Because of Du Mingfei's relationship, many Shen family members became curious about Jiang Cheng's identity.

There was an endless stream of people who came to toast the third uncle and grandfather He Yanwu.

These people seemed to be targeting He Yanwu, but they were actually thinking about dealing with Jiang Cheng.

After toasting He Yanwu and saying a few auspicious words, they all came over with a smile and talked to Jiang Chengpan.

Of course, these people are also people with status, and they won't be too deliberate.

It's more familiar with Jiang Cheng.

Seeing the Shen family lining up to greet him, Jiang Cheng was also flattered!

He only felt that the Shen family seemed to be a little too enthusiastic.

Looking at Jiang Cheng, who was even taller than the birthday star He Yanwu, and the stars held the moon, Murong Shan's teeth itched with hatred.

After casually pouring a few sips of liquor, he left in a hurry with a gloomy face.

Murong Shan left, Murong Xue naturally didn't stay any longer, looked at Jiang Cheng with a complicated expression, and followed his father out of the banquet hall.

She knew that the Murong family had been strangers to Jiang Cheng since the last Imperial Green Jade incident.

At this banquet, his father Murong Shan even used his own face to put pressure on Jiang Cheng and make him lose face.

But who would have thought that not only did Shen Xinghai not sell his face, but even Du Mingfei, president of Huaxia Bank in Qingzhou City, also stood on Jiang Cheng's side.

My father really lost face this time.

In the future, he will be on the same page as Jiang Cheng.

On the other side, the wine has passed three rounds.

Jiang Cheng had just finished dealing with the last Shen family member who came to say hello, and he had just buried his head in cooking for a while.

Chu Yanran walked over!

"Mr. Jiang, can you take a step to speak?"

Jiang Cheng glanced at the drunken Shen Xinghai, as well as the fiery Jiang Ling and Shen Sining, who were chatting with He Yanwu, and found that no one noticed them, so he nodded.

"I'm waiting for you at the door of the bathroom!" Chu Yanran grinned.

After speaking, Chu Yanran walked towards the door of the banquet hall as if she was nothing.

Jiang Cheng pondered for a moment, got up and followed.

As soon as he walked to the door of the bathroom, Chu Yanran pulled him into the women's toilet.

Such a move really made Jiang Cheng startled!

"Miss Chu, are you ...... What are you doing here? Isn't it good to talk outside?" Jiang Cheng looked around nervously, for fear that there would be someone in the women's bathroom.

I was embarrassed when I saw it!

"Hehe, what's the matter?The first time I entered the women's bathroom?Is it not the same as you imagined?Do you want to take a photo as a souvenir?"

Chu Yanran showed a wicked smile for the first time.

This made Jiang Cheng can't help but look at this always mature and stable woman again.

This is the first time Jiang Cheng has experienced a different Chu Yanran.

Not to mention, it's kind of funny.

Jiang Cheng touched his nose and said with some embarrassment: "Miss Chu, I didn't expect you to be joking

!" Chu Yanran pouted and glanced at Jiang Cheng: "What, am I so boring in your eyes?"

"How can there be!" Miss Chu, let's talk about something!" Jiang Cheng looked at the direction of the door vigilantly, nervous.

"What happened before, I don't know how you thought about it? I am going to go to the flour country in a week to shoot a few pieces of old pit

material, are you interested in together?" Jiang Cheng narrowed his eyes

and said, "Miss Chu, do you want me to pick the material for you?" Seeing that Jiang Cheng still did not let go, Chu Yanran smiled and said: "Don't worry, you pick your material, I pick mine, if you are willing to sell it to me, I will ask for it, if I am not willing, I will not force it."

However, I declare in advance, as long as I have unraveled it, I will collect as much as the market estimates! You can rest assured!"

"Miss Chu, the unraveled material is not the same as the price of wool!" Jiang Cheng reminded.

Chu Yanran smiled: "Mr. Jiang, do you think I am Murong Shan? Your materials, the profits of the sales chain are enough for me to earn, I am not those insatiable people! I buy the materials you have opened, and I am transferring my risk to you, we all have to earn, why not?" Hearing Chu Yanran's

words, Jiang Cheng was reassured.

Chu Yanran's words can be regarded as a clear statement, she just needs to unravel the good material.

It's better than the Murong family, I don't know how many times.

Although Chu Yanran's purpose was also very clear, at least it did not harm his interests.

To be honest, counting this time, Chu Yanran has already spoken for him twice.

For the first time, he saved his 700 million.

This time, so that he will not be in full view of everyone and will not be able to get off the stage.

He owes Chu Yanran two favors.

Chu Yanran has said everything about this, if he refuses again, it will be a little ungrateful.

What's more, he was going to go to the flour country to buy jadeite rough.

"Okay! Then it's decided!But my passport ......

" Jiang Cheng suddenly thought that he hadn't applied for a passport yet!

Chu Yanran smiled faintly: "Don't worry, this little thing won't be difficult for me!"

Jiang Cheng nodded, and was about to leave the women's bathroom, but suddenly heard a rush of footsteps coming in from outside the toilet.


Jiang Cheng sighed in his heart, secretly saying that it is not good, if others see him coming out of the women's toilet, where

is the temperament? Where is his old face place?

Without saying a word, he picked a pit, went directly into it, and locked the door with a "click".

Chu Yanran looked at Jiang Cheng's actions, was stunned for a moment, and then found the door of the toilet, and hurriedly walked in a woman with a perfect figure.

It was Shen Sining.

That's when I reacted.

Shen Sining's face was ruddy, obviously he had drunk a lot of wine, and he was a little fluttery when he walked.

As soon as he entered the door, he almost bumped into Chu Yanran.

Seeing that it was Chu Yanran, Shen Sining was obviously stunned.

He smiled awkwardly, nodded, and walked straight towards the pit next to Jiang Cheng.

There was a "click" sound, which was the sound of the door locking.

Then came the minute-long sound of running water.

Looking at the door panel of the pit where Jiang Cheng was, Chu Yanran covered her mouth and smiled playfully and walked out of the toilet.

Listening to the gurgling sound of running water next door, Jiang Cheng was sitting on the toilet and scratching his ears and cheeks uncomfortably.

It wasn't until Shen Sining got out of the toilet that Jiang Cheng let out a long breath.

I was relieved!

I had already despised Chu Yanran fiercely for a long time in my heart.

What do you have to bring yourself in!

He's a serious man.


to the silence, Jiang Cheng cautiously lowered his head and walked out of the women's toilet.

But as soon as he went out, he bumped into a woman!

Jiang Cheng looked up and saw that it was his sister Jiang Ling.

The four looked at each other, and the atmosphere was instantly embarrassed.

"Brother, how did you get out of the women's bathroom?"

Jiang Cheng touched his nose, and the broken jar was broken

......!" If my brother said that he had made a mistake, would you believe it?"

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