Several policemen who were scolded by Ye Xiao gave Ye Xiao a blank look.

Secretly scoffed.

But no one gave her any explanation.

Ye Xiao is from a big family.

Usually talking and doing things gives people a sense of superiority, although they are polite on the surface, but the arrogance in the bones is innate.

This makes these police officers very uncomfortable too.

What's more, she Ye Xiao has only been a policeman for five years, and she climbed to the position of the first captain of the investigation team of the criminal police detachment of the Qingzhou Public Security Bureau.

If it is not because of the background of the Ye family, who believes it?

Many people have a lot of complaints about this fledgling but prosperous Ye Xiao.

It's just that I usually don't dare to show it

! Therefore, after encountering Jiang Cheng's hard stubble, everyone invariably chose to be silent, and let Ye Xiao gnaw on the hard bones!

On the other side, as soon as Jiang Cheng strode into the villa, Ye Xiao scolded and ran in.

Three steps and two steps, one grab wanted to press Jiang Cheng to the ground.

Jiang Cheng's hearing is unusually developed now, and Ye Xiao has already noticed it before he gets close.

Unhurried, he made a small move sideways, which directly made Ye Xiao pounce.

Jiang Cheng glanced at Ye Xiao and smiled coldly, "What's the matter? The police officer is still engaged in a sneak attack? Don't talk about martial arts!"

At this time, Ye Xiao was stunned in place, looking at Jiang Cheng with a smile on his face, his head was a little dazed.

She was very fast and moved very fast just now, if it were an ordinary person, she would have been thrown to the ground on the spot and subdued.

But Jiang Cheng took a side step at will and dodged directly.

This frustrated her.

Deng Shi was furious: "Sneak attack, what kind of martial arts can I talk to you, a suspect who obstructs the handling of the case!" As

he spoke, he was about to pounce on Jiang Cheng again!


At this time, Liu Jianguo's voice sounded from the staircase, and Ye Xiao suddenly stopped, glaring at Jiang Cheng angrily, as if he wanted to eat him.

She had never seen such a lawless person as

Jiang Cheng! The cordon dared to break through!

Ye Xiao pointed at Jiang Cheng: "Team Liu, this person forcibly broke into the police cordon, I suspect that this person has a direct relationship with this murder case, he forcibly broke into the scene of the murder is to destroy the scene and destroy the evidence, I suggest that he be directly copied back to the bureau for strict interrogation!" Hearing Ye Xiao's

words, Jiang Cheng frowned: "Officer, you can't talk nonsense!" I admit to breaking through the cordon, but I don't admit to other trumped-up charges! Are you policemen so empty and white-toothed to accuse people

?" Hearing Jiang Cheng's words, Ye Xiaoqi's chest trembled: "Who do you say have empty mouth and white teeth?

Don't give the police a hat!" Jiang Cheng snorted coldly: "What, if you are allowed to detain my hat indiscriminately without evidence, I can't give you a hat?"

"You ......

" "Okay! Xiao Ye, don't say a word!".

At this time, Liu Jianguo spoke up to stop the two from arguing.

Turning his head to look at Jiang Cheng, he said solemnly: "This gentleman, please give me a reasonable explanation now, why did you forcibly break through the cordon? If not, I have every reason to suspect that you are related to this murder case! Of course, we will ask you to cooperate with us in the investigation and collection of evidence according to the process!"

Liu Jianguo's words were obviously more spicy than Ye Xiao's little girl's words.

Jiang Cheng smiled faintly, took out his ID and handed it to Liu Jianguo: "I want to know all the details of the case! Is there a problem?" Liu Jianguo

took Jiang Cheng's red enveloped ID card, looked at the huge national emblem on the surface, and was instantly dumbfounded.

With trembling hands, he opened the documents, and a handsome man's face instantly appeared in Liu Jianguo's eyes.

It turned out to be exactly the same as Jiang Chengchang.

Of course, the ID photo was originally Jiang Cheng's photo.

Who is it if it's not

Jiang Cheng? Looking at the text next to the ID photo, it shows that Jiang Cheng has provincial and ministerial-level powers.

In an instant, it was like being struck by lightning.

Of course, the 404 certificates are all hung in the Ministry of Public Security, in order to make it convenient for the 404 members to perform their tasks.

But even if it is hung in the Ministry of Public Security, it is not something that Liu Jianguo's level can offend.

One is the light of the candle, the other is the light of the bright moon, the difference between clouds and mud

! There is no comparison at all!

What's more, Jiang Cheng's true identity is more mysterious than what appears on the surface.

It's just inconvenient to say it to the outside world!

" No...... No problem!"

Liu Jianguo seemed to change his face, and instantly changed into a warm smile like a spring breeze.

Seeing Liu Jianguo's face change as if he was in Sichuan Opera, Ye Xiao's brows were twisted.

He looked at Jiang Cheng carefully again.

What is the situation

? Could it be that this person is a big person?

The same are the colleagues just now, and so is Liu Jianguo, and their attitudes have changed 180 degrees after seeing Jiang Cheng's documents.

Ye Xiao stepped forward curiously, glanced at the document in Liu Jianguo's hand, and was instantly stunned.

If you open your mouth wide, you can stuff seven or eight sausages.

She never thought that Jiang Cheng's identity would be so rebellious.

Just now, he was even arrogant and wanted to send Jiang Cheng back to the prison for strict interrogation.


soon as she thought of this, Ye Xiao hated her colleague who didn't say anything just now! Thinking of

the sneak attack on Jiang Cheng just now, Ye Xiao's intestines turned blue, and her heart jumped directly to her throat.

Liu Jianguo silently wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, returned Jiang Cheng's documents to Jiang Cheng respectfully, nodded yes again and again, and did not forget to give Ye Xiaoan a look.

Ye Xiao comprehended, bit his lower lip, silently walked in front of Jiang Cheng, and bowed deeply.

said softly: "Mr. Jiang, I'm sorry for what happened

just now!" Jiang Cheng smiled playfully: "Beauty, I still like your unruly appearance just now!"

As soon as these words came out, Ye Xiao's pretty smile instantly turned into a red cloud.

Jiang Cheng nodded with satisfaction and said in a deep voice: "My identity is too special, if someone leaks it, if something happens, I don't dare to guarantee it!" Liu

Jianguo hurriedly said yes.

Ye Xiao rolled his eyes in his heart.

How did she think that

Jiang Cheng was the one who revealed her identity at will? When she saw someone, she showed her documents, and this made them keep it secret?

However, she complained in her heart, Ye Xiao was in the way of Jiang Cheng's identity, and it was not easy to say something to her face!

"What about the deceased?" Jiang Cheng didn't care about what the two of them thought in their hearts, and asked instead.

Liu Jianguo said: "In the basement!"

Jiang Cheng nodded, looked around the living room, and found that it was still spotless, tidy and abnormal, just like when he first came.

"Who died?"

"A middle-aged woman, hanged herself in the basement, and the medical examiner is examining the specific cause of death of the body.

Jiang Cheng frowned.

Middle-aged woman?

Isn't that Xu Qing

, "Just one died?"

As soon as these words came out, Ye Xiao and Liu Jianguo's faces were strange.

Hearing Jiang Cheng's words, why do you feel that there are fewer deaths?"

"Yes, only a middle-aged female corpse has been found in the entire villa at present!"

Jiang Cheng frowned, and a question suddenly popped up in his head.

He asked Liu Jianguo, "How do you know that there are dead people in this villa?" Who called the police?"

Jiang Cheng nodded, no need to ask, he could guess that it was Xu Qing who called the police.

But what about Xu Qingren

? Why did he hide after calling the police?

This made Jiang Cheng very puzzled.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Cheng went down to the basement with the two of them.

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