Two large boxes plus five or six brocade boxes, a total of thirty-seven objects.

Liu Ruiming only picked two pieces.

The woman's face became unusually ugly.

"I said, what do you mean? Come and entertain me?\

" Liu Ruiming smiled: "Girl, let me tell you the truth! None of the things you have here are true

!" "What? impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Zhou Ying blinked, her face stunned.

He said with a hard face: "Good guy, Liu Lao, so many antiques, all of them are fake?

"If it's fake, why do you choose two pieces?" I know, you are deliberately lowering the price, and you want to trick me, right?"

The woman was still a little incredulous.

These things were brought back from the outside by that guy who spent a lot of effort!

How could they be fake?

That guy ...... for these things

In fact, Jiang Cheng also has such questions.

The main thing he couldn't figure out was that his eyes clearly identified these things as valuable.

But in Liu Ruiming's eyes, they are all modern handicrafts.

This puzzled him.

Could it be that his eye ability had failed?

He was eager to hear Liu Ruiming's explanation.

Liu Ruiming gently unfolded the "Three Friends of the Cold Year".

Holding a flashlight diagonally on the paper.

He explained, "Girl, if you don't believe me, look at the paper of this painting. The

woman leaned forward suspiciously, and carefully examined the paper of the ancient painting.

Jiang Cheng and Zhou Ying also stepped forward one after another and observed carefully.

Suddenly, Jiang Cheng's eyes lit up.

exclaimed: "I know, master, it's paper!" As

soon as these words came out, the woman and Zhou Ying all looked at Jiang Cheng with puzzled expressions.

Liu Ruiming nodded with satisfaction.

"Orange, then tell me, how is this paper wrong?"

Jiang Cheng pointed to the paper illuminated by the light.

"Didn't you notice that this piece of paper is clearly

two layers?" "What do you mean by two layers?" the woman's brows furrowed.

Jiang Cheng smiled faintly: "Didn't you notice that there is a ghost on the light projection paper?"


To be honest, not to mention Zhou Ying and women, even Liu Ruiming was a little surprised.

He originally wanted to say that the drawing paper is old, but the framed painting is modern.

As a result, Jiang Cheng came to a sentence that there were two layers of paper, and there was a double shadow when the lights were turned on, which even he didn't notice at all.

After looking at it again according to what Jiang Cheng said, Liu Ruiming unexpectedly found that what Jiang Cheng said was true.

Momentarily dumbfounded.

Jiang Cheng smiled: "Master, you are really amazing! You can see at a glance that the paper is spliced together! Admire and admire

!" "Ah, cough, yes, apprentice, you can understand it at one point!"

Hearing this, the corners of Liu Ruiming's mouth twitched.

He always felt that Jiang Cheng's words were yin and yang, but he had no evidence.

He is the vice president of the Qingzhou City Collectors Association

, so he can't say it, and I can't see it, right? Since Jiang Cheng said so, he had no choice but to borrow the slope to get off the donkey, and he couldn't go down and slap himself in the face, right?

Ancient masters painted, often through the back of the paper, the ancient rice paper, the quality is excellent, often can reveal two or three layers, some of our masterpieces, is more valuable, precious.

Driven by profits, Chinese painting framers have developed a magical craft, that is, they can uncover an ink painting layer by layer, and according to the thickness of rice paper, they can generally reveal two or three layers.

In this painting of yours, the drawing paper is old, but the paper mounted is deliberately old in modern times, and there is obviously another layer of new painting paper under the painting paper, and half of the genuine products can't be sold as the original!"

"Old? Why are you so sure?" The woman still didn't believe Liu Ruiming's words.

Liu Ruiming stretched out his hand and gently touched the framed paper, and said, "Girl, how do you feel when you touch this paper?"

The woman hesitated for a moment, but still reached out and touched the framed paper.

But I still can't figure out why.

Zhou Ying and Jiang Cheng also touched it curiously, but they didn't find anything abnormal.

Zhou Ying was puzzled: "Old Liu, we haven't figured out anything here!" Liu

Ruiming smiled: "Are you touching this paper fluffy or smooth?"

Zhou Ying felt it again: "It's a little rough, isn't this the characteristic of old paper?

Jiang Cheng also seems to agree with Zhou Ying's statement.

The woman also felt it again, and it was indeed a little rough as Zhou Ying said.

Liu Ruiming shook his head: "Wrong! This just shows that this paper is deliberately old!" "

Why is this?" Zhou Ying touched her head, a little big.

Liu Ruiming said: "This is deliberately worn out, you think about it, hundreds of years of paper, especially this kind of famous paintings, should be read and appreciated countless times, even if it is rough, after hundreds of years, the original roughness should have been smoothed out a long time ago!"

The woman finally figured out what was going on.

Liu Ruiming said again: "And look at this payment, this painting should be Zhao Mengjian's "Three Friends of the Cold Year" in the Southern Song Dynasty, you can check it in Baidu, your painting is exactly the same as the one in the collection of the National Palace Museum in Taipei

! According to the estimation of the old man, this painting should be one of the layers! If you sell it as the real thing, then it will be a big trouble, and the reason why the old man collects it is only because it is rare to look at this painting, which is considered a personal favorite, but you also know that if you want to resell it to make money, it is not very likely!".

The woman hurriedly took out her mobile phone Baidu and compared the picture on her mobile phone with her own painting.

His face instantly became gloomy.

I didn't expect it!

Zhao Mengjian's "Three Friends of the Cold" in the collection of the National Palace Museum in Taipei turned out to be only half of it.

But if another one appears, it can be said that it is worthless

! If you claim that this one is also true, then wait for the above to find you for tea!

Rare things are precious, and every world-famous painting is unique.

Imagine if there were more than a dozen "Mona Lisa" in the world, and all of them were real, would it still be worth the money?

Then Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" would no longer have to be hung in the Louvre!

The paintings of the year would be sold by the street stalls!

One real world famous painting would be enough.

According to this logic, there is no difference between this painting

and the fake one!"What about this Jianzhan? This is also a fake? This is the pinnacle of black porcelain in the Song Dynasty! The authentic Fujian Jianyang

Jianzhan is!" The woman didn't seem to give up, and pointed to the black porcelain Jianzhan on the side.

Liu Ruiming pointed to the red feather-like markings on the glaze of Jianzhan: "Girl, do you see this red marking? This is an innovative glaze in Dehua, Fujian, called partridge spots, which is a modern innovative firing method." The reason why I want to accept it is because this red partridge is quite perfect, and the master of the kiln has good skills!"

Fake, all fake?

That guy, after so many years of tossing, actually brought back all fakes

! The woman's psychological defense line collapsed in an instant!

After being silent for a long time, the woman slowly spoke.

In a softened tone, he said: "Then Liu Lao, what price do you think these two can give?"

She had inquired about Liu Ruiming's name in advance!

With his identity, there was no need to lie and smash the signboard.

Therefore, it is generally said that it is a real price.

Liu Ruiming pondered for a while: "The same two

thousand!" "What?" The woman was dumbfounded, "Let's not say that Jianzhan is a modern handicraft, this painting is a real handiwork! Two thousand can't be said

!" "The old man said, one world famous painting is enough! The others are all fake, even if they are real! Girl, if you don't sell them, it doesn't matter

if you are old!" After saying that, she gently rolled up the "Three Friends of the Old Cold" and handed it to the woman!

The woman shook her head: "Old Liu, you see that although these things are fake, they are also handicrafts, and it is useless to put them away, I also want to deal with them, you are good, how about giving a package price?"

Liu Ruiming was embarrassed

! "Girl, you also know that I Fu Ruixiang does not accept fakes, let alone sell fakes! I can't add trouble to myself for your convenience, right?"

Jiang Cheng suddenly spoke: " Master, if

you don't accept it, I can keep it and play with it!" The woman looked at Jiang Cheng with some consternation, then rolled her eyes, and said, "You don't deliberately play the double reed pit me, right?" Jiang Cheng

smiled playfully: "Little sister, we didn't cheat you, you should know it yourself! Presumably before we came, you also invited a lot of people to come and see it, since they all didn't leave, it means something!"

The reason why I accept it is just to see that these objects are imitated and realistic, I have just entered the industry, and I have just entered the industry, and it is not cost-effective to buy real money, the tuition fee is too expensive to cost-effective, it is better to buy fake ones for research! If you don't want to sell them, I won't force them!"

the woman was silent.

Jiang Cheng was not wrong at all.

Before inviting Liu Ruiming to come, she had invited many antique stall owners and shopkeepers to come and see them, and they all said that they were modern handicrafts.

I was willing to accept it, but the bid was simply cabbage.

The highest one, the package is not even 3,000

! She suspects that these profiteers deliberately say that it is a fake to cheat her! She

found Fu Rui Xuan in a fit of anger, and heard that the owner of Fu Rui Xuan is the vice president of the Qingzhou City Collectors Association, and only sells genuine products.

As a result, after doing it for a long time, those stall owners and shopkeepers were not wrong, these things were really fake.

The woman was disheartened all of a sudden, and sighed: "Then how much can you give?"

"One thousand for one thing, and the packing price is thirty-seven thousand!"

The woman pondered for a moment and gritted her teeth: "Deal!".

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