To be honest, the reason why Jiang Cheng accepted these things was not because he wanted to study antiques.

It's because of the blush that lies beneath the surface of these things.

He had already discovered this strange paint more than once!

The first time was on Wen Yao's black stone, which had sixteen special symbols painted on it.

The second time was the azure glaze three-legged celadon pen wash he picked up in the stall, and the word "Cheng" hidden under the glaze was this pigment.

Jiang Cheng was extremely suspicious that the weird "red paint" was the key to making his eyes "invalid".

He even had a guess that the numbers he saw with his eyes were probably not valuable.

I've been falling into a misunderstanding.

Of course, these numbers are about the same as the value of the object so far.

But is it really as you judge?

You must know that these numbers are just the laws of your own subjective summary.

Is the law he summed up the facts?

Is it all?

Jiang Cheng suddenly thought of the "farmer hypothesis" mentioned in "The Three-Body Problem."

The so-called farmer hypothesis says that there is a flock of turkeys on a farm, and the farmer comes to feed them at eleven o'clock at noon every day.

A scientist in Turkey observed this phenomenon for nearly a year, without exception, and felt that he had discovered the great law of his universe: "Every day at eleven o'clock in the morning, food comes." It

announced this law to the turkeys on Thanksgiving morning, but the food did not arrive at eleven o'clock that morning, and the farmer came in and killed them all.

In "The Three-Body Problem", the "farmer hypothesis" originally meant that low-level beings could not imagine the existence of higher-level civilizations.

At present, all the laws that human beings make inferences and summaries are self-conceived.

We feel that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west every day is normal and does not change on a given day.

We take our lives for granted and that no one covets our lives.

But in the eyes of high-latitude beings, human beings are likely to be like turkeys!

Jiang Cheng was extremely frightened!

He had always thought that the numbers he saw with his eyes were the value of objects.

If he hadn't had the experience of collecting antiques with his master Liu Ruiming, he would still have always thought that what he saw was value.

But the new facts slapped his self-perception in the face.

Jiang Cheng suddenly found that his situation was the same as that of the "turkey" scientist on the farm.

Will there be a possibility, Liu Ruiming is not mistaken, antiques are imitations, old and modern handicrafts.

And he wasn't wrong.

Is it possible that the value he sees is embodied in these red paints? If

so, then what are these strange paints

? Why are they so valuable

? What is the effect?

When he thought of this, Jiang Cheng seemed to have opened up a new continent.

Jiang Cheng suddenly thought of the middle-aged Taoist priest again.

He had a faint feeling that the middle-aged Taoist priest must know something.

After transferring 37,000 yuan to the woman, Jiang Cheng and Zhou Ying moved these things to the front of Villa 13 next door.

Zhou Ying looked at Jiang Cheng's operation and was dumbfounded.

"Brother Jiang, where are you going to move things?"

Jiang Cheng pointed to Villa 13 with his mouth, and said with a smile: "This!"

Zhou Ying's big eyes instantly widened, and she couldn't believe it: "Brother Jiang, this ...... This can't be your house, is it?'s too big!"

Jiang Cheng just smiled, took out his mobile phone and called Bai Yuan, asking him to open the door, he had something to put away.

When Bai Yuan heard that it was Jiang Cheng, he immediately answered his father's call, as if he was enthusiastic about something.

Guaranteed to arrive within five minutes.

Usually Bai Yuan works in the office of Jinjiang Yipin Sales Office, and he didn't brag within five minutes.

Liu Ruiming walked over slowly, looked at the 500-square-meter villa behind Jiang Cheng, and was also smiling.

"Orange, have you changed the

villa? This villa is not cheap!" Jiang Cheng scratched his head a little embarrassed: "Master, this villa doesn't cost anything!" As

soon as these words came out, several people were stunned on the spot, not knowing what Jiang Cheng meant by

this? You said that this big villa of more than 500 square meters didn't cost money

? Who believes it when you pick up a big villa for nothing?

At this time, Xu Qing also walked out of Villa 14 and looked towards Jiang Cheng and the others.

looked at Villa 13 behind Jiang Cheng again, his face instantly froze, and he walked over with a complicated expression.

Facing Jiang Cheng and asked, "You live here, isn't this a murderous mansion?"

"Murderous mansion?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Ying and Liu Ruiming were all stunned, and looked at Jiang Cheng with strange expressions.

Jiang Cheng smiled faintly: "Someone else gave it, and when it was picked up for nothing, I didn't

think about living for the time being!" Liu Ruiming nodded: "There is no scientific basis for talking about this thing in the murderous house, but it is better to believe it than not to believe it, orange, you can think about it yourself

!" Zhou Ying shrunk her neck and echoed on the side: "Yes, Brother Jiang, you better be cautious!"

I will find a special person to come and take a look, if there is a real problem, I will mortgage it to the bank, borrow tens of millions of dollars, and let the bank sue the law. "

Damn! Brother Orange, your operation is really sassy!" Zhou

Ying couldn't help but give a thumbs

up! The court auction, but it doesn't matter if you are a murderous house or not

, what the market price is, it will be auctioned as much as it wants! Of course, there will definitely be some discounts from the real market price, but after all, it is picked up for nothing, and it is all earned.

Jiang Cheng thought that Shen Xinghai should have also thought of this method, but after all, he is a big entrepreneur, and it is really not authentic to do this, for the sake of tens of millions, it is really not worth it to get the name of an old man.

But he Jiang Cheng doesn't care, can his face be used as food?

If he can exchange it for money, it can be done!

Not to mention that he is not really an old man.

Xu Qing walked up and stretched out his hand to Jiang Cheng: "Hello, my name is Xu Qing

!" "Jiang Cheng!"

Jiang Cheng politely stretched out his hand.

Xu Qing's eyes flickered a little and asked, "You...... When did you buy this villa and how long have you lived there?"

"I just bought it today and haven't lived in it for a day.

Hearing Jiang Cheng's words, Xu Qing seemed to be relieved, didn't say anything, turned around and went back.

Jiang Cheng noticed Xu Qing's reaction, and felt more and more that

this woman was strange! What was this woman paying attention to?

Jiang Cheng couldn't figure it out!

As he spoke, Bai Yuan arrived on a small electric donkey.

When I saw Jiang Cheng, I smiled very happily.

recorded Jiang Cheng's fingerprints again, helped Jiang Cheng set the password, and handed over the spare key to Jiang Cheng.

also volunteered to help Jiang Cheng move things.

With Bai Yuan's help, two large boxes of antiques and five brocade boxes were all moved into the living room of the villa.

After that, Bai Yuan walked away with interest.

didn't receive anything, so Liu Ruiming and Zhou Ying didn't plan to stay.

Jiang Cheng said to send them back, but Liu Ruiming also politely refused.

said that he should clean up the house first, and then go to learn Chinese painting tomorrow when he has time.

Jiang Cheng nodded a little embarrassed.

Back at the villa, Jiang Cheng looked around, but he couldn't see anything wrong with the house.

After closing the door, he took out a small white porcelain bottle and slammed it on the ground.

Holding the fragment of implied red paint, staring at it for three seconds.

Sure enough, three seconds later, a number appeared on the broken porcelain piece.

Jiang Cheng picked up another ordinary fragment and stared at it for three seconds.

Three seconds later, when Jiang Cheng found the number "0" on this ordinary broken porcelain piece, his eyes lit up instantly!

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