Jiang Cheng was stunned for a moment.

He glanced at Chen Yishui, and then walked curiously in the direction next door.

At this time, a middle-aged male policeman who led the team was arranging a task.

Jiang Cheng leaned in and asked with some curiosity: "Officer, what's going on

?" Liu Jianguo looked at Jiang Cheng curiously: "Who are you?" Jiang Cheng

pointed to Villa No. 13 next door: "I'm next door!" Liu Jianguo was stunned for a moment: "Isn't the murderous mansion next door?"

Coincidentally, the case of the violent death of the three owners of Villa No. 13 next door

was handled by him.

Therefore, Liu Jianguo was particularly impressed

! Of the three murder cases, except for the last one, in which he was stabbed 365 times by the wife of a little nurse, the knife avoided the vital point and bled to death, which can be regarded as man-made cases!

The others were all accidents.

If it is once or twice, it is reasonable, but all three owners of the house have lived in it for less than a year, and all of them died violently

! And the death of one is worse than the other

! Although there is no evidence to prove that the violent death of the three former owners is directly related to the house, it is impossible for a normal person to buy this house if he knows about it, right?

Liu Jianguo's eyes when he looked at Jiang Cheng became more and more strange! Jiang Cheng

naturally saw the strangeness in Liu Jianguo's eyes, and he was a little embarrassed:" I know it, but it's cheap! Don't you invite a master to take a look!" Jiang

Cheng was embarrassed to say that he didn't spend any money on this villa, and he picked it up for nothing.

Only then did Liu Jianguo notice Chen Yishui, who was dressed as a Taoist priest on the side of Jiang Cheng, and nodded.

Said seriously: "With my identity, there are some things that are not easy to persuade you, whether there is a problem with the house or not, but I still have to remind you that Villa 14 next door is also dead!

The police officers can persuade themselves, and it is also out of good intentions.

He is also not good at refuting other people's face.

At this time, a heroic short-haired female policeman walked out of the villa with a serious expression.

Quickly walked up to Liu Jianguo and said: "Team Liu, the scene has been blocked, and the forensic doctor is testing the time of death and the cause of death of the deceased

!" Liu Jianguo nodded: "Okay! Xiaoye! Handle the scene carefully, don't let go of any clues!" After speaking, Liu Jianguo

walked towards the villa.

Seeing that Liu Jianguo was leaving, Jiang Cheng subconsciously blurted out: "Wait for the officer!" Liu Jianguo

immediately stopped and turned around, his brows furrowed, and he looked at Jiang Cheng with great meaning, ignored it, turned around and walked into the villa.

"Alas, officer, tell me, who is dead?"

Jiang Cheng shouted a few more times, as if Liu Jianguo hadn't heard.

"Okay, okay, stop shouting, the idlers and others hurry up and leave the scene, and then dare to obstruct the police in handling the case, be careful to invite you back to the bureau for tea!" The

short-haired policewoman just now scolded coldly with a straight face, her eyes revealing a thick disdain!

This made Jiang Cheng extremely uncomfortable, and always gave him the illusion of inferiority.

"Officer, as a next-door neighbor, I still know the owner of the villa, do you have a problem asking about the situation? Why did you obstruct the police from handling the case? And I didn't commit a crime, why did you invite me into the bureau for tea?"

"Can I talk to you, an idle person?" Ye Xiao snorted coldly and glanced at Jiang Cheng.

"Officer, you open your mouth and shut up and idle people, is this the way your people speak? If you don't have this police uniform, you will be beaten by the people eight hundred times, do you believe it?"

Hearing Jiang Cheng's words, Ye Xiao's face was gloomy and almost dripping.

What do you mean

? Say that she relied on this police uniform to make a fortune

? Usually, when she came out to handle a case, how did she not speak in this

way? But no one

said that there was a problem? The masses of the people were polite when they saw her

! In recent years, they have not even reported that she has a problem with the way she speaks!

She also said that she was beaten by the masses more than 800 times? What a joke!

He just said a few normal words, how could he have

a problem with his way of speaking? When had he ever encountered Jiang Cheng directly scolding her like this?

If there is a problem, it is also the Jiang Cheng in front of him who has

a problem! Actually, Jiang Cheng didn't think that Ye Xiao had a problem letting him leave

! He just couldn't get used to Ye Xiao's condescending look and looked at him with disdain!

Seeing that everyone has nostrils facing the sky, as if she is naturally inferior in front of her.

Of course, what he didn't know was that the reason why Ye Xiao had this way of speaking was also because of the habit he had developed in performing official duties after being a police officer for so many years.

For Ye Xiao, the police is to have the majesty of the police.

Without majesty, how can you be a good policeman

? How can you suppress bad guys?

It's just that this habit has been engraved into Ye Xiao's bones.

I even think that the police should speak this way.

It's just that what Ye Xiao doesn't know is that this habit of hers will give people an illusion.

That is, when she spoke, she felt like she was on top of her voice, as if she was looking at people in her nostrils

! And she didn't know that the reason why she talked to the masses of the people like this when she was on a mission before, and that the masses of the people were still respectful and polite to her, was precisely because of her identity as a policeman!

Would an ordinary person turn his face against the police for the way she spoke?

Isn't that a fool?

Ye Xiao didn't want to talk to Jiang Cheng anymore, so he waved to a few policemen.

Ordered: "Coax this person away for me, if you dare to obstruct the handling of the case again, just torture him away!" "Coax me away

?" Jiang Cheng smiled coldly, and his stubborn temper came up, "I'm going to go in and have a look today

!" Chen Yishui hurriedly pulled Jiang Cheng and persuaded: "Brother Jiang, why are you doing this? There's no need to fight against the police, right?" "It's

okay!" Jiang Cheng smiled at Chen Yishui.

Walked straight towards the cordon.

In front of everyone's eyes, he lifted the cordon and walked in directly.

Everyone present was stunned

!"It's lawless!Why are you stunned, torture this person for me!" Ye Xiao's face turned blue in an instant.

Several policemen crossed the cordon in an instant, ran quickly in front of Jiang Cheng, and stopped Jiang Cheng.

But when they were about to reach out and work together to put Jiang Cheng out, Jiang Cheng calmly took out a red document from his pocket and lit up in front of several policemen.

Look at the national logo on the cover of the red ID.

Everyone was petrified on the spot, staring at each other with wide eyes.

Several policemen glanced at each other, took their documents and carefully compared them.

Ten seconds later, everyone's eyes were filled with panic, and they instantly gave way to a way.

The corners of Jiang Cheng's mouth rose slightly, and he walked into the villa calmly and calmly.

Ye Xiao looked at this scene, and directly dropped his jaw, and his anger came up all of

a sudden! He angrily walked up to a few policemen and scolded: "I said what are you guys doing to eat? Let you coax this idle person away, don't you understand?"

Several policemen were silent, without the slightest explanation, and returned to the villa by themselves, and re-raised the cordon.

Ye Xiaoqi's chest trembled.

He didn't hold back any longer, and rushed into the villa with two and three steps.

She must put this man in the way back to the bureau today!

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