It's a pity not to be a star on such good terms.

Women also like to see beautiful women. Tang can't help but look at the girl more.

The girl came in with the tray and three cups of water on it. After putting it on the tea table, she nodded to everyone and then went out.

When no one saw the girl bowing, Yu Guang looked at Tang Jinshe carefully.

After the door of the office was closed, Shen Feng saw Tang Jinshe and looked at the girl all the time. He smiled and said, "this is my new assistant. She is a little busy recently. The company is short of staff. Her name is Yining. Is she very beautiful?"

Tang Jinshe nodded approvingly: "well, it's very beautiful. Do you like it?"

Shen Feng smiled shyly, "I'm a big old man. How can people look up to me?"

Liu Yun's face was full of gossip: "manager Tang, the chief always peeps at others. I've caught him several times."

Shen Feng glared at Liu Yun and said, "go, don't talk nonsense, it's not good for others."

"Shen Feng is really passionate, huh?" Tang Jinshe joked.

Shen Feng and Liu Yun stay to talk with Tang Jinshe for a while and then go out to work.

Tang Jinshe didn't come back to the company for free today. Anything that needed to be signed before was sent to her home by Shen Feng or Liu Yun. Today, there are many documents that need to be signed. Tang Jinshe came and just handled them together.

The company is getting better and better, and there are more and more things. Shen Feng can't help himself, so he has to send materials to Yining to do these trivial things.

She didn't speak much. She waited quietly for Tang Jinshe to sign. She nodded and went out.

Tang Jinshe didn't pay much attention to this person, but the company now receives more and more bidding projects. She is very pleased, at least for Du Hengsheng, she is also a little relieved.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Fu's car stopped outside the company on time.

Tang Jinshe said hello to everyone and left.

Shen Feng sent Tang Jinshe back to the third floor immediately and strode towards his office, but he saw Yining standing at the window of the third floor and looking out.

She stood there quietly, as if in a trance.

Shen Feng paused for a moment and then walked over. He called softly, "Yining?"

Yining hears the sound, looks sluggish, and looks at Tang Jinshe who has got on the car. He turns around slowly, and all the ups and downs between his looks have been taken back.

"Special help Shen, what can I do for you?" Yining asked with a smile.

Shen Feng is embarrassed to see Yining's face, especially when she is smiling. She is so charming and boneless that she can't do anything.

To be honest, such a woman can live a good life by her own appearance, but Yining chose to be a small employee of the company, which is very valuable in this era.

Shen Feng likes Yining in his heart. Who can be unmoved in the face of beauty?

But he is also a little low self-esteem, usually in addition to the work of things, will not talk to Yining a few words.

Today, when I saw Yining that it was time to leave work, Shen Feng summoned up his courage to come up and ask, "why don't you leave work?"

Yining smiles lightly, a face does not make up, but is bright and charming.

"I have a few more documents to print."

Silent for a while, Yining pretends to ask casually: "special help Shen, was that man the husband of manager Tang just now?"

When Shen Feng heard the question, his conversation box opened.

"Yes, Mr. Fu You came back from abroad. You may not have heard Mr. Fu's name. Mr. Fu is the president of Shengshi. "

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