"But manager Tang is also excellent. She and Mr. Fu are perfect match. Manager Tang has strong working ability and family background. Although Tang family was acquired before, I heard that manager Tang's father shares are still there."

"Manager Tang's grandparents are all great people. Yesterday, at the engagement ceremony of manager Tang, I met manager Tang's brother. The brother of manager Tang was the president of S.K. the company went public only a year ago. It's also a myth in the industry. But I didn't know that manager Tang had another brother. I didn't hear about what he did before."

Shen Feng said to himself, but didn't find the dark light and complexity that flashed at the bottom of Yining's eyes.

She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and said, "special help Shen, I'll print the documents first, and then I'll go straight to work."

Shen Feng continued to say something. Hearing Yining's words, he paused for a moment, then smiled and nodded, "OK, you can get off work when you are finished."

Yining nodded and turned away.


Tang Jinshe's stomach is getting bigger and bigger. It's less than two months before the baby will be born.

Because Fu Jinyan didn't take care of Tang Jinshe very much in the early stage of pregnancy, he was ashamed of himself. He was scolded by Fu Huai'an before. So since the proposal ceremony, Fu Jinyan has been glued to Tang Jinshe 24 hours a day.

At first, Tang Jinshe thought it was very sweet, but after a long time, there was inevitably a little conflict.

"Liu Yun and I have dinner. You can't follow me."

Last night, Liu Yun called Tang Jinshe and said that they had a potted vegetable dinner there. He asked if Tang Jinshe would go.

Every day, Tang Jinse is not interested in staying at home, so he agrees. As a result, Fu Jinyan will follow.

But Fu Jin Yan didn't think it was bad.

"I've also been to a dinner party with your colleagues. Have you forgotten?"

"Liu Yun didn't invite you again. Besides, what's the worry about them taking care of me?"

Tang Jinshe said that, but she didn't say that she was angry at all. She just thought Fu Jin's words were a bit exaggerated.

There are so many pregnant women. Which one is followed by her husband 24 hours a day?

"Besides, it's not too far away. It's in the western suburb. I'll call you when I'm finished. You can pick me up. Is that ok?"

Fu Jin frowned and said nothing.

Tang Jin se took Fu Jin Yan's big palm and pinched it gently. She said: "brother Jin Yan, you always follow me like this. They will laugh at me and say I'm too delicate. Let me go."

"There are so many people. Shen Feng and Milu are also there. It seems that there is another new colleague. I have forgotten the name. You can't let them go when you go."

When Fu Jin Yan heard this, he stretched out a smile and looked at Tang Jin Se in silence for a while. He compromised.

"If I don't, I'll let the bodyguard follow you."

Tang Jinshe knows that Fu Jinyan's bodyguards are all dark guards. She will not feel the existence of those people if nothing happens.

Fu Jin Yan just wanted to ensure her safety, so she didn't refuse: "well, let's go, you can take me there."

Fu Jinyan looks at Tang Jinse's smiling face and sighs in silence.

Don't let him be so happy

Everyone gathered in the company. Fu Jinyan sent Tang Jinshe to the company and left.

After that, Tang Jinshe got on Shen Feng's car and set out for the village in the western suburb.

After more than an hour, the car stopped.

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