasty? Why don't you go and see it first?" What if there is a real problem?"

"What do you see? If you buy it, you will talk about it! If you can't live it, we'll discuss it later!" The yard is so big, there are mountains and rivers, it's a big deal to dig a pit, build a grave, and bury the ashes

when you die!" "Hahaha! Brother Orange, you can really enjoy it!"

"Hey, hey, hey! Jiang

Cheng and Shen Sining had just walked out of the villa gate, but they bumped into a man and a woman head-on.

The male Mediterranean, in his forties, has a big belly, wears brand-name casual clothes, and looks like he is not bad for money.

The woman is dressed in a tight hip-wrapping professional suit, black silk with high heels, and she looks like a real estate agent.

"Team Leader Liu, why are you here?" Liu

Yan saw that it was Shen Sining, and instantly frowned slightly.

Snorted coldly: "What, if you are allowed to take the client to see the house, I can't?"


Jiang Cheng and Shen Sining were stunned at the same time.

Jiang Cheng frowned, and said to the middle-aged man: "This boss, I have already decided on this villa, and I am about to sign the contract, you better take a look at something else!" Hearing this, the middle-aged

man's face instantly became gloomy.

"Liu Yan, what's going on? I deliberately pushed two important conference rooms, accompany you to see the room, and you will give me this whole moth? Trick me, right?" Liu Yan's

eyes rolled, and quickly replied to a professional smile: "Oh! Boss Wang, what you said, but you really wronged me, I really don't know that there is such a thing! This villa is really too popular, you look at this mountain, this water, this bamboo, it's just a fairyland on earth! It's a fairyland that everyone will like

!". "Okay, okay! Don't come with me to these routines, isn't it just a chance encounter when you hire two towers to look at the house, deliberately raise the price, create a sense of tension, and force me to sign the contract quickly? When Lao Tzu was an intermediary, the routines were more familiar than you!" the middle-aged man pouted.

"Okay! I won't talk to you anymore, the price is 20 million, if you can sell it, you can sell it, and if you can't sell it, forget it!" As

soon as these words came out, the surprise in Liu Yan's eyes flashed away, but she quickly pretended to be embarrassed.

"Boss Wang, you are embarrassed for me, this lot, this house, put on the market, you can't take it without 25 million, let five million at once, you want my life! Boss Wang, why don't we each give in a step, 22 million, how about we make a friend?"

The middle-aged man touched his chin, thought for a moment, and was about to nod his head in agreement, but Jiang Cheng spoke up!

"This boss, you also buy the murderous house? What are you going to buy to build a tomb?"

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