was hit by his sister Jiang Ling, and Jiang Cheng's face turned red instantly.

Looking at the strange look in Jiang Ling's eyes, Jiang Cheng knew that no matter how he explained, he would be pale and powerless.

I didn't explain it at all!

With this face not red and heart beating, Jiang Ling was stunned for a moment.

When the two of them went back, the banquet was almost over, Jiang Cheng hurriedly greeted Chu Yanran, Shen Xinghai, and Du Mingfei, and pulled Jiang Ling out of the Emgrand Hotel.

When I got home, it was almost eleven o'clock in the evening.

Jiang Ling was already sleepy! No wonder Jiang Ling was sleepy, at this time in school, he had already turned off the lights

and went to sleep! A biological clock had already been formed!

After a simple shower, Jiang Ling

went back to his room early to sleep.

Jiang Cheng also took a simple shower, changed into a new set of clothes, and flirted his bangs in the mirror very coquettishly, and then nodded with satisfaction.

Took the car keys and went out the door.

Tonight, Qian Duoke asked him to meet him at the Blue Moon Hotel.

You don't have to think about it to know that Qian Duo is missing him!

Eating the marrow knows the taste, and it is the age of blood and strength, and it is normal to think about women.

I bought a box of small umbrellas at the 24-hour convenience store at the entrance of the community, and rushed to the Blue Moon Hotel with great interest.

Twenty minutes later, Mercedes-Benz Big G slowly parked in the open-air parking lot in front of the Blue Moon Hotel, and Jiang Cheng couldn't wait to enter the hotel lobby.

Entering the hall, Jiang Cheng didn't speak, he went directly into the elevator, and after pressing the 8th floor, Jiang Cheng became more and more excited as the elevator slowly rose.

Blood pressure, like a rising elevator, rises in a straight line.

The corners of his mouth smiled evilly.

"What new posture should I unlock tonight?" Jiang

Cheng looked forward to it the more he thought about it!

After a while, the elevator stopped on the eighth floor.

Jiang Cheng went straight to 802 with small steps all the way.

"Knock knock!" When

he knocked on the door, Jiang Cheng couldn't move.

Bad women won't have a surprise for me, right?

Jiang Cheng instantly thought about it.


As the door of 802 slowly opened, a charming beauty instantly appeared in Jiang's field of vision.

Jiang Cheng, who had long been restless, could not care about anything else.

hugged the beauty in front of him into his arms, and kissed Qian Duo's flaming red lips fiercely.

"Woo woo woo ......"

Qian Duo seemed to be boiled by Jiang Cheng's crazy move, and his voice feedback was quite ecstatic.

Jiang Cheng couldn't hold back any longer, and as soon as he hugged his waist, he was about to carry Qian Duo into the room.

"Bastard, let go of me, what are you doing?" Qian

Duo panicked, and her pretty face turned into an apple.

Jiang Cheng smiled evilly: "Gan!"

As a result, before he had taken a few steps, Jiang Cheng was instantly dumbfounded.

After crossing the doorway, Jiang Cheng suddenly found that at this moment, there were three people sitting upright on the bed in room 802.

It was Xiao Tianzuo, Xiao Kui, and Lao Mo!

Eight eyes looked at each other, and several people stared at each other.

The air was suddenly quiet

! Jiang Cheng was instantly messy!

This and this...... What's going on

? Didn't Qian Duo miss him and let him come over to relieve his loneliness

? How can the people of 404 sit in a row here?

What is this

? Could it be that he misunderstood?

Ahem, what an embarrassment!

404 Several people looked at Jiang Cheng and Qian Duo, who were petrified on the spot, with strange expressions.

The corners of his mouth gradually rose

! Xiao Kui was already trembling with laughter, and teased: "Ahem! I didn't see anything! Why don't you come back in two

hours?" "Two hours?" Lao Mo and Xiao Tianzuo glanced at each other, dumbfounded!

So fierce?

I couldn't help but gasp and look at Jiang Cheng again, my eyes full of jealousy.

"Don't put me down yet!"

Qian Duo's face was already red and smoking, and he was extremely shy!

Jiang Cheng came back to his senses and put Qian Duo down in embarrassment.

Scratching his head, he grinned at the 404 crowd.

"Brother Xiao, who are you?"

Xiao Tianzuo touched his nose and coughed dryly.

From his pocket, he took out a red document and handed it to Jiang Cheng.

Seeing the white national logo on the cover, Jiang Cheng had already recognized this document.

It was the work card of the 404 bureau that he had seen.

Xiao Tianzuo smiled kindly and said, "Jiang Cheng, welcome to the 404 Bureau!"

"My?" Jiang Cheng was stunned for

a long time before he solemnly took the document that belonged to him.

Flip it over gently.

Looking at his handsome one-inch photo, Jiang Cheng instantly felt like a world away.

Xiao Kui grinned: "Hahaha! Brother Orange, from now on, you will also have a backstage!" Lao

Mo said proudly: "Orange, don't underestimate this certificate, as long as you shine in the future, you will have to cooperate with your actions below the provincial and ministerial level!

That's the length of a province, and it's a step away from the national level.

If it were placed in ancient times, which one of them was not an existence

at the level of a feudal official? The members of the 404 Bureau were so awesome!

Below the provincial and ministerial level, didn't it mean that they were at the same administrative level as the provincial and ministerial level?

It seemed that Jiang Cheng could see the shock and excitement in his eyes.

Qian Duo angrily broke a basin of cold water and said: "Don't think about it, our 404 Bureau is directly responsible to the National Security Bureau, there is no administrative level at all, and you don't get complacent too early, only when performing tasks, the members of the 404 Bureau will be given the right to ask public officials below the provincial and ministerial level to cooperate with the action!"

Jiang Cheng nodded.

Even so, it's quite awesome!

At this time, Xiao Tianzuo said with a straight face: "Jiang Cheng, what Qian Duo Lao Mo said is good, but there is the most important point, I want to state it

to you!" "If you encounter someone who may pose a threat to national security, the 404 members have the right to cut it first and then play!"

Of course, I have to remind you that the greater the power, the greater the responsibility, I hope that after joining the 404 Bureau, you can do your best to be loyal to the country, always use your rights carefully, and do everything worthy of the country and the people, and absolutely not do anything to be sorry for

the country!" Jiang Cheng looked at Xiao Tianzuo's eyes, his eyes burned, and he only felt that there was suddenly a strong sense of family and country responsibility on his shoulders.

With a surging heart, he nodded heavily.

All of the 404 members were no longer giggling, and their expressions were unusually serious, as if they were facing something more important than their lives.

After a long time, Xiao Tianzuo spoke: "Jiang Cheng, I came here today for two purposes!" "Two?" Xiao Tianzuo

nodded: "The first one is to simply make a welcome ceremony for you and get to know everyone again." Second, there is something to inform you!"

As soon as these words came out, 404 and the others instantly cried and mourned.

Looking at the strange reactions

of a few people, Jiang Cheng always felt that something was not right!"A month later, a few of you will go to the Dragon Group, the strongest special force in the Dragon Country, to participate in a special training for

half a year!" "What?Special training?

" "Still half a year?"

Jiang Cheng was stunned, his scalp was numb

! There was always a feeling that he had been fooled!

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